French Colonies
France Collection 'Besançon' (Part II)
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Lot# : 3175 French Colonies
General Issues 1859/65: Eagle Issue, the set of six values in fine unused blocks of four, the 20 c. with minor age spot and the 80 c. block with a few spots on gum, otherwise fresh and fine, all with large part og. An attractive set Yvert = € 1'350.
Aigle impérial: la série complète six valeurs en bloc de quattre (20 c. + 80 c. avec petites taches) neuves avec gomme.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 3176 French Colonies
General Issues 1859/65: 5 c. yellow-green, a fine used horizontal strip of four, all showing variety without parentheses around '(5)', lighty cancelled by INDE dotted lozenge in black. Scarce and most attractive strip Yvert = € 500+.
5 c. vert avec variété sans parenthèses en bande de quatre oblitérée losange INDE. Très beau.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 3177 French Colonies
General Issues 1859/65: 10 c. yellowish bistre, marginal strip of three showing central stamp printed sideways 'timbre couché', positions 176-177-178 on the sheet of 180 subjects, fresh and very fine, large part og. Thin in margin only mentioned for accuracy, a scarce and most attractive multiple Yvert = € 1'100.
10 c. bistre jaune en bande de trois neuve avec bord de feuille et variété: timbre couché au centre. Très beau.
Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 3178 French Colonies
General Issues 1859/65: 10 c. yellowish bistre, block of nine showing central stamp printed sideways 'timbre couché', positions 14-16/24-26/34-36 on the sheet of 180 subjects, fresh and fine with unmounted or large part og. Signed Calves, Champion. Yvert = € 1'100+.
10 c. bistre jaune en bloc de neuf neuf avec gomme et variété: timbre du centre couché. Très beau.
Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 3179 French Colonies
General Issues 1859/65: 10 c. yellowish bistre, used pair with one stamp printed sideways 'timbre couché', fine used with near complete lozenge of dots in black Scott 3a = $ 525/Yvert = € 600.
10 c. bistre jaune en paire dont un timbre couché, oblit. losange. Très beau.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 3180 French Colonies
Guadeloupe - General Issues 1859/65: 10 c. bistre in a vertical strip of three, further 10 c. bistre in a vertical strip of three with central stamp 'timbre couché' and 40 c. orange horizontal pair used to make up the 1 franc double rate by British Packet to France; the adhesives all tied by mute lozenge of dots in black with POINTE A PITRE datestamp alongside (Nov 10). 'Colonies Par Angl.' entry marking in red (Nov 30) also on front and reverse with Granville (Dec 1) arrival cds. A magnificent and extremely rare cover. Signed Calves.
10 c. bistre en bande de trois + 10 c. bistre en bande trois avec un timbre couché + 40 c. vermillon en paire (effleuré en haut), oblit. losanges sur lettre par voie d'Angleterre de Pointe à Pitre (10 Nov) pour Granville. Attractif et rare.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 3181 French Colonies
1859/65: Eagle 20 c. blue, an attractive vertical strip of four, lower stamp imperceptibly touched but with right margin showing portion of adjoining stamp, used on 1870 entire letter to Bordeaux cancelled by INDE lozenge of dots in black. Framed PD in red at right and Pondichery despatch cds in black at left (Sept 1) with Marseille entry marking also on front (Sept 29) in red. A fine and attractive cover.
20 c. bleu en bande verticale de quatre,effleuré en bas, oblit. losange INDE sur lettre de Pondichéry (1 septembre 70) via Marseille pour Bordeaux.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3182 French Colonies
Lot# : 3183 French Colonies
1859/65: Eagle 80 c. rose, a fine example used on 1868 cover to Marseille cancelled by lozenge of dots in black. Framed PD in red at left and 'Inde / Pondichery' despatch cds in black below (May 6) with Marseille entry marking also on front (June 5) in red. A fine and attractive cover.
80 c. rose oblit. losange sur lettre de Pondichéry (6 mai 68) pour Marseille. Très beau.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 3184 French Colonies
General Issues 1871/72: 5 c. yellow-green on greenish paper, imperforate, a delightful unused horizontal pair with large margins all round, exceptional fresh colour and large part og. Scarce and very fine. Signed Calves Yvert = € 2'200.
5 c. vert-jaune sur papier teinté en paire neuve avec gomme. Superbe.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 3185 French Colonies
General Issues 1871/72: 30 c. bistre, a fine horizontal strip of three with large margins all round (second stamp with small fault), tied by clear INDE dotted lozenge in black to entire to Marseille, obverse with Pondichery handstamp in blue, despatch "INDE PONDICHERRY 3 MARS 76" cds in black and French entry "COL FR. V. BRIND. 24 MARS 76 A. MOD." in red, reverse with Marseille arrival cds (25 MARS 76). Short lived rate between January 1876 (foundation of the GPU) and end of June 1876 (adherence of India to the GPU on July 1st, 1876) for a cover sent by British vessel via Brindisi and in addition a late use of the Napoleon Laureated issue. Scarce and attractive item. Cert. Brun (2016).
30 c. bistre en bande de trois (second timbre avec petit défaut) oblit. losange Inde sur lettre du 3 mars 76 de Pondichéry Inde par Bombay et Brindisi pour Marseille.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 3186 French Colonies
General Issues 1871: Cérès 20 c. blue, an unused horizontal pair, with large even margins all round, fresh bright shade and very fine, large part og. Signed Champion Yvert = € 1'200.
Cérès 20 c. bleu en paire neuve avec gomme. Signé Champion. Superbe.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 3187 French Colonies
Lot# : 3188 French Colonies
General Issues 1872/77: Cérès 1 c. olive-green on greenish, a delightful unused block of ten from lower left corner of the sheet, of excellent colour and full unmounted og. Yvert = € 330+.
Cérès 1 c. vert-olive en bloc de dix avec coin de feuille neuf avec gomme. Superbe.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 3189 French Colonies
General Issues 1872/77: Cérès 2 c. red-brown, a delightful unused block of four, of fine colour with fourth stamp showing 'à la barbiche' flaw below neck, superb large part og. with lower pair unmounted og. Yvert = € 2'800+.
Cérès 2 c. rouge brun en bloc de quatre neuf avec gomme, quatrième timbre avec variété 'à la barbiche'. Superbe.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 3190 French Colonies
General Issues 1872/77: Cérès 2 c. red-brown imperforate, a fine used horizontal pair, marginal from top of sheet, cancelled by RÉUNION / SAINT PIERRE cds in black. Delightful and scarce multiple Yvert = € 1'800.
Cérès 2 c. rouge-brun en paire avec bord de feuille oblit. centrale REUNION /SAINT PIERRE. Superbe.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 3191 French Colonies
General Issues 1872/77: Cérès 4 c. grey, a fine unused example with good to large margins all round, of fine rich colour for this extremely scarce stamp, large part og. Signed Champion, Gilbert Yvert = € 12'500.
Cérès 4 c. gris neuf avec gomme partielle. Signé Champion et Gilbert. Superbe.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 4,200 CHFLot# : 3192 French Colonies
General Issues 1872/77: Cérès 4 c. grey imperforate, a fine used vertical pair with good to large margins all round, tied to small piece by COCHIN CHINE / SAIGON datestamp (Aug 23, 1876) in black. A very rare and attractive multiple. Signed Calves, cert. Calves (2000) Yvert = € 1'300+.
Cérès 4 c. gris en paire verticale oblit. COCHINCHINE SAIGON 23 AOÛT 76 sur fragment. Superbe.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 3193 French Colonies
General Issues 1872/77: Cérès 10 c. bistre brown on rose, a fine unused block of six (3 x 2), marginal from top left corner of sheet, large margins all round, fresh colour and superb large part og. with lower three stamps unmounted og. A delightful and scarce multiple. Signed Champion Yvert = € 1'850.
Cérès 10 c. bistre brun en bloc de six neuf avec gomme et coin de feuille. Superbe. Signé Champion.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 3194 French Colonies
General Issues 1872/77: Cérès 80 c. rose, large figures, an unused block of four in a rich shade with even margins all round and sheet margin at right (tiny thin), superb large part og. A fine and most attractive multiple Yvert = € 3'400.
Cérès 80 c. rose en bloc de quatre (point clair) neuf avec gomme et bord de feuille. Très beau.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 3195 French Colonies
General Issues 1872/77: Cérès 15 c. bistre, small figures, an unused block of four, of fine sandy colour with large margins all round, superb large part og. with lower pair unmounted og. A scarce and most attractive multiple. Signed Champion Yvert = € 1'800.
Cérès 15 c. bistre en bloc de quatre neuf avec gomme. Signé Champion. Superbe.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 3196 French Colonies
General Issues 1872/77: Cérès 25 c. blue, Type I, a fine unused block of six (2 x 3), of excellent colour with large margins all round, large part og. A delightful and very scarce multiple. Signed Champion Yvert = € 1'300+.
Cérès 25 c. bleu en bloc de six neuf avec gomme. Signé Champion. Très beau.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 3197 French Colonies
General Issues 1877/79: Type Sage, Type I, imperforate, the complete set of seven including the rare 75 c. printed in carmine (signed Champion), all in fine unused blocks of four, fresh and very fine, large part or unmounted og. Scarce Yvert = € 2'700+.
Type Sage Type I la série complète en blocs de quatre neufs avec gomme, le 75 c. avec la rare nuance carmin. Très beau.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 3199 French Colonies
General Issues 1877/79: Type Sage 25 c. blue, Type II, imperforate, a fresh and very fine unused example of this extremely elusive stamp, large part og. A splendid example of a very rare stamp. Signed Calves, cert. Calves (2000) Yvert = € 5'000.
Type Sage 25 c. bleu type II neuf avec gomme. Cert. Calves. Superbe.
Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 3200 French Colonies
General Issues 1877/79: Type Sage, imperforate blocks of four Type II, with 2 c. green, 5 c. green, 10 c. green, very scarce 15 c. grey, 20 c. brown on yellow and 25 c. ultramarine, all in fresh unused blocks of four (the 2 c. and 25 c. in corner blocks) all with large part or unmounted og. Scarce and most attractive group Yvert = € 2'850+.
Type Sage Type II six valeurs en blocs de quatre avec gomme, 2 c. et 25 c. avec coin de feuille. Très beau.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 3203 French Colonies
General Issues 1878/80: 25 c. black on red, a very fine unused example of rich colour, large even margins and fine, large part og. A very scarce and elusive stamp. Signed E. Diena Yvert = € 700.
Type Sage 25 c. noir sur rouge neuf avec gomme. Superbe.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 3204 French Colonies
Lot# : 3223 French Colonies
1859/81: General Issues, fine collection on leaves with Aigle 1859/65, incl. 1 c. olive in a block of six used and 10 c. bistre in a strip of three with one stamp turned aside, Napoleon 1871/72 incl. 5 c. green in a used pair and a strip of three, 30 c. in an unsed block of four, 80 c. rose in a used pair, a strip of three on cover, a strip of four, and a strip of five, Siège 1871 40 c. orange in an unused block of four, Cérès 1872/75 10 c. bistre unused in a block of four, 30 c. brown in a corner marginal block of four with 'Controle / TP' handstamp, Sage and Alphée Dubois sets, in addition postage due and two covers with French definitives used in Shanghai and Zanzibar. Fresh and fine lot. Yvert = € 30'000+.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 7,000 CHF
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