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Lot# : 19 Ger. Occ. I Worldwar Tenth of Army
1918: German Occupation 'Landesbotenpost der 10. Armee' - Locally used envelope franked with German Reich 20 pfg. blue and local revenue 60 pfg. 'Landesgebührenmarke' neatly cancelled by "Rogaczew 15.8.1918" cds.'s. Cert. Mikulski (1982) Mi = € 1'000.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 20 Feldpost WK I
1914/18: Unsorted accumulation over 1000 Feldpost covers and cards with much of interest scattered throughout.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 21 Feldpost WK I
1915/17: The Dr. Ron Zelonka written up study of German Military Operations during WW I in Eastern Galicia and Russian Poland, showing unit cachets of the 11th, "Sud" and "Bug" - Armies on 30 Field Post Cards or envelopes, including envelope with scarce cachet "Feldfliegerabteilung 59/Kais. Deutsche Süd Armee/Korps Marschall" on reverse to Frankfurt, picture postcard of Munkacs used as field post card bearing two line "Vereinslazarettzug U.1" handstamp, two items each cancelled by clear strike of "Oberkommando der Heeres-Gruppe v. Mackensen" cds (1915/16) as well as official German military correspondence.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 23 Feldpost WK I
Lot# : 316 Generalgouvernement
Unissued 1944 set of three values (6 brown, 24 carmine, 40 blue) in fresh never hinged condition, together with six in green without gum as normal for this colour trial, with certs Michael Schweizer (2011) Mi = € 1'700 for the set of three, € 600 for the colour trial.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 317 Generalgouvernement
Lot# : 318 Generalgouvernement
Lot# : 388 Ukraine Alexanderstadt
Alexanderstadt (Bolschaja Alexandrowka) 1941: Lot five values unused in fresh colours, including a fine copy of 1.50 r. handstamp on Soviet 10 k. blue, unused mint with full original gum (on reverse small black ink spot originating of handstamp) signed Pickenpack, Zierer and Richter with cert. Zirath (2010), further small Swastika handstamp type II in black 1.50 Rbl. deep green, 20 k. green with sheet margin at left, 30 k. blue and 3 r. handstamp on 60 k. carmine, all signed Zirath BPP. A fine selection Mi € = 1'195.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 389 Ukraine Alexanderstadt
1942: 10 r. handstamp on Soviet 1 r. blue type III, unused hinged with much original gum, little centered to the bottom and some irregular perfs, as usual, on reverse vertically creased at left, but a rare stamp. Cert. Zirath (2010) Mi = € 1'200 for unused mint.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 390 Ukraine Sarny
1941: 1.50 Krb. brown on horizontally laid paper, a fine selection of four marginal stamps, all unused perf. 11, including type I or II, one example showing variety imperf. at bottom, type I and IV in an horizontal pair of right of sheet (opinion Zirath) as well as one example overprinted "GK.-Sarny" in red of second issue Mi = € 1'175.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 391 Ukraine Sarny
Lot# : 392 Ukraine Sarny
Selection of six "GK.-Sarny" overprinted values, perf. and imperf., all unused without gum, including marginal copy of 50 k. black on dark blue, vertical pair of imperf. 1.50 Krb type I and II with opinion Zirath (2011) as well as marginal 3 Krb black on light grey, type I pos. 16 of left of sheet with certificate Zirath (2011) Mi = € 1'050.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 393 Ukraine Sarny
Lot# : 394 Ukraine Sarny
1.50 Krb brown on vertically laid paper, perf. 11 type IV pos. 14, an unused example showing variety: double-overprint of "GK.-Sarny" in red. On reverse manuscript 'PROBE' in red, due Zirath's cert. (2011) a private annotation. Only one sheet known of type IV, position 14 once in a sheet, thus unique. Cert. Zirath (2011) Mi = € 9'000.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 395 Ukraine Wosnessensk
Lot# : 396 Ukraine ( Northern Ukraine)
Lot# : 397 Ukraine ( Northern Ukraine)
Lot# : 398 Ukraine ( Northern Ukraine)
Prisoner of War Mail. 1939/45: Accumulation over 170 lettersheets and cards, mostly correspondence on pre-printed lettersheets from or to Oflag and Stalag prisoners, the majority from Poland and Russia with a few other related items from the period.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 399 Ger. Occ. II. Worldwar Ukraine
Accumulation over 275 covers and cards, mostly Dienstpost, including philatelic items, with wide range of provisional cancels, cachets, Trophy use of Soviet stamps, etc.Starting bid : 1,300 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 400 Ger. Occ. II. Worldwar Ukraine
Accumulation over 240 covers and cards, mostly Dienstpost items, philatelic and commercial, with wide range of provisional cancellations, cachets, Trophy use of Soviet adhesives, etc.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 401 Ger. Occ. II. Worldwar Ukraine
1942/44: Accumulation over 50 Ostarbeiter and similar cards, mint and mainly used, with some Arbeitsbucher. Of note is one 1943 card to the Ukrainerlager, Beaumont-en-Artois with French postage due raised.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 402 Ger. Occ. II. Worldwar Ukraine
1941/45: Stockbook with German and Romanian issues, mint and used, together with some private (fantasy) material. Few hundreds. In addition, over 50 Romanian covers and cards most with Ukrainian connection.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 403 Ger. Occ. II. Worldwar Ukraine
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