Lot# 6513 - Auction 274-283
Lot# : 6513 Papal state
Official last day of usage 1868 (March): 20 c. 'solferino', a fresh and fine adhesive with deep vibrant colour and good perforation, tied by Italian-style rhomb obliterator to entire letter directed to Torino with clear Papal-style "ROMA 30 SET 70" despatch cds alongside. Reverse with Torino arrival (Oct 2) cds and distribution datestamp. Correct 20 c. rate from the Papal States to Italy which was identical to the inland rate within Italy. Signed E. Diena Sassone = € 1'800.rnNote: The adhesives of the Papal States had been officially valid in Lazio up to September 30, 1870. However, tolerated usage can be found until February 1871.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHF