Lot# 6199 - Auction 274-283
Lot# : 6199 France
1869: Double rate Envelope with an insured value of 6'640 francs mailed from Paris to Lyon, bearing Napoléon laureated 5 fr. violet grey, a fine and fresh horizontal pair of this difficult stamp in mixed franking with Siège 40 c. orange and Cérès 1872 80 c. rose, a horizontal pair and a horizontal strip of three, all stamps with fresh colour and good perforation, tied by "PARIS R. DE LUXEMBOURG 2 JUIN 76" despatch cds, CHARGÉ handstamp in red alongside. Reverse with timbre indicatif de chargement and arrival cds of the next day. Light horizontal file fold well away from the franking, part of address erased, upper backflap and wax seals missing, nevertheless a most attractive rare high value franking. Cert. E. Dienna (1988).rnNote: The total value letter postage included the letter rate, in this case 50 c. for a double rate item, a fixed rate of 50 centimes and an insured value fee of 20 c. for each 100 fr. or parts thereof, in this case 1'340 c., in total 1'440 c. correctly franked.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHF