tradition and experience in classic philately since 1919

Lot# 6417 - Auction 265-273

  • Lot# : 6417 Italy

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    1865 (Nov 4): Registered envelope from Urbino to San Angelo in Vado, bearing five examples of 1863 DLR 2 c. brown-red in mixed franking with two examples of 1865 (Jan) 'Ferro di cavallo' 20 on 15 c. sky-blue 'celeste chiaro', Type I, tied by crisp URBINO cds in black, another superb information strike and boxed RACCOMANDATO alongside. Reverse with arrival cds (Nov 7). A most rare and attractive mass franking to pay 20 c. for the single rate postage and 30 c. for the registration fee. Cert. E. Diena (1986).rnReference: Displayed and discussed in Bazzi - I francobolli di Vittorio Emanuele II e Umberto I on page 165.
    Starting bid : 1,500.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold