Egypt Kingdom
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Lot# : 407 Egypt Kingdom
Russian Post Offices 1857/75: Peter Smith album page with Russia 1858 10 kop. brown & blue (2) each cancelled by dotted "785" numeral obliterator in blue, ROPiT 1865 imperforate 2 k. brown & blue and 20 k. blue & red, each with large margins all round, similarly cancelled in blue; 1866 imperforate 2 k. rose and blue (2, differing shades) and 20 k. blue & pink similarly cancelled and also fine; 1868 perf. 1 k. brown cancelled '785' in blue and 1872 3 k. green used with datestamp in blue. A scarce group.rnrnProvenance: Collection Peter Smith, Corinphila sale 198, May 2015, ex lot 5095.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 408 Egypt Kingdom
Russian Post Office in Alexandria 1866: Cover from Aexandria to Beyrouth, internally dated 1866, franked by ROPiT 1866 20 kop. deep blue & rose, horizontal network, imperforate with large margins all round, tied by dotted "785" obliterator and by large "P.P." of the Alexandria Office in blue. Reverse with PORT ALEXANDRIA datestamp of Russian P.O. in blue (erroneously dated 1863). Written in arabic, the cover with minor impfections at top with closed tear in address panel, but rare and not unattractive.rnrnProvenance: Collection Peter Smith, Corinphila sale 198, May 2015, ex lot 5095.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 7,000 CHFLot# : 409 Egypt Kingdom
Russian Post Offices 1896: Russian Levant 10 k. red & green postal stationery letter card written in Port Said and addressed to Antwerp. Belgium, cancelled by two superb strikes of the 81 dot 'retta' applied on loose ship mail by the Egyptian Post Office (amongst other uses) in black. Reverse with Alexandria Egyptian P.O. cds (April 30) and part arrival cds. A scarce usage.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 410 Egypt Kingdom
1888: De La Rue handpainted Essay for the 2 piastre postal stationery envelope, in pencil, orange, brown and 'Postes Egyptiennes Deux Piastres' bilingually picked out in Chinese white on tracing paper, dated at upper right 'July 27, 88' in pencil. Minor buckling due to the weight of the design on the thin paper. Ex the De La Rue archives. Unique and beautiful. Signed Todd AIEP.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 411 Egypt Kingdom
Postal Stationery 1884: The collection with primarily mint examples (54 items) incl. 1888 3 m. on 4 m. card with second English '3' inverted, another ewith inverted surcharge variety (cert. RPSL) and anorther with surcharge rotated variety, 1932/36 King Fouad set of three cards unused and used (Nile Post SPC34/36), 1939/44 Boy King set of four cards unused, Boy King 5 m. brown envelope unused, Boy King 5 m. and 6 m. letter-sheets unused, 15 m. reg's envelope unused and used, Marsechal 10 m. letter-sheet unused and some used examples of stationery with Hotel cancellations.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 412 Egypt Kingdom
1889: 'Service Des Postes D'Égypte / Mandat de Poste International' envelope sent stampless and registered to Copenhagen with manuscript 'R' in blue and PORT SAID despatch cds (Jan 11), with arrival cds on reverse (Jan 18); together with Sudanese unused 'Report of Damaged Postal Packet' form (S.P.S No. 92) printed in English and Arabic. An unusual pair of seldom seen items.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 413 Egypt Kingdom
1895: 5 m. carmine postal stationery card, Port Said Simon Arzt advertisement printed on reverse, used to Delagoa Bay, Lourenço Marques cancelled by fine DEUTSCHE SEEPOST / OST / AFRIKANISCHE / HAUPTLINIE datestamp in black. A most unusual destination.Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 414 Egypt Kingdom
1909: Egyptian Postal Administration printed receipt in black on orange paper, for a Foreign Postal Money Order for £15 sterling, equivalent to E£ 14.62 m., with commission of 130 m., struck with fine DOUANE ALEXANDRIE / CASH cds (Nov 22) in black. An unusual form.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 415 Egypt Kingdom
Found Open & Officially Resealed Labels 1910/30: Group of four items with 1926 bilingual Arabic and French 'Trouvé Ouverte Ou Déchirée et Réparée D'Office' black on white labels in a sheet of 20 pin-perf.; 1930 'Trouvée Ouverte Ou Déchirée et Réparée D'Office' black on white labels in a sheet of 20 perf.; also two covers: one 1910 damaged cover from Berlin to Cairo with 'Found Open and Officially Sealed' labels, the other an underpaid cover from France with Egyptian 1 pi. Postage Due and fine 'Found Open and Officially Sealed' label at top, this latter returned to sender.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 416 Egypt Kingdom
International Reply Coupons 1947: Egypt IRC form, without English value, the imperforate block of four in deep blue on yellowish networked background, fresh and very fine. This block, with similar singular examples from other countries, were given to the President of the 1947 Paris UPU Congress, Mr. Eugène Thomas. An exhibition piece. Unique.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 417 Egypt Kingdom
1989/1994: An award winning 5 frame eighty page Exhibit of the 'Cassette Postal Stationery' envelopes with Proofs (7), and all printing types noted, in different values and colours, printing errors including missing colours and dramatic shifts and used examples; with 118 items. A most interesting collection.rnNote: The Cassette envelopes were originally issued for Troops to tape messages home, where one or other of the parties concerned were unable to read or write. The service was cancelled, due to the advent of mobile telephones, in 2007.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 418 Egypt Kingdom
1879/1954: Postal Stationery Cards - the specialised collection in three large folders, unused and used, with 229 items showing differing shades, varieties, usages and including the scarce 1915 3 m. in red on 2 m. green card used (3), Boy King set of four cards unused, Mareschal 6 m. and 13 m. (2) unused, four illustrated cards etc.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 419 Egypt Kingdom
Wreck Cover 1905 (Feb 27): Cover from Asnieres, France to Cairo, stamps floated off, struck on front with two line SAUVÉ DU NAUFRAGE DU "CAIRO" / SAVED FROM THE WRECK OF S.S. CAIRO in violet, the flap secured with circular Interpostal Seal 'Poste Khedevie Egiziane / Cabinetto Del Vice Direttore' in red applied on reverse alongside 'Alexandrie' cds (March 6).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 420 Egypt Kingdom
Wreck Cover 1921: Cover from Port Said (April 12) to Palermo with part of original franking soaked off due to the 'S.S. Kalyan' being hit by a severe gale, the Mailbags being damaged when off-loaded in Marseille (April 18), remaining 1921 5 m. lake tied by Port Said cds and, on reverse, three further examples stuck face downand tied by ACCIDENT en MER / COURRIER INONDE cachet in blue (Maritime Accident / Mail affected by Sea-water). French Reseal 'Lettre en Rebut' Official label also on reverse of a scarce cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 421 Egypt Kingdom
Wreck Cover 1936: Cover from Cairo (Aug 21) to New York carried on ill-fated Short S.17 Flying Boat 'Scipio', stamps washed off due to the Crash-landing in Mirabella Bay, Crete as the aircraft became nose-heavy due to the tailpane being set at maximum incidence; the plane sinking in a few minutes. Passengers and mail were saved, this cover being struck with framed DAMAGED / BY SEA WATER in violet. A fine and scarce usage Nierinck 360822. Sandford pages 100-106.rnrnNote: The Daily Telegraph reported: 'The floor is ankle-deep in the stamps of almost every nation...'.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 422 Egypt Kingdom
Wreck Cover 1937: Cover from Zagazig to Greece, carried on the ill-fated Imperial Airways Short S. 23 'C' Class Flying Boat 'Courtier' which Crash-landed in Phaleron Bay, (Oct 1), striking the water with such force that the hull burst on impact sinking the Flying Boat, the propellers kept working hindering the rescue and thus 2 passengers drowned and five were seriously injured (interestingly, seatbelts for passengers were introduced as compulsory in British planes after this crash). The mail was recovered but soaked. Cover struck with bilingual "De l' ydravion coulê" cachet in blue, and resealed at base, addressee not found with three PARTI SANS LAISSER ADRESSE cachets in black. Returned via Piraeus (Oct 15) and resealed with three green wafer seals cancelled at Athens Airport and returned to sender (Oct 18). Remarkable cover Nierinck 371001. Sandford pages 131-134.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 423 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 424 Egypt Kingdom
Suez Canal Company 1868: 1 c. black, an unused vertical pair, Transfer Types I / III, top stamp with pinhole and lower stamp with razor slit diagonally, somewhat aged, unused without gum. The reverse shows an unusual offset, possibly from the sheet stored below. Cert. BPA (2015) Gi = £ 500.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 425 Egypt Kingdom
Suez Canal Company 1868: 1 c. black, an unused block of eight (4 x 2), Transfer Types IV-III-IV-III / I-II-I-II, with large margins all round, the right hand vertical pair badly torn and second stamp with razor split and two wwith thins, nevertheless a rare multiple which would make a more attractive block of six, minor aging, unused without gum. Signed Todd AIEP Gi = £ 2'000.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 426 Egypt Kingdom
Sudan 1876: Cover, some staining, used from El-Fasher (Darfur) to Siut, with arabic manuscript weight calculations on obverse: struck with circular private negative seal of the Postmaster in Darfur in black, transit of very rare Arabic dated POSTE EGIZIANE / HARTUM cds in black (June 14) and Siut arrival cds (July 6). Despite imperfections, an historic and extremely rare cover - El-Fasher is 1'000 kms. West of Khartoum - the letter would have been transmitted by Camel. The earliest recorded cover from this still remote region. Signed Todd AIEP.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 427 Egypt Kingdom
Sudan 1877: Cover and complete contents mailed from Kordofan to Siut, struck with oval private negative seal of the Postmaster in Kordofan in black with arabic manuscript "Charged 1 piastre on 3 Shabaan 1294" = 12 August 1877, faint transit of very rare Arabic dated POSTE EGIZIANE / HARTUM cds in black (Aug 18) and Siut arrival cds (Sept 11) in blue. Charged "1" in manuscript on front for the journey between Kordofan and Siut and the letter would have travelled by Camel. Some envelope imperfections, but an historic and extremely rare cover - Kordofan is 700 kms. South West of Khartoum - this being the earliest recorded cover from this still remote region. Signed Todd AIEP.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not sold
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