tradition and experience in classic philately since 1919

Lot# 5178 - 186-190 Auction

  • Lot# : 5178 Peru

    1 d. green, the Cancellations Collection featuring framed or boxed handstamps (69 items incl. 9 covers), with cancels from Aplao (blue), Ayabaca (on pair in blue), Azangaro, Bagua, Balzapuerto, Barranca, Cajatambo in red, Caraz, Celendin, Cerro Azul, Chalaco, Chalhuanca, Chavin, Chiclayo, Chimbote, Combapata on cover, Concepcion on strip of three, Coracora in blue, Cutervo, Desaguadero, Eten, Ferreñafe, Guañape on piece and on cover, Huamachuco, Huancane, Huanchaco in blue, Huancavelica, Huariaca, Huaylas, Huaytara, Iquique on strip of four and a single on cover, Islay, Jauja, Lima (in blue), Lomas in black and in blue, Macate in blue, Malabrigo, Matucana in red, Mollendo on cover, Obrajillo, Otoca, Paijan on cover, Piura on cover, Pozuzo, Puno on cover, Puert de Casma (in black and in red), Quiquijana on strip of three, Rioja, San Jose on cover, San Mateo, Santaigo de Chuco, Sicuani on cover, Supe, Tambo De Mora in black and blue, Torata, Urubamba, Yautan, Yurimaguas etc. A wonderful lot.
    Starting bid : 1,200 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,400 CHF