Europe & Overseas
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Lot# : 3328 Iraq
Ottoman Posts 1888: Turkey 2 pi. lilac on blued, used on reverse of cover to Teheran tied by framed KERBELA negative seal handstamp in blue-green (Coles & Walker fig. 26). Teheran datestamps adjacent. Somewhat roughly opened as usual at right but scarce.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 140 CHFLot# : 3329 Iraq
Ottoman Posts 1888: Turkey 2 pi. lilac on blued and 1890 1 pi. blue, used on reverse of cover to Teheran tied by framed KERBELA negative seal handstamp in blue-green (Coles & Walker fig. 26). Teheran datestamps alongside in violet. Minor cover imperfections but very scarce.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3330 Iraq
Ottoman Posts 1888/1915: Turkish adhesives used in Iraq, the selection of covers addressed to Persia all cancelled in Baghdad, with 1884 2 pi. tied by BAGDAD / TURQUIE datestamp in black (Coles & Walker fig. 7), similar cancel tying 1892 1 pi. grey blue to cover, 1908 cover bearing 1 pi. blue tied BAGDAD cds (Coles & Walker fig. 9), 1907 cover sent registered with three 1 pi. blue all tied by similar BAGDAD datestamps, 1915 cover with 1 pi. cancelled by BAGDAD /2 datestamp (C&W fig. 11) in black, registered cover to Istanbul with 1 pi. and 2 pi. tied by BAGDAD cds (C&W fig. 10) in black. Cover imperfections but a scarce group.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3331 Iraq
Ottoman Posts 1892/1916: Turkey issues used in Iraq, with 1892 2 pi. on cover tied by BAGDAD cds in black (Coles & Walker fig. 8), 1899 cover with 1892 1 pi. grey-blue tied by NEDJEF double ring cds (C&W unlisted), 1902 cover franked by 1 pi. blue tied by bold KERBELA cds in black (Coles & Walker fig. 28), 1914 cover with 1 pi. blue tied by NEDJEF cds in black (C&W fig. 36), 1916 cover with 10 pa. green and 1 pi. blue tied by bold Censor cachet in black, mailed to Germany with Baghdad return address on reverse; envelopes with imperfections but a scarce group.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 3332 Iraq
1995 (Oct-Dec): Provisional surcharges: 250 d. in black on Saddam Hussain 350 f. multicoloured and 1'000 d. in black on 350 f., both values in complete sheets of 50 stamps each with an additional sheet of the 250 d. with surcharge in black (unrecorded by SG), all three sheets fresh and fine, unmounted og. Issued during the period of Saddam's re-election by referendum and the currency plummeting. Extremely rare Gi = £ 3'000+.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3333 Iraq
Ottoman Posts 1887/1916c.: The collection of covers (35) and postcards (3) all with Turkish adhesives cancelled within Iraq, incl. 1892 1 pi. cover tied by BAGDAD cds (Coles & Walker fig. 7), 1911 card with 20 pa. rose tied by BAGDAD octagonal datestamp in black (C&W fig. 13), card with 10 pa. green tied BAGDAD cds (C&W fig. 10), cover with 1890 1 pi. teid by negative KERBELA handstamp (C&W fig. 26), covers with 1 pi. blue adhesives tied by KERBELA cds (C&W fig. 28 and 29), further cover with 1 pi. tied MOUSSOUL (C&W fig. 69), cover from NEDJEF etc. Condition very variable but a scarce group with some rare cancels.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 4204 Iraq
Lot# : 4205 Iraq
1922: Cover endorsed 'By Airmail Baghdad-Cairo' addressed to London (surface mail from Cairo) struck on front with circular GENERAL HEAD QUARTERS / AIR MAIL / BRITISH AIR in violet, franked on reverse with 1918/20 1 a. on 20 pa. red in a strip of three and single 6 a. on 2pi. black & green tied by Baghdad datestamps (April 14) in black. Opened for display and with envelope edge wear but unusual.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 4206 Iraq
Lot# : 4207 Iraq
Lot# : 4208 Iraq
1924: OHMS cover to RAF in Cairo franked by Official 1923 3 a. grey-blue and 1924 2 a. orange-buff tied by Baghdad datestamps. A scarce Official usage - prepaid at 5 annas as the normal rate of 6 a. included 1 a. for internal usage which was free for Official Mail. Reverse with Cairo arrival (Nov 15).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 4209 Iraq
Lot# : 4210 Iraq
Lot# : 4211 Iraq
1932; Definitve set of 17 values, all perforated SPECIMEN, complete but with some toning especially on part og., together with a large part set of 1932 Officials similarly perforated SPECIMEN but missing the 2 f. and 4 f. values but with the high values, part og. Despite faults a scarce group Gi = £ 900+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 4212 Iraq
1934: Definitive and Official sets of 18 complete, all perforated SPECIMEN, the Official set with additional 200 f. scarlet, frontal appearance generally fine, some values with thins from previous mounts and some toining, part og. Despite faults, very scarce.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 4213 Iraq
1918/1998: Unused Collection with 1918 British Occupation set to 10 r., Official set to 10 r., wmk'd. set of of eight Officials (2 sets), 1923/25 set of 13 to 10 r. lake, Official set to 10 r. and Official set optd. 'Specimen', 1924/25 Official set to 10 r., 1931 set 25 r. violet (Gi 92 = £ 900) and Official set to 10 r., 1932 New Currency set of 16 to 1 d. on 25 r. violet but missing 200 d. value, 1932 Official set to 1 d. on 25 r. violet, 1932 definitive and Official sets of 17 to 1 d., 1934 Ghazi definitive and Official sets of 18 to 1 d., thereafter complete unused incl. Faisal II imperf. and perf. Miniature Sheets, Airmail sheets, 1957 'unissued' definitives, scarce 1971/72 Official overprints, seldom encountered Saddam Hussein issues and overprints on Faisal issue etc, the collection with just a few missing stamps and largely complete until 1998. A fine and seldom seen collection Gi = £ 6'750+.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 4,600 CHFLot# : 4214 Iraq
1941/49: Collection of complete mint sheets and large blocks incl. 1941 1 f. purple (50), 2 f. chocolate ((75), 1942 Official 1 f. purple in two sheets of 100, Official 5 f. lake-red sheet from Plate 1A and showing the re-entries (scarce), 1942 bicoloured 1 f. (145) and 2 f. (150), 1948 Faisal II definitive 1 f. (5 sheets plus block of 25 = 525 stamps), 2 f. (450), 3 f. (250), 4 f. (250), 5 f. (150), 6 f. (150), 8 f. (100), 10 f. (100), 12 f. (100); 1948 Offical 1 a. in block of 50, 1949 Airmail issue 3 m.-50 m. in blocks of 20; also some 1930's Revenues on documents etc. A useful lot.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 4215 Iraq
Indian PO's 1899/1902: Covers (2) with earlier cover franked by India 1883/90 ½ a. green (5) each tied by BAGDAD cds (April 29) with Indian and Persian Bushire transit cds's (May 12) to Shiraz, and a further fine cover with pair of ½ a. green tied by BAGDAD cds's addressed to Muscat with fine MUSCAT arrival cds (Feb 1) in black (Donaldson fig. 10). Scarce and fine pair.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 4216 Iraq
1917/52: Collection of Telegraphs with 1917 OHMS envelope cancelled by large ARMY SIGNALS datestamps in red, 1918 Telegram form cancelled BAGHDAD (March 17) and second Telegram cancelled BAGHDAD / TELEGRAPHS M.E.F. datestamp both with 'Military Governor's cachets in violet, 1922 'Mesopotamian Telegraphs' forms (2) in rose, 1925 example used from Mosul, and 1919 issue adhesives all cancelled by MTD (Mesopotamian Telegrpahs Dept.) datestamps incl. a block of six of the 4 a. on 1½ a., a scarce group (27 items).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 4217 Iraq
1918/21: 'In British Occupation', the cover collection (21 items) with some fine frankings noted incl. registered cover to GB with 1½ a. in strip of three used from Basra, registered cover to Sweden, Censored cover to Switzerland, 1922 covers (2) with Official 1 a. pair on reverse; 1923 issue covers (16) and later frankings and two India used in Baghdad covers noted. A generally fine collection with much of interest (64 covers/cards).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 4218 Iraq
1918/2006: The collection of predominantly used Postcards and some covers (100+), with a fine range from 1918/20 British Occupation issues onwards, postcards from Iraq being extremely elusive, through to some interesting 'Faisal obliterated' covers and a few modern usages. a fine range with viewing recommended.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 4219 Iraq
1920/32: 1 a.+1 a. on Turkey 20 pa. red postal stationery reply card unused (H&G 7) - scarce, 1 a. on Turkey 20 pa. red envelope used from Shaiba but reverse with stamp missing (H&G B1), 1931 ½ a. green on white stationery card and envelope unused, 1932 3 f. in black on ½ a. green card unused (H&G 8+B2+9) etc.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 170 CHF
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