tradition and experience in classic philately since 1919

Lot# 1164 - Auction 222-226

  • Lot# : 1164 Italy

    Maritime Mail 1717/1917: Collection of Maritime Mail (25 covers/cards) with 1717 entire from Corfu to Venice, 1839 entire from Algiers to Genova via Nice, France 1862 40 c. on cover to Genova tied by framed 'PD' in black and PIROSCAFO / POSTALI / FRANCESI in red only, 1865 cover with Great Britain 4 d. vermilion pl. 7 used on cover from Malta to Messina, 1869 cover with Italy 1867 20 c. tied by PIROSCAFI / POSTALI / ITALIANI handstamp in black to Catania, interesting stampless covers from Palermo to Naples etc.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold