Lot# 1559 - 191-195 Auction
Lot# : 1559 Turkey
1865/1930c.: The Postal History collection with covers/cards/receipts (56) and pieces (9), with 1869 20 pa. red (3) on cover tied by all arabic 'Filibe' handstamps, also a similar cover from Sumnu (Bulgaria), 1878 cover by Italian Ship to Trieste franked 1¼ pi., 20 pa. stationery envelope with rare (if weak strike) of Berkofca (Bulgaria) negative seal, 1892 1 pi. on large piece tied by 'Yemis Iskelesi' negative seal handstamp, 1903/08 cards (3) each with 'Conspoli-Constanta-Bucuresci' Maritime TPO datestamps, 1907 cover bearing 1905 20 pa. red with 'Paquebot' straight line and oval 'BM', 1912 stampless taxed cover with scarce PAQUEBOT / ARRIVÉ in black, Newspaper Wrappers, array of different Paquebot usages, in-coming items from Germany, GB, Romania, Russia; cancellations noted of Berat (Albania), Erquiri, Lemnos, Mont Athos, Ourla, Rhodes (Echele), Richtim, Tripoli (Syrie), Yemich etc.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 950 CHF