Lot# 860 - Auction 227-233
Lot# : 860 Greece
1906/58: Collection with 1906 Olympic set unused, 1926 air set unused (2), 1933 Zeppelin set unused, 1942 pictorial 2000 dr. and 5000 dr. in imperf. pairs unused, 1943 Children's Charity issue completed Proof in sheetlet format showing all three values imperforate in violet on unmounted gummed paper; 1944 Piraeus Bombardment set in blocks and FDC's (2), 1945 'No' Anniversary set with 40 l. double print unused and imperf. pair printed on the gummed side, Roosevelt set with imperf. varieties, 1947 Mourning set of three with double overprints and a 250 on 3 dr. vertical pair with one stamp missing surcharge, 1947 pictorial set in unused blocks of four, 1951 St. Paul set in unused blocks and an FDC, 1952 King Paul 1400 dr. unused (50 examples), 1953 Products set unused in blocks of four, 1954 Sculptures set unused and 2400 dr. unused with doble impression variety, 1954 Cyprus issue unused and FDC's (2), 1955 Pythagoras issue in unused blocks of four and FDC's (2), 1956 & 1957 Kings sets unused, issues from 1959-1985 complete mint and FDC's.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHF