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  • Lot# : 101 Colombia

    1800/11ca.: Colonial cover from Santa Fé (Bogotá) to Medellin struck with framed "SANTA FÉ / YNDIAS / DEBE" (Tizón fig. 4 = RR) in red with rate '4' reales to pay. A fine and rare entire.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 102 Colombia

    1800/18ca.: Cover from Medellin to Rionegro sent unpaid with manuscript weight on reverse "5 oz." and struck with abbreviated framed "MEDLLIN / DEBE" in red (Tizón fig. 4 = RR), rated '20' reales to pay. Slight trim to cover at left but scarce.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 103 Colombia

    1805 (Oct 25): Colonial entire letter from Buga to Popayan, prepaid with manuscript '1½' reales at right, struck with faintly framed "BVGA" handstamp (Tizón fig. 1 = RRR) with "FRANCA" below (fig. 4 = RRR) each in brown. A fine and attractive entire.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 104 Colombia

    1807 (March 16): Colonial entire letter from Cartago, province of Antioquia to Rionegro, prepaid and struck with framed "CARTAGO" in red (Tizón fig. 1 = EXT) with similarly fine strike of unframed "FRANCA." in red below (fig. 2 = EXT). An interesting and scarce entire: believed unique with both markings.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 105 Colombia

    1807 (Oct 30): 2 Reales Papel Sellado sheet with notations from Cali inside, struck at top with fine straight line "FRANCA" handstamp in red (Tizón fig. 4 = RRR). Scarce and most unusual.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 106 Colombia

    1 / 1
    'Ruta Principal: Cartagena - Santa Fé - Popayan - Quito - Piura- Trujillo - Lima' 1808 (June 19): Colonial prepaid entire letter from San Bartholomé to Medellin ò Antioquia, with two strikes of the "SB" despatch marking (Tizón 1 = EXT) and abbreviated straight line "FRANCA" below, both in brown (fig. 2 = RRR). The finest of the five reported covers with this marking and unique with the handstamp struck twice. Cert. Bortfeldt (2009).rnrnProvenance: Collection Juan Santa Maria, Investphila, Lugano, Sept 2009, lot 291.rnrn 
    Starting bid : 350.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 107 Colombia

    1809 (Aug 5): Colonial prepaid cover from Santa Fé (Bogotá) to Popayan struck with framed "SANTA FÉ / YNDIAS / FRANCA" (Tizón fig. 7 = RR) in red with rate '2' reales prepaid at right. A fine and rare entire.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 108 Colombia

    'Ruta Principal: Cartagena - Santa Fé - Popayan - Quito - Piura- Trujillo - Lima' 1809 (Dec 30): Colonial entire letter from Cartagena to Popayan sent unpaid, rated '4' reales due in manuscript struck with abbreviated "CARTAGENA / DE INDIAS / DEBE" framed handstamp in red in first recorded year of use (Tizón fig. 4 = RR). Exceptional for this and very rare.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 109 Colombia

    1811 (July 9): Colonial registered prepaid cover from Santa Fé (Bogotá) to Medellin and re-addressed to Antioquia, with "#" surrounding the edge of front to denote registration, struck with framed "SANTA FÉ / YNDIAS / FRANCA" and manuscript framed and filled "CERTIFICACION A STFE. / SALIO EN 9 DE JULIO 1811" both in red (Tizón fig. 7+9 = EXT). Reverse with manuscript '21 oz.' and full rate: "Las 10 à 7 = 70, Lat 11 à 3½ = 38½, Porte 108 + Drõs = 120" reales de plata. Unique example of registered mail in the Colonial period from present day Colombia. A wonderful cover.
    Starting bid : 3,000.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 110 Colombia

    1812 (March 31): Colonial entire letter prepaid from Santa Rosa de Osos to Antioquia, struck with straight line "OSOS" handstamp in red (Tizón fig. 1 = RRR) and "FRANCA" handstamp alongside (fig. 2 = RRR).
    Starting bid : 175.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 111 Colombia

    1818/26: Matched pair with 1818c. cover sent unpaid to Antioquia struck with framed abbreviated "MEDELLIN / DEBE" in red (Tizón fig. 4 = RR)  and manuscript "12" above, and 1826 entire letter to Popayan prepaid '4' reales with abbreviated "MEDELLIN / FRANCA" in red (Tizón fig. 7 = RR) but now with weak frame. A scarce pair.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 112 Colombia

    1818/38: Colonial prepaid cover from Santa Rosa de Osos to Manzanillo endorsed "Correos" at top struck with "OSOS" handstamp and abbreviated "FRANCA" in red, and unpaid 1838 entire letter from Santa Rosa de Osos to Bogotá struck with superb "OSOS" and "DEBE" in red (Tizón figs. 1-3 = RRR). A fine matched pair.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 113 Colombia

    1819c.: Cover from Santa Fé de Antioquia struck with outstanding impression of framed "S. PEDRO / FRANCA" handstamp in red (Tizón fig. 1 = EXT). Exceptional and very rare.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 114 Colombia

    1820 (Oct 20): Entire letter from Bogotá to Cali, struck on despatch with "SANTAFE / DE BOGOTA / DEBE" in red (Tizón fig. 5 = RR), rated '2' reales to pay in manuscript. Superb.
    Starting bid : 140.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 115 Colombia

    1821 (Nov 28): Prepaid entire letter from Neyva to Bogotá rated '2' in manuscript, struck with fine straight line "NEYVA" despatch in orange-red with oxidised strike of "FRANCA" above. Fresh and very fine (Tizón figs. 1 and 2 = RRR).
    Starting bid : 140.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 140.00 CHF

    Lot# : 116 Colombia

    1821/22c.: Cover to Tomas C. de Mosquera at Iscuande, prepaid with manuscript '3' on front and exceptional strike of wreathed "F / NOVITA" handstamp in black (Tizón fig. 3 = EXT). Probably in the Republican period and not a Colonial strike, nevertheless sublime and of great rarity.
    Starting bid : 400.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 117 Colombia

    1821/22: Matched pair ex Mosquera correspondence, cover and entire letter with 1821 cover to Caloso prepaid with '1' in manuscript and "CALY" and "FRANCA" in red (Tizón figs. 2 and 4) and unpaid 1822 entire letter to Popayan struck with "CALY" and "DEBE" in red (Tizón figs. 2 and 3) and rated '2' reales due in manuscript. Slight soiling on the latter but a scarce pair.
    Starting bid : 175.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 220.00 CHF

    Lot# : 118 Colombia

    1823 (April 5): Prepaid entire letter from Honda to Bogotá endorsed "Correos" at top, struck with fine "ONDA" despatch and "FRANCA" below in red (Tizón figs. 2 and 5 = RR). A fine entire.
    Starting bid : 140.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 119 Colombia

    1823/25: Covers (2) both from the Mosquera correspondence, with 1823 prepaid cover to Timbiqui with framed "POPAYAN / FRANCA" in red and rated '2' reales in manuscript, and 1825 unpaid cover to Iscaunde struck with framed "POPAYAN / DEBE" handstamp in red with '3' reales rate in manuscript. A charming pair.
    Starting bid : 160.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 160.00 CHF

    Lot# : 120 Colombia

    1824c.: Cover from Barbacoas to Tomas Mosquera, Governor of Cauca at Iscuande (Santa Barbara), sent prepaid with abbreviated "BARB.S" handstamp in red (Tizón fig. 2 = RRR) and, above, fine strike of "FRANCA" handstamp in red (Tizón fig. 3 = RRR), with manuscript rate '2' adjacent. Superb.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 121 Colombia

    1825c.: Large cover prepaid from Antioquia to Medellin with notation of weight on obverse "13½ oz." and rate '54' reales, struck with straight line "ANTIOQVIA" handstamp (Tizón fig. 1 = RR) with "FRANCA" below, both in red (fig. 3 = RRR). The cover was then used back to Antioquia from Medellin, this time unpaid, and struck with oval framed "REPUB. DE COLOMBIA / MEDELLIN / DEBE" in red with the weight altered to "15¾ oz" on reverse and charged "63" reales due. Edge wear and file fold do not detract from an extraordinary cover.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 160.00 CHF

    Lot# : 122 Colombia

    1827 (Jan 22): Prepaid entire letter from Bogotá to Popayan, struck with superb oval "REPUB. DE COLOMBIA / BOGOTÀ / FRANCA" in red and equally fine handstruck "2" (reales) rate mark alongside. Superb.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 120.00 CHF

    Lot# : 123 Colombia

    1830c: Cover from Antioquia to Medellin sent unpaid, struck with straight line abbreviated "ANTIOQVIA" handstamp (Tizón fig. 1 = RR) and "DEBE" below (fig. 2 = RRR), manuscript rate '1' real paid at right. Scarce.rnrn 
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 124 Colombia

    1830c.: Cover from Plata to Mosquera in Bogotá, prepaid '2' reales in manuscript, struck with superb "PLATA" and FRANCA" straight line handstamps in red (Tizón figs. 2 and 5). Exceptional for this.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 180.00 CHF

    Lot# : 125 Colombia

    1830 (May 1): Prepaid entire letter from Cali to Popayan endorsed "Correos" at top, struck with superb oval "COLOMBIA / CALY / FRANCA" handstamp in red.
    Starting bid : 175.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 175.00 CHF

    Lot# : 126 Colombia

    1834 (Aug 11): Prepaid entire letter from Antioquia to Bogotá, struck with straight line abbreviated "ANTIOQVIA" handstamp (Tizón fig. 1 = RR) and two strikes of "FRANCA" below (fig. 3 = RRR) all in red, manuscript rate '6' reales paid at right. Readable letter, rare and fine.rnrnrn 
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 127 Colombia

    1847/48: Two entire letters from Bogotá to Villeta, with small 1847 entire prepaid with oval "BOGOTÁ / FRANCA" and rate mark "1" in red; 1848 entire from same correspondence sent unpaid with oval "BOGOTÁ / DEBE" and rate mark "1½" reales in red. A fine pair.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 128 Colombia

    1847/49: Matched pair of entire letters from Buenaventura to Bogotá ex General Tomas C. de Mosquera correspondence, with 1847 prepaid entire struck with framed abbreviated "FNCA / BUENAVA" handstamp in black with manuscript '1-50' reales paid, and 1849 unpaid entire with fine "DEBE / BUENAVA" handstamp and similarly rated (Tizón figs and 2 = EXT).
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 129 Colombia

    1867: Registered cover front to the 'Director Pral de Correos' in Honda, with surround struck with twelve "0" weight markings in red denoting registration, struck with oval framed "BOGOTÁ / DE OFICIO" at left and two line manuscript dated "Certificacion à Bogota / Salio en 5 de Abril 1867" also in red. Closed tear at right but of delightful appearance and very scarce.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 130 Colombia

    1867: Registered cover front to Panama, with surround struck with fourteen "0" weight markings in red denoting registration, endorsed "Oficial" and "Certificado" at top, with two line manuscript dated "Certificacion à Bogota / Salio en 20 de Enero 1867" twice in red with one undated. Receipted at left on arrival "Panama 7 Febrero de 1856". Very scarce and most attractive.
    Starting bid : 175.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 131 Colombia

    1917/29: Perkins Bacon & Co. London, group of seven imperforated proof sheets of 100 each on ungummed wove paper, including 'Torres' 1 c. green, 'Narino'  2 c. carmine, 'Santander' 4 c.  in black and in blue on thick paper, 1924 'Bolivar'  5 c. claret (SG 396) as well as  1918 Arms 3 c. lake (SG378) and 1926 8 c. blue (SG396). Despite minor imperfections, a scarce offer. Ex the printer's archive.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 300.00 CHF

    Lot# : 132 Colombia

    1920: Perkins Bacon Proofs (2) for the 3 c. value with printer's imprint at base, one engraved in deep green on yellow wove paper (73 x 82 mm.), the other engraved in vermilion on white wove paper (61 x 62 mm.), fresh and very fine.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 133 Colombia

    1938 (July 27): IV Centenario of Bogota, Waterlow Imperforate Proofs on gummed wove paper, part set of six values to 20 c., 1 c. to 10 c. in horizontal gutter blocks of eight, all marginal of left of sheet, 15 c. marginal corner block of eight of bottom left and 20 c. corner block of twelve of top right of sheet. Scarce and most attractive group. Ex the printer's archive.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 134 Colombia

    1949 (Dec. 15): Commemorative Issue '50th Death Anniversary of Francisco Javier Cisneros' (1836-1898), Waterlow Imperforate Proofs on gummed wove paper, complete set of  three of 50 c. each in the issued colours and in matching horizontal blocks of twelve with marginal guide lines of top of sheet. Fresh and fine. Ex the printer's archive.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 135 Scadta Colombia

    1 / 1
    1923: The complete set of Scadta from 5 c. to 1 p. values, mostly in horizontal strips of five of each, with 2 peso strip of three and single 3 peso and 5 peso, plus additional 50 c. and 1 p. values to make up an overeall franking of 30 pesos, all applied to a large package piece sent to Bogotá, cancelled by Barranquilla datestamps (June 26, 1926) in red. An extraordinary franking and unique. Cert. B. Moorhouse (2016).rn 
    Starting bid : 3,000.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 136 Scadta Consular mail

    1923/24: Lot nine compl. sheets of 25 machine overprinted Scadta stamps each, all unused and unmounted o.g. examples of fresh of colours, incl. machine ovpted. 'S' on 15 c. carmine, 'A on 20 c. grey and on 30 c. blue,  'P' and 'S' on 30 c. blue, 'EU' and 'GB' on 60 c. brown as well as 'A' on 50 c. green and 60 c. brown, some marginal examples with part or full sheet margins Scott US$ 1'000+.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 180.00 CHF

    Lot# : 137 Cuba

    1874 (Dec 31): Cover from Havana via New York to Rouen, bearing España-type 1874 25 c. ultramarine, tied by HABANA despatch cds (month slug reversed) with framed "P.D." handstamp, both in black alongside. Additional examples of U.S. Banknotes 10 c. used to pay the packet fee to New York plus the Convention rate to France. Both US stamps and the Cuba definitive tied by bold "N. YORK / STEAMSHIP JAN 5" cds. "NEW YORK PAID" transit cds and a '20' handstamp, both in red as well as French "ETATS UNIS 18 JANV 54 V. ANGL. AMB. CALAIS" entry cds in black alongside. Two small pinholes in right stamp, just mentioned for accuracy, nevertheless a fine and rare Cuba - United States combination cover, seldom seen this attractive.
    Starting bid : 7,500.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 138 Ecuador

    1774/88c.: Colonial cover from Guayaquil to Lima struck with fine if watery strikes of abbreviated straight line "GVAYAQL" handstamp in red (Harris fig. 2 = 10 pts. / Tizón fig. 1 = EXT) and "FRANCA" (Tizón fig. 4) alongside . A rare and most appealing cover.rnProvenance: Collection M. de Bustamente, Afinsa, 10 May 1996, lot 5.
    Starting bid : 350.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 360.00 CHF

    Lot# : 139 Ecuador

    1809/12c.: Colonial cover from Guayaquil to Lima struck with fine (for this) straight line "GUAYAQUYL" handstamp in red (Harris fig. 3 = 9 pts. / Tizón fig. 2 = RRR). Rare. Ex B. Moorhouse.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 160.00 CHF

    Lot# : 140 Ecuador

    1828/32c. Cover from Guayaquil to Lima, Peru struck with oval framed "REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / GUAYAQUIL / FRANCA HASTA / TUMBES" in red (Harris fig. 6 = 9 pts.) and oval framed (Single Rate) marking "SENCILLA" handstamp adjacent (Harris fig. 7 = 9 pts.). Rated '4' reales due to pay on arrival. Scarce.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 150.00 CHF

    Lot# : 141 Ecuador

    1830/35c.: Covers (2), with 1830 prepaid entire letter to Popayan rated '3' reales in manuscript struck with fine "GUAIAQUIL / FRANCA" in red (Harris fig. 5 = 7 pts.), and undated 1835c. cover to Quito sent unpaid at 2 reales rate with fine "GUAIAQUIL / DEVE" in red (Harris fig. 4 = 7 pts.). A fine and scarce pair.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 142 Ecuador

    1832 (May 30): Unpaid entire letter from Guayaquil to Lima, Peru, struck with fine "GUAYAQUIL / DEVE" in red (Harris fig. 4 = 7 pts.), with oval (Single Rate) "SENCILLA" handstamp adjacent (Harris fig. 7 = 9 pts.). Rated '4' reales due to pay on arrival with internal docketing of receipt (June 21). A fine and scarce entire.
    Starting bid : 175.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 180.00 CHF

    Lot# : 143 Ecuador

    1833: Printed entire letter headed 'Republica de Colombia / Estado del Ecuador', from the Secretary General of the State, mailed prepaid to Latacunga with manuscript "Urgente" and "Posta" at top, struck with fine framed "REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / GUARANDA / FRANCA" handstamp in red (Harris fig. 4 = 6 pts.). Scarce and unusual.
    Starting bid : 140.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 160.00 CHF

    Lot# : 144 Ecuador

    1835: Printed Postal Notice (160 x 215 mm.) headed "Republica del Ecuador" from the Administracion Principal in Guayaquil and addressed to Payta, manuscript filled date (Dec 6) at top with listing of items sent (just 1 item) on the day in question, signed off at base by the Postmaster and secretary. Horizontal crease and slight acid ink hole but would display well on album page and most unusual.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 145 Ecuador

    1835c.: Covers (2), with large prepaid folded cover to Quito struck with oval "REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / OTAVALO / FRANCA" in red but with fault in front panel (Harris fig. 3 = 6 pts.), and front and back of cover to Ambato with '3½ oz.' weight and 10½ reales charge, struck with oval framed "REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / QUITO / DEBE" in red (Harris fig. 8 = 5 pts.).
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 100.00 CHF

    Lot# : 146 Ecuador

    1835 & 1854: Entire letters (2) with earlier Oct 1835 prepaid entire Tacunga struck solely by "FRANCA" in red (as Harris fig. 3), and January 1854 unpaid entire letter with fine strike of oval framed "BABHOYO / DEBE" in black (Harris fig. 5), this last a very scarce fine strike. Both ex collection Leo Harris.
    Starting bid : 160.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 147 Ecuador

    1839 (Aug 28): Entire letter to Loja endorsed 'Serevcio' at top, struck with superb oval framed "CUENCA * / DE / * OFICIO" handstamp in red (Harris fig. 8 = 4 pts.), the earliest recorded usage.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 120.00 CHF

    Lot# : 148 Ecuador

    1839 (Nov 12): Otavalo Postmaster's certificate, headed "Administracion de Correos Otavalo" at top with perfect strike of framed "OTAVALO" handstamp in red-brown applied alongside date at the base of the letter. The strike itself unrecorded by Harris: and earlier than all three straight line Otavalo types thate Leo Harris lists. Most attractive and unusual.
    Starting bid : 160.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 160.00 CHF

    Lot# : 149 Ecuador

    1839 (Nov 26): Large cover from Ambato to Quito, manuscript notation of weight '44' ounces and charged with full notation 'First 25 ounces at 3 r = 75 reales / 19 ounces at 1½ reales = 103½' reales prepaid, struck with fine oval "REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / AMBATO / FRANCA" handstamp in red (Harris fig. 4 = 8 pts.). A fine cover with full rate notation.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 120.00 CHF

    Lot# : 150 Ecuador

    1840/41: Entire letters (2), with 1840 unpaid entire to Quito struck with two line "GUAYAQUIL / DEBE" in red (Harris fig. 11 = 5 pts.) rated '3' reales, and 1841 entire letter to Quito prepaid with "GUAYAQUIL / FRANCA" handstamp in red (Harris fig. 10 = 6 pts.), this last ex collection Leo Harris. A fine matched pair.
    Starting bid : 140.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 151 Ecuador

    1842c.: Prepaid cover to Bogotá, prepaid with exquisite strike of framed "GUAYAQUIL / FRANCA" rectangular framed handstamp in red (Harris fig. 12 = 5 pts.). Rarer than listed and superb.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 140.00 CHF

    Lot# : 152 Ecuador

    1842 (June 15): Prepaid entire letter from Guayaquil to Quito, struck with two line "GUAYAQ IL / FRANCA" in blue the second 'U' missing (Harris fig. 10), in use for only two years, rated at '2' reales in manuscript. A fine and scarce entire.
    Starting bid : 140.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 153 Ecuador

    1849c.: Cover from Guayaquil to Juan Jose Flores in Quito, originally struck with "GUAYAQUIL / DEVE" in red (Harris fig. 4 = 7 pts.), but sent prepaid and two strikes of "GUAYAQUIL / FRANCA" applied in red, one over the top of the unpaid marking (Harris fig. 5 = 7pts.). One flap missing but fine and unusual.
    Starting bid : 140.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 160.00 CHF

    Lot# : 154 Ecuador

    1849: Cover used both ways, inside sent unpaid with oval framed "CUENCA / DEBE" in red (Harris fig. 7), outside folded for display and sent prepaid baxck to Cuenca with superb strike of oval framed "LOJA / FRANCA." in red (Harris fig. 6 = 6 pts-); this last very scarce.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 150.00 CHF

    Lot# : 155 Ecuador

    1849: Entire letter from Quito (April 5) via Guayaquil British Post Office to Lima with fine circular "GUAYAQUIL / PAID" in red, prepaid at '1/-' in red manuscript with double arc "Guayaquil" cds on reverse (May 3) well struck in black. Peruvian charge of '2' reales due in inserted within "Guayaquil / Paid" handstamp in manuscript. Illustrated in Leo Harris 'Ecuador Postal History' on page 21. A fine cover that opens well for display - the earliest recorded usage, see Parmenter & Gordon page 3/26.
    Starting bid : 1,200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,400.00 CHF

    Lot# : 156 Ecuador

    1850c.: Prepaid cover to Guayaquil struck with fine two line "PORTOVIEJO / FRANCA" handstamp in red (Harris fig. 2 = 5 pts.). Dates of use are unknown and this may well be of later date, an elusive marking.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 157 Ecuador

    1850: Registered cover to Riobamba ò Cuenca, with frame and lines at edges to denote registration, weight '6 oz.' at top, fine strike of "AMBATO / FRANCA" handstamp in red (Harris fig. 7) and framed manuscript "Certificacion à Ambato" and "Salio en 27 de Sepe. de 850" alomgside. File fold at left and small closed opening tear but a rare cover.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 158 Ecuador

    1852/60c: Official cover from Esmeraldas to Quito, folded for display, struck with very fine framed "ESMERALDAS DE OFICIO" handstamp in blue (Harris fig. 3).
    Starting bid : 80.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 80.00 CHF

    Lot# : 159 Ecuador

    1856: Cover from Guayaquil to Valparaiso struck at British Post Office with fine circular "GUAYAQUIL / PAID" in red, prepaid at '1/-' in manuscript with double arc "Guayaquil" cds on reverse (July 19) well struck in black, Chilean charge of '25' due in pencil manuscript. A fine cover that opens well for display. Ex collection Percy Bargholtz.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 440.00 CHF

    Lot# : 160 Ecuador

    1858c.: Prepaid cover from Montecristi to Guayaquil struck by abbreviated "MNECRISTI" straight line handstamp with "FRANCA" below, both in red (Harris fig. 1 = 8 pts.). Extremely rare - this cover illustrated in the Leo Harris handbook on page 69.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 240.00 CHF

    Lot# : 161 Peru

    1858: Registered cover from Cajabamba to Trujillo with ruled surround to denote registration, endorsed "Importante Certificada" in manuscript with superb strikes of framed "CAJABAMBA" and "FRANCA" in black and framed "CERTIFICADO" in red, with manuscript "Sale en 29 de Marzo del 1858" at lower left and reverse with rates "Porte 2 / derechos 2 = 4" (reales) and signed by sender. Slight acid ink fault but a delightful and rare cover.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 380.00 CHF

    Lot# : 162 Ecuador

    1858 (June 9): Large registered judicial cover folded for Exhibit display, from Cuenca to Quito with weight endorsement '11 oz.' at top struck with oval framed "CUENCA / D / OFICIO" in red (Harris fig.9 = 4 pts.), and oval framed "Certificacion Correos / Salio en Junio 9 a 1858" with date in manuscript (Harris fig. 10 = 8 pts.). Receipted on reverse, faults to cover but extremely rare. Ex collection Leo Harris.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 163 Ecuador

    1859 (April 29): Prepaid entire letter from Alausi to Quito struck with superb strikes of "ALAUSI" and "FRANCA" in red (Harris fig. 6). Exceptional for these markings.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 164 Ecuador

    1861: Cover and contents written from Quito (Jan 22) via British P.O. in Guayaquil to Bloomsburg, PA, USA, carried at double rate, struck on reverse with double arc "Guayaquil" cds (Feb 14, with missing year date) in black. Two line "PAID - TO / PANAMA" in red and 'Steamship / 20' of arrival in black.
    Starting bid : 75.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 165 Ecuador

    1863: Cover from Guayaquil to Valparaiso at quadruple rate, endorsed 'p. vapor Ingles' struck with very fine British P.O. "GUAYAQUIL / PAID" code C circular datestamp (Nov 29), rated '2/-' prepaid in red manuscript and struck on arrival with '45' (centavos) due marking in red. A superb and rare cover - the earliest recorded usage - Parmenter & Gordon state March 14, 1864. Ex B. Moorhouse.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,000.00 CHF

    Lot# : 166 Ecuador

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    1863: Front and large part back of prepaid cover from Guayaquil to Quito marked at '1¼ oz.' in crayon, struck with brilliant dotted "FRANCA" lozenge of dots in red with small "Guayaquil" datestamp of despatch in black (May 20). Probably the earliest recorded usage of the "FRANCA" lozenge, rare and superb. Photocopy of cert. Moorhouse (2003).
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 180.00 CHF

    Lot# : 167 Ecuador

    1864: Cover from Guayaquil to Lima prepaid with framed 'P.P.' in red and small double circle "GUAYAQUIL" datestamp in black (Jan 1). Oval framed 'Conduccion / Del Cartero / Gratis' (Delivery free) handstamp applied on arrival in black, backstamped at Lima (Jan 9).
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 120.00 CHF

    Lot# : 168 Ecuador

    1864: Entire letter from Quito (Jan 20) via Guayaquil British Post Office to Paris, struck on despatch with rare double circle "QUITO / FRANCA" in red, thence with "Guayaquil" double arc cds (Jan 30) in black. London transit (March 1) and struck with framed "GB / 2F 87½c." accountancy marking. Charged '24' décimes handstruck due on arrival. Ex K. Antilla collection.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 169 Ecuador

    1864: Entire letter from Guayaquil to Cobija, Bolivia prepaid with framed 'P.P.' in red and small double circle "GUAYAQUIL" datestamp in black (May 14). Internal docketing of receipt (May 25). File fold but scarce.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 170 Ecuador

    1864: Cover to Ambato, Canton de Esmeraldas, struck on despatch by French type "GUAYAQUIL" cds (Oct 8) in black (Harris fig. 17) and struck at top with very fine "ESMERALDAS / FRANCA" handstamp in black (Harris fig. 2), with long notation of contents on reverse. Blob of red wax on front panel but most attractive and scarce.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 108.00 CHF

    Lot# : 171 Ecuador

    1865: Judicial 'de Oficio' cover to Latacunga, folded for display, struck with superb 'leafed' oval framed "PELILEO / FRANCA" in red (Harris fig. 1 = 6 pts.), reverse with docketing of sender dated at Pelileo August 6, 1865. Rare.
    Starting bid : 175.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 175.00 CHF

    Lot# : 172 Ecuador

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    1870: Stampless Official cover at double rate from Guayaquil (British P.O. cds on yellow seal on reverse) mailed to Avignon, France addressed to the Ecuador Foreign Minister, rated double in manuscript at upper left, struck with oval QUITE / DE / OFICIO in blue (Harris fig. 13), via British P.O. in Panama (Nov 21) and London (Dec 15) where 'GB/1F 90c.' Accountancy marking applied in black and charged '24' décimes in manuscript on arrival. Tatty at edges but very scarce: note that the Minister had decamped to Avignon from beseiged Paris. Opinion Holcombe (1991).rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Hugo Goeggel.
    Starting bid : 180.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 220.00 CHF

    Lot# : 173 Ecuador

    1870c.: Stampless Official envelope (embossed Ecuador Arms on reverse), mailed to Antonio Flores care of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in New York, struck twice with oval framed "QUITO / DE / OFICIO" in blue (Harris fig. 13), unlisted in this colour. Struck on arrival with 'New York / Paid All' in red. Slight central stain and closed tear at upper right but an attractive and extremely rare usage to an overseas destination.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 174 Ecuador

    1827/1864c.: Group of covers (7) with 1827 entire with "QUITO" in red (Harris fig. 1 = 9 pts.), oval "REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / QUITO / FRANCA" in red to Otavalo (fig. 9 = 5 pts) and same type with "QUITO / DEBE" in red (fig. 8 = 5 pts.), "QUITO / FRANCA" straight line in red (fig. 11 = 2 pts.) and "QUITO / DEBE" (fig. 12 = 3 pts) with one in red and another in blue; 1863 linen cover with superb oval framed "QUITO / FRANCA" in red ( fig. 18 = 5 pts.). A generally fine group.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 175 Ecuador

    1830/55c. Group of covers (5) with folded cover to Quito with fine oval "GUANO / DE / OFICIO." in red, cover to Otavalo with watery "IBARRA / DE OFICIO" in red, cover with fair oval "CUENA^CA / DE / OFICIO" in red, straighjt line "OTAVALO" in red used to Quito and oval "RIOBAMBA / DE / OFICIO" in red to Quito. A fair to fine selection.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 176 Ecuador

    1835/54c.: Group of four covers with cover to Quito struck with straight line "ESMERALDAS" in black (Harris fig. 1), 1845 Mosquera cover to Bogotá struck with oval "CUENCA / FRANCA" in red (fig. 7), folded cover to Riobamba with "CUENCA / DEBE" in black (fig. 7 = 8 pts.), and faulty 34 ounce cover front to Quito with "IBARRA / FRANCA" in red (fig. 7).
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 177 Ecuador

    1835/60c.: Covers/fronts (8), with range of Ambato markings including "REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / AMBATO / FRANCA" on front to Latacunga (Harris fig. 4), 1842 entire to Asogues with straight line "FRANCA" in red (Harris fig. 5, ex Harris collection), 1854 cover with "AMBATO / DEBE" in red (Harris fig. 6, ex Harris collection) and a front with two strikes of same; front with "AMBATO / DEBE" in blue (unrecorded), 1855 cover to Quito with "AMBATO / FRANCA" in red (Harris fig. 7) and in black (unrecorded). Fair to very fine, a scarce group.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 178 Ecuador

    1835/64c.: Group of four covers with three linen covers (all with heavy weights and rates in manuscript) to Quito with "AMBATO / FRANCA" in red, "LATACUNGA / FRANCA" in red and poor "IBARRA / FRANCA in red, with 1864 front to Otavalo with fine circular "QUITO / FRANCA" cds in black (May 18).
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 179 Ecuador

    1836/50c.: Covers (6, three are ex Leo Harris collection) from Riobamba wth rectangular framed abbreviated "RIOBABA" in red (Harris fig. 7 = 7 pts.), oval framed "REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / RIOBAMBA / FRANCA" in red (Harris fig. 9 = 6 pts.), straight line "RIOBAMBA / DEBE" and "RIOBAMBA / FRANCA" in red on circa 1840 covers ex Harrios collection (figs. 10 and 11 = 4 pts.), 1850c. with smaller oval "RIOBAMBA / DE / OFICIO" and 1854 entire letter with larger oval framed "RIOBAMBA / DE / OFICIO" in red (figs 12 and 13 = 4 pts.). A fine and scarce group.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 180 Ecuador

    1838/1852.: Small group (3) with 1838 circa prepaid cover to Riobamba struck with rare oval framed "REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / ALAUSI / FRANCA" in red (Harris fig. 3 = 10 pts.) for 4¾ oz letter at 14 reales, 1846 entire letter to Quito with fine "ALAUSI / FRANCA" in red (Harris fig. 4 = 4 pts.) and 1852 cover to Quito with scarcer "ALAUSI / DEBE" in red (Harris fig. 5 = 4 pts., ex Leo Harris collection) and rated at 1½ reales to pay. 
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 181 Ecuador

    1838/64: Group of covers / large part covers with cover to Ambato struck with fine oval framed "REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / LATACUNGA / FRANCA" in red (Harris fig. 2 = 6 pts.), 1840 covers (2) each prepaid and satruck with "LATACUNGA / FRANCA" in red (Harris fig. 4), one is illustrated in Harris on page 65; circa 1860 covers (2) with small rectangular "LATACUNGA / FRANCA" handstamps (Harris fig. 7) one in red and the other in blue.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 182 Ecuador

    1840/60c.: Group of covers / large part covers (5), with 1853 prepaid folded cover with superb "GUANO / FRANCA" in red (Harris fig. 2), to unpaid items with "GUANO / DEBE" in red and in blue (Harris fig. 3) and 1849 cover to Ambato with "GUANO / DE / OFICIO." in red (Harris fig. 1) and 1860 cover with "GUANO / DE / OFICIO." struck in blue - unrecorded by Harris.
    Starting bid : 175.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 183 Ecuador

    1844/48c.: Entire letter, cover and two large part covers with 1848 prepaid entire with oval framed "CUENCA / FRANCA" in red (Harris fig. 6 = 3 pts.), circa 1844 unpaid cover and part back to Loja with oval framed "CUENCA / DEBE" in red (Harris fig. 7 = 3 pts.) and large part cover with erased "CUENCA / DE / OFICIO" in red and oval framed "CUENCA / DEBE" applied instead in black (Harris fig. 7 = 8 pts.), all three with manuscript rates.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 184 Ecuador

    1845/64c.: Group of covers/front (7, four ex collection Leo Harris) with 1845c. cover front to Quito with "REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / IBARRA / FRANCA" in red (Harris fig. 4 = 8 pts.), oval unpaid "IBARRA / DEBE" in red (fig. 6 = 3 pts.), oval "IBARRA / FRANCA" in red (fig. 7 = 4 pts.), 1848 cover to Quito with straight line "YBARRA / DE OFICIO" in red (fig. 8 = 3 pts.), 1847 cover with straight line "IBARRA / FRANCA" in red (fig. 9 = 3 pts.) and 1847 covers with  "IBARRA / DEBE" struck in blue and in red (fig. 10 = 3 pts.), the blue strike unrecorded by Harris and the red illustrated in Harris on page 61.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 185 Ecuador

    1846/50c.: Covers (5, four are ex Leo Harris collection) from Riobamba (when named Bolivar) with 1846 cover to Quito with "BOLIVAR / FRANCA" in red (Harris fig. 15 = 4 pts.) and a superb strike on undated cover; 1850c. cover with fine "BOLIVAR / DEBE" in red (Harris fig. 14 = 4 pts.) rated at 8 reales for 2 ounces, 1850c. covers one prepaid and re-used from Guano with oval framed "BOLIVAR / FRANCA" in red (Harris fig. 16 = 3 pts.) and oval "BOLIVAR / DEBE" in blue oin cover to Ambato (Harris fig. 17 = 3 pts.), this last illustrtated in Harris on page 84. Scarce.
    Starting bid : 160.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 186 Ecuador

    Incoming Mail 1853: France 80 c. carmine, three examples, all with clear to large margins, used on 14 March 1860 entire letter from Bordeaux to Guayaquil, tied by "BP1" lozenge of dots in black. 'London / Paid' transit in red and British P.O. "PANAMA" double arc cds of transit (April 6) in black all on obverse. Lower two stamps crossed by light file fold but an attractive entire.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 360.00 CHF

    Lot# : 187 Ecuador

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    Catalogue# : 79
    Incoming Mail 1866: Spain 20 cms. lilac, two single examples used on cover from Bilbao (Aug 13) to Guayaquil, with London transit cds in red and British P.O. "PANAMA" double arc cds of transit (Sept 9) in black all on obverse. Address with acid ink faults but an attractive entire to a scarce destination.rn 
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 360.00 CHF

    Lot# : 188 Ecuador

    1865: 1 r. yellow on white wove paper, a vertical pair with ample to large margins all round, used on internally dated March 1, 1872 cover to Valparaiso, Chile tied by "JIPIJAPA / *" circular handstamp in deep red; possibly carried outside the mails to destination. A fine and very attractive cover showing an immensely rare cancellation on the first issue.
    Starting bid : 1,000.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 3,200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 189 Ecuador

    1865/70: 1 r. orange-yellow, a horizontal pair, positions 32-33, just shaved to large margins all round, used on 1870 printed entire letter from Jipijapa to Lima, Peru tied in transit with dotted lozenge in black. Reverse with Lima arrival cds (Feb 1) in blue, internal docketing states receipt by Vapor "Peru". An attractive cover.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 400.00 CHF

    Lot# : 190 Ecuador

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    1865/70: First issue group with 6 items, with fine 1 r. yellow on judicial cover to Riobamba tied by lozenge of dots in black, large part cover to Guaranda franked by fine 1 r. green horizontal pair tied by "Ambato" datestamps in black, 1872 entire letter to Lima with 1 r. yellow pair (a late usage in July 1872) with cert. RPSL., and three fronts/pieces with single 1 r. orange-yellow tied by "Ambato" cds, one cancelled in manuscript and large piece with 1 r. oranage pair tied by "Guaranda" cds's in black.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 300.00 CHF

    Lot# : 191 Ecuador

    1865: 1 r. green, a used example with good margins all round, used on 1867 cover to Riobamba tied by neat "GUANO" circular datestamp (Sept 13) in black. '1¼ oz.' notation at top, some slight smudging but an attractive usage. Opinion Holcombe (1994)
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 180.00 CHF

    Lot# : 192 Ecuador

    1872: 1 r. yellow on surface blued paper, a horizontal pair with clear to large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at top, used on January 1872 entire letter from Guayaquil to Lima cancelled by complete strike of dotted "FRANCA" lozenge in black. Lima arrival cds (Jan 26) on reverse. Slight wrinkle in right margin otherwise very fine and attractive.
    Starting bid : 180.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 162.00 CHF

    Lot# : 193 Ecuador

    1872: 1 peso carmine, an unused irregular block of fifty-eight from top left corner of the sheet (12 x 5, missing two top right stamps), margins trimmed and with o.g., a very large multiple for this classic issue.

    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 320.00 CHF

    Lot# : 194 Ecuador

    1881: American Banknote Co., 1 c. yellow-brown, 5 c. blue, 10 c. orange and 20 c. grey-violet; all in inused blocks of four, each pair struck with SPECIMEN horizontally in red, fresh and fine, unmounted og.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 108.00 CHF

    Lot# : 195 Ecuador

    1881: 1 c. brown (3), 2 c. lake, 5 c. blue and 10 c. orange all used on 1889 registered cover to Buenos Aires, Argentina tied by Quito datestamps (Aug 24). Quito registration label on reverse alongside Valparaiso transit cds (Oct 8) and 'Certifiacados' arrival (Oct 24). Correctly rated and an attractive usage.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 320.00 CHF

    Lot# : 196 Ecuador

    1881: 2 c. lake (2), 5 c. blue and vertical pair of 10 c. orange, all used on 1888 judicial cover and large part back from Ibarra to Quito with manuscripüt weight '50' grams at right, low values cancelled "Vallejo" and "R. Feran" in manuscript, the 5 c. and 10 c. pair cancelled by "Ibarra" datestamps (Feb 23) in black. Receipted on reverse. File fold away from adhesives,  scarce 29 centavos rate and a colourful cover. Ex collection Funkhauser.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 320.00 CHF

    Lot# : 197 Ecuador

    1881: 5 c. blue, a sheet marginal example used on 1881 cover to France tied both by toning and by "Guayaquil / Franca" datestamp in blue (Aug 9). London transit in red (Sept 5) and St. Jean d'Angely arrival on reverse. An early usage, Gibbons lists no date of issue, Scott states November 1, 1881; Bertossa states Aug 1, 1881. Unusual and possibly in the first week of issue.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 360.00 CHF

    Lot# : 198 Ecuador

    1881: American Banknote Co. engraved Die Proof for 10 c. value in black struck on toned medium card paper (48 x 110 mm.). Scarce and fine.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 280.00 CHF

    Lot# : 199 Ecuador

    1896 (Feb): American Banknote Co. composite Proof of 2 c. and 5 c. on India paper (62 x 44 mm.), struck in deep blue. Slight central tone spot but scarce.
    Starting bid : 80.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 80.00 CHF

    Lot# : 200 Ecuador

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    1901: Colour Changes, 5 c. lilac rose & black, 10 c. deep blue & black, 50 c. light blue & black and 1 s. brown & black, each handstamped as Specimen upon receipt from the UPU by Portugal with straight line "ULTRAMAR" in blue. Unusued without gum, very scarce. All signed Holcombe. Opinion Holcombe (1997).
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 260.00 CHF
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