tradition and experience in classic philately since 1919

Lot# 2276 - Auction 298-307

  • Lot# : 2276 Italy

    1929 (March): Extensive Documentation of the 'Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici' for the construction of a 'Ferrovia per la Citta del Vaticano - Progetto di Massima', i.e. a train connection and train station for the the Vatican city following the Lateran treaty of February 1929, the lot including four parts entitled 'Relazione', 'Corografia Scala 1 : 5000', 'Profilo longitudinale', and ' Viadotto a 8 luci di m. 15.30 ciascuna sulla Valle del Gelsomino, part III is missing.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold