Lot# 6213 - Auction 227-233
Lot# : 6213 Cape of Good Hope
1884/90: The collection on leaves with ½ d. grey-black unused (33) incl. Plate '2' Control blocks of six (2) and an interpanneau block of eight; 1 d. carmine (shades) unused (26) in blocks of four (4) and a block of six with '7' Plate number in margin, used examples from Klipheuvel and a pair with superb circular Mailbag negative seal; 2 d. bistre unused (5) incl. a Plate 2 strip of three and a cover bearing seven examples; 4 d. blue with unused (38) incl. Plate 2 and 3 Control blocks of four (4) and a magnificent block of 20, 6 d. purple (shades) with unused (45) with Plate 2 Control blocks of four (3), blocks of four (4) and a block of eight; 1 s. green unused (16) incl. blocks of four (3) and used (2) together with a rare wmk. inverted horizontal pair used; 5 s. orange unused (12) incl. a strip of three, two blocks of four and two used blocks of four. A delightful collection Gi = £ 8'800+.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 3,400 CHF