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Lot# : 2419 Forerunner
1829 (Sept 1): Prepaid entire letter endorsed "S." at top left (Service Militaire), mailed to Delémont and struck with fine "P. 24 P. / BESANCON" in black, counter-signed at lower left (for free franchise) "Depôt du 2.e Regiment de la Garde Royale Suisse". Reverse with oval Regimental handstamp of the " De La Garde Royale Regiment de Courten".Starting bid : 160 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 2420 Forerunner
Lot# : 2421 Forerunner
Interessante, grosse Sammlung von 158 Briefen und Dokumenten der Schweizer Regimenter im Dienste des Königs von Neapel. Ab 1460 bis 1861. Briefe der Soldaten und Kommandanten der Schweizerregimenter (Regimenter Schindler, Sigrist, Bessler, Mohr, Schaub, Von Sonnenberg, De Steiger, De Tschudi, etc. sowie Briefe der Rekrutierungsbüros (De Baumann, Sury, Vonderweid etc. von Schwyz, Luzern, Solothurn, Fribourg , Sion, Bern, Uri, etc.). Das Reglement von 1754 und Aufstellung der 93 Soldaten, 16 Offizieren sowie 8 Musikanten, Tambour und Kaplan etc. Briefe von Soldaten an ihre Familien in der Schweiz. Interessant all die verschiedenen Stempel der Kommandanten und Rekrutierungsbüros.Starting bid : 12,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2423 Forerunner
"Tableau des Troupes desinées au Camp avec la progression des Ordres et Rapports"; Handskizze der Organisationfranz. Truppen, ausgeführt in schwarzer und roter Tinte, handschriftl. beschriftet, nicht datiert, jedoch sehr interessant!Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2424 Forerunner
1751 (Oct 25): Entire letter from Zuoz near Chur, addressed from General von Planta to Captain Poult of the Grisons Regiment in garrison at Nijmegen, endorsed at upper left "par Allemagne" and variously rated at "6", "7" and "12" (all deleted) and an eventual "16" kreuzers due. A fine and unusual entire.Starting bid : 240 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 2425 Forerunner
1753 (Jan 5): Entire letter from Amsterdam (from Jacob Ambrosius Pool & Co.) to Jacques Planta in Chiavenna, endorsed "frco. Lindau", the entire appears to have been carried by Courier as there are no rate markings. Reverse with "Lettre de Messrs. Pools au General Planta". Unusual entire.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 190 CHFLot# : 2426 Forerunner
1753 (May 30): Entire letter from the Hague to Ghent from a Swiss Colonel Schmidt v. Grüneck to a Captain in the "Regiment Grison de Planta", struck with rare straight line handstamp "HOLLANDE" in red, applied in Antwerp (Van Der Linden fig. 1718). Extremely rare entire with just two recorded strikes of this marking.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2427 Forerunner
1758 (Jan 8): Entire letter from Malans to Bergen op Zoom, Netherlands signed by Colonel Schmidt of the Grisons Regiment and addressed to Captain Poult, endorsed "Par Fra.fort" on front and reverse showing manuscript Forwarding Agents "p. ricapito Daniele Frey & Fils à Lindau" and second forwarder below "pr. addresse....Frankfurt 16 Jan 1758". A rare and early double forwarder, rated 12 kreuzer in red crayon manusrcipt on face panel, displays well.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 2428 Forerunner
1758 (Feb 12): Entire letter from Captain Schmid in Basel to Bergen op Zoom, Netherlands, addressed to Captain Poult of Sprecher's Grisons Regiment, with red crayon manuscript at top "de Basel", reverse with "Amsterdam" in red crayon and front panel with straight line "BREDA" in black and charge a total of "20" stuyvers. A rare and fine entire.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 2429 Forerunner
Lot# : 2430 Forerunner
1762 (July 19): Entire letter from Zouz near Chur, mailed to a Swiss Soldier in the Grisons Regiment, Captain Poult at Arnhem. Manuscript notation at upper left " Zuric" and manuscript rates "6", "12" (both deleted) and "16", with red crayon "VIIII" (nine stuyvers) due on reverse. A fine and scarce entire.Starting bid : 240 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2431 Forerunner
1772 (Oct 20): Entire letter from Chur, sent unpaid, addressed to a Captain in Schmid's Regiment at the Garrison in Vlissingen "en Zeelande", with manuscript Forwarding Agent's notation on flap "par main de v. s. o. serviteur Jean Jacques Schulthess, L'aine à Zurich du 24.8bre" and charged with crayon "XVIIII" stuyvers due in red crayon. A rare and charming entire.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 2432 Forerunner
1773 (Sept 5): Entire letter from Maastricht endorsed "Cito cito" (hurry) at top left and "fra Frankfort", addressed to Captain Poult in the Grisons Regiment of Colonel Schmid at Zuoz or Davos. Reverse with manuscript "8" (kreuzer to Frankfurt), manuscript "12" on front panel (for rate to Lindau) and red crayon manuscript "16" (kreuzer, applied on arrival in Chur). A fine, attractive and rare entire.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2433 Forerunner
1773 (Sept 12): Entire letter at double rate from Maastricht to Captain Poult of the Grisons Regiment in Zouz, near Chur; with manuscript rates "18" (kreuzer, to Frankfurt, deleted in manuscript), rated again at Lindau with manuscript "54" (kreuzer due), with an additional 6 kreuzer due for the journey to Chur where charged in red crayon manuscript "1 RW" (1 gulden Reichswährung). A fresh and fine entire.Starting bid : 220 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 2434 Forerunner
1774 (Dec 5): Entire letter from Zuoz, Graubünden from Pierre von Planta addressed to Captain Poult in garrison at Maastricht, endorsed "recomandée a Mr. Le Chirurgien (Surgeon) Brun" with manuscript at upper left "frco. Zurich". Rated in manuscript "18" (kreuzer, deleted at Maseyck) and "22" schilling due on receipt in Maastricht. A rare and appealing entire.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 2435 Forerunner
1776 (Feb 11): Entire letter written from Maastricht to Captain Poult of Schmid's Grisons Regiment at Chur, with manuscript "frco. Augsburg" at lower left of front panel, reverse with "8" rate and front with "6" (kreuzers, Augsburg to Lindau) and "10x" for the additional 4 kreuzers due from Lindau to Chur. Rare and fine entire, most unusual with transit via Augsburg.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2436 Forerunner
1779 (June 18): Entire letter from Major General Salis of the Grisons Regiment, written from the Hague to Captain Poult of the same Swiss Regiment on service in Holland, addressed to Vlissingen with italic "d.Haage" handstamp in black and "VI" stuyver marking in red crayon below.Starting bid : 220 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2437 Forerunner
Lot# : 2438 Forerunner
1787 (March 12): Entire letter written by Ulrich Frey, Surgeon in the Swiss Guards at the Hague, to Colonel von Planta "de Garde Suisses de Holland" in Zuoz, Grisons; with manuscript rates of "12" (deleted), "32" and "36" in red crayon; reverse with complete red wax seal and "36/46" in red crayon. A fresh and fine entire.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2439 Forerunner
1788 (March 7): Entire letter from Neuwied to Captain Poult of the Schmid (Grisons) Regiment in "service d'Hollande, en Garrison, Vlissingen" with manuscript notation at lower left "Fr. Dusseldorf" and red crayon "BOZ" on reverse (Bergen op Zoom) and stuyver charge "9" (deleted) and "XII" (twelve due to pay). A fine and rare entire.Starting bid : 240 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 2440 Forerunner
1805 (Jan 24): Entire letter from Sion to Barcelona endorsed "par Geneve, Lione, Perpignan", struck with superb impression of the scarce "Valley" straight line handstamp in black (WInkler 4150). The entire is addressed to Courten's Swiss Regiment, and struck with "9R." rate marking on receipt. A rare usage.Starting bid : 220 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 2656 Forerunner
10 Rp. mattblau + 5 Rp. braun im waagr. Dreierstreifen mit Bogenecke oben links, alle Werte weissrandig, durch Gummi teils min. getönt, dekorativ entw. mit blauem "P.P." im Kreis auf Nachnahme-Faltbrief von Thalheimen nach Seon mit schwarzen Kursivstabstp. SCHINZNACH ROUTE (Winkler 4056a) . Strubelbelege mit Routenstempel sind besonders selten. Attest Hermann (2011).Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 2,500 CHF
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