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Lot# : 1401 Austria
1934/36: Volkstrachten 3 Gr. graurot, ungezähntes senkrechtes Zwischenstegpaar, jeweils mit senkr. anhängender Nebenmarke, farbfr. und einwandfrei, postfrisch mit dem typischen Faltungsbug. Eine sehr seltene Einheit. Mi nicht gelistet / ANK nicht gelistet.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 300.00 CHFLot# : 1402 Austria
Lot# : 1403 Austria
Lot# : 1404 Austria
Lot# : 1405 Austria
1945: Grazer Aushilfsausgabe, 5 RM schwarzviolettultramarin im Viererblock mit 'fettem Aufdruck', Type I auf den Bogenpositionen 1+2+6+7, auf Pos. 6 der Plattenfehler: Punkt im 'h' (Mi Plattenfehler VI), einwandfrei und postfrisch. Attest Soecknick (2006). ANK = € 2'910+/Mi = € 3'400.Starting bid : 300.00 CHFHammer price : 460.00 CHFLot# : 1406 Austria
1945: Freimarken Landschaften 20 Gr. dunkellilaultramarin, ungezähntes senkrechtes Zwischenstegpaar, farbfr. und einwandfrei, postfrisch mit dem typischen Faltungsbug. Eine sehr seltene Einheit. Attest Soecknick (2008) ANK 750 ZWU = -.-/Mi = -.-.Starting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : 250.00 CHFLot# : 1407 Austria
1945: Freimarken Landschaftsbilder 40 Gr. grautürkis als ungezähntes senkrechtes Zwischenstegpaar, jeweils mit senkr. anhängender Nebenmarke, farbfr. und einwandfrei, postfrisch mit dem typischen Faltungsbug. Sehr seltene Einheit. Attest Soecknick (2008) Mi nicht gelistet / ANK = -.-.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 220.00 CHFLot# : 1408 Austria
1947: Grillparzer im Rastertiefdruck als ungezähntes waagrechtes Zwischenstegpaar, jeweils mit senkr. anhängender Nebenmarke, farbfr. und einwandfrei, postfrisch mit dem typischen Faltungsbug. Sehr seltene Einheit. Mi = -.- / ANK 810 ZWU = € 2'500+.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 420.00 CHFLot# : 1409 Austria
Lot# : 1410 Austria
1956: Weltkraftkonferenz 2,40 S. dunkelkobalt im senkr. ungezähnten Viererstreifen mit 122 mm breitem Bogenrand links und Bogenrand oben, einwandfreie und postfrische interessante Einheit ANK 1035 U = € 8'000+/Mi = € 7'200+.Starting bid : 1,000.00 CHFHammer price : 1,300.00 CHFLot# : 1411 Austria
1959: Joseph Haydn mit Abart: unten ungezähnt, klar entwertet mit Datumsstp. von Linz mit nicht störendem Teilabschlag eines Werbestempels. Mi nicht gelistet in gest. Erhaltung, ** = € 1'800 / ANK 1083 Uu nicht gelistet in gest. Erhaltung, ** = € 1'800.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 320.00 CHFLot# : 1412 Austria
Lot# : 1413 Austria
Lot# : 1414 Austria
Lot# : 1415 Austria
Lot# : 1416 Austria
Lot# : 1417 Austria
Lot# : 1418 Austria
1994: Wiener Neustadt 6 S., zwei Werte mit den Abarten: in ungez. Erhaltung resp. Farben Gold und Schwarz fehlend in ungez. Erhaltung, beide einwandfrei und postfrisch. Attest Soecknick (2013) ANK 2153 U & 2153 FU = € 1'500 resp. -.-/Mi = € 1'200 resp. -.-.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 850.00 CHFLot# : 1419 Austria
Lot# : 1420 Austria
Lot# : 1421 Austria
Lot# : 1422 Austria
Portomarken 1925: Ziffern, neue Zeichnung 12 Gr. schwärzlichkobalt als seltene Einheit aus zwei ungezähnten waagr. Zwischenstegpaaren mit Nebenmarken, die Markenbilder um ca. 4 mm gegeneinander verschoben, farbfr. und einwandfrei, postfrisch mit dem typischen Faltungsbug. Attest Soecknick (2012) ANK nicht gelistet/Mi nicht gelistet.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 160.00 CHFLot# : 1423 Austria
1909 (17.Okt.): Pionierluftpost - Bildkarte der Gebrüder Renner vom 1. Auftieg mit dem Luftschiff ESTARIC am Wiener Trabrennplatz, abgeworfen bei einem späteren Aufstieg vom 20. Okt., frankiert mit 5 H.und der Post übergeben mit Durchgangsstp. "2/2 Wien 20.X.09". Sehr seltene Karte und verwendet als Abwurfkarte noch besser. Attest Puschmann (2003) Kohl 201/203.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 260.00 CHFLot# : 1424 Austria
1931: Rocket experiment by Friedrich Schmiedl on April 21st launched at the 'Kalte Rinne' of the Schöckel mountain, envelope and card franked by 20g grey resp. 10g yellow-orange (MI Nrn. 499+503), both addressed to Graz and showing several lilac L3 'Geflogen mit - Registrier-Rakete - 21. April 1931', the envelope with some ageing and vertical crease, the card in good condition Ellington-Zwisler = $900/Hopferwieser Nrn.FS-09a+b = € 4'200.Starting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : 500.00 CHFLot# : 1425 Austria
1933: Rocket experiment 'V 15', postal stationery envelope 3 Gr. orange on white silky paper, blue rocket label tête-bêche pair imprint beneath, cancelled "St. Jakob b. Mixnitz - 27. IX. 33" and addressed to Graz, good condition Ellington-Zwisler = $ 90/Hopferwieser = € 650.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1426 Austria
1933: Rocket experiment 'V 15', postal stationery envelope 3 Gr. orange on white silky paper and 5 Gr. blackish orange on buff silky paper. both with blue rocket label affixed beneath, cancelled "St. Jakob b. Mixnitz - 27. IX. 33" addressed to Graz and to Rotterdam/NL (rare), the latter showing arrival postmark "Rotterdam - 30. IX. 33 4-5N", good condition Ellington-Zwisler = $215/Hopferwieser Nrn. FS 21a+d = €820.Starting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1427 Austria
1935: Rocket Experiment 'N 7', postcard with blackish blue tampon 'N 7' addressed to St. Peter and showing regular Austrian postage 5 Gr. green surcharged 'Winterhilfe + 2g' (MINr. 613) and cancelled "Gösting b. Graz - 21 XII 35", a very rare rocket mail item as only 28 covers were flown Ellington-Zwisler = $ 950/Hopferwieser Nr. 41b = € 3'500.Starting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : 500.00 CHFLot# : 1428 Austria
1932/62: Lot eight cards and covers prepared for various rocket experiments (V9-V18) by Friedrich Schmiedl in the thirties, all in good condition and partly signed by the experimenter, in addtion five items related to the failed rocket experiment at Mooserboden on June 23rd, 1962 at the occasion of the opening of the 'Alpin School Grossglocknergruppe', on album pages.Starting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : 500.00 CHFLot# : 1429 Bosnia-Herzgovina (Austria)
Austrian Occupation of Bosnia - Herzegovina 1879 (June 8): Money Transfer Order stationery 1867 5 kr. red with German and Illyrian writing, transfering an amount of 150 gulden from Mostar to Trieste, bearing 1867 fine whiskers 5 kr. red and 10 kr. blue, tied by "FELDPOST-EXPOSITUR No. 18 8 / 6 79" cds, framed AUSGEZAHLT (money transfered) handstamp alongside. MTF split in the middle and re-joined, a fine and correctly franked usage, in the last month prior to the issuance of own stamps. Ferchenbauer = € 2'500+.rnNote: In July 1879 money transfer formulars were issued together with the first definitive adhesives of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Prior to this date, Austrian stationeries were used like in this case. The maximum amount to be transfered was 150 gulden and for an amount between 50 and 150 gulden a postage of 20 kr. had to be paid.Starting bid : 750.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1430 Austria
1850/54: Lot zehn gest. Marken / Briefstücke der ersten Ausgabe, dabei HP 1 Kr. rötlichbraunorange (Ferchenbauer = € 910), zwei Einzelwerte 1 Kr. orange auf Briefstück, 3 Kr. tiefzinnoberrot. 9 Kr. hellblau, drei Einzelwerte auf Briefstück, der rechte Wert mit Abart 'hohe 9', weiterhin Abarten 'gebrochene linke untere Ecke', engster Abstand 0.3 mm und Abstand 0.8 mm auf drei Einzelwerten. MP 1 Kr. goldgelb, 2 Kr. mausgrau (Ferchenbauer = € 1'100), Eckrandstück 3 Kr. sowie Andreaskreuze rot (2 Einzelstücke und Viererstreifen) und braun im Viererstreifen. Weiterhin zwei Briefe, dabei HP 1 Kr. kadmiumgelb, stark oxydiert auf Drucksache und 9 Kr. hellblau mit grossem Plattenfehler fehlender rechter Adlerkopf (Frey P283) auf Faltbrief aus dem Jahr 1851 in den Kirchenstaat. Ein vielfältiges Los, vier Befunde und vier Atteste Ferchenbauer = € 4'500+.Starting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : 950.00 CHFLot# : 1431 Austria
1850/67: Lot neun gebrauchte Marken/Einheiten resp. Briefstücke und 16 Briefe, meist aus den Randregionen des Kaiserreichs, wie der Militärgrenze, der Bukowina, Kroatien, Ungarn, der Krain, aus Montengro stammend oder mit Schiffspost eingehend, meist auf Marken der ersten Ausgabe, dabei Marken mit schönen Abschlägen MITROWICZ, CZERNOWITZ, RAGUSA auf Dampfschiff, KARLSTADT, SZIGETHVAR, ZENGG, KOSTAINIZA, NEUMARKTL, KRAINBURG, GURKFELD, STADT LAIBACH, Schiffspoststp. TRIESTE COL VAPORE, COL LLOYD DA TRIESTE, LETa ARRta PER MARE, SEBENICO COL VAPORE, SPALATO COL VAPORE, weiterhin Italienporto 21 Kr. Triest nach Genova mit Marken der Ausgabe und UPU-Porto 10 Kr. von CATTARO nach Lissabon.Starting bid : 400.00 CHFHammer price : 950.00 CHFLot# : 1432 Austria
1850/1989: Ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung in vier Vordruckalben mit vielen gesuchten Werten und Ausgaben. Im Anfang vordringlich gestempelt gesammelt, jedoch ab etwa 1900 meist ungebraucht oder postfrisch. Im einzelnen enthalten sind 80. Geburtstag 1910 (Mi 161-177) ungebraucht, dann 1. Republik unter anderem Dauerserie 1925 (Mi 447-467), Flugpost 1925 (Mi 468-487), Landschaften gross (Mi 498-511), Katholiken (557-562), Dollfuss (588) und Wipa (Block 1) alle postfrisch, Block 1 mit normalen Anhaftungen. Nachkriegsausgaben mit Wiener Aufdruck (Mi Va-Vd) und Grazer Aufruck geprüft (674-696), Vögel (984-987) ebenfalls postfrisch. Im Anhang etwas Gebiete mit meist mittleren Ausgaben. Einige Abbildungen sind im Internet.Starting bid : 750.00 CHFHammer price : 2,400.00 CHFLot# : 1433 Austria
1850/1990: Lot mt einigen hundert Marken gest./ungest., dabei ein paar bessere Werte, Portomarken, Feldpost, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Lokalausgaben, ein paar Vignetten, viele Dubletten und anderes mehr, sauber arrangiert in sechs Alben und Einsteckbüchern.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 300.00 CHFLot# : 1434 Austria
1851/1918: Lot mit Zeitungsmarke Blauer Merkur, Type Ib auf Streifband, die Entwertung "MILANO 2 / 12" auf komplette Zeitung der 'Gazzetta Ufficiale di Milano' vom 2. Dezember 1854 übergehend (Ferchenbauer = € 550), weiterhin 1918 Feldpostmarken für Rumänien, die vier Werte zu 30, 50, 80 und 90 Bani jeweils als ungebrauchter Einzelwert, senkrechtes Paar und Viererblock (Mi VIII, X,, XII & XIII = € 2'520+). Ein Attest und vier Befunde.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 180.00 CHFLot# : 1435 Austria
1858: Lot vier gest. Marken, drei Andreaskreuze und drei Briefe, dabei Type I 3 Kr. Type Ic mit rotem Wiener Stp., Type II 2 Kr. in der seltenen orangenen Nuance (Ferchenbauer = € 700), 3 Kr. schwarz mit AK-Ansatz unten und 5 Kr. tiefdunkelrot mit AK-Ansatz links. Andreaskreuze mit grossem AK gelb als Einzelstück mit Plattenzeichen (Ferchenbauer = € 775), grossem AK rot im rekonstituiertem Viererstreifen und kleinem AK blau im rekonstituiertem Viererstreifen. Weiterhin zwei Briefe mit 10 Kr. braun Type I mit AK-Ansatz links und einmal 2 Kr. gelb Type I auf Drucksache, sowie Zeitungsmarke mit Datumsstp. BRZESKO (Ferchenbauer = € 925). Drei Befunde und zwei Atteste Ferchenbuer = € 6'200+.Starting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : 600.00 CHFLot# : 1436 Austria
1861/1945: Händlerlager vorab ungebrauchter / postfrischer Ausgaben Österreichs, vorab ab 1900, dabei 1861 Freimarken zu 3, 5, 10 & 15 Nkr., auch spätere bessere Ausgaben teils mehrfach wie 1908 Regierungsjubiläum, 1922 Komponisten, 1923 Landeshauptstädte, 1925 Flugpost, 1929 Freimarken Landschaften, 1930 Miklas, 1931 Rotary, Dichter, 1932 Freimarken Landschaften, Maler, 1933 FIS, WIPA-Marken, 1934 Freimarken Trachten, Dollfuss, Baumeister, 1935 Flugzeuge, 1936 FIS, 1945 Überdruckausgaben. bis zu den RM-Werten, ein Rennerbogen, weiterhin Portomarken bis zu 5 Kr. resp. 10 S., Telegrafenmarken. Michel = € 20'800 n. A. des Einlieferers.Starting bid : 1,000.00 CHFHammer price : 1,500.00 CHFLot# : 1437 Austria
1919/37: Lot semimoderner Raritäten in unterschiedlicher Erhaltung, dabei 1919 Freimarke 2 Kr. blau im senkr. Paar, Mitte ungez. (Mi 243UMw), 1921 Drucksachen-Eilmarke im senkr. Paar, Mitte ungez. ungebraucht (Mi 243UMw),1923 Wohlfahrt Landeshauptstädte als ungezähnter Satz auf Japanpapier in nummerierter Mappe, 1925 Flugpostmarken, bis auf Höchstwert ungezähnter Satz in ungebrauchter Erhaltung, 'Flieger' mit Gummi, die 'Kraniche' ohne Gummi wie herausgegeben, aus gleicher Serie 5 G. zinnober im ungebrauchten waagr. Paar, Mitte ungez. (Mi 469UMs), 1937 DDSG, Werte zu 12 Gr. und 64 Gr. ungez. (Mi 639U & 641U). Zwei Befunde Mi = € 6'300+.Starting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : 650.00 CHFLot# : 1438 Austria
1945: Lokalausgabe Scheibbs, zwei komplette Sätze drei Werte zu 6 Pf., 8 Pf. und 12 Pf., alle im senkr. Dreierstreifen mit Übderdruck in Type III des Urdrucks, teils mit Bogenrand oder -ecke, sowie 8 Pf. orangerot im senkr. Dreierstreifen mit Überdruck in Type III, alle einwandfrei und postfrisch. Weiterhin Lokalausgabe Dorfstetten, Erstabzüge von den Urklischees auf den Hitler-Freimarken zu 1, 4, 6, 25, 30, 40, 42, 50, 60 und 80 Pf. in Schwarz oder Blau, alle in ungebrauchter Erhaltung mit sauberem Erstfalz, ein ansprechender Teilsatz. Seltenes Material mit hohem Katalogwert, ein Befund und drei Atteste. ANK = € 17'800+ / Mi = € 15'700.Starting bid : 1,000.00 CHFHammer price : 1,000.00 CHFLot# : 1439 Austria
1948/74: Lot sechs Varietäten, dabei 1948 'Heimische Blumen' 75+35 Gr. ungezähnt (Mi 874U = € 1'300), 1948/52 Volkstrachten 1,50 S. ultramarin mit senkr. und waagr. Zwischenstegen des Druckbogens, 1954 Staatsdruckerei als ungez. Probedruck in Braunschwarz (Mi 1011 PU = € 900), 1962 Bauwerke Beethovenhaus 2,20 S. im Achterblock vom Bogenrand mit Abart: waagrecht und senkrecht ungezähnt (Mi 1117ZWU = € 1'600+), 1964 'Parlamentarisch-Wissenschaftliche Konferenz in ungezähntem Viererblock von Bogenecke (Mi 1152U = € 1'800+, leichteste Bugspur durch unteres Paar), 1964 Europa 3 S. ungezähnt (Mi 1173U = € 850) und 1974 ORF mit Abart: Farbe karminrot stark verschoben (Mi 1464 F II = € 1'000). Alle in postfrischer Erhaltung, ein interessantes und hochwertiges Lot.Starting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : 1,200.00 CHFLot# : 1440 Austria
1789/1877: Lot acht Belege, vorab aus Österreich gelaufen, dabei 1789 Faltbrief Wien nach Bordeaux mit Vertragsstp. "D'ALLEMAGNE" und "d'autriche", 1831 Dienstbrief von Wien nach Triest an das Landesgubernium des Küstenlands, innen und aussen desinfiziert und mit Kastenstp. "NETTO DI FUORA E NETTO DI DENTRO" versehen, 1841 Brief von Odessa nach Livorno, 1877 Briefhülle, ehemals zweite Gewichtsstufe, wahrscheinlich aus Bosnien stammend, in METKOVICH zur Post nach Triest gegenen, 1847 Paketschein des österreichischen Lloyd. Weiterhin zwei Faltbriefe 1856 von Manchester über Marseille an das britische Postamt in Konstantinopel und zwei Faltbriefe vom französischen Postamt in Konstantinoplel 1853 nach Athen und 1855 nach Rethimno auf Kreta.Starting bid : 300.00 CHFHammer price : 270.00 CHFLot# : 1441 Austria
1860/1990: Briefsammlung von über 150 meist einfachen Belegen, dabei jedoch immer wieder auch kleine Besonderheiten, wie schweizerisches Nachporto, ein eingeschriebener Brief der Feldpost von "OROSHI in ALBANIEN", oder ein weiterer R-Brief von Ljubuski nach Oroshi. Die Qualität ist vordringlich gut.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 440.00 CHFLot# : 1442 Austria
1914/20c: Lot 700+ Formular- und Ansichtskarten, versandt als Feldpost von österreichischen und ungarischen Einheiten, ebenso Kriegsgefangenenkarten aus Russland, weiterhin etwas ungarische Feldpost aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Für den Spezialisten interessant.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 1,300.00 CHFLot# : 1443 Austrian Levant
Early Levant Captain letters 1683/1731: Group of three Captain letters from Alexandria and Constantinople, incl.1683 from Alexandria via Marseilles to Livorno, 1703 Alexandria to Marseilles with a total transport time of 18 months, and 1731 from Constantinople to Venice. A delightful trio, well written up on leaves.Starting bid : 300.00 CHFHammer price : 320.00 CHFLot# : 1444 Austrian Levant
Impact of the Napoleonic Wars on the Austrian Levant mail 1793/1799: Selection of two entire letters from Salonicco to Genova and from Smirne to Erfurt, the first with Semlin 'NETTO DI FUORA E SPORCO DI DENTRO' disinfection strike, sent further via Milano to Genova in Sardinia. In 1793 Milano was not yet occupied by Napoléon. The second entire was transported in 1799 due to the war circumstances with a courrier.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 150.00 CHFLot# : 1445 Austrian Levant
Disinfected mail 1807/27: Group two Entires with clear Rothenturm 'Netto di Fuora e Sporco di Dentro' Arms disinfection cachets on front, the first one from Constantinople to Nürnberg, Bavaria which was routed due to unrest in Serbia via Vallachia and Transsylvania. The second cover was routed from Constantinople to Rheims with "Turquie.", "AT." and framed "AUTRICHE PAR HUNINGUE" postal treaty handstamps. An appealing duo.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 220.00 CHFLot# : 1446 Austrian Levant
Disinfected mail 1818/42: Group two Entires from Constantinople to Firenze and Trieste showing the the two main routes to the west via Rothenturm and Semlin, respectively. Includes 1818 entire with crisp 'SANITATIS SIGILLUM' and red 'ROTHENTURN SIGIL. SANITATIS' wax seal as well as Florence arrival (Sept. 12) datestamp on reverse. Also 1842 entire with 'NETTO DI FUORA E SPORCO DI DENTRO' disinfection handstamp, red 'SIGIL SANITATIS SEMLIN' wax seal and Triest (Dec 3) arrival cds in red on reverse. An interesting duo which shows that the disinfection handstamps were similar at both purification stations, while the closing wax seals named the station.rnNote: The normal overland way to the west was via Serbia up to 1803, crossing the border at Semlin. After this date, the journey via Vallachia and Transsylvania was chosen with the mail crossing the border at the Rothenturm disinfection station nearby Hermannstadt. After 1828 the route changed back to the Semlin way.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 200.00 CHFLot# : 1447 Austrian Levant
Disinfected mail in Transsylvania 1827 (Dec 7): Official Entire from the 'Rothenturm Contumaz Amt' (disinfection center) to the community and magistrate of Semlin, closed with red 'K.K. CONTUMAZAMT AM ROTHENTURM in SIEBENBÜRG:' wax seal. An interesting and appealing cover briefly before the standard mailing route changed from Rothenturm to Semlin.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 260.00 CHFLot# : 1448 Austrian Levant
Disinfection in Trieste 1835/41: Group three Entire letters transported with the Austrian Lloyd from Smyrna and Syra to Trieste, endorsed "col vapore austriaco" or similar notes, all disinfected in one of the three Trieste lazarettos with the disinfection fees noted and summarized on front. The 1841 entire from Smirne struck with rare SMIRNA one line handstamp (Tranmer fig. 1 / Müller fig. 2058a = 170 points), a fine usage in the Ralli correspondence of this rare handstamp in its first year.Starting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : 340.00 CHFLot# : 1449 Austrian Levant
Austrian Lloyd shipping agency 1839 (June 16): Partially prepaid Entire letter transported with the Austrian Lloyd from Triest to Zante on the Ionian Islands, endorsed "col piroscafo austriaco" with despatch cds in red on obverse, CORFU (June 19) transit and ZANTE (June 23) ribbon oval datestamp, both in black alongside. Prepaid postage of '18' (kr.) was noted on obverse as well as '6' (pence) due for transport on the island. Entire with some toning and vertical file fold, nevertheless a pretty early Shipmail entire of the Lloyd, which was founded in 1837.Starting bid : 100.00 CHFHammer price : 120.00 CHFLot# : 1450 Austrian Levant
Austrian Lloyd shipping agency 1840 (Feb 17): Unpaid Entire letter transported with the Austrian Lloyd from Ancona to Patras, endorsed "con il vapore austriaco", struck with perfect ANCONA Papal States-type one line handstamp in red with crisp oval "Ancona / AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO" handstamp (Tchilinghrian fig. 457) in black alongside. Reverse with Patras arrival (Feb 9, julian) and "Imp.e" (Impostazione) handstamp in red. Most attractive.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 280.00 CHFLot# : 1451 Austrian Levant
Austrian Lloyd shipping agency 1841 (July 3): Fully prepaid Entire letter transported with the Austrian Lloyd from Smyrna to Trieste, endorsed "col. Piroscafo del Lloyd austr.", struck with clear SMIRNA one line handstamp (Tranmer fig. 1 / Müller fig. 2058a = 170 points), reverse with ornamental "Triest 18 JUL. 1841" arrival cds in red. Disinfection fees of the Trieste lazarettos were noted on front and summed up to 'x26½' (kr.) for one letter, 13 half sheets and four small items. Horizontal file fold and seal cut out, nevertheless a fine usage in the Ralli correspondence of this rare handstamp in its first year.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 150.00 CHFLot# : 1452 Austrian Levant
Austrian Lloyd shipping agency 1846 (March 17): Unpaid Entire letter from Taganrog via Odessa and Trieste, then transported with the Austrian Lloyd to Santa Maura on the Ionian Islands, endorsed "Via Trieste Col. Vapre Austriaco", struck on reverse with clear wreathed "TAGANROG 1846 MAR. 17" despatch cds (Dobin 1.02), on front oval "ODESSA 3 / 23" datestamp (Dobin 1.09b) after overland transport and finally "CORFU 25 APR 46" arrival cds. Front shows '24' (kr.) due for the Lloyd with the overland jouney from the Ukraine to Trieste paid from other sources. An interesting journey via Austria in order to avoid a Sea journey crossing the Black Sea.Starting bid : 100.00 CHFHammer price : 180.00 CHFLot# : 1453 Austrian Levant
Incoming 1848 (Sept 29): Partially prepaid Entire letter from St. Stefano transported with the Austrian Lloyd from Trieste to Alexandria, struck with clear "St. STEFANO" one line handstamp in front, reverse with "ALEXANDRIEN OCT. 16" two line arrival datestamp (Tranmer fig. 2 / Müller fig. 2001b = 60 points) in black. Prepayment for the Austrian part of the journey was noted on reverse with '12' (kr.), the whole amount noted on obverse with '12 / 18' (kr.). A fine entire on the Egypt line which connected Trieste and Alexandria after 1845 once a month.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1454 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant PO's, Incoming from Great Britain 1854/60: Two unpaid Entire letters incl. 1854 London via Ostende and Triest to Athens, taxed with '12 9 9' (kr.) reflecting 12 kr. CM for Great Britain and Belgium, 9 kr. for the GAPU and 9 kr. for the Lloyd equal to 150 lepta plus 20 l. inland rate. Also 1860 Manchestewr via Aachen and Trieste to Syra with 20 / 15 / 15' (nkr.) for the UK, GAPU and Lloyd resulting in '180' (l.). a nice duo.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1455 Austrian Levant
Direct Egypt line Trieste - Alexandria 1850 / 66: Entire 1850 letter from Trieste to Alexandria written completely in Arabic with "ALEXANDRIEN SEP. 1" two line arrival datestamp (Tranmer fig. 2 / Müller fig. 2001b = 60 points) in black on reverse. In addition an 1866 double rate cover with ALEXANDRIEN cds in black on front and boxed Triest arrival datestamp on reverse, showing '30' (nkr.) due on front. A nice duo from this line which connected Trieste and Alexandria after 1845 once a month, after 1852 twice a month.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1456 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant - Outgoing from the Ionian Islands 1830/32: Group two unpaid Entire letters from Corfu to Ancona and from Zante to Venezia, both endorsed "Via Otranto". The first entire sent 1830 from the main PO in Corfu with 'OFFICIO DELLA POSTA GENERALE CORFU' handstamp and oval framed Otranto (Apulia) transit, reverse with Ancona arrival datestamp. Also 1832 entire from Zante via Corfu with oval framed Otranto transit handstamp in red and arrival datestamp on reverse. Two early disinfected covers, full of postal history content.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1457 Austrian Levant
Austrian Lloyd services - outgoing from the Ionian Islands 1832 (Aug 4): Unpaid Lettersheet from Corfu to the Bank of Scottland in Edinburgh, Scotland, endorsed "p Steam Packet", struck on front with "OFFICIO DELLA POSTA GENERALE CORFU". Reverse with hooded oval "CORFU 4 AGOSTO 1832" despatch datestamp, very rare in this quality, and arrival cds (Aug. 30). Front shows '9' (d.) due for the transport within the Ionian Islands and framed Scottish Add "1/2" (d.) in green as well as 6s.10d. total due. A fine and fresh cover with over average postmarks.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 200.00 CHFLot# : 1458 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant - Ingoing to the Ionian Islands 1835 (Jan 22): Entire letter from Solothurn to Argostoli on Cephalonia struck with ornamental "SOLEURE 22 JANV. 1835" French-type cds in red, very rare in this colour, oval LT postal treaty handstamp in red as well as CORFU (Feb 22) transit and CEPHALONIA (March 2) ribbon oval datestamps, both in bluish black alongside. Reverse shows part strike of Trieste. The entire was first intended to be sent by registered mail, finally it was not. On front '14' (kr.) were noted for the Austrian transit, the total due was noted on front and reverse with 5¾ (d.) up to Trieste, additional 9 (d.) to Corfu and finally 6 (d.) to Cephalonia. Entire shows strong toning and some splitting along the folds, nevertheless an early usage from a Swiss lawyer to a rather exotic destination at that time.rnNote: Corfu and the Ionian Islands constituted the 'United States of the Ionian Islands' under British protection after the Napoleonic Wars. In June 1819 the Austrian government established a regular shipmail service, first between Trieste and Corfu, in 1833 extended to Patras and from 1834 up to Alexandria. Prior to the foundation of the DDSG in 1829 the service was performed using private ships.Starting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1459 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant - Ingoing to the Ionian Islands 1846 (Aug 27): Part paid Entire letter from St. Petersburg to Corfu, endorsed "via Trieste", struck on reverse with framed "St PETERSBURG" despatch datestamp, front with "CORFU 25 SET 46" arrival cds. The entire was prepaid to the Russian-Austrian border with '22' (kop.), noted on reverse, on front '12 12 / 24' (kr.) were noted for Austria and the Lloyd which was converted in 10 (d.) plus 3 (d.) inland rate resulting in a total due of 1s.1.d.rnNote: The entire is directed to Plato Petrides, the secretary of the Legislative assembly.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1460 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant - Outgoing from the Ionian Islands 1859 (April 10): Fully prepaid Entire letter from Cephalonia to Florence struck with CEPHALONIA ribbon oval datestamp and framed FRANCA handstamp, both in bluish black. Cross in red crayon depicts the full prepayment. Reverse with FIRENZE arrival cds (April 18) and '15 / 15' (kr.) rate with 15 kr. for the Lloyd and 15 kr. for the Austrian-Italian Postal Union.Starting bid : 100.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1461 Austrian Levant
Post office in Belgrade 1857 (Jan 19): Fully prepaid Registered Entire Letter from Belgrad to Trieste, struck with superb "BELGRAD / 19. JAN" datestamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 663) in black, "RECOM:" handstamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 666) alongside. Reverse with SEMLIN cds of the Austrian PO, 'SIGILLUM SANITATIS' disinfection handstamp applied at Semlin and Triest arrival datestamp in black, front with '9' (kr.) postage and reverse with '6' (kr.) registration fee paid in cash. Also an official 1853 entire from Belgrad to Pancsova Hungary with the same BELGRAD datestamp and an 1863 receipt of delivery issued by the Belgrad PO struck with "BELGRAD 31 / 8" cds with the date in manuscript. A most interesting trio.rnNote: The Levant Post office in Belgrad was opened on August 1, 1841. Prior to this date, mail from Belgrad had to be transported to the Imperial Austrian Post office in Semlin from where it was despatched.Starting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1462 Austrian Levant
Ingoing to the Post office in Belgrade 1864c (Jan 21): Registered Cover from Vienna to Belgrad, bearing on front Austria 1864 Arms 15 kr. brown perf. 9½ in combination with 1864 Arms 10 kr. blue perf. 14 on reverse to pay the registration fee (some perf. irregularities due to the opening), each tied by clear "RECOMMANDIRT WIEN 21 / 1" cds in red, reverse with "BELGRAD 24 / 1" cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 665). An attractive item.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1463 Austrian Levant
1868 (June 20): Cover from Belgrad to Vienna, franked with 1867 coarse whiskers 5 s. red, a fresh and fine single, tied by clear "BELGRAD 20 / 6" cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 664). Reverse with WIEN arrival datestamp (June 23). An interesting item, Belgrad was the only Levant post office using them.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1464 Austrian Levant
Postal relations with Bosnia-Herzegovina 1871 (Oct. 6): Registered Entire letter from Mostar to the merchant Alessandro Covacevich in Trieste, carried by messenger to the Austrian Post Office in Metkovich where three examples of 1867 5 kr. red, were applied to front and reverse to pay postage and registration and tied by "METKOVICH 6 / 10" cds's in black. Reverse with ZARA transit and framed Triest (Oct. 10) arrival datestamp in black. Stamps on reverse torn, nevertheless a rarely seen registered entire from Bosnia and despatched at an Austrian PO, opinion Ferchenbauer (1991).Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1465 Austrian Levant
Ottoman Empire / Bosnia, Mail from Austria 1872 (June 23): Stationery envelope 1867 5 kr. red from Triest to Zavalje nearby Bihać, cancelled by oval "TRIEST 23 / 6 72" datestamp. Upon arrival, two vert. pairs of Duloz 1870 20 pa. green due perf. 12½ (Mi 14B) were added on reverse and each pair tied by indistinct intaglio handstamp in black. Reverse shows also "ZAGREB-AGRAM" bilingual and Otočac (June 24) transit cds's. Minor edge wear, but an overall fine and fresh item showing part prepayment from Austria to the border while the journey in Bosnia had to be paid by the receiver.Starting bid : 1,200.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1466 Austrian Levant
1867/74: 10 s. blue, a fine example used on 1882 entire letter from Symi to Trieste, tied by circular RODI circular datestamp (March 16) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 575). Reverse with Triest arrival cds (March 23). A choice and fine entire.Starting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1467 Austrian Levant
Austrian offices in Anatolian Black Sea ports 1866 (Nov. 18): Cover from Samsun to Constantinople, franked by 1864 10 s. blue perf. 9½, a fresh and fine single adhesive, tied by "SAMSUN 18 / 11" cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 994) in blue. Reverse with Constantiople arrival cds (Nov. 21). A scarce mark on fine cover, fine port-to-port usage, signed Ferchenbauer.Starting bid : 100.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1468 Austrian Levant
Land Routes to the West from the Austrian Levant 1820 (Feb 29): Selection two entires, one from Smirne to Lissabon, transported as package to its destination, struck with Rothenturm 'Netto di Fuora' disinfection cachet on reverse, "MILANO LT" handstamp in red and "VOGHERA APR 16" border datestamp. Taxed with '360' reis upon arrival. In addition entire from Constantinople to Verviers, Netherlands which shows the involvement of five different and the corresponding due marks.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1469 Austrian Levant
Austrian Lloyd shipping agency 1852 (April 26): Double rate Unpaid Entire letter transported with the Austrian Lloyd from Smyrna to Trieste, endorsed "col Piroscafo del Lloyd austr.", struck with clear two line "SMYRNE / 26 AVRIL" datestamp (Tranmer fig. 3 / Müller fig. 2058c = 50 points), reverse with oval "TRIESTE 2 / 5" arrival datestamp with bars in black. Obverse shows '24' (kr.) due for the second weight rate in the reduced tariff of July 1851. Light file fold, but a superb strike of the despatch datestamp.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1470 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant to Italy 1870 (Oct 22): Lettersheet from Smirne to Genova struck with thimble SMIRNE cds (Tranmer fig. 10) in black, charged due on arrival with Postage Due 1869 10 c. and 1870 60 c. (Sassone S2+S10) tied by Genova cds's (Oct 28). Interesting cover with the 70 c. corresponding to the 23 s. franco franking.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1471 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant to Tunesia 1881 (March 2): Envelope from Smyrna to Tunis, franked with 1867 fine whiskers 10 s. blue, tied by "SMIRNE 2 / 3 .." cds (Tranmer fig. 11). Reverse with CATANIA and PALERMO transit as well as "TUNISI POSTE ITALIANE 11 3 81" arrival cds. Cover roughly opened, some wrinkles, nevertheless an interesting cover which made its journey from Sicily to Tunesia with the Italian shipmail.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1472 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant PO's in Bulgaria 1855 (July 9): Unpaid Envelope from Rustchuk to Lons-le-Saunier, struck with "RUSTSCHUK 9 / 7" cds in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 876). French "AUTR. VALnnes" entry cds in red and boxed "T.A." (Transit autrichienne) in black alongside. Reverse with Quarantine "gereinigt b. k.k. Rastelamte ALT-ORSOVA 11 / 7 1855" cds, where the cover was punched, also PESTH and PARIS transit cds's as well as arrival cds (July 19). Postage was calculated '9 9 20 / 38' (kr. CM) or '16' décimes. Some imperfections, but a desirable postal history item.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 360.00 CHFLot# : 1473 Austrian Levant
Austrian offices in Bulgaria 1868 (May 7): Cover from Sofia to Constantinople, bearing 1864 10 s. blue perf. 9½, a fresh and fine single example with good perforation, tied by light "SOFIA 7 / 5" cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 864) of the Consular post office. Reverse with CONSTANTINOPEL arrival cds (May 11). Signed E. Diena.rnNote: A scarce and attractive usage from Sofia which is, due to the lack of active trading companies, the rarest Consular office in Bulgaria. It was written in the iron-manufacturing city of Samakov and sent to the bankers Camondo in Galata. The text is completely in Ladino, the Romance language of the Sephardic jews which they brought from Spain after their expulsion in 1492 and which is used by Jewish minorities in the Mediterranean.Starting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : 360.00 CHFLot# : 1474 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant PO in Constantinople, Incoming from Great Britain 1835 (Dec. 11): Fully prepaid cover from London to Constantinople, endorsed "via France and Vienna", struck with French "A.T.F" (Angleterre Transit Française) and circular "ANGLETERRE PAR CALAIS" handstamps in red. Obverse shows '1.10 / 3' division of the prepaid postage with 1s.10d. for the British side and 3 s. for the onward payment credited to France. File folds but a fresh and fine entire from Great Britain to the Levant.Starting bid : 100.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1475 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant PO's in Constantinople 1839 (July 3): Unpaid cover from Constantinople via Semlin and France to London, struck on reverse with 'NETTO DI FUORA E SPORCO DI DENTRO' disinfection handstamp at Semlin and closed with corresponding red 'SIGIL. SANITATIS SEMLIENSIS' wax seal. Front shows French "AUTRICHE 20 JUIl. 39 HUNINGUE" entry cds in red as well as 'AT' and 'Turquie' postal treaty handstamps, arrival cds (July 25, 1839) on reverse. An early and interesting entire after Semlin became again the transit place for mail from the Levant.Starting bid : 100.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1476 Austrian Levant
Austrian Lloyd shipping agency 1842 (Aug 5): Fully prepaid entire letter from Constantinople to Trieste, struck with superb CONSTANTINOPEL handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 383 / Müller 2033b), reverse with ornamental "Triest 8 AUG. 1842" arrival cds in red. Cover slitted in disinfection, reverse shows prepayment of '36.' (kr.) to cover the July 1837 rate from Constantinople to Trieste. A very fine cover.rnNote: In 1837, the Austrian Lloyd was founded, initially providing postal services on the Mediterranean Sea. The present postmark was thought to be introduced in the early 1840s by Tchilinghirian, Müller notes 1844 as year of first usage. Thus this is a very early usage from the Ralli correspondence.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 360.00 CHFLot# : 1477 Austrian Levant
Austrian Lloyd shipping agency 1846 (Feb): Entire letter from Taganrog to Constantinople, the with Austrian Lloyd to Santa Maura, Ionian Islands, reverse with forwarding agent's note for the journey via the Black Sea, struck with fair impression of rare "Agenzia Del Lloyd Austriaco / Constantinopoli" in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 442) and with perfect "CORFU 12 FEB 46" arrival cds alongside. Slitted for disinfection.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 180.00 CHFLot# : 1478 Austrian Levant
Austrian Lloyd shipping agency 1846 (Nov): Entire letter from Constantinople to Syra struck with fair impression of rare "Agenzia Del Lloyd Austriaco / Constantinopoli" in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 442) with clear wreathed Syra arrival cds (Nov 18, 1846) on reverse.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 150.00 CHFLot# : 1479 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant PO in Constantinople, Incoming from Great Britain 1854 (Aug. 25): Fully prepaid Entire letter from London to Constantinople, endorsed "via Ostende", struck with "LONDON PAID 25 AUG 1854" despatch cds and 'P' in oval, both in red, Prussian "AUS ENGLAND PER AACHEN (FRANCO) 26 / 8", reverse with "PESTH 29 / 8" transit cds in black. Obverse shows 'f4½' (sgr.) for the onward payment credited to Prussia. File folds but a fresh and fine entire from Great Britain to the Levant.Starting bid : 100.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1480 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant PO's to Italy 1867 (Oct. 26): Partially paid Lettersheet from Constantinople to Venice, franked with 1864 Arms 5 s. rose and 15 s. brown, both perf. 9½, with fresh colours and well perforated (showing some red ink staining of the Venezia arrival cds), tied by superb "CONSTANTINOPLEL 26 / 10" cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 387) with PD in black alongside. Reverse with oval Triest transit cds in black as well as VENEZIA arrival cds (Nov 2) in red. The cover was underpaid for Italy and taxed with the 15 centisimi, noted as '1½' (d.) on front. Light horizontal file fold well away from adhesives and datestamps, some staining, nevertheless an interesting cover, signed E. Diena.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 180.00 CHFLot# : 1481 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant to Italy 1872 (Oct 6): Entire letter from Constantinople to Florence, endorsed "Voie de Varna", franked with 1867 25 s. lilac, deep shade and good perforation, tied in transit by "LETTERE ARRIVATE / PER MARE / VARNA 6 / 10 / 72" datestamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 115) with "P.D." in black alongside. Reverse with indistinct Firenze arrival and distribution datestamps. Part of address scored out, nevertheless an interesting cover with a rare franking. Ferchenbauer = € 1'800.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 260.00 CHFLot# : 1482 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant to Italy 1872 (Nov 8): Lettersheet from Constantinople to Venice, endorsed "Via Trieste", franked with 1867 coarse whiskers 10 s. blue and 15 s. brown, tied by wreathed "CONSTANTINOPEL 8 / 11" cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 385) with "P.D." in black alongside. Reverse with BRINDISI transit and VENEZIA arrival cds (Nov 14, 1872). Horizontal file fold, nevertheless a fine and fresh cover.Starting bid : 100.00 CHFHammer price : 160.00 CHFLot# : 1483 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant to France 1873 (Sept 12): Envelope from Constantinople to Le Val nearby Brignoles, franked with 1867 10 s. blue, four fine and fresh single adhesives, tied by "LLOYD AGENZIE CONSTANTINOPOLI 12 / 9" cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 446) with "A. / P.D." postal treaty handstamp in black and French "AUTR. AVRICOURT 18 SEPT. 73" entry cds in blue alongside. Reverse with indistinct thimble VARNA transit, two French ambulant and BRIGNOLES transit cds's, all in black. Cover opened roughly on top, minor perf. imperfections as two adhesives were glued over the envelope's edge, nevertheless an unusual and attractive cover. Ferchenbauer = € 1'000.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 260.00 CHFLot# : 1484 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant PO's in the Danubian Principalities, Ingoing from France 1837 (July 2): Part paid Entire letter to Jassy, endorsed "par Forbach", struck with indistinct French despatch cds in black. French "L.F." and boxed "PF" (Payé jusqu'à frontière), both in red alongside. Reverse shows '8' (décimes) payment until the French border, Austria calculated twice '14' (kr.) and '9' (kr.) due for the Levant part. A very early usage from France to Moldavia.Starting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : 360.00 CHFLot# : 1485 Austrian Levant
Post offices in Romania 1837 (August 16/28): Entire letter from Galatz to Genova struck with straight line GALACZ h.s. in black (Smith Fig. 2) , rastel punched for disinfection in Boyana, Galicia with disinfection docketing number 'R.N.72" in manuscript on reverse and on front with black TUR postmark, applied in Vienna, charged 91 centes due on receipt. Fine and scarce entire. See similar letter from the same correspondence illustrated in Hans Smith on page 76.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 200.00 CHFLot# : 1486 Austrian Levant
1841 (April 27/8): Entire letter from Galatz to Genova, mailed at JASSY and struck by straight line 'JASSY' h.s. in black (Tchillinghirian Fig. 753), rastel punched for disinfection in Czernowitz with disinfection docketing number 'R.N.30" in manuscript on reverse sent via Vienna, Verona, thence Milan with red 'L.T.' postmark (letter transit) and "Via di Voghera" in red alongside, charged 92 centes due on receipt. Fine and scarce.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 300.00 CHFLot# : 1487 Austrian Levant
Disinfected mail in the Bukowina 1845 (Sept. 25): Part paid Entire letter from Gallatz to Livorno, struck on obverse with two line "GALLATZ 25. SEP." despatch datestamp in black, "A.T." and circular "AUSTRIA No. 7" postal treaty handstamps alongside. Reverse with boxed "DISINFETTATA NEL LAZZARETTO / ST. ROCCO DI LIVORNO" carantine handstamp and arrival cds (Oct 15, 1845). The reverse shows also the handwritten disinfection number 'RN 78' (Räuchernummer 78) of the carantine station Bojan / Poiana situated at the border between Moldavia and the Austrian Bukowina, the cover was punched there. A most interesting item, disinfected twice in Bojan and Livorno, signed Ferchenbauer.rnNote: Bojan was the entry disinfection center for mail from Moladvia and the then Turkish Dobrudja, but also for mail coming from the Russian Bessrabia. Handstamps are known, but normally the desinfection was just noted in manuscript (compare Meyer - Disinfected Mail on p. 45).Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 500.00 CHFLot# : 1488 Austrian Levant
1851 (Nov 15): Fully prepaid registered entire letter from Bucharest to Vienna, struck with clear "BUKAREST 13. NOV." datestamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 710) and RECOMANDIRT handstamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 708) below, reverse with WIEN (Nov 21) arrival cds. Entire punched and disinfected, reverse with Rothenturm 'Sanitatis sigillum' handstamp. Crossed penstroke on obverse shows full pre-payment which was detailed on reverse with "6 6 / 12 9 / 21' kreuzer with 6 kr. for the Levant, 6 kr. registration fee and 9 kr. for Austria, in total 21 kreuzer. Horizontal file fold, nevertheless a scarce and desirable registered cover to the Sina company in Vienna.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 320.00 CHFLot# : 1489 Austrian Levant
Post offices in the Danubian Principalities 1852 (March 2): Unpaid Entire letter from Bucharest via Hermannstadt to Brackenheim, Württemberg, struck by "BUKAREST 2. MAR." datestamp in black. Reverse with HERMANNSTADT transit cds and "BAHNP. HOF-NÜRNBERG" railway datestamp, both in black as well as "BRACKENHEIM / 13 MART 1852" arrival datestamp in blue. Cover punched in disinfection in Rothenturm. The receiver had to pay '6 9 /15' (kr. CM) which was identical to 16 kreuzer South German currency. An appealing porto entire from the first years of the German-Austrian Postal Union, in addition an early usage of this type of Bucharest datestamp which is described in Tchilinghirian not to be used earlier than in 1854.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 240.00 CHFLot# : 1490 Austrian Levant
Disinfected mail in the Bukowina 1852 (March 4): Entire letter from Gallatz via Czernowitz and Cracow to Genova, struck on obverse with two line "GALLATZ 4 MAR." despatch datestamp in black, reverse with "CZERNOWITZ 10. MAR" ray-type and wreathed "KRAKAU 14/3" transit cds in black as well as one line "19 MAR" arrival datestamp in red. The reverse shows also the handwritten disinfection number 'RN 20' (Räuchernummer 20) of the carantine station Bojan / Poiana situated at the border between Moldavia and the Austrian Bukowina, the cover was punched there. The receiver had to pay 6 kr. for the Levant, 9 kr. for the German-Austrian Postal Union and 100 c. for Sardinia which summed up to '16½' decesimi noted on front.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 260.00 CHFLot# : 1491 Austrian Levant
Post offices in the Danubian Principalities 1852ca (April 6): Fully prepaid registered Envelope with full content from Bucharest via Hermannstadt to Brackenheim, Württemberg, struck by "BUKAREST 6. APR." datestamp in black, RECOMANDIRT and oval FRANCO handstamps alongside. Reverse with HERMANNSTADT transit (April 10) cds. Cover punched in disinfection in Rothenturm. Full prepayment marked in addition by pen cross on front, the different rate parts noted on reverse as usual for a franco letter.rnNote: Franco letters are much rarer than porto letters, in combination with registration, however, postage had to be paid in advance.Starting bid : 300.00 CHFHammer price : 300.00 CHFLot# : 1492 Austrian Levant
Austrian occupation of Moldavia and Walachia during the Crimean War 1855 (April 26): Postage free official Entire letter from Bucharest to Bassano in Venetia, sent from the 'I. R. Reggimento di Fanteria di Linea n. 45', named Arciduca Sigismondo d'Austria (1826 - 1891), originating from Verona to the Pretura di Bassano, clear Fieldpost despatch "K.K. FELDPOSTAMT No. 1 26 / 4" cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 712) on front, reverse with WIEN and "BAHNHOF LAIBACH" transit cds's as well as arrival cds (May 9). A fine and fresh entire.rnNote: The 'Kaiserliches und königliches Infanterieregiment Nr. 45' took part in the occupation of the Principalities during the Crimean War. On, September 6, 1854 Bucharest was occupied, to participate in parade, together with a Turkish-Wallachian body of 20'000 men, commanded by the Turkish generalissimo Omar Paschà (1806-1871). On September 3, 1855, the regiment was transferred to garissons in Crajova, Carakal and Slatina.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 650.00 CHFLot# : 1493 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant PO's in the Danubian Principalities, Mail to and from Great Britain 1855/62: Lot three Entire letters incl. 1855 Manchester via London, Aachen and Kronstadt to Gallatz with two line arrival cds in blue on reverse, a late usage of this pre-war datestamp during the Crimean War. In addition 1862 entire from the same correspondence with GALLATZ arrival cds in blue on reverse. Also 1856 Ibraila cover to London showing two line IBRAILA despatch datestamp on front, sent in the middle of the Crimean War. Entires with file folds, edge wear and toning, nevertheless a most interesting trio full of postal history content documenting routes and rates from the Danubian Principalities to Great Britain.Starting bid : 400.00 CHFHammer price : 440.00 CHFLot# : 1494 Austrian Levant
Austrian occupation of Moldavia and Walachia during the Crimean War 1856 (April 7): Postage free official Entire letter from Kraijova to Bardolino in Venetia, sent from the 'I. R. Reggimento di Fanteria di Linea n. 45', named Arciduca Sigismondo d'Austria (1826 - 1891), originating from Verona to the Pretura di Bardolino, clear Fieldpost despatch "K.K. ÖST. F.P. KRAJOVA 7 / 4" cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 735) on front, reverse with disinfection "Gereiniget b. k. k. Rastelamte ALT-ORSOVA 9 / 4 1856" cds and Temesvar transit cds. A fine and fresh entire, in addition an interesting correspondence during the occupation of Valachia.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 750.00 CHFLot# : 1495 Austrian Levant
Incoming 1857 (May 11): Unpaid entire letter from Vienna to Bucharest, struck with clear "WIEN 11 / 5 6 A." despatch cds in black, reverse with "BUKAREST 16 / 5" arrival cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 713). Charged with "9 / 6" kreuzer CM. A fresh entire, an early usage of the BUKAREST datestamp which came into use in 1857 and was the first datestamp of the consular PO after the Crimean War replacing the FELDPOST obliterator. The entire shows in addition the 6 kreuzer rate for the majority of the Danubian Principalities while only Bottushan and Ploesti paid the reduced 3 kreuzer CM rate and only Giurgevo paid the higher 9 kreuzer CM rate.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 150.00 CHFLot# : 1496 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant PO's in the Danubian Principalities 1857 (Aug. 29): Entire letter from Ibraila to Patras, struck on obverse with oval "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO / IBRAILA despatch datestamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 827) in blue, reverse with arrival cds (Sept. 18). Some wear, an interesting cover to Greece.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 200.00 CHFLot# : 1497 Austrian Levant
Austrian PO's in the Danubian Principalities - Ingoing from the Austrian PO in Belgrad 1862 (Feb 16): Unpaid entire letter including a sample without commercial value, sent from Belgrad to Bucharest, struck on obverse with "BELGRAD 16 / 2" cds (Müller 178b), reverse with Temesvar and Hermannstadt transit as well as fair "BUKAREST 23 / 2" (Tchilinghirian fig 713) arrival cds. Taxed with '15 / 20' (kr.) with 15 kr. for the journey in the thirs rayon within the Austrian Empire and 20 kr. for the Levant. Horizontal file fold and some toning, nevertheless a very rare connection between two post offices abroad connected overland via Austria.Starting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : 480.00 CHFLot# : 1498 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant PO's in the Danubian Principalities 1863 (Jan. 26): Fully prepaid Envelope from Gallatz via Vienna to Torino, struck on obverse with "GALLATZ 26 / 1" despatch cds in blue, FRANCO handstamp in blue alongside. Reverse with WIEN transit and "DESENZANO A MILANO" ambulant cds in black as well as arrival cds (Feb. 6). The reverse shows the handwritten '50' (s.) prepayment with 15 s. for the Levant, 15 s. for Austria and 20 s. for Italy. Some staining and edge wear, nevertheless a rare and desirable franco cover.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 280.00 CHFLot# : 1499 Austrian Levant
1863 (Feb 19): Unpaid entire letter from Giurgevo to Frankfurt, struck with superb "GIURGEVO 19 / 2" cds in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 748), reverse with WIEN transit (Feb 26) and Frankfurt distribution cds (Feb 27), charged with "15/15" soldi, replaced by '20' South German kreuzer. Cover with strong vertical filing crease, the paper split at base, nevertheless a fine presentation of this scarce and desirable cancellation and of the third pre-1866 Levant rate with Giurgevo being the only office in the Danubian Principalities belonging to this rate, in addition 15 so. had to be paid for the journey within Austria and the German-Austrian Postal Union.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 460.00 CHFLot# : 1500 Austrian Levant
Ingoing to the Dobrudja 1867c (Sept 21): Unpaid cover from Perast, Dalmatia via Trieste and Pest to Tulcea at the Danube estuary struck on obverse with "PERASTO 21 / 9" despatch cds in bluish black (Müller 2100a.b = 140 points), reverse with Ragusa, Triest, Pesth and Galatz transit datestamps as well as clear "TULTSCHA 4 / 10" arrival cds of the consular PO (Tchilinghirian fig. 837). This cover to the Austrian consul in Tulcea was slitted for disinfection, a '20x' (kr.) due was noted on obverse with 15 kr. for the missing unified postage from Austria to the Levant and 5 kr. Zutaxe. Minor edge staining, nevertheless an amazing item with the journey perfectly documented on reverse.Starting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : 550.00 CHF
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