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Egypt Kingdom

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  • Lot# : 452A Egypt Kingdom

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    Catalogue# : 31
    French P.O. in Alexandria 1870: Combination cover with creased Egypt 1867 1 pi. red tied by Port Said cds (May 7), transferred to French P.O. where 1867 Laureated 40 c. orange applied and tied by '5080' lozenge of dots and by "Alexandrie / Egypte" cds (May 9). Red framed "Paquebots / de la / Mediterannée" on front and reverse with Marseille arrival (May 14). A fine and scarce cover. Signed Gilbert (1932).
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 480 CHF

    Lot# : 455A Egypt Kingdom

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    Catalogue# : 56
    French P.O. in Port Said 1875: Cover to Liverpool franked by 1871/75 Cérès 30 c. brown (2) each tied by "5129" lozenge of dots with "Port Said / Egypte" cds alongside, prepaid via Alexandria, Marseilles, Paris (Aug 31) to Liverpool (Sept 1). One or two envelope faults but scarce.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 380 CHF

    Lot# : 455B Egypt Kingdom

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    Catalogue# : 57
    French P.O. in Port Said 1875: Entire letter from Zagazig to Bordeaux franked by 1871/75 Cérès 80 c. rose tied by faint '5129' lozenge of dots with "Port Said / Egypte" cds at right (June 30), with red framed "Paquebots / de la / Mediterrane" thence via Marseille. A scarce transit usage of the Port Said Post Office.
    Starting bid : 160 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 464A Egypt Kingdom

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    Catalogue# : 23
    French P.O. in Suez 1868 (Sept): Small cover to Marseille franked by 1862 perf. Empire 40 c. orange tied by "5105" lozenge of dots with corresponding "SUEZ / BAU. FRANCAIS" datestamp alongside. Carried by British ship, with Marseille entry marking in red (Sept 24) also on front of a scarce cover. Signed Brun.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1161 Egypt Kingdom

    British P.O. in Suez 1858 (Jan 5): Cover from Suez to Bombay struck with very fine "SUEZ" double arc cds in black, circular Steamer Bearing (8 annas) charge mark in blue and Bombay cds of arrival (Jan 24). Fine cover that opens well for displays well.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1162 Egypt Kingdom

    1865 (June 13): Cover to Alexandria struck on front with fine "Poste Vice-Reali Egiziane / Cairo" cds in blue and, displaying well on reverse, fine strike of "Poste Vice-Reali Egiziane / Alessandria" datestamp in black (same day), rated "2.20" piastres in blue crayon. A fine and scarce usage during the Government Post period (April-December 1865).
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1163 Egypt Kingdom

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    Catalogue# : 14
    1867: 1 pi. red used on large part 1871 cover with side flaps removed, mailed from Suez to Gedda, tied by Suez despatch datestamp, the reverse showing rare "Poste Vice-Reali Egiziane / Gedda" datestamp of arrival (Feb 4). Despite minor imperfections, a scarce cover.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 1164 Egypt Kingdom

    1870: Combination cover with creased Egypt 1867 1 pi. red tied by Port Said cds (April 29), transferred to French P.O. in Alexandria where 1867 Laureated 40 c. orange applied and tied by '5080' lozenge of dots and by "Alexandrie / Egypte" cds (May 1). Marseille entry marking in red (May 6) also on front of a scarce cover.
    Starting bid : 350 CHF
    Hammer price : 380 CHF

    Lot# : 1165 Egypt Kingdom

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    Catalogue# : 26+31
    1875 (Dec 3): Cover to Edinburgh franked by 1872 20 pa. deep blue (lithographed, late usage) and 1872 typographed 1 pi. red tied by Port Said cds's. Reverse with Alexandria transit (Dec 5) and Edinburgh arrival. Envelope with minor edge tear but a scarce cover.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 240 CHF

    Lot# : 1166 Egypt Kingdom

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    Catalogue# : 38+39
    1875 (Feb 19): Cover to Paris via Brindisi franked at 4 piastres rate with 1874 1 pi. red (2) and single 2 pi. yellow, torn on application, tied by bold Port Said datestamps. Underpaid  and charged with framed "AFFRANCATURA / INSUFFICENTE" in black ("A/PD" deleted). Blue "10" decimes handstamp on arrival with corresponding "Autr. / Avricourt" datestamp in blue alongside (March 2). Faults to envelope but a rare cover.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 900 CHF

    Lot# : 1167 Egypt Kingdom

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    Catalogue# : 495
    Gaza 1956 (Dec 10): Cover franked by Egypt 1954 1 m. red brown corner block of four cancelled by "Gaza-2" cds in black and also by violet Censor cachets, in combination with Israel 1955 40 pr. brown and 60 pr. bistre (Gi 118+120) also tied by "Gaza-2" cds. Rare and most unusual combination cover.
    Starting bid : 220 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1168 Egypt Kingdom

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    Catalogue# : 495
    Gaza 1956 (Nov 26): Registered cover to USA franked by Egypt 1954 1 m. red brown vertical pair, tiny tape fault, cancelled by violet Abu Zinaimi Gaza Censor cachets, in combination with Israel 1956 Independence 150 pr. and Citrus Congress 300 pr. tied by "Tel Aviv-Yafo" datestamp (Gi 129+130). Reverse Oakland arrival cds (Nov 30). Scarce and most unusual combination cover.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1169 Egypt Kingdom

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    Catalogue# : 583 var
    1958: Industrial & Agricultural Fair, 10 m. red-brown mint, variety overprint in red triple, fine unmounted og. Scarce Nile Post C210b = $ 160.
    Starting bid : 80 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1170 Egypt Kingdom

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    Catalogue# : D405+D410 var
    Postage Dues. 1952: Postage Due 4 m. blue-green and 12 m. lake each in marginal blocks of four, Colour Trials of the overprint with "Egypt & Sudan" in blue and green respectively (issued with black and blue overprints), fresh and very fine, full unmounted og. Only 100 of each trial exist, scarce in multiples.
    Starting bid : 160 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1171 Egypt Kingdom

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    Catalogue# : O404+O407+O409+O411 var
    Official Stamps. 1952: Official 2 m. orange-red, 4 m. yellowish green, 10 m. bright mauve and 20 m. blue, all in mint blocks of four being Colour Trials of the "Egypt & Sudan" overprint in purple, blue, green and red respectively (issued in brown, blue, blue and black), fresh and fine, unmounted og. 4 m. with minor blemish on front of one stamp, a rare group, only 100 stamps of each printed and particularly scarce in multiples.
    Starting bid : 280 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1172 Egypt Kingdom

    British Forces in Egypt. 1882 (Sept 1): Cover to England endorsed "On Active Service / No Stamps Available", struck with fine "BRITISH ARMY POST OFFICE / EGYPT" cds in black. Handstamped witrh "T" marking and charged on arrival with large "2½" (pence) due in black. Reverse with Long Melford cds (Sept 14) of arrival. A few light spots on envelope but a fine and scarce Campaign cover.
    Starting bid : 240 CHF
    Hammer price : 280 CHF

    Lot# : 1173 Egypt Kingdom

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    Catalogue# : A1 Proof
    1932: Imperforate Proofs of Postal Seal 1 pi. deep blue & red, two mint blocks of four, one being marginal from right of sheet,other with slightly shifted center to the bottom right, fresh and fine, full unmounted og Nile Post = $ 600.
    Starting bid : 240 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold
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