Sarawak. 1934/41: Brooke definitive set of 26 values, fresh mint, the 1934 values all perforated "Specimen" and the six 1941 values mint, fresh and fine, unmounted og. Gi = £ 650.
1945/55: British Military Administration compl. set of 20 to $ 10 values, unused mint and of very fresh colours together with 1950 King George VI set of 15 to $ 5 as well as Queen Elisabeth part set incl. high $ 5 value, all fresh and fine Gi £ = 500.
1932: Charles Vyner Brooke set of 15 and 1946 Centenary issue set of four all fresh mint and perforated "Specimen", all except 6 c. carmine unmounted og. Gi = £ 530.