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Lot# : 1323 Italy
Italien 1931: HAPAG Faltprospekt in italienischer Sprache der Agenzie Generale del Luftschiffbau Zeppelin HAMBURG - AMERIKA LINIE, sechs Seiten mit Abb. vom Innern des LZ 127 und vorderseitiger Werbung 'In 3 Giorni nel Sudamerica / Servizio regolare con lo Zeppelin per Passegeri, Posta e Merci'. Guter Zustand, selten.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 1324 Italy
1933: Italienfahrt 29. bis 30. Mai, R.Brief ab "ROMA 7 27.5.33" mit Einzelfrankatur Zeppelin-Sondermarke 12 L. entw. mit Rundstp. "ROMA POSTA AEREA - ZEPPELIN 29.5.33" ohne ital. Zustzfrankatur und deshalb handschriftl. taxiert "T fran.oro 0,55" und '60' in blau, rücks. Maschinenstp. von Rom sowie grünem AStp. von F'hafen (30.5.) weitergeleitet nach Müchen mit rücks. AStp. vom 31. Mai. Sehr seltener taxierter Beleg. Sassone = € 1'800 für 12 L. Frankatur.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1325 Italy
1933: Italienfahrt vom 29. bis 30 Mai. Kuvert ab Rom (23.5.) frankiert mit Zeppelin-Sondermarke 15 L plus Zusatzfrankatur Luftpost 2 L. und Freimarke 1 L.25, entw. mit Maschinenstp. von Rom nach Payerne in der Schweiz, Sonderbestätigungsstp. in Grün sowie rückseit. grünem AStp. von F'hafen (30.5.) Sieger = € 400+, Sassone = € 2'400 für Zeppelinmarke auf Brief.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1326 Italy
1932/34: Lot drei Belege von versch. Fahrten, alle adressiert nach Pernambuco , dabei R-Brief ab Mailand zur 5. SAF 32, R-Brief ab Triest zur 9. SAF 32 frankiert mi Luftpost 50 c. - 5 L. sign. Diena, sowie einfacher Brief ab Rom zur 6. SAF 34 frankiert mit 1926/28 5 L. grün plus Zusatzfankatur Sieger = €755, Sassone = € 1'050.
Info: R-Brief ab Triest zur 9. SAF 32 an Oberkannte leicht eingerissen und Marke zu 25 c. beschädigt.
Starting bid : 280 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1327 Italy
1933: Blankokarte der DELAG mit je einem Abschlag des Postsonderstp. "ROMA POSTA AEREA ZEPPELIN 29.5.33", Sonderbestätigungsstp. in Blauviolett und Maschinenstp. "ROMA 29.V. 33 CROCIERA ZEPPELIN 1933".Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 1478 Italy
1852: Collection with Naples 1852 50 g. brown-rose used (signed Bühler, E. Diena, cert. Fiecchi), Papal States 1852 6 baj. grey unused, 1864 50 baj. deep ultramarine used (cert. E. Diena), Sardinia 1852 5 c. black used (cert. Sorani), 1853 embossed set of three used, 1854 20 c. used (2) etc. Condition varies but a scarce and highly catalogued selection (12 items).Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1479 Italy
1806/77: Lot 60 used/unused stamps and twelve covers, incl. two prephilatelic covers, items with Austrian revenues and newspaper stamps, stamps from Papal States, Romagna, Parma, Tuscany, Sicily, Modena, Lombardo-Veneto, Sardinia as well as San Marino.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 1480 Italy
1796/1849: Lot 240 stampless covers showing different cancellations in black or red from Bergamo in the North to Palermo in the South, mainly fine strikes with 'Armée d'Italie' noted. a fine assembly.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1481 Italy
1833/70: Lot 29 covers with shipmail cancellations and markings incl. handwritten "col vapore Etrusco", oval "V.P.M." in red, "VIA DI MARE (E)", "LIVORNO / VIA DI MARE" as well as French ship marks.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 1482 Italy
1924 overprinted 'Vittoria' issue (1921) set of four values in compl. sheets of fifty stamps each, fresh of colours, unused mint with somewhat browned original gum, splitted perforation and gum bends as usual, a scarce set in complete sheets Sassone = € 12'500Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 1483 Italy
Repubblica Sociale Italiana 1944: 25 c. green with red fasces overprint, a complete sheet of 100 values with full margins all round, unused mint original gum, horizontal folded perforation in center of sheet. A scarce multiple. Each single stamp signed Oliva on reverse as well as on front on lower left sheet margin Sassone = € 40'000.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1484 Italy
1961: 205 L. 'Gronchi' Rosa in very fresh colour and full original gum. A fine copy Sassone = Euro 1'900Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 1485 Italy
1870 (Jan 1): Entire letter from Constantinople to Livorno via Brindisi, sent unpaid with LLOYD AGENZIE / COSTANTINOPOLI cds of despatch (Tchilinghirian fig. 446), with framed 'Piroscafi / Postali / Italiani' in black and taxed with handstruck '7' and corresponding 1870 Postage Due 30 c. and 40 c. tied on arrival (Jan 8). Some minor imperfections but a scarce entire, the Postage Dues used on eighth day of issue.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1486 Italy
1870: Entire letter from Constantinople sent unpaid to Livorno, struck with fine French Paquebot CONSTANTINOPLE / P. FR. U. No. 2 octagonal despatch (March 9) struck in blue (Salles fig. 882) and carried on the 'Nil'. The entire landed at Messina with cds verso and charged '9' decimi due in manuscript with corresponding 1870 Postage Due 40 c. and 50 c. applied and tied on arrival. Small imperfections but an unusual entire.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1487 Italy
1870: Entire letter sent unpaid to Livorno, struck with fine DARDANELLES / TURQUIE French P.O. despatch cds (Jan 29) in black. The entire landed at Messina with cds verso (Feb 6) and charged '9' decimi due in manuscript with corresponding 1870 Postage Due 40 c. and 50 c. applied and tied on arrival. Small imperfections but an unusual first month of usage entire.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1488 Italy
1870/1985c.: Large accumulation of covers/cards (50+) all taxed on arrival incl. 1872 cover from Italian P.O. in Alexandria taxed on arrival at 60 c. in Tunisia, further taxed mail from Austria, Egypt, Eritrea incl. taxed 1932 cover, Fiume, GB, Libya (franked by Postage Due 5 c. pair with inverted centre), Syria, USA etc., also Colonial covers incl. 1907 cover taxed with Somalia 5 c., 1909 San Marino Due cover, 1943 cover from Leros to Rhodes, 1943 taxed 'Isole Jonie' cover, covers taxed in the Vatican etc.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 1489 Italy
1930 (Dec.1): Balbo Transatlantic Mass Formation Flight, 7 L. 70 Prussian blue on grey, overprinted SAGGIO, part o.g., fine. Cert. Bolaffi (1971).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1490 Italy
1930 (Dec. 1): Balbo Transatlantic Mass Formation Flight, 7 L. 70 Prussian blue on grey in marginal corner blocks of four of all four different corners of the sheet, all unused mint original gum and of very fresh colours. A fine combination with every single stamp signed Bolaffi Sassone = € 19'000.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 3,800 CHFLot# : 1491 Italy
1930 (Dec.17): 7 L. 70 used with 1 L.25 tied by 'Crociera Italia - Brasile' special cancel on souvenir envelope to Rio de Janeiro with signature of all crew members together with General Balbos signature in red ink. Certificate Giulio Bolaffi (1966) Longhi 2248, Sassone GP 25a = Euro 2'500.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1492 Italy
1930 (Dec.17): 7 L. 70 used with 1 L.25 tied by 'Crociera Italia - Brasile' special cancel on souvenir envelope to Rio de Janeiro signed by all crew members Longhi 2247, Sassone GP 25 = Euro 2'500.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1493 Italy
1930 (Dec.17): 7 L. 70 used with 1 L.25 tied by 'Crociera Italia - Brasile' special cancel on souvenir envelope to Rio de Janeiro signed General Balbo Longhi 2249, Sassone GP 25b = Euro 2'750.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 1494 Italy
1930 (Dec.17): 7 L. 70 used with 1 L.25 tied by 'Crociera Italia - Brasile' special cancel on souvenir envelope to Rio de Janeiro signed General Valle. Envelope with vertical fold, not detracting appearance. Certificate Bolaffi (1966) Longhi 2250, Sassone GP 25c = Euro 3'250.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1495 Italy
1930 (Dec.17): 7 L. 70 used with 1 L.25 tied by 'Crociera Italia - Brasile' special cancel on souvenir envelope to Rio de Janeiro signed Captain Agnesi Longhi 2251, Sassone GP 25d = Euro 3'000Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 1496 Italy
1930 (Dec.17): 7 L. 70 used with 1 L.25 tied by 'Crociera Italia - Brasile' special cancel on souvenir envelope to Rio de Janeiro signed Captain Marini Longhi 2253, Sassone GP 25d = Euro 3'000.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 1497 Italy
1933 (May 20): Balbo Trytich 5 L. 25 + 19 L. 75 and 5 L. 25 + 44 L. 75, the two values in complete sheets of 20 values overprinted with all different initials of the cruise commanders, unmounted mint original gum, both sheets with light horizontal perforation fold in center, fresh and fine, signed G. Bolaffi Sassone = € 17'625.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 7,000 CHFLot# : 1498 Italy
1934 (Jan. 18): Primo Volo Diretto Roma - Buenos Ayres, the complete set of four values in unmounted sheets of fifty withfull margins, fresh of colours with slightest brownish original gum, some gum bends as usual, 3 L and 10 L. with light horizontal fold in center of sheet, otherwise fine Sassone = € 6'250.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1499 Italy
1934 (Jan. 18): Primo Volo Diretto Roma - Buenos Ayres, the complete set of four values in unmounted sheets of fifty with full margins, fresh of colours with slightest browned original gum, 3 L with some splitted perfs., 10 L. with light vertical gum bends, otherwise fine Sassone = € 6'250.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1500 Italy
1934 (Jan. 25): Envelope of 29 gr. from Verona to Brazil franked with airmail 25 c. of upper left corner sheet in combination with special overprinted issue 2 on 2 L yellow cancelled with circular flight cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", sent via "Roma Ferrovia Posta Aerea 26.1.34", showing special flight cachet red alongside and "Rio de Janeiro 31.Jan.934" arrival mark on reverse. Envelope opened on two sides (left/right) and presumably used as wrapper Longhi 3065, Sassone GP 64.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1501 Italy
1934 (Jan. 24): Registered envelope from Milano to Santiagoe de Chile franked with five examples of overprinted special issue 2 on 2 L. yellow as 10 L postage tied by circular flight cachet of Rome (27.1.) in combination with 1929 1L75 c. orange and on reverse with two copies of 1932 50 c., cancelled "Milano Corr. Pacchi Racc. 24.1.34", showing on front special flight cachet in red and on reverse boxed PANAM cachet, Buenos Aires transit (2.2.) and Santiago arrival mark. A rare franking Longhi not listed, Sassone GP64.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 1502 Italy
1934 (Jan. 26): Newspaper cut-out of upper right corner of frontpage of 'Le Forze Armate 8 gennaio 1934' addressed to Santos Brazil, franked with overprinted special issue 2 on 5 L. yellow with sheet margin at left, tied by circular flight datestamp of Rome (27.1.34) in combination with 1932 25 c. green cancelled by "Roma Centro (Posta Aerea) 26.1.34" cds. and showing special flight cachet in red at lower left. Rare usage on Newspaper Longhi 3066 = € 2'000, Sassone GP64.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1503 Italy
1934 (Jan. 26): Complete Newspaper 'IL TELEGRAFO' (26.1.34) to Buenos Aires, franked with overprinted special issue 2 on 5 L. yellow tied by circular flight datestamp of Rome (27.1.34) in combination with 1929 1 L.75 c. orange sent registered from Orbetello via "Roma Ferr. Raccom 26.1.34", showing fine strike of special flight cachet in red, boxed PANAM handstamp in violet as well as Buenos Aires arrival mark at left. Rare registered usage of a complete Newspaper Longhi 3066 = € 2'000, Sassone GP64.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1504 Italy
1934 (Jan. 26): Registered newspaper wrapper with full content and addressed to Signor Kneitschel in Buenos Aires, franked with overprinted special issue 2 on 5 L. yellow circular flight datestamp of Rome (27.1.34) in combination with 1932 1 L.75 orangecancelled by "Roma Ferrovia Racc. 26.1.34" cds., showing on reverse special flight cachet in red, boxed PANAM handstamp in violet as well as "Buenos Aires Feb.34" arrival mark. Slight toned perfs, a rare registered printet matter rate, Longhi just notes the regular usage with additional franking of Italy 25 c. Longhi 3065, Sassone GP64Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1505 Italy
1934 (Jan. 23): Registered envelope endordsed 'Stampe' from Torino to Argentine franked with 1929 15 c. plus 1932 1 L. and 65 c. in combination with special overprinted issue 2 on 2 L yellow cancelled with circular flight cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", sent via "Roma Ferrovia Raccomandate 24.1.34", showing special flight cachet red alongside and on reverse boxed PANAM cachet in violet as well as Buenos Aires arrival marks (Feb. 2.). Rare registered printed matter franking with registration receipt included Longhi 3065, Sassone GP 64.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1506 Italy
1934 (Jan. 26): Card franked with overprinted special issue 2 on 2 L. yellow and 3 on 2 L olive green as 5 L postage tied by circular flight cachet of Rome (27.1.) in combination with 1932 75 c. carmine cancelled "Roma Ferrovia Posta Aerea 26.1.34" showing special flight cachet in red alongside and boxed PANAM cachet in violet. A rare combination, Longhi not listed, Sassone GP64Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1507 Italy
1934 (Jan. 25): Registered envelope from Matera (Lucania) to Buenos Aires franked with overprinted special issue 5 on 2 L. rose in an vertical pair as 10 L. postage rate tied by circular flight cachet of Rome (27.1.) in combination with 1932 25 c. and 1933 1 L.25 cancelled "Matera 25.1.34", showing on front special flight cachet in red and on reverse boxed PANAM cachet as well as Buenos Aires (2.2.) arrival marks. Despite punching whole at lower left corner of envelpe, a rare franking Longhi not listed, Sassone GP64.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1508 Italy
1934 (Jan. 24): Registered envelope from Genova to Buenos Aires franked with overprinted special issue 2 L. + 3 L. + 5 L. as 10 L. postage rate tied by circular flight cachet of Rome (27.1.) in combination with 1929 2 L. + 75 c. cancelled "Milano Corr. Pacchi Racc. 24.1.34", showing on front special flight cachet in red and on reverse boxed PANAM cachet, and Buenos Aires (2.2.) arrival mark. A rare franking Longhi not listed, Sassone GP64.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1509 Italy
Francis Lombardi 'Primo volo diretto Roma - Buenos Aires' 1934 (Jan. 24): Registered envelope from Torino franked with 1932 2 L. 75 olive green in combination with complete set of special overprint issue 'Primo volo diretto Roma - Buenos Aires' of four values, cancelled with special cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", showing special flight cachet in dark red alongside and on reverse boxed PANAM cachet in violet as well as Buenos Aires arrival marks (Feb. 2.) Longhi 3063, Sassone GP 64d = € 2'250Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1510 Italy
1934 (Jan. 22): The unique complete set of overprinted special issue in blocks of four used on four registerd envelopes dispatched in Genoa, additionally franked with Italian adhesives, and cancelled with circular "ROMA Io VOLO POSTALE DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", showing special flight cachet in red alongside. The two envelopes franked with 2 L and 3 L addressed to Rio de Janeiro with corresponding arrival marks (Jan. 31) on reverse, the other two envelopes franked with 5 L. in a marginal corner block of top right of sheet or 10 L. with sheet margin at right, have been sent to Buenos Aires and showing boxed PANAM handstamps as well as Buenos Aires arrival marks (Feb. 2) on reverse. Despite some toning a stunning group for the connaisseur Longhi 3067 = (Prezzo d'amatore) for comparison Longhi rates R6 between € 60'000 / 80'000Starting bid : 17,500 CHFHammer price : 17,500 CHFLot# : 1511 Italy
1934 (Jan. 23/26): Complete set of overprinted special issue used on two registerd envelopes and two postcards in combination with Italian adhesives, including uprated 30 c. stationery card from Genoa (Jan 25) with 2 on 2 L, yellow and 5 on 2 L rose on registered envelope from Rome singed by Lombardi, all tied by Rome special flight cds and special flight cachet in red alongside together with boxed PANAM handstamps and corresponding Buenos Aires arrival marks (Feb. 2)., dated Jan 28th or 30th. Longhi 3064 = € 1'500, Sassone = € 2'250.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1512 Italy
1934 (Jan 27): Postcard franked with overprinted special issue 3 on 2 L. olive green in combination with 1932 25 c. green both cancelled by "Palermo Ferrovia 24.1.34" machine cancel, together with registered envelope from Genoa franked with complete airmail set of which two values remained uncancelled in combination with Italian adhesives, both items flown with special flight cachet in red alongside, PANAM handstamps as well as Buenos Aires arrival marks (2.2.34) on front or reverse., unusual Sassone = € 2'510
Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1513 Italy
1934 (Jan. 2): Registered envelope from Triest to Buenos Aires franked with complete set of overprinted special issue tied only by Triest cds. with additional franking on front and reverse of 2 L.75, showing on front boxed delay handstamp "Perduta coincidenza / primo volo postale / Roma Buenos - Ayres" in red and Buenos Aires arrival mark (3.3.34) on reverse. Despite arrival in "Rome Ferr.Racc Posta Aerea 27.1.34 11" not dispatched to the plane and sent by ordinary mail to Argentine, only known item franked with the complete set Longhi 3080.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1514 Italy
1934 (Jan.): Postcard and envelope with 'Perduta' delay handstamp, incl. 5 L. franking on registered postcard from Maia Bassa / Bolzano as well as registered envelope from Chiavenna (25.1.) franked with 2 L. + 3 L. + 5 L. which remained correctly uncancelled, sent by ordinary mail to Buenos Aires (3.3.)Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1523 Italy
Switzerland 1934 (Jan. 24): Postcard franked with airmail 35 cts. tied by "BERN 1 24.I.34 10" in combination with overprint issue 2 on 2 L. yellow cancelled with special cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", without special flight cachet in dark red, but showing boxed PANAM cachet in violet, signed by Francis Lombardi. Note: only 23 known and together with the following three items, the only known complete set from Switzerland Longhi 3076 = € 2'500, SLH FF 34.1 = CHF 2'500, Sassone GP 72 = € 4'000.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1524 Italy
Switzerland 1934 (Jan. 24): Postcard franked with airmail 35 cts. tied by "BERN 1 24.I.34 10" in combination with overprint issue 3 on 2 L. olive green, cancelled with special cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", showing special flight cachet in dark red and part strike of boxed PANAM cachet in violet, signed by Francis Lombardi. Note: only 23 items known and together with the other three offered here, the only known complete set from Switzerland Longhi 3076 = € 2'500, SLH FF 34.1 = CHF 2'500, Sassone GP 72 = € 4'000.
Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1525 Italy
Switzerland 1934 (Jan. 24): Postcard franked with airmail 35 cts. tied by "BERN 1 24.I.34 10" in combination with overprint issue 5 on 2 L. rose cancelled with special cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", without special flight cachet in dark red but finestrike of boxed PANAM cachet in violet, signed by Francis Lombardi. Note: only 23 items known and together with the other three offered here, the only known complete set from Switzerland Longhi 3076 = € 2'500, SLH FF 34.1 = CHF 2'500, Sassone GP 72 = € 4'000.
Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 1526 Italy
Switzerland 1934 (Jan. 24): Postcard franked with airmail 35 cts. tied by "BERN 1 24.I.34 10" in combination with overprint issue 10 on 2 L. violet, cancelled with special cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", without special flight cachet in dark red, but a fine strike of boxed PANAM cachet in violet, signed by Francis Lombardi. Note: only 23 items known and together with the other three offered items here, the only known complete set from Switzerland Longhi 3076 = € 2'500, SLH FF 34.1 = CHF 2'500, Sassone GP 72 = € 4'000.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 1539 Italy
Franchigia Militare / Military Post 1943: the compl. sheetlet of six (3 x 2) in ultramarine, perf. 11½, with vignette of the Roman Ampitheatre at El Djem, issued for use by Axis troops in Tunisia, with full sheet margins all round, fresh and very fine, full unmounted og. Rare. Cert. E. Diena (1992) Sassone = € 1'600.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1541 Italy
Lubiana 1935: Yugoslavian definitive 15 d. brown with handstamp ovpt. 'Co.Ci' in black, a fine and fresh block of four, unmounted og. The only block of four known out of a printrun of 50 stamps, signed A. Diena, cert. Ferrario (2015) Sassone = € 28'000.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1542 Italy
Lubiana 1941: Yugoslavian definitives ovpt. 'Alto Commissario per la provincia di LUBIANA', compl. set 15 values, unused og. Cert. Cilio for the eight highest values (2016) Sassone = € 4'000.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1543 Italy
Cefalonia e Itaca 1941: Greek definitive 1 d. green in horizontal pair, handstamp ovpt. in red, unused og. Signed Oliva and Mondolfo Sassone = € 4'000.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1544 Italy
Cefalonia e Itaca 1941: Greek definitive 25 d. grey blue, handstamp ovpt. in black, unmounted og. Signed A. Diena; certificates Sorani (1993), E. Diena (1994) Sassone = € 6'400.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1545 Italy
Corfu 1941: Greek definitives ovpt. CORFU in black, compl. set four values, unmounted og. Cert. E. Diena (1997) Sassone = € 1'500.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1546 Italy
Corfu 1941: Greek definitives ovpt. CORFU in black, compl. set 13 values, unused og. Cert. Raybaudi for the 10 dr. stamp (2003) Sassone = € 1'050.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 1547 Italy
Corfu 1941: Greek airmail stamps ovpt. CORFU in black, compl. set twelve values, unused og. Cert. Caffaz for the three most expensive stamps (1993) Sassone = € 7'000.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1548 Italy
Fiumano Kupa 1941: Italian Imperiale definitives ovpt. ZONA OCCUPATA FIUMANO KUPA in black, part set nine values, unused og. Signed A. Diena, Raybaudi; cert. Fiecchi (1963) Sassone = € 5'500.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1549 Italy
Montenegro 1942: Yugoslavian commemorative 'Legionari' set ovpt. 'Governatore del Montenegro / Valore in Lire' in red, compl. set four values, unmounted og. Signed A. Diena; cert. Raybaudi (2016) Sassone = € 11'000.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 1550 Italy
Montenegro 1942: Yugoslavian Airmail set ovpt. 'Governatore del Montenegro' in black, compl. set four values, unmounted og. Signed A. Diena Sassone = € 4'800.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 1551 Italy
Montenegro 1942: Yugoslavian Airmail set ovpt. 'Governatore del Montenegro' in red, compl. set four values, unmounted og. Cert. Colla (2012) Sassone = € 11'000.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 1552 Italy
Montenegro 1941: Yugoslavian definitive 50 p. orange ovpt. 'Montenegro Tserna Gora 17-IV-41-XIX', unissued value, unmounted og. Signed A. Diena; cert. E. Diena (1982) Sassone = € 3'000.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1553 Italy
Montenegro 1941: Yugoslavian definitives ovpt. 'Montenegro Tserna Gora 17-IV-41-XIX', compl. set 14 values, unmounted og. Signed Erzegovic; cert. Cilio for the two highest values (2016) Sassone = € 1'500.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1554 Italy
Montenegro 1942: Yugoslavian definitives ovpt. 'Governatore del Montenegro' in red, compl. set eleven values, unused og. Cert. Cilio for the three most expensive values (2016) Sassone = € 5'000.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1555 Italy
Montenegro 1942: Yugoslavian Airmail set ovpt. 'Governatore del Montenegro / Valore in Lire' in red, compl. set eight values, unmounted og. Cert. Cilio (2016) Sassone = € 6'000.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 1556 Italy
Zante (Greek Civil Administration) 1943 (Oct): Ionian Islands ovptd. set of six values and the two Airmail values, further surcharged in black (Sass. 1/3), in red (Sass. 4/6) and the two Airmail 50 c. values in black and red respectively, all fresh and particularly fine, unmounted og. Signed A. Diena, cert. Colla (2012) Sassone = € 2'000.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1557 Italy
Spalato / Split Croatia 1944: Italian definitive 'Imperiale' 30 c. brown with ovpt. 3.50 kuna in red with variety: double overprint, a fine and fresh example unmounted og. Cert. Caffaz (1999) Sassone = € 1'800.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1558 Italy
Spalato / Split Croatia 1944: Italian definitive 'Imperiale' 1.25 l. blue with ovpt. 3.50 kuna in red with variety: double overprint, a fine and fresh example unmounted og. Cert. Caffaz (2005) Sassone = € 1'800.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1559 Italy
Spalato / Split Croatia 1944: The complete set of 17 values ovptd. 'N. D. Hrvatska' (Independent Croatia), Definitive, Airmail, Express and Postage Due, all in superb mint condition, fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Cert. Predrag Zrinjscak (2014) Sassone = € 3'200.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1560 Italy
Spalato / Split Croatia 1944: The complete set of 17 values ovptd. 'N. D. Hrvatska' (Independent Croatia), Definitive, Airmail, Express and Postage Due, all in superb mint blocks of four, fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Rare multiples. Cert. Predrag Zrinjscak (2013) Sassone = € 12'800.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1561 Italy
Istria & Litorale Sloveno 1946: The complete set of ten values 25 c. grey olive to 30 l. lilac red, all in superb mint imperf. condition, fresh and very fine, unmounted og. A rare issue with a printrun of only 100 sets. Cert. Colla (2015) Sassone = € 6'000.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1564 Italy
Egeo 1931 (Sept. 16): 'Congresso Eucaristico Italiano' overprint in red or blue on 1929 issue, the complete set of seven values in full sheets of 100, fresh of coulours with compl. sheet margins all round, unmounted mint original gum examples, some gum bends as usual and with horizontal folds in center of sheets and therefore with some splitted perforation. A scarce set in complete sheets though Sassone = € 60'000Starting bid : 10,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1571 Italy
1861/1972: Collection in an Yvert album with many better sets and values used/unused from 1929 onwards mainly in complete mint sets, including 1923 Manzoni unused, 1924 Crociera unused, 1926 S. Francis set with L 1.25 unused (2) and 20 c. with variety imperf. at bottom, 1929 Monte-Cassino set unused and used on registered envelope, further fine range of 'Pubblicitari', airmails with 1930 Crociera transatlantica L 7.70 unused, followed by Express delivery stamps, Parcel stamps, Pneumatic post issues, postage dues as well as issues of the Social Republic. A fine old time collection of high catalogue value.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 1572 Italy
1861/1993: Collection with several hundred stamps unused or in mint condition, incl. some better single values and full sets but several top items are missing, nearly complete from 1960 onward with some souvenir and miniature sheets, in addition a small section ot Italian Colonies and Post Offices abroad as well as a few stamps of Fiume, good condition and hosued in one Schaubek album.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1573 Italy
1863/2000 (ca.): Collection hundreds used/unused stamps incl. better commemorative sets such as 1923 Charity as well as Postage Due, Triest, San Marino, and Vatican.Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : 75 CHFLot# : 1574 Italy
1918/47: Lots hundreds used/unused stamps of local and occupation issues incl. Venezia Giulia, Friuli-Veneto, Kotor, Zara, Sebenico, Cattaro, Sicily, Napoli, Istria and Polish Corps, in addition local issues of Udine, Livorno, Castiglione, Teramo, Campione, Aosta, Barge, Arona, Mantova, Parma, Savona, Valle Bormida, Bari, and Montecassino.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 1575 Italy
1850/1950: Lot some hundred cards, covers, picture postcards and postal stationery items, incl. forerunners, some better frankings, various usages, diff. destinations internal and abroad, money transfers etc., good to mixed condition and housed in a small box.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1576 Italy
1860/1960: Lot 60 cards, covers and postal stationery items, all addressed to Switzerland and showing various frankings, usages and cancellations, good to mixed conditon and housed in a small box.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHF
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