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Lot# : 3625 Peru
1857 (Dec 1): PSNC 1 r. blue, a fine unused example with large margins all round, of fresh colour and unusual flaw at base below value with diagonal blue 'scratch' lines in margin, without gum; together with two Proofs of the 2 r. value in brown and in green on wove paper. Scarce and most unusual. Signed A. Diena Gi 1 = £ 1'700+/Scott = $ 1'700+.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 3626 Peru
1865 (June 24): Entire letter from Chincha Islands to Dinan, France endorsed 'voie Angleterre et Panama' franked by Le Coq 1862 1 d. red and Great Britain 1862/64 4 d. pale red, hairlines, and 6 d. lilac (Gi 82, 84) all lightly cancelled by 'C38' obliterators with British P.O. 'Callao' cds on reverse (June 28) in black. London 'Paid' transit cds (July 29) in red and Dinan arrival on reverse of a scarce entire. Cert. Brun (2017).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 3627 Peru
1868: 1 d. green used on covers (3), with 1869 cover to Arequipa with 1 d. cancelled by dotted ISLAY in blue, 1871 entire letter with 1 d. tied by Lima cds. mailed to Bordeaux via London with fine framed 'GB / 1F 90c.' Accountancy marking applied in black, and 1872 cover to Lima with 1 d. cancelled by framed IQUIQUE in black.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 3628 Peru
1872: Cover from Arequipa to Paris franked by 1868 1 d. green tied in transit with dotted YSLAY handstamp in black, with scarce British P.O. ISLAY cds at left (April 11) and reverse with 'Callao' cds (April 14) in black. Mailed on RMSP 'Moselle' from Panama to London (May 13) where struck with framed 'GB / 1F 90c.' Accountancy handstamp in black and charged '15' décimes due upon receipt.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 3629 Peru
1907/08: 2 s. deep blue & black, pictorial definitives top value, the complete sheet of 100 stamps, fresh and very fine, folded through centre of sheet but of excellent colour and full unmounted og. Extraordinary as a complete sheet and very rare Gi 372 = £ 20'000/Scott = $ 20'000.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3630 Peru
1798/1830: Collection of entire letters/covers (15) with fine range of strikes incl. ACARY in black on 1798 entire letter to Arequipa, paid and unpaid covers with CHACHAP.S handstamps in red and in grey-blue, 1829 entire with fine CUZCO in red, 1830's usages prepaid from Arequipa, Bolivar, Caxamarca, Islay, Lima, Pasco and Tacna in red etc. Generally fine, a scarce group.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3631 Peru
1835/75: Small group of covers (4) with 1835 entire from Lima to Nantes carried on 'Bonne Clémence' with framed 'Pays D'Outremer' on arrival, 1859 cover with 1 d. blue mailed to France via British P.O. in ARICA and charged 24 décimes on arrival, incoming cover from Great Britain bearing two 1862 1 s. green pl. 1 (Gi. 90) used from Dundee via British P.O. in Panama and 1875 cover from Lima with Llama 10 c. red to Paris (cert. Moorhouse). Generally fine, a scarce group.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3632 Peru
1854/65: Covers (7) with 1854 cover from Le Havre to Lima with 'Bureau Maritime / Havre' cds in red, 1863 entire letter with British P.O. ARICA cds in black, via London with 'GB / 2F 87½' Accountancy handstamp in black charged 12 décimes, stamped covers incl. 1858 cover with 1 d. blue vertical pair tied by dotted 'AREQ.' to Lima, 1861 cover from Iquique to Lima franked by fine 1858 1 p. red tied in blue, 1864 cover with Le Coq 1 d. rose tied by dotted YSLAI; and a stampless 1860 entire from British P.O. in Vera Cruz (Mexico) to Paris with 'GB / 1F 60c.' Accountancy marking in black.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 3633 Peru
1858/72: Group of covers (5) with 1858 1 d. deep blue single franking used from Paita, single 1858 1 p. red on cover from Arequipa to Islay cancelled in blue with dotted AREQ.; 1862 Le Coq 1 d. red on covers to Valparaiso - one from Callao, the other endorsed 'per V. Paita' cancelled in Lima and 1868 1 d. green on cover from Piura.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 3634 Peru
1860/61: Covers (2) each addressed to Lima, with November 1860 cover bearing 1 d. blue pair used from Islay (signed A. Diena); second cover from Caxamarca dated October 1861 franked with sinmilar 1 d. blue pair. Both pairs with good margins all round and each with interesting plate flaw at top of right hand stamp, with outer frameline missing above 'ORT' of 'PORTE'.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3635 Peru
1884/1919: A fine selection with some hundred postal stationery items used/unused, mainly postcards, some of them uprated and sent to various destinations incl. Europe, surcharged items showing new face value and more, also a number of envelopes of various sizes (these in average condition), housed in a small box.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 550 CHF
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