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Lot# : 3632 Peru
1854/65: Covers (7) with 1854 cover from Le Havre to Lima with 'Bureau Maritime / Havre' cds in red, 1863 entire letter with British P.O. ARICA cds in black, via London with 'GB / 2F 87½' Accountancy handstamp in black charged 12 décimes, stamped covers incl. 1858 cover with 1 d. blue vertical pair tied by dotted 'AREQ.' to Lima, 1861 cover from Iquique to Lima franked by fine 1858 1 p. red tied in blue, 1864 cover with Le Coq 1 d. rose tied by dotted YSLAI; and a stampless 1860 entire from British P.O. in Vera Cruz (Mexico) to Paris with 'GB / 1F 60c.' Accountancy marking in black.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 3633 Peru
1858/72: Group of covers (5) with 1858 1 d. deep blue single franking used from Paita, single 1858 1 p. red on cover from Arequipa to Islay cancelled in blue with dotted AREQ.; 1862 Le Coq 1 d. red on covers to Valparaiso - one from Callao, the other endorsed 'per V. Paita' cancelled in Lima and 1868 1 d. green on cover from Piura.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 3634 Peru
1860/61: Covers (2) each addressed to Lima, with November 1860 cover bearing 1 d. blue pair used from Islay (signed A. Diena); second cover from Caxamarca dated October 1861 franked with sinmilar 1 d. blue pair. Both pairs with good margins all round and each with interesting plate flaw at top of right hand stamp, with outer frameline missing above 'ORT' of 'PORTE'.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3635 Peru
1884/1919: A fine selection with some hundred postal stationery items used/unused, mainly postcards, some of them uprated and sent to various destinations incl. Europe, surcharged items showing new face value and more, also a number of envelopes of various sizes (these in average condition), housed in a small box.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 3636 Uruguay
1827 (June 14): Entire letter from Montevideo to London carried by the ship 'Kingfisher' via Falmouth, struck on arrival with superb strike of "(1) Oz at 14s/- per Oz." in black and rated at the one ounce rate with manuscript '14/-' alongside. London arrival cds (Aug 28) on reverse of a scarce and most attractive entire.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 3637 Uruguay
Lot# : 3638 Uruguay
1860: Thick Numerals, 60 c. lilac (shades), the album page with 10 used examples in a variety of shades from dull to red lilac, together with a fine 1862 cover endorsed 'por Villa del Salto' bearing a single 60 c. in the red-lilac shade mailed to Paysandu tied by oval 'Montevideo' datestamp (Feb 14), signed A. Diena, P. Holcombe Scott = $ 350+.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 190 CHFLot# : 3639 Uruguay
1864: Coat of Arms 6 c. rose, a fine large margined example used on October 1864 entire letter to Montevideo tied by CERRO LARGO oval handstamp in blue, together with a small piece bearing two horizontal pairs of 6 c. rose cancelled by dotted obliterator in black.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 3640 Uruguay
Lot# : 3641 Uruguay
1865 & 1866: Entire letters (2), both from Montevideo to Bordeaux and both carried by the 'Carmel', each with different Montevideo despatch in black, struck with octagonal URUGUAY / CARMEL datestamp in black (Salles fig. 1035), the earlier dated Aug 15, 1865, the second entire Jan. 15, 1866; each struck with 'Brésil / Bordeaux' entry marks in black; one charged 8 décimes and the other 10 décimes. A fine pair: the 'Carmel' datestamp was in use for a year only.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3642 Uruguay
1866: Cover from Montevideo to Malaga, Spain franked by 1866 10 c. green imperf. tied by obliterator and by 'Montevideo' cds in black, in combination with France 1862 80 c. rose (Yvert 24) tied by dotted Anchor lozenge with framed P.P. in red and octagonal MONTEVIDEO Consular cachet (May 15) in black (Salles fig. 1062). Reverse with 'Bordeaux-Irun' transit (June 18) and Malaga arrival cds (June 21) where charged '4R' in red due. Minor file folds but a fine and appealing cover. Signed Brun. Cert. Brun (2017).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 3643 Uruguay
1875: Cover from Montevideo to Dego, Italy franked by 1866 10 c. green perf., tied by "4" numeral obliterator in black. Carried by French Paquebot 'Parana' and struck with octagonal MONTEVIDEO / PAQ. FR. J No. 2 datestamp (Oct 28) in black (Salles fig. 1076). Paris cds in blue on reverse and struck with framed Convention marking "F*56" in blue on front and taxed '10' with corresponding Italy 1870 Postage Due 1 lire tied 'Dego' cds on receipt (Nov 18). Minor imperfections but scarce - Uruguay joined the UPU in July 1880.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 3644 Uruguay
1876: Cover from Montevideo endorsed 'via Bordeaux' to Basel, Switzerland franked on despatch with 1866/67 10 c. green perf., tied by 'Montevideo' cds (July 5) in black and France 1870 Siège 40 c. orange and 1871/75 Cérès 80 c. carmine-rose cancelled in manuscript by pen crosses. 'Bresil / Bordeaux' entry marking on front (July 21) and triangular 'T' marking in black (early usage) and charged '130' (décimes) in red crayon. Reverse with Paris transit and Basel arrival cds (Aug 2). Small part of cover missing at top but an unusual combination cover. Signed Calves, Scheller.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3645 Uruguay
Italo-Platense Line 1879: 10 c. blue stationery envelope endorsed 'par "Italie" voie de Marseille' used from Montevideo to Bordeaux cancelled by oval 'Montevideo' despatch (Aug 23) with circular PLATA / MARSEILLE entry cds in red (Sept 24). Charged '12' décimes handstruck on arrival. Small internal cut in envelope but extremely scarce - only a handful of covers are recorded from the 'Italo-Platense Line'.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 3646 Venezuela
1859/60: 2 r. red, coarse impression, a sheet marginal example touched at top, tied to 1861 entire letter to Paris by CORREOS / CARACAS datestamp (Aug 9) in blue. Carried via London with transit in red (Aug 29) on reverse and struck there with 'GB / 1F 60c.' Accountancy marking in black. Charged '8' décimes due on receipt in black. Small imperfections but a charming entire. Cert. Moorhouse (2014).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 3647 Venezuela
1877: Cover to Corsica struck on despatch with 'Correos La Guaira' cds (Sept 5), transferred to French Consular Office and franked by Type Sage 25 c. ultramarine (four examples) and tied by octagonal LA GUAYRA Consular datestamps (Sept 6) struck in black (Salles fig. 1374). Carried on the Paquebot 'Washington' with circular 'Ligne A / Paq. Fr. No. 2 ' datestamp in black (Salles fig. 1401). One side flap detached and a few minor imperfections but an attractive and scarce franking.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 3648 Venezuela
1879: Unpaid entire letter from Carupano to Paris, struck with CORREOS / LA GUAIRA circular handstamp in black, octagonal LA GUAYRA French Consular datestamp (April 2) in black (Salles fig. 1374) with octagonal LA GUAYRA / PAQ. FR. D. No. 2 datestamp (April 4) struck in red (Salles fig. 1511) and triangular 'T' mark in black. Carried on the with Paris (April 26) arrival on reverse; together with large part of heavy Newspaper wrapper franked with Type Sage 10 c. and 35 c., defective, tied by octagonal LA GUAYRA French Consular datestamp (June 1) with LA GUAYRA / PAQ. FR. D. No. 2 datestamp alongside.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 3649 Venezuela
Lot# : 3894 Central America
1880/1980: Lot several hundred used stamps from countries located in the Caribbean sea, mainly small values from Haiti, Puerto Rico, Trinidad & Tabago, Jamaica, Barbados and many more, also a small selection of British Guyana, inbetween some unused values can be found as well, housed in total 18 small stockbooks.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 110 CHFLot# : 3895 Collections/lots Oversea countries
1945/93: Collection resp. lot of US stamps covering the period after WW 2, total several hundred stamps in mint condition with full sets, blocks of four, coil stamps, souvenir sheets etc, housed in two Leuchtturm albums, in addition three modern mint collctions 1984/1993 from the Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Palau, showing a large topical variety in full sets, souvenir sheets, miniature sheets etc., these housed in three Lindner 'T' albums.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 3896 Collections/Lots Middle East
1850/1966: Middle East selection with Saudi Arabia 1936 Charity 1/8 g. red in large format unused, Libya 1951 set of 10 with values in Francs on Cyrenaica, Israel 1948 Postage Due sets unused (3) with some duplicates incl. 50 p. (2), Egypt 1866 Resieter Essay in blue and 1866 2 pi. yellow perforated Proof, Lombardy Venetia with superb 1850/54 5 c. yellow used, Ionian Islands 1859 set of three unused and a block of four of the (2 d.) red, some Greece, India Azad Hind labels, Italy, Persia and Syria with 1958 Damascus Miniature Sheet, Yemen 1960 Miniature Sheet etc. A good range with high catalogue value.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 3897 Collections/lots Oversea countries
1870/2000c: Special selection with some hundred stamps used/unused or in the modern part in mint condition covering the region Egypt/Lybia and the Middle East, some better items early Egypt incl. few Interpostal seals, modern issues with full sets and souvenir sheets, few modern Emirates etc., in addition a large number of covers, cards and postal stationery items, good to mixed condition and housed in total ten albums and stockbooks, all arranged in a Banana box.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 3898 South America
1850/1950: Lot several hundred stamps used/unused mainly from Argentina with small values, full sets, blocks of four and duplicats, also a small selection with stamps from other countries located in South Amercia, housed in one album and on album sheets.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3899 South America
1843/1920c.: South & Central America collection on Ideal album leaves with extensive range of Argentina, Brazil, Haiti, Peru, Uruguay etc., value in the classic period, condition varies but much useful material noted.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 3900 South America
Latin America 1852/1900ca: Collection of hundreds stamps used/unused incl. Argentina with Buenos Aires, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia with Antioquia, Bolivar, Santander & Tolima, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Salvador, Uruguay, and Venezuela.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 3901 South America
1859/1930c.: Mixed group with range of Canal Zone incl 1904 cover and card, Panama with postcards of the Lighhouse and pay-day at Culebra, Colombia incl. attractive cover with Great Britain 1856 1 s. green pair used to Bogotá via Cartagena, 1859 prepaid cover to Rionegro with oval BOGOTA / FRANCA in blue, some scarce Colombia Fiscals with 1859/61 20 c. values in black (8). early 'AR' receipt form from Cali, delightful 1881 2 c. stationery card used to Paris with superb LIGNE D / PAQ. FR. No. 1 datestamp in red (24 July 1881), Cubiertas forms (6) all used, etc. An interesting assembly.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 3902 Collections/lots Oversea countries
1880/1920ca: Lot 23 postcards in mixed condition with shipmail cancellations from Latin America to Italy incl. Piroscafo TIRSO on Peru stamps to Genova, CONTE BIANCAMANO on Argentina stamps to Italy, Piroscafo GIULIO CESARE on Brasil to Genova, Piroscafo SAVONA on Italian stamp going from Montevideo to France, R. Nave DOGALI from Santiago de Cuba to Napoli, or M/N ORAZIO on Italian stamp from Panama to Ancona.rnProvenance: Collection Del Bianco.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3903 South America
1880/1920ca: Lot 15 covers, fronts and stationery from Uruguay (3), Brasil (4) and Argentina (8) with handwritten shipmail notes such as Piroscafo NILE, AUGUSTUS, IBERIA, Piroscafo STRASSBURG, VERA, Vapore POLOSI, or two covers from Genova to Buenos Ayres with handwritten Vap. VITTORIA and Vapore ARGENTINA.rnProvenance: Collection Del Bianco.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 4052 Brunei
Japanese Occupation 1944 (Oct): Re-used British OHMS envelope addressed to Kuching franked by optd. 4 c. orange (2) tied by 'Simunjan' circular datestamp (Proud JD3) in black with Censor chop in violet at left. The adhesives slightly rubbed and cover with vertical bends but very rare.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 4053 Brunei
1906/67: Collection hundreds of stamps unused, incl. 1906 BRUNEI ovpts. on Labuan definitives, 1907 and consecutive years landscape definitives, later definitive and commemoative issues. Gi = £ 1'500+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 4204 Iraq
Lot# : 4205 Iraq
1922: Cover endorsed 'By Airmail Baghdad-Cairo' addressed to London (surface mail from Cairo) struck on front with circular GENERAL HEAD QUARTERS / AIR MAIL / BRITISH AIR in violet, franked on reverse with 1918/20 1 a. on 20 pa. red in a strip of three and single 6 a. on 2pi. black & green tied by Baghdad datestamps (April 14) in black. Opened for display and with envelope edge wear but unusual.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 4206 Iraq
Lot# : 4207 Iraq
Lot# : 4208 Iraq
1924: OHMS cover to RAF in Cairo franked by Official 1923 3 a. grey-blue and 1924 2 a. orange-buff tied by Baghdad datestamps. A scarce Official usage - prepaid at 5 annas as the normal rate of 6 a. included 1 a. for internal usage which was free for Official Mail. Reverse with Cairo arrival (Nov 15).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 4209 Iraq
Lot# : 4210 Iraq
Lot# : 4211 Iraq
1932; Definitve set of 17 values, all perforated SPECIMEN, complete but with some toning especially on part og., together with a large part set of 1932 Officials similarly perforated SPECIMEN but missing the 2 f. and 4 f. values but with the high values, part og. Despite faults a scarce group Gi = £ 900+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 4212 Iraq
1934: Definitive and Official sets of 18 complete, all perforated SPECIMEN, the Official set with additional 200 f. scarlet, frontal appearance generally fine, some values with thins from previous mounts and some toining, part og. Despite faults, very scarce.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 4213 Iraq
1918/1998: Unused Collection with 1918 British Occupation set to 10 r., Official set to 10 r., wmk'd. set of of eight Officials (2 sets), 1923/25 set of 13 to 10 r. lake, Official set to 10 r. and Official set optd. 'Specimen', 1924/25 Official set to 10 r., 1931 set 25 r. violet (Gi 92 = £ 900) and Official set to 10 r., 1932 New Currency set of 16 to 1 d. on 25 r. violet but missing 200 d. value, 1932 Official set to 1 d. on 25 r. violet, 1932 definitive and Official sets of 17 to 1 d., 1934 Ghazi definitive and Official sets of 18 to 1 d., thereafter complete unused incl. Faisal II imperf. and perf. Miniature Sheets, Airmail sheets, 1957 'unissued' definitives, scarce 1971/72 Official overprints, seldom encountered Saddam Hussein issues and overprints on Faisal issue etc, the collection with just a few missing stamps and largely complete until 1998. A fine and seldom seen collection Gi = £ 6'750+.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 4,600 CHFLot# : 4214 Iraq
1941/49: Collection of complete mint sheets and large blocks incl. 1941 1 f. purple (50), 2 f. chocolate ((75), 1942 Official 1 f. purple in two sheets of 100, Official 5 f. lake-red sheet from Plate 1A and showing the re-entries (scarce), 1942 bicoloured 1 f. (145) and 2 f. (150), 1948 Faisal II definitive 1 f. (5 sheets plus block of 25 = 525 stamps), 2 f. (450), 3 f. (250), 4 f. (250), 5 f. (150), 6 f. (150), 8 f. (100), 10 f. (100), 12 f. (100); 1948 Offical 1 a. in block of 50, 1949 Airmail issue 3 m.-50 m. in blocks of 20; also some 1930's Revenues on documents etc. A useful lot.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 4215 Iraq
Indian PO's 1899/1902: Covers (2) with earlier cover franked by India 1883/90 ½ a. green (5) each tied by BAGDAD cds (April 29) with Indian and Persian Bushire transit cds's (May 12) to Shiraz, and a further fine cover with pair of ½ a. green tied by BAGDAD cds's addressed to Muscat with fine MUSCAT arrival cds (Feb 1) in black (Donaldson fig. 10). Scarce and fine pair.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 4216 Iraq
1917/52: Collection of Telegraphs with 1917 OHMS envelope cancelled by large ARMY SIGNALS datestamps in red, 1918 Telegram form cancelled BAGHDAD (March 17) and second Telegram cancelled BAGHDAD / TELEGRAPHS M.E.F. datestamp both with 'Military Governor's cachets in violet, 1922 'Mesopotamian Telegraphs' forms (2) in rose, 1925 example used from Mosul, and 1919 issue adhesives all cancelled by MTD (Mesopotamian Telegrpahs Dept.) datestamps incl. a block of six of the 4 a. on 1½ a., a scarce group (27 items).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 4217 Iraq
1918/21: 'In British Occupation', the cover collection (21 items) with some fine frankings noted incl. registered cover to GB with 1½ a. in strip of three used from Basra, registered cover to Sweden, Censored cover to Switzerland, 1922 covers (2) with Official 1 a. pair on reverse; 1923 issue covers (16) and later frankings and two India used in Baghdad covers noted. A generally fine collection with much of interest (64 covers/cards).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 4218 Iraq
1918/2006: The collection of predominantly used Postcards and some covers (100+), with a fine range from 1918/20 British Occupation issues onwards, postcards from Iraq being extremely elusive, through to some interesting 'Faisal obliterated' covers and a few modern usages. a fine range with viewing recommended.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 4219 Iraq
1920/32: 1 a.+1 a. on Turkey 20 pa. red postal stationery reply card unused (H&G 7) - scarce, 1 a. on Turkey 20 pa. red envelope used from Shaiba but reverse with stamp missing (H&G B1), 1931 ½ a. green on white stationery card and envelope unused, 1932 3 f. in black on ½ a. green card unused (H&G 8+B2+9) etc.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 4251 Jordan
1920 (Nov): First issue range with 1 m. sepia (53), 2 m. blue-green (38), 3 m. yellow-brown (22), 4 m. scarlet (37), 5 m. orange (14), 1 pi. blue (9), 2 pi. olive (67), 5 pi. purple, 9 pi. ochre (6), 10 pi. ultramarine (4) and 20 pi. grey (6) all unused; later 1922 issues with a good range of unused and used, a fine study lot.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 4252 Jordan
1952 (Aug 13): Postage Due 50 f. blue, a complete unused sheet of 100, with full Bradbury Wilkinson imprint and Plate No. 1 at base and requisition number '185' at top, minor bends due to size, fine unmounted og. A scarce sheet Gi = £ 375.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 4667 Libya
1950/56: Cyrenaica 1950 set of 13 values to 500 m. orange-yellow & green unused (Gi 136/148 = £ 180), 1951 'Libya' optd. set of 13 unused, 1951 set of 10 with values in Francs and surcharged with values in 'Mal' set of ten fine unused, 1952 King Idriss set of 12, 1955 APU set of three with inverted overprints and 1956 ONU set of two in imperforate blocks of four, all fresh and fine, unm. og. or large part og. A scarce group.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not sold
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