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Lot# : 1919 Liechtenstein
Lot# : 1920 Liechtenstein
Lot# : 1921 Liechtenstein
Lot# : 1922 Liechtenstein
Lot# : 1923 Liechtenstein
1870ca.: Liechtensteinische Stempelmarken vier Werte 1 Gulden blau, 2 Gulden braun, 5 Gulden karmin und 10 Gulden orange, je in ungebr. Bogenteil zu 40 Marken gez. (Zähnung teils eingerissen) mit vollem Originalgummi, in farbfr. Erhaltung. Seltenes Angebot.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1924 Liechtenstein
Lot# : 1925 Liechtenstein
1930/49: Lot 15 Briefe/Briefvorderseiten/Bildpostkarten mit Luftpost befördert, dabei bessere Frankaturen und Zeppelinpost, dazu 5 Fr. Landeswappen auf R-Expressbrief nach Wien (4.V.35) sowie Farbänderung Bendern 5 Rp. braun in Mischfrankatur mit 5 Rp. grün (1944) auf portogerechtem Ersttagsbrief vom 1. Dez. 1949, beide Belege Attest Marxer (1997/2010) SBK = CHF 7'700.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 1926 Liechtenstein
1931/65: Album 56 Flugpost-Belege mit guten Frankaturen, dabei drei Belege der Zeppelinfahrt Vaduz - Lausanne (inkl. Brief mit eingedrucktem Zeppelin-Etikett) sowie Erst- und Eröffnungsflüge mit Zuleitungen zu div. europäischen Fluggesellschaften LBK n.Angabe = CHF 5'500.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1927 Liechtenstein
1912/80: Restlot mit einigen Tausend Marken gest./ungst. und postfr., teils in Quantitäten, dabei Viererblocks und Kleinbogen, in 14 Alben und Einsteckbüchern.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1928 Liechtenstein
1912/84: Sammlung ungest./postfr., in den Hauptnummern mit wenigen Ausnahmen praktisch kompl. jedoch ohne 5 Fr. und Vaduzblock 1934, mit Wohltätigkeitsausgaben, Flugpost, Dienst- und Portomarken, dazu Campione 1944, in einem Album.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,300 CHFLot# : 1929 Liechtenstein
1912/92: Sammlung gest. Marken, dabei 70. Regierungsjubiläum, gute Freimarkenserien Landschaftsbilder & Fürstenpaar 1930/35, Vaduzblock (Attest Rupp 1980), Luftpost kompl. und Dienstmarken.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 1930 Liechtenstein
1912/95: Sammlung Marken ungest./postfr., dabei 70. Regierungsjubiläum, gute Freimarkenserien Landschaftsbilder & Fürstenpaar 1933/35, Luftpost, Zuschlagsmarken und Dienstmarken.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1931 Liechtenstein
1918/97: Lagerposten im Einsteckbuch mit vorab modernen Serien ungest./postfr., div. Blockausgaben mehrfach vorhanden, dazu Album mit Kleinbogen ab 1961 ungebr. und teils gest. sowie kompl. ungest. Sammlung Jubiläumsausgaben 'Lions Club International' in kompl. Serien ab 1967 mit Gedenkblocks von Argentinien bis Vietnam.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 1932 Liechtenstein
1912/80: Restlot mit einigen Hundert Marken gest./ungest. (vorab), dabei bessere Werte und Serien wie 5 Fr. violett, Flugpost und Dienstmarken, in zwei Alben und in einer Mappe.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 1933 Liechtenstein
1912/2004: Restlot mit einigen Hundert Marken gest./ungest./postfr., dabei auch bessere Werte und Serien, Vaduz-Block mit vollem Originalgummi und leichter Falzspur, ein paar Belege, Maximumkarten, Dubletten etc., vorab in guter Erhaltung, in div. Alben, Einsteckbüchern, auf Steckkarten und in kl. Schachteln.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 1934 Liechtenstein
1912/52: Sammlung einige Hundert Marken ungest./postfr., mit vielen guten Serien und besseren Einzelwerten, dabei Freimarken mit zwei Vaduz-Blocks, Flugpost, Wohltätigkeitsausgaben, Dienst- und Portomarken, teils im Viererblock, in zwei Alben.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 1935 Liechtenstein
1915/79: Sammlung mit einigen Hundert Marken, alle sauber gest., dabei bessere Werte wie Regierungsjubiläum (ohne 10 Rp.), Freimarken 1930 mit Zähnungsvarianten, Vaduz-Block, Landeswappen 5 Fr. lila, Schloss Vaduz etc., in guter Erhaltung, in einem Album.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 1936 Liechtenstein
1912/52: Interessante Zusammenstellung mit 53 Marken, gest./ungest. sowie mit neun Gedenkblocks und Kleinbogen, vorab Spezialitäten wie geschnittene Marken, Marken mit Aufdruck 'Muster', Probedrucke, Viererblocks etc., auf Albumblättern LBK = CHF 14'300.Starting bid : 2,200 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 1937 Liechtenstein
1912/84 (ca.): Sammlung einige Hundert Marken, postfr. inkl. bessere Ausgaben wie 1912 Fürst Johann in beiden Papiersorten, Freimarken-Serien der Jahre 1921 bis 1935, Vaduzblock (Attest Reinhardt 1981) sowie Flugpost, Wohltätigkeitsausgaben, Dienstmarken und Portomarken SBK = CHF 36'600.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 5,500 CHFLot# : 1938 Liechtenstein
1912/91: Prächtige und umfangreiche Sammlung mit einigen Hundert Marken gest./ungest./postfr. und vielen Belegen, dabei Briefstücke, Viererblocks, Sonderstp., gute FDC's, Satzbriefe, Einzel- Bunt- und Mischfrankaturen, meist portogerecht, Flugpost, Kronik-Briefe, Vaduz-Block auf Brief mit Sonder-R-Zettel und Sonderstp. der Landesausstellung (neues Attest Marxer 2011) etc., ausstellungsgerecht auf Albumblätter montiert und beschriftet, untergebracht in total zehn Alben in Spezialanfertigung.Starting bid : 8,000 CHFHammer price : 9,500 CHFLot# : 1939 Liechtenstein
1928/69: Schweizer Telegramm-Umschläge in Liechtenstein verwendet, Serie acht Fenster-Umschläge Type I-VIII, alle gest. in Vaduz.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1940 Liechtenstein
1850/1950: Restlot mit 30 Belegen, vorab Aufgabsscheine und Aufgabsrecepissen entw. in Vaduz, dazu Zeitungsteile und zwei lose Marken, auf Albumblättern.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1941 Liechtenstein
1930/46: Lot 12 Briefe und Karten mit besseren Frankaturen, vorab Belege von Sonderflügen, teils mit einigen Alterungsspuren, auf Albumblättern.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1942 Liechtenstein
1960/80: Umfangreicher Lagerbestand mit einigen Hundert Serien Maximumkarten, FDC's und anderen philatelistischen Erzeugnissen, in div. Schachteln und einem Album.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1943 Liechtenstein
1939/64: Lot 94 Belege vorab mit Satzfrankaturen, dabei einige bessere mit Entwertung vom Ersttag, in einem Album.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 1944 Liechtenstein
1900/69: Lot mit 150 Briefen und Briefteilen, Karten, Postkarten und anderen Dokumenten, dabei Vorläufer, gute Frankaturen, Sonderstempel, versch. Verwendungsarten, Satzfrankaturen, etwas Flugpost etc., teils aus dem Bedarf, teils philatelistische Erzeugnisse, vorab in guter Erhaltung, in zwei BIELLA-Alben LBK = ca. CHF 40'000.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 5,500 CHFLot# : 1945 Luxemburg
1852: 10 c. black William III in a block of four, showing broad margins with the exception of the lower left and upper right (not touching the frame), tied with two clear strikes of the three-circle postmark. An appealing subject PRIFIX = € 5'578.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 1946 Luxemburg
1858 (June 3): Entire letter to Paris franked by 1852 10 c. grey-black, two exceptionally large margined horizontal pairs, cancelled by grid handstamps in black with Luxembourg cds and framed "PD" at right. Reverse with Paris arrival cds (June 4). A rare and attractive entire. Signed Goebel.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1947 Luxemburg
Lot# : 1948 Luxemburg
Lot# : 1949 Luxemburg
Lot# : 1950 Luxemburg
1852/1985: Excellent collection of used/unused stamps, nearly complete used collection with all the rarities, including 1852 William III 10 c. & 1 sgr. in different colours, arms issues also containing 1880 issue imperf. 10 c. gray (not listed in PRIFIX catalogue in used condition), later definitive sets always complete up to 5 fr., 1921 15 c. carmine in sheet of five values from the first day, 1923 souvenir sheet Birth of Princess Elisabeth 10 fr. green, 1935 International Aid for Intellectuals; since 1944 also complete in mint condition; in addition some high CV material like 1956 Europe in blocks of four mint/used plus a fine selection of official stamps with better subjects like 1883 Allegory 5 fr. with slanted "S.P." overprint Very high catalogue value.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1951 Luxemburg
1852/1987: Important collection with several thousand stamps used/unused, incl. better sets as intellectuals and single values, miniature and souvenir sheets, officials, postage dues and a few items German occupation WW2, partly in duplication and from 1963 in mint blocs of four, in addition 190 ordinary covers and FDC's, housed in three albums (owner's cat = appr. CHF 21'400).Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1952 Monaco
Lot# : 1953 Netherlands
1852/1990: Collection with several thousand stamps used/unused and in mint condition, incl. better sets and single values, blocs of four, souvenir sheets and postage dues, in addition a small part of Dutch Antilles, Dutch New Guinea and Surinam as well as a few stamps GB (owners's cat = appr. CHF 11'800).Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1954 Netherlands
1894/1980 (ca.): Selection of used/unused stamps with better values and sets of the 1930s, souvenir sheets, stamp booklets, postage due stamps and 70 covers; in addition used/unused lots of Suriname, Netherlands Antilles and Netherlands India / Indonesia with a lot of fine motifs.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1957 Netherlands Indies
Lot# : 1958 Netherlands Indies
1866 (Dec 29): Entire letter, slight fault to front panel due to acid ink, franked by fine 1864 10 c. carmine, four margins, tied by bold half-round "Batavia" datestamp in black, with repeated strike below. An attractive first issue entire.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1959 Netherlands Indies
1868: 10 c. brown-carmine, perf., a fine used example cancelled by "Batavia" half-round datestamp in black; also the 1870 mint set of 12 values of fresh colour, the 30 c. green with "Specimen" overprint; minor faults, unused Mi = € 600+.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 1960 Netherlands Indies
1883: Definitive set of seven values mint, 1892 Wilhelmina set of eight mint, 1899 overprinted set, 1902 set of seven mint, 1905 high value set of two mint, 1908 set of four mint. Condition varies but most fine, part og. Mi = € 800.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1961 Netherlands Indies
1874: Postage Due selection with rare 5 c. yellow with framed "Specimen" overprint in black, 10 c. green on yellow, 15 c. and 20 c. all fresh unused, 1882 Postage Due issue complete to 75 c. unused or part og., 1892/1909 set of seven unused or part og., the 10 c. with "Specimen" overprint.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1962 Netherlands Indies
1912/34: The range of definitive and commemorative and Airmail sets and Postage Due issues, overprinted and re-valued sets, all mint, largely complete sets, fresh and very fine, large part og. Mi. = € 300+.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1963 Netherlands Indies
1911: Official "D" surcharge set of seven mint, 1911 "Dienst" overprint sets of eight and eleven mint, 1921 Marine Insurance set of seven values mint, and 1923 Wilhelmina set of seven mint, most fine and fresh, large part og. Mi = 640.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1964 Netherlands Indies
1848/62: Entire letters / covers (3) with 1848 entire to Batavia cancelled by oval "Cheribon / Franco" in red, 1850 entire to Batavia with watery strike of oval "Pekalongang" unpaid in blue, and 1862 cover to Bordeaux struck with oval "Samarang / Franco" in blue.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1970 Norway
Lot# : 1971 Norway
Lot# : 1972 Norway
1904: Black and white picture postcard (female oriental dancer), franked with 10 Ö. carmine and cancelled by black cds 'Nordkap 14.VII.04", also bearing blue polar bear label with face value '20 ÖRE' tied by violet cachet, addressed to a passenger on board 'S.S.Blücher' in Spitzbergen.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1973 Norway
1926 (May 11): North Pole Mail: Souvenir postcard addressed to Berlin-Friedenau carried over the Pole, bearing violet special cachets "Luftpost med Norge 11-14/V 1926" and signed by Riiser-Larsen, on reverse uncancelled German Reich 20 pf. blue, in addition an unused and fresh example of multicoloured 'Volo Transpolare' special vignette, fine Muller 9 = 5'000 points/Longhi 1515/26NSe.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1974 Norway
1855/1987: Collection with several hundred stamps used/unused, incl. better sets and single values, souvenir sheets, booklets and officials, from 1965 in mint blocs of four, in addition 90 ordinary covers from the daily mail, housed in one album and in one folder (owner's cat. = appr. CHF 9'800).Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 1975 Poland
King Wladislaw IV of Poland (1595-1648): Lettersheet: "Vladislav Quarto per la gratia de Dio Re di Polonia ... Varsavia" seven handwritten lines in Latin mentioning the Name of Bernardo Pandolfini and signed by the King "Vladislav Quarto per la gratia di Dio Re di Polonia e Wuetia ... Vladislaus Rex", a rare autograph. Wladislaw was a Polish and Swedish prince, the son of Sigismund III Wasa and his wife, Anna of Austria (also known as Anna of Habsburg). Wladislaw IV reigned as King of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from November 8, 1632, to his death in 1648. In 1610 Wladislaw was elected Tsar of Russia by Seven Boyars, but did not assume the Muscovite throne due to his father's opposition and popular uprising in Russia; he used the title of Grand Duke of Muscovy until 1634.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1976 Poland
Charles Ferdinand Vasa (Karol Ferdynand Waza; 1613 Warsaw - 1655 Wyszków), Prince-Bishop of Breslau/Wroclaw from 1625, Bishop of Plock from 1640 and Duke of Oppeln/Opole from 1648 to 1655. Lettersheet (heavy toned and reinforced/restaured) signed and dated "Warsaw 19. July 1639" written in Latin with complete paper covered seal, rare.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1977 Poland
Lot# : 1978 Poland
1948 (Dec 30): Airmail Miniature Sheet with three values 80 zl. ultramarine, 100 zl. carmine and 120 zl. green; fresh and fine mint example without enumerator number at base. Fresh and fine, full unmounted original gum. Rare, just 35 examples issued thus.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1979 Portugal
Miguelite War 1833 (July 27): Entire letter from Lisbon to Birmingham endorsed at base "per H.M.S. Pike" and struck with fine "LISBON / F" in green on arrival in Falmouth, manuscript "7/6 d." with red manuscript "Overcharge 2/6 d." at right. Fascinating content: "the people here rose as one and considering all things very few people have been killed ... thousands are now running to fight under (Dom Pedro's) flag ...I am just told all the English troops will disembark tomorrow and this will finish Don Miguel". A rare eye-witness account.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 1980 Portugal
1853/62: Lot three selected values, all with large margins, incl. a fine used example of 50 r. green (close but clear at top), with cert. Raybaudy, 100 r. lilac cancelled by '176' obliterator of Vila Real, signed Brun and A. Diena as well as1862 100 r. lilac a fine lightly used example with huge margins all round, signed Raybaudy Mi = € 1'560.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 1981 Portugal
Lot# : 1982 Portugal
Lot# : 1983 Portugal
Lot# : 1984 Portugal
1895/1998: Collection in an album with better sets and values unused and mainly mint, including compl. St. Anthony of Padua set (1895) as well as better miniature sheets and few Colonies.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1985 Portugal
1924/40: Selection of the large sets of the 1920s, unused/mint (some duplication), in addition 1940 souvernir sheet mint Mi = € 1'200.Starting bid : 240 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1986 Portugal
1812/50: Lot 30 forerunners partly showing various cancellations in black, red or blue, some items taxed in manuscript, the whole in mixed condition and housed in a small box.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1989 Acores
Azores. 1880/82: Luis I, the set of five values mint, 1882/85 Cameo issue optd 10 r. to 20 r. and 80 r. to 1000 r. (rare) and King Luis values including 1885 500 r. violet; majority fresh and very fine, most unused Mi = € 1'200+.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1990 Acores
Lot# : 1991 Portuguese Colonies
Lot# : 1994 Romania
1828: Entire letter from Bucharest to Vienna, struck at top with superb, possibly unique, strike of two line "BUKUREST / In der Walachey" (similar to but not the same as Tchilinghirian fig. 705, with second "U" in Bukurest and inverted "Y" in Walachey). Struck at lower left with disinfection cachet "Sanitatis Sigilium" at Rothenthurn in black and charged 14 kreuzer in red crayon. Extremely rare.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : 5,000 CHFLot# : 1995 Romania
1840: Complete Post Office printed document, in black on bluish grey paper, with circular Stagecoach inserted "Kasa Posilor Drumului Tirgovisi 1836" at base. Docketing on reverse of a wonderfully fresh and fine document, unrecorded by Dragomir Kiriac, however for a later type see fig. 110. A unique item. Signed Pascanu.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1996 Romania
Lot# : 1997 Romania
Lot# : 1998 Romania
1847: Printed Customs document with superb impression on reverse of negative handstamp "Karantina Oltenita / 1831" well struck in black, similar in type to Kiriac fig. 127-129 but with date added under Eagle. Unlisted, this being the sole recorded example. Signed Pascanu.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1999 Romania
1847: Printed Customs document with superb impression on reverse of negative handstamp "Karantina Islazu / 1830" well struck in black, similar in type to Kiriac fig. 151 with italic surround. Unlisted, this being the sole recorded example. Signed Pascanu.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2000 Romania
1847: Printed Customs document struck on reverse with fine oval "KARANTINA KALAFATU / 1830" negative handstamp (Kiriac un-illustrated but similar to fig. 150) with circular negative Military handstamp "Skela Kalafat" above. A rare document, signed Pascanu.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2001 Romania
1847: Printed Customs document struck on reverse with fine oval "KARANTINA TURNULUI AL 2-lea KLAS" negative handstamp (Kiriac un-illustrated but discussed under K31 on page 56) with circular negative Military handstamp below "Skela Turnu". A rare document, signed Pascanu.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 2002 Romania
1847: Printed Customs document with fine strike on reverse of "Directia Karantina Kalarasi / 1836" in black with italic Cyrillic surround. Rare, unrecorded by Kiraic but similar to fig. 172 but in differing format. The sole example known. Signed Pascanu.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2003 Romania
Lot# : 2004 Romania
Lot# : 2005 Romania
1854 (March 3): Printed Postal document for the route between Stirbei and Oltenita, manuscript dated below heading, with circular printed cachet at base for Stirbei / Oltenita showing Eagle, Stagecoach and Passenger and Posthorns (Kiriac fig. 109). Fresh and very fine, a rare item for the specialist. Signed Pascanu.
Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2006 Romania
1854: Entire letter from Braila to Galatz struck solely with superb impression of DDSG "ABONIRT" straight line "Subscriber" handstamp in deep blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 826, see page 479). A rare entire, the Abonirt marking was only used by subscribing Companies who paid an annual fee to the DDSG for their mail to be carried.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 2007 Romania
1854 (Oct 19): Entire letter from Bucharest to Mödling struck with exceptional "K.K.FELDPOSTAMT No.1" datestamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 712). Reverse with Kronstadt cds (21/10), "FELDPOSTAMT" cds (22/10), and Mödling arrival (27/10) datestamps all in black. A rare and fine entire.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2008 Romania
Lot# : 2009 Romania
1856 (Dec 11): Entire letter from Fokshani to Paris struck on front with "K. K. FELDPOSTAMT" datestamp of despatch in black, framed "T.A." in black on front, reverse with Herrmanstadt transit (15/12), mailed via Valnes to Paris (22/12). A fine entire.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 2010 Romania
Lot# : 2011 Romania
1857: Customs printed document in black on blue paper, reverse with manuscript notations and negative Braila handstamps and fair to fine strike of ovalframed "PRINCIPATUL TARII ROMANESTI / KARANTINA PORTOLUI BRAILA" in blue-green ink (Kiriac fig. 155), and a Military cachet on obverse of a rare document. Signed Pascanu.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2012 Romania
1858: Complete document with three italic "Karantina / 1857" cachets in blue inside, folded to display an exceptional strike of oval framed "PRINCIPATUL TARII ROMANESTI / KARANTINA PORTOLUI BRAILA" in blue-green ink (Kiriac fig. 155). A rare and appealing document. Signed Pascanu.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 2013 Romania
Lot# : 2014 Romania
1868 (April 28): Cover to Marseille struck with beautiful impression of Austrian / Hungarian P.O. "GALATZ" three line dated cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 745), in use for less than a year. Straight line "Franco" alongside (Tchilinghirian fig. 746) and thence via Vienna (2/5) and Strasbourg to Marseille. A rare cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 2015 Romania
1870 (Nov 15): Entire letter from Jassy to Vienna, manuscript endorsement at top stating that the letter accompanies a Packet with a value of 587 ½ francs; manuscript rate at top "Pt. 28+60", struck with "IASSI" cds in black on despatch at lower left. Rare.Starting bid : 240 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2016 Romania
Incoming Mail 1850/54: Austria 9 kr. blue, four margins, used on envelope to a Lieutenant in the 3rd Uhlann Regiment in Bucharest, tied by Vienna cds (11/3) in black. Reverse with "K.K.FELDPOSTAMT No. 1" datestamp (Tchilinghirian fig 712) of receipt (21/3). An unusual cover.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 2017 Romania
Lot# : 2018 Romania
1868/91: The mint selection with 1868 set of four, 1869 set of five, 1871 issue complete with both types of 10 b.; 1872 set of three mint, 1890 set of seven complete mint, 1890/91 set of eight mint, condition generally very fine and much above average Mi = € 2'200+.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 2019 Romania
1869: 50 bani blue & red, a fine appearing example used on 1871 registered entire letter to Vienna, margin just touched at top and large margins on three sides, tied by scarce "T. Severin / Dim" datestamp in black; also 'With Beard' 1871 50 b. blue & rose, three fine used examples.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 2020 Romania
1893/1919: Collection of King Carol mint, with1893/98 set of ten values mint including a fine block of nine with one stamp showing the "25" for "5" error of value (Mi 105F), 1908 set mint, 1909 set of six mint etc. A fresh and fine selection (Mi 99/109+105F+212/225+240/247).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2021 Romania
1858/1932: Excellent collection used/unused stamps incl. many better values starting with 1858 Bull's Heads 27 parale and 108 parale cancelled by blue-green cds's of Roman and Galatz respectively (certs Heimbüchler 2011), United Principalities, Prince Cuza, Prince Carol & King Carol issues, and the better sets of the interwar period such as 1917 unissued Ferdinand set perf./imperf., 1927 imperforate Proofs without value indicated for Independence set, 1930 airmail set; in addition Essays, Proofs, Colour Trials, plate varieties, perforation & colour errors, offsets, tête-bêches, or imperforated sets. A very fine lot collected to a fine degree of specialisation Mi = € 50'000+.Starting bid : 8,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2022 Romania
1858/1935: Collection hundreds used/unused stamps with a focus on pre-1900 material, incl. Moldavia 1858 issue, United Principalities, Prince & King Carol with perforation and colour errors, postage due, telegraph stamps, and issues for the Romanian ship mail and Küstendje-Czernavoda railway; in addition many interesting postmarks plus some covers. A fine selection. Mi = € 18'000++Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 2023 Romania
1872/79: Paris & Bucharest Issue, the award winning 8 frame Exhibit collection on leaves, with Paris Issue imperforate Proofs, Bucharest Issue Essays, study of the different issues using mint and used examples with 1½ b. (8) on part 1876 Newspaper wrapper, 1872 3 b. single franking covers (3), 5 b. (3) on cover ex Mizilu and pair on receipt form, 5 b. (3) and 10 b. (3) on reg'd cover, 25 b. strip of three on cover to Paris, 25 b., 5 b. and 10 b. three colour franking cover; 25 b. block of eight used on piece; 50 b. single on reg'd cover from Caracal, 1876 issue with multiples and covers, 5 b. bani bisect used at Sascut, 10 b. blue (3) on letter to Paris and single 30 b. from same archive, 15 b. (4) on reg'd cover, 1879 1½ b. (10) on piece and pair on local cover, 5 b. and 50 b. bistre on cover, mixed issue frankings with three colour cover to Vienna; routes and rates shown, cancellation study throughout with TPO's, cancels in blue and red, thimble cancels etc., a wonderful collection in generally very fine condition throughout, with many hundreds of stamps and covers.Starting bid : 10,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2024 Romania
1872/85: Collection on leaves of Paris / Bucharest printed issues, containing cancellation study from the grill through to the circular datestamps and thimble types of towns and villages showing datestamps in black, blue and in red; the collection with 50 covers predominantly at 15 bani internal rate but with some mailed abroad, numerous pieces with scarcer cancellations shown. A marvellous group for the specialist, with many items from the Iordache exhibit shown in Vienna in 2000.Starting bid : 6,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2025 Romania
1891/1945: Lot 19 covers/postcards including Tulcea - Galati ship mark and commemorative series of the late 1930s on airmail set covers.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2026 Romania
Lot# : 2027 Romania
1937/81: Lot of thousands predominantly mint stamps and souvenir sheets with the focus on issues until 1945 with many better sets such as 1942 Bukowina & Bessarabia reunification or 1945 engineer congress, all sets and miniature sheets in heavy duplication as well as imperf. post-war issues Mi = € 27'700.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2028 Romania
1940/45: Lot with thousands unused stamps in complete sheets or part sheets, incl. commemorative issues or Ajutoral Legionar stamps such as unissued 5 l. brown Mi = € 7'000+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 2029 Romania
1960/85: Lot of 37 mint blocks in imperf. condition. An interesting lot especially for the thematics collector.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHF
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