tradition and experience in classic philately since 1919

Lot# 2360 - Auction 309-320

  • Lot# : 2360 Parma

    Parma 1854 (March 6): Entire letter from Parma to Annonay, bearing 1852 40 c. blue, a fine and fresh example with good to large margins all round, tied by very rare three-line "PARMA / 6 / MARZO" despatch datestamp (Sassone PR = R2) in black, French "SARD. 10 MARS 54 Pt DE BEAUVOISIN" entry cds in red alongside. Reverse with LYON transit cds and ANNONAY arrival (March 11) cds. Upon arrival taxed with '7' décimes in manuscript. Horizontal filing fold well away from the adhesives, addressee's name erased, nevertheless a very rare cancellation of the adhesive with the datestamp not the grill obliterator and in addition a very early entire from a rare provenance to France Sassone = € 4'850 + 25'000.rnNote: Prior to the first postal treaty in March 1855, letters to France had to be paid at 40 centesimi to the Sardinian border and were charged on arrival in France on the basis of the Franco-Sardinian postal treaty.
    Starting bid : 2,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold