tradition and experience in classic philately since 1919

Lot# 1343 - 177-180 Auction

  • Lot# : 1343 Denmark

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    Catalogue# : 2/IIF
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    1855 (March 17): Printed Prices Current franked with "Kumpf & Eckstein's Newpaper Statement 1 Penny" handstamp in red, and sent directly to Copenhagen fully paid for British rate, franked by Denmark Thiele printing 1852 2 rbs. blue, Plate 1, Type 2 with variety "foot of 2 nearly broken", with three large margins and shaved at top, tied by Copenhagen numeral "1" in black. Oval Footpost datestamp in blue-green alongside (March 26). An extraordinary entire-the sole recorrded mixed franking with a 2 rbs. adhesive. Certificate Moller (2006) and BPA (2007).
    Provenance: Collection Sten Christensen.
    Note: For a full listing of the known combination covers, we would refer collectors to "Price Circulars for GB to Denmark 1850-UPU" in the Collectors Club Philatelist (May-June 2007), Volume 86, No.3.
    Starting bid : 25,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold