Lot# 4488 - 177-180 Auction
177-180 Auction
-> 178: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador - The Dr. Hugo Goeggel Collections (Part 1)
-> Overseas
-> Scadta Colombia
Lot# : 4488 Scadta Colombia
Free Franking for Cosada 1928 flown cover addressed to 'Flight' magazine in London, sent registered and franked solely by Colombia 1925 4 c. blue pair and 1926 8 c. blue to pay the single rate, tied by Bucaramanga datestamps (Jan 5) in black. Registered cachet and label at base and struck with green "Of. / CORREO AEREO / BUCARAMANGA" cachet to show concession. New York transits (Jan 19) on reverse of a fine and scarce cover.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHF