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Lot# : 1439 Sudan
1904 (Feb 14): 5 m. rose postal stationery envelope cancelled by 'retta' on front, reverse with Khartoum dispatch cds, "Wadi Halfa - Challal" TPO cds, "Cairo - Luqsor" TPO cds (20/2), and Armant arrival. Letter unclaimed and returned to sender with framed "Dead Letter Office / Sudan" on reverse (14/5) in black. Scarce and fine.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1440 Sudan
1940 (Nov 29): Airmail cover franked by Camel Postman 15 m. blue & brown and 3 pi. red-brown & blue, mailed to New Zealand; with triangular Cenosr marking in violet somewhat over-struck by "Passed Censor 7 9 / Hong Kong" in violet and well struck framed "MISSENT TO / HONG KONG". Reverse with Victoria / Hong King cds (Dec 13). A fine and most unusual cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1441 Sudan
1897/40c.: Collection on leaves with first issue incl. 2 pi. orange-brown (4), 5 pi. slate grey mint (3), 1898 set mint on King Farouk Koubbeh Palace sale card, 1941 6 pi. and 10 pi. each on ordinary paper in mint blocks of four, 1938 3 pi. on 3½ pi. black & violet in a mint block of four, also some fine mint Brunei Gi = £ 1'200+.Starting bid : 320 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1442 Sudan
1897/1952: Collection from first issue mint, Camel Postman sets to 10 p. value mint (3), 1931 and 1938 Airmail sets mint, 1948 set mint, Army Officials and Dues etc.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1443 Sudan
1951/61: Definitive series compl., many blocks of four incl. the rare 50 p. carmine & black in a corner marginal block of six etc. A fine lot Gi = £ 500+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1444 Sudan
1890/1953c.: The postal stationery collection with 99 covers or cards, mint almost without duplication, a fine run incl. 1908 2 m. wrapper and 1½ pi. registered envelope each optd. "Specimen" and used (53), many with better cancellations and up-rated from Atbara, Berber, Bor, Chendi, Dongola, El-Obeid, Halfa, Hasaheisa, Kerma En Nuzl, Khartoum North, "KHTM OB No. 2" TPO on up-rated registered envelope, Mongalla, Omdurman, Port Sudan, Wad Medani with unusual usages to Angola, Greece and Virgin Islands.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 2,500 CHFLot# : 1445 Sudan
1897/99: Interesting lot with 24 stationery items, incl. uprated 3 m. and another 5 m. postcard from Wadi Halfa to Ulm/Germany (1898), 4 m. on 5 m. postcard tied by very rare Kodok cds. (21.II.1907) to Belgium, similar card tied by scarce "White Nile T.P. 5 III 1908" to Berlin, "Shilal Halfa Travel Post 17 V 1907" and "Omdurman 8 IX 09" cds's, each on stationery card to Cairo, 4 m. on 5 m. postcard sent by 'Eraldo Fontanella Ice Factory' in Kharthoum to Rome (8.II.1904), further 2 m. stationery wrapper tied by "Atbara Station" date stamp (5.I.12) as well as three envelope letters. A fine group for the Sudan specialist.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1446 Sudan
1900/58: Lot 50 covers/cards and stationery items, incl. registered airmail covers from Khartoum or Wadi Halfa, uprated 2 1/2 p. aerogram to England (1954) plus a 3 1/2 p. aerogram to USA (1958), 5 m. stationery envelope tied by scarce 'Wadi-Halfa Camp 21 Ju 00" date stamp as well as 37 covers with different cancellations.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not sold
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