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Lot# : 102 France
1928: Second Catapult Flight from the 'Ile de France' to Le Havre, franked by Pasteur 10 fr. on 1.50 fr. blue, very well centered, with Semeuse 50 c. red and 1 fr. blue, both in hor. pairs, tied by octagonal 'Le Havre' datestamp (August 23) in black, with registration label 'New York Au Havre' below and five line 'Première Liason Postale Aérienne' cachet. Backstamped on arrival (Aug 23) and returned to New York with oval 'NEW YORK REG'Y DIV 8-31 1928' on reverse. A very rare cover, cert. Brun (2016).Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 5,000 CHFLot# : 103 France
1930 (Nov 7): Airmail 1 f. 50 c. carmine, a fine unused block of four perforated EIPA 30, marginal from right of sheet and perfectly centred, merest tiny spot mark on first stamp, otherwise fresh and very fine, full unmounted og. Rare Maury 5A = € 21'000/Yvert = € 20'000.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : 4,000 CHFLot# : 104 France
Lot# : 105 France
1927/36: Album page with Airmail issues from 1927 Merson 2 fr. and 5 fr. surcharged set of two unused, 1936 Airmail set of seven values to scarce 50 fr. green unused, and 1936 'Burelage' 50 fr. airmail, all largely fresh and fine, large part og. Maury/Yvert = € 2'500+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 106 France
1927/36: Album pages with Airmail issues from 1927 Merson 2 fr. and 5 fr. surcharged set of two unused (signed Calves), 1930 Airmail sets of two values (2) and a fine 'coin daté' block of the 1 fr. 50 c., 1936 Airmail set of seven values to scarce 50 fr. green unused, and marginal 1936 'Burelage' 50 fr. airmail, all largely fresh and fine, large part og. Maury/Yvert = € 3'000+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 107 France
1892: Parcel Post 'Apport à la gare' 25 c. brown on yellow, perf. 13½, five unused examples with gum (Maury = € 5'000, all signed Brun); 1928 15 c. green 'Livraison par exprès' unused with full gum (Maury = € 800, signed Brun), 1938 later values with 'D' overprints in black etc., generally fine, an unusual and highly catalogued group (14 items).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 108 France
Lot# : 109 France
1849/1902: Classic collection on leaves with 1849 5 c. green unused (signed Calves), 10 c. bistre used (signed Brun), 20 c. black unused, 25 c. blue used, 1852 Présidence 25 c. blue réimpression unused, 1853 1 c. unused (3), 5 c. unused (4), 20 blue (shades) unused, 1862 with set unused or used, 1870 Siège issue unused, 1863/70 laureated issue unused complete excl. 40 c. and 5 fr., 1870 Bordeaux issue 1 c. unused (2), 2 c. brown unused (3), 4 c. unused, 10 c. used (2), 30 c. brown unused, 40 c. carmine unused, Cérès 1871/75 with fine range of unused incl. 1 c. and 2 c. blocks, 1876 Type Sage incl. 25 c. ultramarine and 75 c. carmine unused, Type II with fine unused ranage, 1900 Merson set etc. also 1885 Monaco 5 c. unused pair. Highly catalogued collection with viewing recommended.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 2,500 CHFLot# : 110 France
1849/1940 ca.: Collection 200 primarily used stamps incl. 1849 5 c. green and 1 fr. carmine, Republique 10 c. bistre, Napoleon, Empire piquage Susse, Bordeaux incl. 80 c. rose in a pair with Gros Chiffres of Alexandria, touched at bottom, Type Sage, later definitive and commemorative issues such as 1936 Burelage unmounted og., postage due with 1882 2 fr. black, Airmail with 1930 'EIPA 30' perfin on piece, in addition French Colonies General issues with 1872 5 c. dull green in pair, French Andorra with 1931 Merson 20 fr. unused as well as Monaco with 1885 5 fr. carmine on green, one pulled perf.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 111 France
1849/1965 ca.: Collection with 1849/50 Cérès 10 c. bistre used (4), 5 c. green on greenish (4, including one mailed as a single franking on cover), 20 c. black (17, incl. two pairs), 25 c. blue (15, icl. a strip of four and two covers), 40 c. orange (6) and 1 fr. carmine (4) all used, together with 1862 reprints of 10 c., 20 c. in pair and 25 c. in issued colours; 1853 Présidence 10 c. bistre used (3) and 25 c. blue (15, incl a pair and two covers); 1853/61 issue similarly duplicated with fine examples incl. 10 c. in used block of six, 20 c. in used blocks of four (2), 80 c. in a strip of four and fine 1 fr. carmine used, unusual 1857 cover from Paris to Amsterdam via Hamburg, fine 1860 cover to Peru with 2 x 20 c and 2 x 40 c. and cover to Vienna with three 80 c.; 1862 perf. issue with 5 c. green unused (3), cover to Mexico with two 80 c., 1863/67 1 c. bronze in an unused block of four and used in strip of five, 1867 5 fr. grey used (3, one on large piece), 1870 Bordeaux issue incl. 2 c. unused (4) and 30 c. unused (2), 2 c. used (Report I), 10 c. bistre in a vertical used strip of three, 20 c. with rare Type I on cover, 80 c. used (6); 1871/75 Cérès issue with Ballon Monte to St. Lo, 1870 card with Cérès Essays postally used, 1872 mixed issue three colour franking to Russia; Type Sage issue with a range of fine covers, 1923 Philatelic Congress 1 fr. unused, 1925 Miniaature Sheet with four 5 fr. carmine used from the Paris Exhibition, 1927/36 Airmails incl. 50 fr. Burelage unmounted, 1927 Strasbourg 5 f. and 10 f. used, 1929 Havre Exhibition 2 fr. used on cover, fine range of Postage Dues incl. multiple and covers (2) etc. A fine and interesting collection with fine covers and cancellation interest throughout. Viewing is recommended.Starting bid : 6,000 CHFHammer price : 9,000 CHFLot# : 112 France
1849/1980: Collection several hundred used stamps, incl. some better values, airmails, souvenir sheet Strasbourg, postage dues, a few modern covers etc., good to mixed condition and housed in one album.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 113 France
1854/1980 ca.: Collection hundreds primarily used stamps incl. Cérès 1871 4 c. grey in an unused pair, large cancellation interest, a selection of vignettes and in addition 550 covers incl. cases of postal fraud as well as 20 picture postcards from the Vosges during WWI, in three albums.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 114 France
1980/2010: Large selection of modern valid postage, incl. single values, full sets, souvenir sheets, miniature sheets, booklets and other funny products by the new issues department, housed in four stockbooks owner's calculated postage value = € 1'000+.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 115 France
'Blocs Spéciaux' 1946/58: Paris Conference issue sheet, Palace Chaillot UN issue, 1947 UPU imperf. sheet (200 printed), 1955 Tourist sheets (rare, just 21 printed), 1957 'Moissonneuse' sheet (just 22 printed) and 1958 Technical Achievements sheet (only 20 printed), all fresh and fine, unmounted og. Yvert/Maury = € 6'000+.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 116 France
1946/58: Paris Conference issue, Palace Chaillot UN issue, 1953 French Theatre sheet (just 18 printed), 1955 Celebrities sheet with Renoir 50 fr. (just 21 printed), 1957 'Moissonneuse' sheet (just 22 printed), 1958 Doctors sheet (just 22 printed), all fresh and fine, unmounted og. Yvert/Maury = € 6'000+.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 117 France
1946/54: Paris Conference issue sheet, Palace Chaillot UN issue, 1951 Paris UN issue sheet (only 20 printed), 1953 Armoires sheet with Gascogne 70 c. and Berri 80 c. values (only 18 printed), 1954 Tourist Sheets with 'Ajaccio' 20 f. (just 19 printed) and 1954 Red Cross sheet with Maternité 12 f. + 3 f. and 'Jeune Fille' 15 f. + 5 f. (only 20 printed), all fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Yvert/Maury = € 7'800.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 118 France
Pneumatic Posts of Paris 1879/1949c.: Collection with May 1879 50 c. red stationery cards (one used from the 'Exposition / Paris' in September 1879 - apparently only two such are recorded), 30 c. on 50 c. red stationery cards mint (2) and another used in first month of issue, 75 c. black on blue letter-card unused and a used example (May 1880), scarce 1880 50 c. in red on 75 c. black on blue stationery letter-card mint (2 different types) and used, 1880 Chaplain design 50 c. red card mint (6), 30 c. on 50 c. red Chaplain cards mint (2) and used, response cards mint, 50 c. black on blue letter-card mint, 1883 30 c. red Chaplain cards mint (3) and used (2), 1882 30 c. 'Map' cards mint and used, 30 c. reply cards unused, 50 c. letter-cards mint and used, 1890 60 c. Type Sage franking sent from Pl. Victor Hugo, 1891 30 c. black card with framed 'Trouvé dans la Boite', 1897 50 c. on Chaplain 60 c. red envelope used with Type Sage 50 c. red on yellow pair (rare), 1901 Chaplain 50 c. red envelope used with Type Sage 1 fr. olive (rare), a generally fine and very scarce collection with many rarities present (145 covers / cards).Starting bid : 3,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 119 France
Paris L'Exposition Universelle 1878/1900 ca.: Wonderful collection with 1878 up-rated formula card franked Type Sage 5 c. and 10 c. cancelled by Exposition cds (July 11, 1878), Official printed Notice franked 2 c. as sent to participants, 1894 Lyon Exposition with 15 c. blue illustrated stationery envelope reg'd to Belgium, 15 c. blue illustrated letter-card (only 6'000 printed) fresh unused, Carnot illustrated 15 c. letter-card unused (2'000 printed), multi-franked card from Lyon / Rhone Expo, 1887 reg'd usage of illustrated advertising envelope, 1896 India ¼ anna card selling the Paris Exhibition Bonds issued by the French Govt., 1889/1890: Specialised collection with "Robida" and other manufacturer's (artists incl. T. Bianco, Guillaume (complete set of 10), Tempestini etc.) Floral series of cards, postcards unused and used (450+) with hardly any duplication, ephemera including 'Carte de Service' for Sept 16-30, 1900 and an 1889 'Tombola' raffle ticket, 1900 lottery ticket booklet with reduced entrance and travel, 1 franc entrance ticket, exhibitior's card and photograph, rectangular silver medal, 'Key Plan' advertising booklet by the Septic Tank Co., advertising Trade Cards and a stereograph photo card of the Eiffel Tower; printed covers from the Exhibition both stampless and handstamped and franked, 'Stamps of the Nations' labels used on cards (14),Official printed envelopes unused and used, 'Carnet du Passe-Partout de L'Exposition' with 34 colour cards incl. 'Diorama de Fashoda' with discount vouchers still attached on three, cards/covers with Exhibition P.O. usages in Alma, Beaux Arts, Iena, Invalides, Presse, Rapp, Suffren, Vincennes and 'Camp de Satory', 1889 50 c. Telegram form with Expo cancel in blue, 1889 reg'd cover to Turin with 75 c. and 1 fr. from Minister of Commerce, Pneumatic Mail (4), together with an extensive library: hardbound 'Merveilles de L'Exposition de 1900' Volumes 1 & 2, profusely illustrated on 1'800 pages, 'Reports of the U.S. Commissioners to the Universal Exposition of 1889' published in 1890 in Washington DC. with 500+ pages incl. illustrations and maps; 'En 1900' by Paul Gers, an illustrated summary on 300 pages; 'L'Exposition Universelle de 1900' illustrated with 500+ pages and compl. flyer with Map of the Exhibition grounds, an album of 24 original photographs, Catalogue 'Général Officiel' for Group X (Classes 55-62) printed in Lille, 'Guide-Album du Touriste' (1889) with illustrations and advertising, softback incl. 'Catalogue - La Roumanie a L'Exposition' (190 pages), Express Guide to Paris Exposition by American Express Co., Official Illustrated catalogue, Charles Kiddle 'Poster Stamps of the Exposition' (2000) etc. A splendid lot.Starting bid : 12,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 142 France
French Colonies 1876/1920: Small collection in an album with a few hundred stamps used/unused, incl. some better values from mainland as well as from various post offices abroad as Alexandria, China, French Levant, Port Said and others, also a portion af General issues for all the Colonies, furthermore stamps of French and Spanish Andorra, in good condition.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHF
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