Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
Catalogue 222: EUROPE & OVERSEAS
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Lot# : 1909 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
1840/1990c.: Great Britain collection from 1840 1 d. black and 2 d. blue used, 1841 1 d. red imperfs (37), 1841 2 d. blue pl. 4 with superb pair, 1858/79 1 d. red range incl. re-plating, 1 d. lilac mint Controls, 1883 2½ d. lilac partial re-plating (126 examples) and 2 s. 6 d. - 10 s. used, 1 d. venetian red near complete re-plating (237 of 240), 1891 £ 1 green used (Gi = £ 800), GV with 1912/22 unused Control examples and range of block cypher unused, George VI with many Control blocks, 1939/48 high values unused incl. 10 s. dark blue, QE2 from 1953 with many Control Blocks and multiples throughout incl. phosphor-graphite, Booklets inc. Wedgwood, SG etc. and Machins with useful face-value, more modern issues with high face value, Channel Islands 1958/81 complete unused (stc £ 500+), a few missed covers, a good lot for further expansion.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 2319 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
1852/1939: Lot 14 stamps and two covers incl. Victoria 1854 6 d. dull orange, a fine example used on 1857 cover to England tied by '2' obliterator of Geelong in black, Burma 1939 Official set of 13 values complete to 10 r., Canada 1852 Beaver 3 d. red on wove paper used on 1852 entire letter to Kingston, with 'Brockville / U.C.' despatch cds (Sept 8) below and reverse with arrival in red, and Cape of Good Hope 1861 Woodblock 4 d pale bright blue used on piece, a repaired copy.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 230 CHFLot# : 2320 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
1840/1970c.: Collection in three full stockbooks with mint sets of Abu Dhabi 1964 set, Ascension 1934 and 1938 set, Bahamas 1942 optd. sets (2), Basutoland 1933 complete to 10 s., 1938 set, 1954 set, 1961 set (2), Bechuanaland 1938 set, Bermuda with 1938/53 Keyplates 10 s. (2), 12/6 d. (2) and £ 1 (2), BAT with 1963 set of 15 (4), Cayman Is. 1938 set to 10 s. complete, Cyprus with good range, Falkland Is. with 1938 2 s. 6 d. and 5 s., 1952 and 1960 sets to £ 1 complete, Fiji and Gambia with useful ranges, Gibraltar with 1912 £ 1, Hong Kong 'China' opt. 1917 $ 10, Hong Kong 1912/21 $ 3, $ 5 and $ 10, 1962 Annigoni set to $ 20 (2), India with 1911/22 10 r. and superb marginal 25 r., KUT with Kenya & Uganda 1922 £ 1 black & orange Plate 1 corner example, 1960 set of 16 complete (2), Kuwait 1958 and 1961 sets (2) and 1964 definitive set, Lagos 1904 set of ten, Leeward Is. 1890 set of eight, 1902 set of nine, 1921/22 values to £ 1, Malaya 1936/37 $ 2 and $ 5, Kedah 1912 set of 14, Newfoundland 1919 Caribou set of 12 and 1931 Airmail set of three complete (3 sets), New Zealand Exhibition set of four, Tasman Airmails etc., Nigeria with George V 10 s. unused (2), 1936 pictorials set, Northern Nigeria with 1902 set, 1905 set, 1910 set, North Borneo 1961 set of 16 complete (5 sets), Northern Rhodesia 1938 set to 20 s., Nyasaland 1913 to £ 1, 1938 set to £ 1, 1945 set to £ 1, Palestine 1927 set inc. 90 m., also a 90 m. used, Papua 1952 set to £ 1, Qatar 1961 set to 10 r. (2), Rodesia & Nyasaland 1959 set (2), St. Helena 1890 set of seven, 1922 10 s. and other values, 1938 set (2), Seychelles 1890 set, Somaliland 1921 set to 5 r., 1938 and 1942 sets complete, Sudan Gordon set, Swaziland 1938 set, 1938 set (2), 1956 set, 1961 sets (2), Transjordan Locust set, Tristan Da Cunha 1960 set (6), 1961 set (2), Zanzibar 1921/29 values to 10 r., 1935 Silver Jubilee sets, 1948 RSW incl. Falklands and Hong Kong etc., together with a range of GB incl. an 1840 1 d. black. Generally fine, a delightful and interesting lot that would break down well.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 12,500 CHFLot# : 2323 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
Small unused group (12 items) with Great Britain Surface Printed 1867/80 1 s. green pl. 4 of good appearance but re-perfed and regummed, 1873/80 1 s. green pl. 9 of stupendous rich colour but trimmed at left, 1 s. green pl. 12 witrh ragged wing margin, 1877 4 d. sage green pl. 16 with two examples without gum, 1881 2½ d. blue pl. 23 with cracked gum; Barbados 1852 (1 d.) blue in a fresh unused pair with og., Gambia 1869/71 4 d. pale brown imperf. unused, Sierra Leone 1859 first issue 6 d. fresh unused with og. but horizontally creased, Straits Settlements 1867 1½ c. on India ½ a. blue unused and Victoria 1901 6 d. rose-red & pale blue unused with og. but toned perfs. A highly catalogued group Gi = £ 6'500+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 2324 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
British Commonwealth George V Postal Stationery, all overprinted SPECIMEN in black, small range of 8 items with Bahamas 1½ d. brown card, Brunei 15 c. blue registered envelope, Gibraltar 2 d. grey envelope, KUT 15 c. red on buff card 15+15 c. red cards, 20 c. orange envelope, 20 c. orange letter card and 50 c. blue registered envelope. All very fresh and fine unused.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 2325 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
Collection in two SG New Imperial Albums with better countries listed Australia, Bechuanaland, British Guiana, CGH with four 4 d. blue triangulars and Hope types to 5 s., Caymans with 1935 complete to 10 s. used, Ceylon 1899 1 r. 50 c. and 2 r. 25 c. used, Gold Coast, Hong Kong with 1880 10 c. on 16 c. yellow, 1891 Jubilee 2 c. carmine used, India 1854 ½ a. (2) and 1 a. (2) and 2 a. (2) used, 1895 and 1902 high values used and a good range of Indian States, useful NSW, Sudan with Gordon set used, Zanzibar with 1895 high values, the (elusive) albums in much above average condition and would benefit by continuation.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 3,400 CHFLot# : 2327 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
British Commonwealth 1850/1952c. Collection with noted Malaya 1867 1½ c. on India ½ a. blue fine unused ands further useful Straits, Gilbert & Ellice, Iraq etc, mostly used.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 300 CHF
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