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Lot# : 1528 Romania
Quarantine 1830c: Cover front with very rare intaglio quarantine handstamp of Cerneti / Cernez (Kiriac fig. 129), a crisp strike of the appealing handstamp.Starting bid : 600.00 CHFHammer price : 950.00 CHFLot# : 1529 Romania
1858 (July 21): 27 pa. black on rose horizontally laid paper, a used example with good margins at base and at top, large on both sides, a fine impression, tiny manuscript dash in right margin just above the clear "JASSY / MOLDOVA" circular datestamp (5/9) in red. Minute pinhole well outside the design in left margin opposite Posthorn, minor horizontal bend and slight rubs in right margin not affecting the superb appearance. A new discovery, unrecorded in the Heimbüchler handbooks. An exceedingly rare stamp. Cert. Gmach (2021) Mi = € 15'000.Starting bid : 7,500.00 CHFHammer price : 8,500.00 CHFLot# : 1530 Romania
1858 (July): 54 parale blue on greenish blue horizontally laid paper, used example with clear to very large margins, neatly cancelled by "JASSY / MOLDOVA" datestamp (14/10) in red (Kiriac fig. 279). A fine and scarce stamp with vivid colour, most attractively cancelled. Certificate Heimbüchler (2021) Gi 2 = £ 6'500/Scott 2 = $ 10'000/Mi = EUR 6'000.rnReference: Illustrated in 'Romania - The Bull's Heads of Moldavia' on page 346/47.Starting bid : 5,000.00 CHFHammer price : 4,500.00 CHFLot# : 1531 Romania
1858 (July 21): 54 pa. blue-green on green horizontally laid paper, a used example with just shaved margin at left, clear at right and large margins at top and at base, fine impression of good colour, cancelled by "JASSY / MOLDOVA" circular datestamp (5/9) struck in red. Slight wrinkle and interesting vertical line through the horizontally laid paper. Fine appearance for this rare stamp. Cert. Dr. Gmach (2021) Mi = € 5'000.Starting bid : 3,000.00 CHFHammer price : 4,000.00 CHFLot# : 1532 Romania
1858 (July): 54 parale blue on greenish blue horizontally laid paper, a fine and fresh example with good to very large margins, lightly tied by "JASSY / MOLDOVA" datestamp (22/8) in blue (Kiriac fig. 279) to cover, internally dated "22 August 1858 Jassy" and directed to Galatz. A most attractive cover showing full pre-payment for the first weight rate and the second distance. Pre-payment is indicated by a pen cross on front, the prepaid amount of '54' parale is noted in addition on reverse. These in principal unnecessary notes are presumably due to the inexperience of the postal officers with the usage of stamps introduced just the month before. Certificate Heimbüchler (2021).rnReference: Illustrated in 'Romania - The Bull's Heads of Moldavia' on page 332/33.rnProvenance: Köhler sale 64; Mercury Stamps Auction New York (Sept 1961), Corinphila sale 80 (March 1990), lot 4617.Starting bid : 25,000.00 CHFHammer price : 22,500.00 CHFLot# : 1533 Romania
1858 (Nov): 5 parale black, Type I, on thin white wove paper, an unused example with large margins all round, pinhole and thin to right of Bull's head and staining from the original yellowish gum, large part og. Despite the faults, one of just seven examples recorded in unused condition (see Heimbüchler III, page 71), this being a new find, and a stamp missing from many great collections. A rarity of both Romanian and world classic philately. Cert. RPSL (2020) Mi = € 32'000.Starting bid : 7,500.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1534 Romania
1858 (Nov): 40 pa. blue on thin white paper, a magnificent full sheet of thirty-two subjects (8 x 4), of excellent fresh colour, showing the two central horizontal rows vertically tête-bêche (eight pairs), some tone spots as is prevalent in nearly all the intact sheets from the iron in the paper utilised, large margins all round, unfortunately a small part of the gum in the top right corner has stuck to the backing sheet, otherwise superb, large part og., mostly unmounted og. Exceedingly rare Mi = € 9'600+.Starting bid : 5,000.00 CHFHammer price : 8,500.00 CHFLot# : 1535 Romania
1858 (Nov): 40 parale bright blue on white wove paper, used example with clear to huge margins (thin on reverse), cancelled by light but clear framed "FRANCO / BACEU" handstamp in red (Kiriac fig. 301). Signed R. Zoscsak & HeimbüchlerStarting bid : 50.00 CHFHammer price : 320.00 CHFLot# : 1536 Romania
1858 (Nov): 40 parale greenish blue on white wove paper, used example with clear to large margins, cancelled by light but clear framed "FRANCO / BACEU" handstamp in red (Kiriac fig. 301). Signed Heimbüchler.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 500.00 CHFLot# : 1537 Romania
1858 (Nov): 40 pa. blue on white wove paper, used on 1860 entire letter from Berlad to Galatz, a fine and fresh example with large to enormous margins tied by light strike of framed "FRANCO / BERLAD" handstamp (Kiriac fig. 302) in blue with matching "BERLAD / MOLDOVA 2 / 11" despatch cds (Kiriac fig. 272) in the same colour alongside. Galatz arrival cds in red (Nov 4) on reverse. An appealing entire, the letter unusually written in German, cert. Heimbüchler (2021).rnProvenance: Collection Fritz Heimbüchler.Starting bid : 1,000.00 CHFHammer price : 1,600.00 CHFLot# : 1538 Romania
1858 (Nov): 40 pa. greenish blue on white wove paper, used on 1859 entire letter from Galatz to Jassy, tied by clear strike of "GALATZ / MOLDOVA 7 / 10" cds (Kiriac fig. 277) in blue, with Jassy arrival cds (Oct 10) on reverse in same colour. Adhesive with some toning on top, nevertheless an attractive entire, signed Emilio Dienna, G. Lamy; cert. Heimbüchler (2021).rnProvenance: Collection Fritz Heimbüchler.Starting bid : 1,000.00 CHFHammer price : 1,200.00 CHFLot# : 1539 Romania
1858 (Nov): 80 pa. vermilion on yellowish-white poor quality paper, an unused block of six with large margins all round, showing two vertical tête-bêche pairs, the block with vertical bend between the designs at the top pair (not the tête-bêche) with horizontal crease, neither greatly detracting from the appearance of a very rare multiple with large part og. Rare Mi = € 6'000+.Starting bid : 2,500.00 CHFHammer price : 14,500.00 CHFLot# : 1540 Romania
1858 (Nov): 80 parale brown red on white wove paper, a superb used example with even large margins and vibrant colour, tied to piece by crisp framed "FRANCO / BACEU" handstamp (Kiriac fig. 301), matching "BAKEU / MOLDOVA 31 / 1" cds (Kiriac fig. 271) and italic RECEPISSE alongside, all struck in red. A most attractive item, cert. Heimbüchler (2021).Starting bid : 1,500.00 CHFHammer price : 2,800.00 CHFLot# : 1541 Romania
1858 (Nov): 80 parale red on white wove paper, two single used examples with clear to large margins, cancelled by light framed "FRANCO / BACEU" handstamp in red (Kiriac fig. 301), on piece. An attractive duo, cert. Heimbüchler (2021).rnProvenance: Collection Edouard Cohen; Schwenn rarity sale (spring 1968), ex lot 510.Starting bid : 800.00 CHFHammer price : 1,200.00 CHFLot# : 1542 Romania
1858 (Nov): 80 pa. deep vermilion on white paper, a used horizontal pair with large margins all round, used on small piece cancelled by complete framed "FRANCO / BERLAD" handstamp unusually struck in violet and rare thus (Kiriac fig. 302). Slight thin spot between the stamps in margin only and minor wrinkles but most attractive.Starting bid : 350.00 CHFHammer price : 3,000.00 CHFLot# : 1543 Romania
1858 (Nov): 80 pa. vermilion on exceptionally thin white paper, a used horizontal strip of three with large margins all round, cancelled by two complete strikes of "FRANCO / GALATZ" handstamp in black (Kiriac fig. 308). Negligible wrinkle and corner bend away from the design but a splendid and most attractive multiple Mi = € 1'500.Starting bid : 750.00 CHFHammer price : 3,800.00 CHFLot# : 1544 Romania
1858 (Nov): 80 pa. vermilion on white paper, a horizontal strip of four with good to large margins all round, used on large piece of registered cover, cancelled by four strikes of "FRANCO / BERLAD" handstamp in blue (Kirirac fig. 302) and crossed through in manuscript ink to denote full prepayment, with RECEPISSE above in blue. Minor imperfections with vertical crease between third and fourth stamp in margin only but an extremely rare (Michel unpriced as a strip of four) large used multiple for this issue.Starting bid : 850.00 CHFHammer price : 8,000.00 CHFLot# : 1545 Romania
1858 (Nov): 80 parale brown red on yellowish white wove paper, four fine and fresh used examples, tied to piece by crisp strikes of framed "FRANCO / BACEU" handstamp (Kiriac fig. 301) in blue. A most exceptional franking of four examples of the 80 parale, be it on piece or cover, presumably originating from a registered cover of the fourth weight rate. Cert. Heimbüchler (2021).rnReference: Illustrated and discussed in 'Romania - The Bull's Heads of Moldavia, Supplement' on page 132.rnProvenance: Collection Edouard Cohen; Schwenn rarity sale (spring 1968), ex lot 510.Starting bid : 5,000.00 CHFHammer price : 7,000.00 CHFLot# : 1546 Romania
1858 (Nov): 80 pa. deep vermilion on white paper and 40 pa. deep blue on greyish paper, used on piece and sharing complete strike of framed "FRANCO / TEKOUTCI" handstamp in blue (Kiriac fig. 320). The 80 pa. thinned at top but an attractive usage.Starting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : 4,000.00 CHFLot# : 1547 Romania
1858 (Nov): 80 pa. deep vermilion on white paper and 40 pa. deep blue on greyish paper, both with huge margins all round, used on piece and sharing complete strike of framed "FRANCO / GALATZ" handstamp in black (Kiriac fig. 308) with 'Galatz / Moldova' cds at left (3/11). The 40 pa. with interesting blurring of the print in the value at base. Small nick to piece at right but of marvellous appearance.Starting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : 7,500.00 CHFLot# : 1548 Romania
Correspondence from Wallachia to Moldavia 1861 (April 4): Partially prepaid Entire letter from Krajova via Bucharest and the Austrian consular PO in Ibraila to Galati, struck on obverse with "BUCAREST / WALACHEI 4 / 7" cds (Kiriac fig. 269) in red with day and month slug inverted and two line straight "BRAILA / APR 9" datestamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 728) in blue, reverse with "GALATZ MOLDOVA 9 / 4" arrival cds (Kiriac fig. 277) in black. The sender paid '28' parale in cash for the part of the journey within Wallachia, noted in manuscript on obverse, upon arrival the cover was charged for the part of the journey in Moldavia with '40' parale noted in red crayon, which had to be paid by the receiver. Entire with tear and wear, nevertheless a most interesting item prior to the unification of both Romanian postal services in May 1862 with the foreign Austrian administration involved. Cert. Heimbüchler (2012).rnReference: Illustrated and discussed in 'Romania - United Principalities 1862-1872' on page 63.Starting bid : 1,000.00 CHFHammer price : 1,000.00 CHFLot# : 1549 Romania
1862: Handstruck 6 pa. carmine red, the upper right half of a diagonally bisected stamp on part printed matter cover from Ploesci to Bucharest, large margins all round, tied by "PLOESCI 9 / 6" cds in black (Kiriac fig. 348) . Reverse with "BUCURECI 10 / 6" arrival cds (Kiriac fig. 338) in black. An outstanding rarity in wonderful condition with less than ten covers with bisected 6 parale known. Cert. Heimbüchler (2006, 2021).rnProvenance: Collection Grigore Racoviceanu, the author of the first handbook dealing withe classic Romanian stamp issues 'Ștampile poștale folosite în Țările Române până în anul 1881', printed in 1963, the cover was shown at the Philexfrance 1964 in Paris.Starting bid : 3,000.00 CHFHammer price : 7,500.00 CHFLot# : 1550 Romania
1862: United principalities Handstruck from single Dies 30 pa. blue, attractive lot four single examples on different papers with different shades and cancellations, incl. on horizontally laid paper (Mi 10/Iz) a superb item with crisp GALATZ cds; on wove paper (10/Ix), three large margined examples with framed FRANCO/PIATRA in blue and oval framed FRANCO/JASSY in black, as well as one single with wreathed "....IU" part strike in blue.Starting bid : 120.00 CHFHammer price : 180.00 CHFLot# : 1551 Romania
1865: Cuza 20 pa. red, a single example, close but clear margins, used on cover to Dorohoi tied by network grid handstamps in black with "Fokschani / Moldova' cds at left (31/3) and 'Dorohoi / Moldova' arrival (2/4) struck in blue.Starting bid : 100.00 CHFHammer price : 100.00 CHFLot# : 1552 Romania
1865: Cuza 20 pa. red, two single examples, a separated pair with large margins all round, used on bilingually addressed 1865 entire letter to Jassy tied by two fine strikes of framed "FRANCO / TEKOUTCI" handstamp in black (Kiriac fig. 320) with "Tekutsch / Moldova" cds above (1/2). Clearly dated twice internally as January 20 with reverse showing Jassy arrival cds (3/2) in black. File fold well away from the adhesives, an extremely early usage for the Cuza issue.Starting bid : 1,000.00 CHFHammer price : 4,000.00 CHFLot# : 1553 Romania
1865: Cuza 20 pa. red in a horizontal strip of three, large margins all round with some staining from gum in lower margin, tied to triple rate cover to Braila by network grid handstamps in black with "RIMNIC SÂRAT" despatch datestamp (25/8) in black at left (Kiriac fig. 409), reverse with Braila arrival cds (29/8). An attractive multiple on cover.Starting bid : 750.00 CHFHammer price : 1,500.00 CHFLot# : 1554 Romania
1879: Prince Carol 5 b. green with 1880 15 b. lilac brown, a single adhesive and a pair, fresh adhesives tied by JASSY cds's (Oct 6, 1881, date slug inverted) to registered mourning cover to Capetown, South Africa with boxed "Recom." handstamp in red as well as German Registration entry label "Vom Ausland überr B.-P. 5 (Oswiecim-Breslau) Eingeschrieben". Front also with oval "REGISTERED LONDON 10 OC 81" datestamp in red and "REGISTERED LETTER OFFICE CAPE TOWN NO 5 81" arrival cds in black. Large tear in the cover from below, skillfully repaired, nevertheless an appealing cover to a rare destination.Starting bid : 100.00 CHFHammer price : 3,200.00 CHFLot# : 1555 Romania
1884: 25 Bani blue horizontal strip of three on registered cover to the Austrian Consulate in Jaffa, Palestine. The Stamps are very neatly cancelled with the double circle "JASSY 25 DEC 84". An Austrian PO single circle "CONSTANTINOPLE" is struck on the back, the registration strip is partially retained and shows the remnants of another transit mark. A very attractive early consular letter.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 750.00 CHFLot# : 1556 Romania
1939: 59 lei Booklet with pale blue cover, containing ten panes of 1939 Birth Centenary of King Carol I, 1 l. 50 green (Mi. 572), some peripheral aging but scarce and seldom seen.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1557 Romania
1939: 89 lei Booklet with pink cover, containing five panes of 1939 Birth Centenary of King Carol I, 3 l. orange-red (Mi. 574), some peripheral edge wear to cover at base, but very scarce and seldom seen.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1558 Romania
1939: 159 lei Booklet with blue cover, containing five panes of 1939 Birth Centenary of King Carol I, 4 l. carmine (Mi. 575), Galeries Lafayette advertisement on reverse, some peripheral aging at left of cover but very scarce and seldom seen.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1559 Romania
1939: 198 lei Booklet with blue cover, containing five panes of 1939 Birth Centenary of King Carol I, 5 l. grey-black (Mi. 576), Galeries Lafayette advertisement on reverse, some peripheral aging at left of staple but very scarce and seldom seen.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1560 Romania
1850-1951: Lot containing 51 letters and covers many with additional services such as registration, a parcel card, wrappers. Also censorship, foreign destinations and incoming postage due accounted for with ordinary stamps. Varied and interesting lot.Starting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : 500.00 CHF
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