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  • Lot# : 4193 India

    1854/55: ½ a. blue, a fine range of 19 used examples, most with good to large margins in a range of Dies and shades Gi = £ 725+.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 220 CHF

    Lot# : 4194 India

    1854/55: ½ a. blue, used examples (6) with five examples from Die I including one cancelled by "94" obliterator, single Die III example in a pale shade and an Essay/Reprint unused on white wove watermarked paper with large margins all round.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 4195 India

    1854/55: 1 a. red, the small used selection with single examples (8) and a pair, including one cancelled "C/130", a fine single on large piece cancelled by diamond dots in black and a horizontal pair cancelled by "C/135" obliterator. Condition varies but a good group Gi = £ 800+.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 4196 India

    1885/1947: Small group with smattering of used material but incl. 1902/11 3 r. brown & green (2, both shades) unused, 5 r. ultramarine & violet unused, 1913 5 r. ultramarine & violet unused, 1926 ultramrine & purple unused, 1929 Airmail set unused, 1931 New Delhi set unused,rn1947 Pakistan first issue set of 19 unused etc.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 180 CHF

    Lot# : 4197 India

    Indian Feudatory States 1877/1945ca: The comprehensive lot of thousands used/unused stamps, incl. Alwar Dagger issue, Bhor with multiples, Dhar with complete sheets and varieties, Cochin with proofs, Bamra, Barwani, Bhopal with 1872 ¼ a. black unused (2), also compl. sheets, Bijavar, Bundi from 1894, Bussahir, Charkhari, Duttia Ganesh definitives, Faridkot with colour varieties, Hyderabad with ovpt. varieties and official stamps as well as eleven covers, Jammu & Kashmir with issues for Jammu, Kashmir and for both states, also official stamps, Kishangarh with official stamps, Las Bella, Morvi, Nandagoon, Nawanagar, Travancore with official stamps, Sirmoor, Poonch, also in units and with official stamps, Orchha, Rajpipla, Jind, Jhalawar, Idar, Indore, Jaipur with official stamps, Wadwahan, in addition Nepal with early Shri Pashupati definitives. An attractive selection which has to be carefully inspected to be appreciated.
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 14,500 CHF

    Lot# : 4198 India

    1861/63: Covers (2) to England, earlier cover with printed "Via Marseilles" in blue franked by 1856/64 2 a. dull pink and 4 a. black used from Mhow (Aug 10) to Uppingham, Rutland; second cover with printed "Per Overland via Marseilles" in red franked by 1856/64 ½ a. blue, 2 a. buff and 4 a. black tied by bold 'Calcutta / India Paid' duplexes. A few small faults but an attractive pair.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 260 CHF

    Lot# : 4199 India

    1868/1944: Group of seven covers, incl. 1868 cover from Sialkote to Umritsur franked with Kashmir 1/2 a. in combination with British India 1/2a., 1872 forwarded letter from Rangoon to Liverpool, further a 1911 FIRST AEREAL MAIL Allahabad cover bearing KE 1/2a. tied by special air cachet in magenta as well as two crash covers and two 1944 registered covers to the US Chinese consulate in New York.
    Starting bid : 600 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 4200 India

    1871/72: Covers (3) all from Calcutta to Italy, two bearing three colour frankings; incl. 1871 cover with 1865 8 p. mauve and 8 a. carmine endorsed 'Overland via Bombay, Alexandria & Brindisi' and carried at under ½ ounce rate; 1871 cover franked 1865 8 p. purple pair, 1 a. brown and 2 a. orange via the same routing for under ¼ ounce rate and May 1872 cover with 1865 8 p. and 2 a. with 1866 4 a. green with 'Sea Post Office / E' datestamp verso. Generally fine, an attractive trio.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 400 CHF

    Lot# : 4201 India

    1871/1925c.: Correspondence of covers (36) from India, all addressed to via Bushire or Mohammerah to Ispahan, Persia, with earliest 1871 cover franked by India ½ a. blue showing scarce BUSHIRE cds in red (Sept 15) on reverse, 1880/1890's period with 2 a., 2 a. 6 p. and 5 a. frankings incl. a few with perfins, fine Edward VII frankings, interesting First World War Censored usages via Mohammerah, condition varies but a benerally fine group.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 260 CHF

    Lot# : 4202 India

    1884/1905: Covers/cards (14) all with 'Sea Post Office' datestamps, with 1884 cover to Cairo franked by 1865 strip of three 2 a. orange, 1884 cover at 5 annas rate to Cairo, 1891 and 1894 covers at 2½ a. and 3 a. rates, 1887 cover to USA franked by 1 a. brown strip of three cancelled at Naini Tal with framed 'Too Late' mark on reverse, 1899 registered cover at 5 a. rate to Germany, 1898 registered cover to UK at 4½ a. rate, delightful 1899 cover to Vienna at 2½ a. rate with 3 p. (2), ½ a. and 1 a. tied to reverse of ½ a. stationery envelope by SEA POST OFFICE / C datestamps, 1905 registered cover at 9 a. rate to France etc. Generally fresh and fine, an attractive assembly.rnProvenance: Collection Peter Bottrill.
    Starting bid : 350 CHF
    Hammer price : 350 CHF

    Lot# : 4203 India

    1885/97: Covers (4) to UK or Denmark, with 1885 cover to Cairo franked by 1890 3 a. brown-orange tied by MAZGOAN / BOMBAY squared circle; 1894 cover to Denmark franked by 1882 ½ a. blue-green (4) tied by YERCAUD squared circles, 1888 cover with single 4 a. 6 p. yellow-green to London and 1897 cover to Codford St. Mary with pair of 1892 2 a. 6 p. yellow-green mailed from the Residency in Cochin.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 4222 Leeward Islands

    1902: OHMS cover franked by 2½ d. dull purple and blue, defective corner, tied by 'Antigua' cds (March 26), addressed to 'Garde Municipale', Khong, Laos with reverse with six backstamps and showing 'Sea Post Office' transit cds, RAHENG cds (May 12), LAMPANG cds (May 19), Saigon (June 23) and eventually arriving in 'Cap St. Jacques / Cochinchine' (June 24).
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 100 CHF

    Lot# : 4223 Malaya

    1894: Registered cover to Fiume, Austria franked by 1883/89 2 c. bright rose (2) and 5 c. ultramarine with 1892 1 c. on 8 c. green, all tied by 'Singapore' cds's (Jan 31) with framed registration cachet at left. Fiume arrival cds (March 5) on reverse of an attractive cover.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 4224 Malaysian States

    1813/29: The correspondence of William Goodell, beginning with 1813/17 entires (5) cancelled by oval HANOVER N.H. handstamps with manuscript dates inserted, manuscript cancelled 1814 entire from 'St. Johnsburg', and another from 'Andover', 1815 and 1816 entires with manuscript 'Hanover', 1816 entire with oval HANOVER N.H. handstamp in red, 1818 letters from the Seminary and 1823 entire from Malta to Massachusetts per 'Brig Cherub', 1825/27 with letters from Beirut to the same addressee (two with Malta and four with mss. Smyrna Forwarding Agent) and 1828/29 letters from Malta to Marlborough, Mass. Condition somewhat aged but an interesting correspondence.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 4225 Malaya

    1894: Group of 4 covers from Singapore all addressed to Fiume, two franked by single 1894 8 c. ultramarine, third cover with 1889 2 c. rose and pair of 3 c. on 32 c. rose-carmine, fourth cover with single 3 c. on 32 c. rose-carmine and 1894 5 c. brown; each cover cancelled by 'Singapore' cds's codes A, C and E, each with 'Fiume' backstamp. A fresh and fine group.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 4226 Malta

    1884: registered cover to Trieste franked by Great Britain 1883 2 d. lilac and 2½ d. lilac tied by bold 'A25' obliterator with fine oval 'Registered / Malta' datestamp in red below (Dec 29). A fresh and fine cover. Cert. Eichele (2003).
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 4227 Malta

    1860/1960: Nice collection some hundred stamps unused or in mint condition, incl. some better values up to £ 1.-, full sets and postage dues, partly some duplication, very good condition and mounted on album pages.
    Starting bid : 1,400 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,600 CHF

    Lot# : 4228 Malta

    1860/1944: Used collection with ½ d. buff, no wmk. and wmk. CC, 1885/90 set of six, 1886 5 s. rose, 1899 with fine 10 s. blue-black used on piece, 1903/04 set of seven, 1904/14 set to 5 s. green & red on yellow, 1914/21 with 5 s. red on yellow, 1921 10 s. black unused, 1922 'Self Government' 10 s. black (2 examples, one on piece), 1922/26 with values to £ 1 black & carmine, 1926 'Postage' optd. set of fourteen, 1926/27 set of seventeen complete, 1928 optd. 'Postage & revenue' set of nineteen complete, 1930 set of seventeen complete etc. A good lot STC Michel € 6'870 Ex The Rheingold Collection.
    Starting bid : Bid
    Hammer price : 1,000 CHF

    Lot# : 4228A Mauritius

    1848: 2 d. blue, Intermediate Impression on greyish paper, a fine used example with large margins on three sides and fair at base, neatly cancelled by fine strike of "3" numeral of Pamplemousses in brown. Slight wrinkle, but a rare and desirable stamp. Gi = £ 3'500.
    Starting bid : 800 CHF
    Hammer price : 800 CHF

    Lot# : 4229 Mauritius

    1858/62: Prepared for use but unissued (-) blue, a fine unused corner block of eight from lower left of sheet, of good colour and large part og.
    Starting bid : 75 CHF
    Hammer price : 260 CHF

    Lot# : 4230 Mauritius

    1860/72: De la Rue imperforate Plate Proofs for 1 d. purple-brown, 2 d. blue, 4 d. rose, 6 d. green,10 d. maroon and 1 s. orange; all without watermark and all marginal examples (the 2 d. being a corner example), each overprinted CANCELLED in black. A scarce and charming assembly.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 320 CHF

    Lot# : 4231 Mauritius

    1848/59: 'Post Paid' 1 d. pale orange vermilion, 10 used examples, late to latest to worn impressions, with four single examples of fine appearance, an attractive vertical pair, scarce if very worn impression strip of three on piece and a further piece stuck to black card, all are cancelled by the mute obliterator in black. A highly catalogued selection of this popular classic issue.
    Starting bid : 600 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,500 CHF

    Lot# : 4232 Mauritius

    1 / 1
    1848/59: 'Post Paid' 2 d. blue, the selection of used examples (4) with one Intermediate impression with just touched margins cancelled by circular numeral  '2' respectively, worn impressions (2) with four margined example cancelled in black (signed Brun) and another (Gi. 22, cert. RPSL) with numeral '1' in circle, and stained large piece with single four margined example cancelled in black with 'Mahebourg' blue handstamp and framed INLAND adjacent. Condition varies but a scarce and very highly catalogued group.
    Starting bid : 1,300 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,400 CHF

    Lot# : 4233 Mauritius

    1 / 1
    1862/90: Mauritius used in Seychelles cancelled "B64" obliterator, with 1862 6 d. slate (Gi. Z13, cert. RPSL), 1878 8 c. on 2 d. blue (3), 13 c. on 3 d. orange-red with superb strike, 17 c. on 4 d. rose (3), 25 c. on 6 d. slate-blue, 2 r. 50 c. on 5 s. mauve, 1883 16 c. on 17 c., and Rodrigues "B65" on 4 d. rose and 8 c. on 2 d. blue. Condition varies but a highly catalogued selection (21 stamps).
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 4234 Mauritius

    1863/72: 3 d. red, wmk. CC, in an unused block of nine, 6 d. blue-green in an unused vertical pair, 1877 1 d. on 4 d. rose-carmine in an unused marginal imprint block of four and 1879 50 c. green in an unused block of four, fair to fine group with large part og Gi = £ 1'300+.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 480 CHF

    Lot# : 4235 Brit. Post Morocco

    1948/49: Two airmail covers, one of them sent registered/Express addressed to Zürich, nicely franked and both bearing small violet double oval O.A.T. for 'Onward Air Transmission'.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 4236 Palestine

    1918 (Feb 16):  5 m. on 1 p. cobalt-blue, a fine unused block of four, marginal from right of sheet, fine unused as issued, together with a single example of the 5 m. on 1 p. ultramarine showing scarce "Golf Ball" variety on 'Paid' panel, fresh and fine with large part og. Gi = £ 400+.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 150 CHF

    Lot# : 4237 Palestine

    1918: EEF 2 m. blue-green, a horizontal pair used on small piece tied by DJÉY-HAN (Ceyhan) bilingual datestamp in black (Isfila fig. 1 = R). Extremely rare, ex collection Sedaroglu.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 4238 Palestine

    1918: EEF 5 m. yellow-orange, a used example on small piece cancelled by bilingual KHASSA datestamp (25.9.1919) in black (Hassa, Adana Province, near Gaziantep). Possibly slightly embellished but extremely rare - unrecorded by Firebrace & Stanely Gibbons - believed to be the sole example known (Isfila fig. 2 = RR). Ex collection Sedaroglu.
    Starting bid : 350 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 4239 Palestine

    1918: EEF 5 m. yellow-orange, 2 pi. ochre (2) and single 10 pi. ultramarine all used on part of Parcel Card tied by KOZAN cds (Jan 8, 1920) struck in black (Isfila fig. 3). Slight faults to adhesives but rare, ex collection Sedaroglu.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 4240 Palestine

    1920: Jerusalem I printing, overprinted at the Greek Orthodox Convent in Jerusalem: the extraordinary Proof set of the complete 11 values with Hebrew overprint "ERETZ ISRAEL PALESTINA" instead of the issued stamps which read 'Palestina Eretz Israel' in the lower line of the overprint; the three characters normally found at the front of the overprint now appear, on this Proof set, at the end. Fresh and very fine unused Proof set with the 1 pi. value overprinted in gold rather than silver as issued, this value with minor stain. Nevertheless a set of consummate rarity with just one set in blocks of four and four single sets recorded. Bale = $ 33'000.
    Starting bid : 5,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 7,000 CHF

    Lot# : 4241 Palestine

    1941: Airmail envelope from Tel Aviv to Australia with three 20 m. olive, one with fault, tied by Tel Aviv machine cancel (July 1). Hebrew handstamp 'Too heavy / sent by Seamail' in black alongside adhesives. Reseal OPENED BY / CENSOR red on green label at left. Blue "Damaged by Sea Water" handstamp on front and two further small strikes in black. Struck with MISSENT TO BANGKOK / THAILAND in black on front and reverse with "No Contents Wrong Side was sealed when Censored" above framed RECEIVED IN / THIS CONDITION / FROM ABROAD in red. Some negligible imperfections but rare.rn 
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 280 CHF

    Lot# : 4242 Palestine

    1920 (Sept): EEF 1 m. sepia, 5 m. orange (2), 1 pi. blue (4, incl. a horizontal pair), all with Transposed Overprints, the 1 m. and 3 m. values with Hebrew / Arabic / English, the 1 pi. values with English / Hebrew / Arabic, fresh and fine.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 170 CHF

    Lot# : 4243 Palestine

    1920/45: British Military administration, lot few hundred stamps used/unused, incl. some better surcharged items, also a small selection with stamps of Transjordan, good condition and arranged on album pages and stockcards.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 4244 Rhodesia & Nyasaland

    1913/19: Admirals, the small selection with Die II 3 s. brown & blue, 5 s. blue & blue-green, 7 s. 6 d. blackish purple & slate-black, 10 s.  crimson & yellow-green, all perf. 14; together with Die III £ 1 black & deep purple, this last with slight spot on gum otherwise all fresh and very fine, with large part og. Gi = £ 1'200+.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 550 CHF

    Lot# : 4245 Brit. Somaliland

    1937/57: Lot 43 unused stamps incl. 1937 Coronation compl. set of three, 1938 definitives set of 12, both perf. SPECIMEN, and 1949 Silver Wedding Gi = £ 630.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 4246 Cape of Good Hope

    1855: Triangular 4 d. blue, a fine large margined example used on 1856 cover to Cradock cancelled by CGH obliterator with oval 'Grahams Town' despatch on reverse (Dec 2) in red with corresponding 'Cradock' arrival in black.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 4247 Cape of Good Hope

    1863: 4 d. blue, a fine margined example tied to 1863 cover to Cradock by black obliterator, with Grahamstown despatch cds (Apr 7) and Cradock arrival cds (Apr 9), both in red on reverse. A fresh and fine cover.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 4248 Sudan

    1897/1941: Unused selection with overprinted set of eight on Egypt complete, 1898 Camel Postman set of eight complete, 1935 General Gordon set of nine complete, 1940/41 4½ pi. on 5 m. and 4½ pi. on 8 p., and 1941 set of 15 complete to 20 pi.; fresh and largely very fine, superb or unmounted og. Gi = £ 895.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 380 CHF

    Lot# : 4249 Sudan

    1979: Postage Due re-issued 10 m. green & mauve and 20 m. ultramarine & carmine, Arms 'Rhino' watermark, each in complete sheets of 100 stamps (10 x 10), each cancelled 30 June 1981. Scarce and most unusual Mi. P16+P17 = € 30'000 unused, unpriced used.
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 4250 Tonga

    1893: Small specialized collection black surcharges '½ d' on 1 p blue (17) and  '2 ½ d' on 2 p bluegreen (22), mostly unused, incl. two pairs, a block of four, a block of six and a block of 12, good condition and mounted on album pages. 
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 4253 Trinidad u. Tobago

    1854/74: Group of covers (4) with Jan 1854 cover bearing (1 d.) grey on blued used to London and charged '2/-' due on receipt, crumpled April 1854 entire from Cuidad Bolivar to Hamburg franked by 1853 (1 d.) brown-red, cover franked by 1853 (1 d.) brown-red used on cover to Naples (a rare destination) tied in black and by oval 'P-D' in red and disinfected with slits in transit (cert. Eichele, 2000) and a delightful 1879 cover to France franked by single 6 d. bright yellow-green tied by Trinidad cds (Jan 8). A scarce group.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 900 CHF

    Lot# : 4254 Sansibar

    1880c.: India 4 a. 6 p. yellow postal stationery envelope used to Germany cancelled by fine 'BRITISH / P.O. / ZANZIBAR / B' duplex in black, reverse with sender's return address: 'S.M.S.Hertha, Zanzibar', and 'Sea Post Office / B' cds (June 27), Aden cds (July 2) and Bueckenburg arrival cds. Scarce.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 4255 Sansibar

    1896: India 2 a. 6 p. postal stationery envelope optd. 'Zanzibar' multi-franked with 1896 ½ a. blue-green, 1 a. plum, 1 a. 6 p. sepia, 2 a. blue, 2 a. 6 p. green, and 3 a. brown-orange all tied by 'Zanzibar' cds's. Carried by French Paquebot with octagonal 'La Reunion a Marseille / L. V. No. 3' datestamp (June 11). Reverse with Munich and Nymphenburg cds's (June 28). Slight stain on front but an attractive cover.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 180 CHF

    Lot# : 4256 Sansibar

    1895/96: Overprinted on India, the set of fifteen values complete to 5 r., one or two small imperfections otherwise fresh and fine with large part og,, together with 1896 overprints on BEA ½ a. - 5 a. values, fresh and fine, large part og. (Gi = £ 750), also South Africa 1927/30 10 s. blue & brown horizontal pair unused with part og. (Gi 39 = £ 200).
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 220 CHF

    Lot# : 4257 Sansibar

    1895/1964: Largely unused collection with sporadic optd. on India but incl. 3 r. unused, 1899 part set of 13 of the 17 values, 1936 set of 13, 1936 Jubilee set (7 sets), 1948 Silver Wedding sets (2), 1952 definitive sets (2), 1957 definitive set of 15 (5), 1961 definitives, Republic overprint sets and much useful duplication
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 320 CHF

    Lot# : 4258 Sansibar

    1888/1964: The Postal History selection with covers/cards (35) together with a fine range of used postcards (13) incl. 1888 India 1½ a. blue stationery card written in Zanzibar and cancelled in Aden in transit to Germany, 1896 ½ a. green 'Specimen' stationery card, later with FDC's, 1937 Southbound First Flight cover etc.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 170 CHF
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