Lot# 437 - 182-185 Auction
Lot# : 437 France
Exposition Universelle, Paris 1878: Covers (4) and a Card with August 1878 cover from USA bearing Taylor 5 c. blue mailed to General Young Chief Commisssioner of the USA at the Paris Exhibition struck with framed THE YALE LOCK POSTAL BUREAU five line cachet in blue, 10 c. green stationery card from Belgium similarly addressed to the Exhibition with both items showing 'Expos.n Univ.elle / Poste & Télégraphe' arrival datestamps; 1878 cover franked by Austria 1867/74 2 kr. yellow with printed 'Weltausstellung 1878, Paris' at top used in Vienna; June 1877 stampless usage with printed envelope with cachet verso 'Direction des Sections Étranères'; 1885 cover with imprint 'Exposition Univ. 1878 / Membre du Jury Hors Concours / Facteur de Pianos' used with Type Sage 15 c. blue and taxed on arrival in Switzerland. A scarce group.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not sold