Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919


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  • Losnr. : 7573 Ecuador

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    1866: 4 reales brown-red, the famous unused block of thirty six (6 x 6) from upper left corner of the sheet showing the vertical and horizontal marginal framelines, positions 1-6/14-19/27-32/40-45/52-57/66-71 on the sheet of 104 subjects; of fabulous rich deep colour, one spot, central fold and minor corner bend mentioned for accuracy only and which do not detract from the wonderful resonance of this fantastic multiple, large part or unmounted og. A world rarity and without doubt the most important philatelic item of classic Ecuador philately. Cert. Moorhouse (2016).rnrnThis multiple is believed to have been cut from the extraordinary multiples of 48, both of which were in the Ferrary collection (Broquelet & Gilbert, Paris, Sale XIII, 23-24 June 1925, lot 16). The lot was purchased by Charles J. Phillips (former owner of Stanley Gibbons) who had emigrated to the USA in 1922. One block was evidently split for resale by Phillips, however one block of 48 was sold to B. H. Homan Jnr. a stamp dealer of ‘Homan, Krassa & Co.’ who personally collected Ecuador and was the source for the Harry L. Lindquist Collectors Club article on Ecuador. It appears the multiple was again trimmed to its present state - the block is without doubt the largest and most spectacular of this iconic stamp.rnrnProvenance: Collection Fiorenzo Longhi.rn                     Collection Dr. Arthur K. M. Woo. Illustrated in the 'Extracts from the Dr. Arthur K.M. Woo Collections' on page 41.
    Ausruf : 70.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7504 Ecuador

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    1872: 1 real yellow, a horizontal pair on quadrille paper, over-inked in a bright shade, margins touched to large at base with portion of adjoining stamp, used on 1872 entire letter from Guayaquil to Lima tied by FRANCA lozenge in black; in combination with France laureated 1867 30 c. brown pair (Yvert 30) tied by 'Anchor' lozenge of dots in black; with framed red "P.P." adjacent in red. Carried on the first Southbound voyage of the "Ville de Brest" with reverse showing circular "LIGNE F / PAQ. FR. No. 2" datestamp (May 7) in black (Salles fig. 1581) with Lima arrival cds (May 10) alongside. See article by Robert D'Elia and Percy Bargholtz in the Collectors Club Philatelist Volume 74 No. 6, illustrated in the Collectors Club Philatelist Volume 75, number 1. A remarkable and very rare entire. Opinion Todd AIEP (2006).rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Norman Hubbard, Siegel, New York, 21-22 Nov 1993. rn                   Collection Bernard Berkinshaw-Smith, Corinphila sale 145, April 2006, lot 3166.rn                   Collection Dr. Guy Dutau, Soler y Llach, Barcelona, 4 June 2012.
    Ausruf : 5.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 7506 Ecuador

    1865 (Jan 1): First Printing Group ½ real bright ultramarine on greyish wove paper with slight surface blueing, fine impression, the superb unused block of 42 being the right hand half of the sheet of 84 subjects, positions 7-12, 19-24, 31-36, 43-48, 55-60, 67-72, 79-84, with the sixth stamp showing a small tear, full marginal rule vertically at right and horizontally at both top and at base, minor bends between rows and some colour loss in small patches but this is of no real significance as this multiple represents the largest recorded of the First Printing where only two other large blocks (of 12 and 18) exist. A stunning multiple of great freshness with large part or unmounted original gum. One of the great gems of all South American Philately. Unique.rnProvenance: Collection Bill H. Homan Jnr.; Harmers, London, 15 Dec 1993, lot 1081.rn 
    Ausruf : 20.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7527 Ecuador

    First Printing Group 1865: 1 real pale ochre, clear early impression on white wove paper, the extraordinary block of 28 stamps (4 x 7) used on large 'turned' 18675 cloth cover rated at "3½ Libras" (56 ounces) in manuscript, positions 6-9/15-18/24-27/33-36/42-45/51-54/60-63; thus being most of the right hand side of the sheet, with damage to six stamps of no great significance for an astonishing franking such as this and no stamps missing, all cancelled by 64 dot lozenge  and nine strikes of the "Guaranda" datestamp (Oct 15) in black. The reverse of the cover mailed back to Guaranda bearing twenty examples of the 1 real green, including strips of three and of five, all cancelled by "Riobamba" datestamps (Oct 25). An exceptional cover, see Edition D'Or, vol. XXXIII page 79; the cover represents one of the largest known first issue frankings and is thus of great philatelic importance to Ecuadorean classic philately.
    Ausruf : 6.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7550 Ecuador

    1865: 1 real green, the vertical pair, positions 5/14 with the lower stamp showing "Beal for Real" plate variety, used on the famous 1866 registered cover to Quito, the stamps tied by bold BABAHOYO datestamp in black (Aug 23) and the cover with the 64 dot lozenge surrounding the address to denote registration, two strikes of italic "Certificacion" in black centrally struck and further "Babahoyo" cds at upper right. Illustrated and recorded in H.L. Lindquist article in the Collector's Club Philatelist pages 89-94. Minor cover tear at left skillfully restored and cleaned at right well away from the adhesives, but of immense rarity for the Postal Historian - the sole recorded registered cover of the Ecuador First Issue with the 1 real green - the only other registered cover bears a pair of 1 real yellow.rnProvenance: Collection Ackerman (1937), B.H. Homan Jnr., E. M. de Bustamante, Afinsa, Madrid, May 1996, lot 39. Illustrated in an article by H.L. Lindquist on Ecuador (copy available with the lot).
    Ausruf : 17.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7581 Ecuador

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    1866: 4 reales brown-red, variety "Printed Both Sides", the famous usage on circa 1869 large part cover to Riobamba, in combination with 1865/72 1 r. yellow in a horizontal strip of three, scissor cut in margin between first and second stamp, all tied by "Quito / Franca" datestamps (Jan 11) in red. Reverse of the envelope has a complete oval embossed "Republica del Ecuador / Coat of Arms" seal (as utilised on the first issue stamps. The two stamps lifted for examination and hinged back into place, a most attractive and astonishingly rare usage - just two part covers are known bearing this variety. A wonderful cover and one of the key pieces of Ecuadorean classic philately. Cert. Moorhouse (2016).rnProvenance: Collection Dr. Arthur K. M. Woo. Illustrated in the 'Extracts from the Dr. Arthur K.M. Woo Collections' on page 42.
    Ausruf : 13.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7505 Ecuador

    First Printing Group 1865 (Jan 1):  ½ real bright ultramarine on greyish wove paper with slight surface blueing, fine impression, the superb unused block of eighteen from the lower left corner of the sheet of 84 subjects, positions 49-54/61-66/73/78, the final stamp with a small closed tear, position 53 with the characteristic dented framed above "C" of "Correos" at top, full marginal rule vertically and horizontally at base, minor bends as to be expected between rows - of no significance as this multiple represents the second largest recorded of the First Printing where only blocks of 12, 18 (this block) and a block of 48 exist. Fresh and fine and of exquisite delicate colour, large part og. A lovely multiple for the classic specialist.rnProvenance: Collection 'Crown Point', Corinphila sale 131,, Oct 2001, lot 6684.
    Ausruf : 6.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7524 Ecuador

    First Printing Group 1865: 1 real pale bistre, the famous block of 28 used on 1865 large part cloth cover to Riobamba, positions 19-25/28-34/37-43/46-52; with faults on three or four adhesives of no great significance, all cancelled by ten strikes of the 64 dot lozenge and eight strikes of the "Guaranda" circular datestamp (Oct 29) on despatch. Position 43 showing additional vertical line at SE corner and doubling of top outer frame line and position 50 showing the extended "R" in "Correos" flaw. A magnificent Exhibition piece, the largest and finest of the two known large blocks on cover, almost certainly the largest multiple of the fine early impression on or off cover, a famous and undeniably important item of Ecuadorean and South American philately.rnProvenance: Collection 'Crown Point', Corinphila sale 131, Oct 2001, lot 6729.
    Ausruf : 13.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7570 Ecuador

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    1866: 4 reales red, a single example and a magnificent horizontal strip of five, used with 1870/72 1 r. yellow single and horizontal pair on linen judicial 1871 cover front with stitch holes at top, mailed to Guaranda endorsed "3 lb. 6 oz." (54 0z.), all tied by "3154" gros chiffres - the first six stamps (4 r.) all cancelled in blue - the last four stamps including one 4 r. cancelled by the "3154" gros chiffres in red - with "Quito / Franca" despatch datestamp (June 7) at right in red. As far as this describer is aware, the sole recorded usage of the "3154" gros chiffres struck in blue. Some staining and creasing to the linen cover but a most attractive and spectacular 27 reales franking. Cert. Moorhouse (2009).rnProvenance: Collection Fiorenzo Longhi, Investphila, 17-18 April 2010, lot 534.rnrn 
    Ausruf : 5.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7519 Ecuador

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    1865/70: ½ real bright blue on greyish wove paper, a single example in a rich shade used on 1873 cover front to Rome, tied by "3154" gros chiffres in red with "Quito / Franca" datestamp (Aug 2) alongside in same ink. Three line dated PANAMA / TRANSIT in black below (Aug 14) and thence probably carried by French Packet with handstruck "23" décimi due marking applied in black. Taxed at this charge with Italy 1870 Postage Due 30 c. and 2 lire adhesives on arrival (Sept 17). The front re-backed and with faults but extremely rare with just two known usages of Ecuador First Issue mail known to Italy. Cert. Moorhouse (2009).rnrnProvenance: Collection Fiorenzo Longhi. Investphila, 25-27 Sept 2009, lot 1433.
    Ausruf : 5.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 7586 Ecuador

    Fourth Printing Group 1873: 1 real pale orange on "Exercise Book" paper, two unused blocks of four, rejoined to form the lower right corner block, positions 62-63/71-72 and 80-81/89-90, with the final stamp showing the rounded SE corner; vertical frameline at right with thin inner frameline alongside; the excercise paper thin blued lines are barely visible on the front or reverse, however the reverse is unusually heavily gummed for any Ecuadorean first issue adhesive and the easiest way to identify this stamp - just two sheets were formerly held in the Stanley Gibbons reference collection hence their listing (Gi. 8). Faults to the multiple with closed marginal tear on the upper block and gum; see page on face but very rare.
    Ausruf : 800 CHF
    Zuschlag : 800 CHF

    Losnr. : 7503 Ecuador

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    1865/72: 1 r. yellow on quadrille paper - seven horizontal pairs and six single examples used with 1871 ½ r. deep blue on blued paper on large part 1873 legal front of to Latacunga and adhesives cancelled by 18 strikes of ornamental 'P.I.' geometric handstamps (Porte Interno) in black. Manuscript notation '2 libras 7 oz' (39 ounces) explaining the 19½ reales franking and reverse with QUITO / FRANCA datestamp (Jan 29, 1873). Left hand stamps with faults and the cover refolded for display but an extremely rare multiple franking, especially so with this elusive cancellation. Cert. Moorhouse (2014).rnProvenance: Collection Dr. Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 191, Nov 2014, lot 793.
    Ausruf : 1.200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 7526 Ecuador

    First Printing Group 1865: 1 real bistre-buff, the extraordinary block of five (positions 34-35/43-45) with position 43 showing the additional vertical line at SE corner and doubling of the top outer frame line, and a superb block of six (positions 8-9/17-18/26-27) used in combination with single ½ r. bright blue on 1866 large part cover fron to Ambato; endorsed under fold "1 libras 7 oz." and prepaid corrects at 11½ reales. The adhesives all tied by seven strikes of the 64 dot lozenge with "Latacunga" datestamps (Feb 1) of despatch. Tiny contemporary scissor cuts in each multiple of no significance and not detracting from the appearance of a splendid and exotic cover for the connoisseur of the first issue.
    Ausruf : 2.800 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7556 Ecuador

    1865: 1 real green, the extraordinary vertical strip of nine stamps, marginal from right of sheet with portion of the vertical marginal frameline, positions 9/18/27/36/45/54/63/72/81; used with further single example of the 1 r. green showing sheet margin at base, small fault, and a single early impression ½ bright blue, all tied to 1865 front of cover endorsed "21 ozs." to Latacunga by 64 dot lozenge with "Ambato" datestamps above (Nov 8). The large strip is crossed by ironed file fold otherwise in outstanding condition and strips cut this way are significantly rarer than those cut horizontally. A marvellous plating piece and a spectacular cover.rnProvenance: Collection 'Crown Point', Corinphila sale 131, Oct 2001, lot 6722.rn 
    Ausruf : 1.400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 7569 Ecuador

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    1866: 4 reales red, a fine single example and a horizontal strip of five used on cloth cover front to Guaranda in combination with 1865/72 1 r. orange-yellow in a horizontal strip of three, all stamps with good margins for these adhesives, tied by nine strikes of the "3154" gros chiffres handstamps of Quito in black. Manuscript weight at right "3 libras 6 oz."  (54 ounces) for rate of 27 reales fully paid. The 4 reales strip with the shade changing from rose to brown-red, a marvellous and rare franking for the specialist. Cert. Behr (2015), Moorhouse (2014).rnProvenance: Harmers, London, 30 April 1996, lot 135; Collection Fiorenzo Longhi, Investphila, 17-18 April 2010, lot 533.rn 
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 7545 Ecuador

    1865: 1 r. green, fine impression on thin white wove paper, the magnificent unused block of fourteeen (7 x 2), positions 64-70/73-79 on the sheet of 90 subjects with the vertical marginal frameline at left, position 66 showing the Plate flaw "Diagonal Scratch running from the Centre Circle to Base", large margins all round and just touched on some upper stamps and the slightest of aging, otherwise faultless with excellent colour and large part or unmounted og. The largest recorded multiple of this stamp and one of the most important multiples in all South American philately.rnProvenance: Collection 'Crown Point', Corinphila sale 131, Oct 2001, lot 6695.
    Ausruf : 20.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7539 Ecuador

    Fourth Printing Group 1870/72: 1 real deep yellow on medium white wove paper, a fine unused block of forty-five, being the complete lower half of the sheet of 90 subjects, with marginal framelines on three sides, positions 46-54/82-90, with position 50 showing "Extended "R" in Correos" flaw, position 64 with "Indented Left Vertical Frameline" flaw, position 66 with "Diagonal Scratch from Centre Circle to Base" Plate flaw and position 71 with "Line through Real" flaw and position 90 with rounded SE corner. The multiple showing some deterioration to the Plate and over-inking. A few minor imperfections including marginal tears at lower right but of vibrant colour and large part or unmounted og.
    Ausruf : 450 CHF
    Zuschlag : 450 CHF

    Losnr. : 7560 Ecuador

    1865: 1 real green, a truncated horizontal pair used with third printing ½ real deep blue on greyish, on 1867 'turned' cover to Ambato, cancelled by two strikes of incredibly rare mute handstamp in black with 13 point surround. Manuscript weight "4¾ oz." at top and thus correctly rated; reverse of cover with superb single ½ bright blue neatly tied by "Ambato" datestamp (Oct 11). An extremely rare cancellation with just a handful of examples recorded off cover, on cover this usage is believed unique.rnrnNote: It is probable this cancellation was either used at an outlying village near Guaranda, or was employed for a short period when the Guaranda datestamp was misplaced.
    Ausruf : 650 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650 CHF

    Losnr. : 7561 Ecuador

    1865: 1 real green, a block of eight with large margins all round, from left of sheet with part vertical marginal frameline, positions 64-67/73-76, with position 66 showing the major Plate flaw "Diagonal Scratch running from Centre Circle to Base", used on 1871 judicial cover front to Latacunga in combination with single ½ real grey-blue, all cancelled by eight strikes of the newly introduced PILLARO / FRANCA datestamp (Aug 27) struck in red. An exceptional and extremely rare cancellation and a multiple usage of great visual appeal.rnProvenance: Collection 'Crown Point', Corinphila sale 131, Oct 2001, lot 6702.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 7532 Ecuador

    Second Printing Group 1866/68: 1 real orange-yellow, a superb block of ten in a vivid shade, positions 59-63/68-72 with position 71 showing the "Line through Real" plate flaw clearly, the block with minor scissor cut between second and third stamps of no significance, used with ½ r. blue (position 59) on large part 1866 cover tied by five strikes of the 64 dot lozenge and by two strikes of the "Latacunga" datestamp (Nov 15) in black. The largest recorded multiple on cover in this shade. A rarity.rnProvenance: Harmers, London, 30 April 1996, lot 42; Collection 'Crown Point', Corinphila sale 131, Oct 2001, lot 6748.
    Ausruf : 3.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7535 Ecuador

    Second Printing Group 1866/68: 1 real yellow, a clear impression (slightly worn), the magnificent sheet corner marginal block of eight from the lower left corner of the sheet and the ninth stamp diagonally bisected, positions 73-76/82-86 with full marginal framelines at left and at base, used on 1870 cover to Chimbo endorsed "17 oz." at top, all cancelled by "Ambato" datestamps (Sept 30) in black. The largest recorded block with a bisect on letter and a sensational cover for the advanced collection - without doubt the finest bisected usage in Ecuadorean Classic philately.rnProvenance: Collection 'Crown Point', Corinphila sale 131, Oct 2001, lot 6773.
    Ausruf : 6.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7512 Ecuador

    First Printing Group 1865 (Jan 1):  ½ real bright ultramarine on greyish wove paper with slight surface blueing, fine impression, three single examples (positions 79, 80, 81) all from the base of the sheet and showing the horizontal marginal frameline, used on 1865 archive dated judicial cover to Quito tied by "Ambato" in manuscript ink, prepaying the rate for a 3 ounce letter. Archive date of Jan 13, 1865 which places this cover in the first two weeks of issue. Minor imperfections and folded for Exhibit display but the stamps of wonderful fresh colour, an important and appealing cover.
    Ausruf : 1.800 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7530 Ecuador

    Second Printing Group 1866/68: 1 r. orange, a vertical block of six in a vibrant rich shade, with left marginal vertical frameline, positions 46-47/55-56/64-65, margins just grazed in places but large on two sides, tiny contemporary scissor cut between stamps at base as is somewhat usual, on 1867 cover to Guaranda endorsed "12 oz." and further endorsed "fuera de balija" (outside the Mailbag), cancelled by two strikes of the 64 dot lozenge and superb "Latacunga" datestamp in black (May 9). Exceptional and scarce usage, a delightful multiple on letter.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7541 Ecuador

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    1865/66: 1 r. ochre / olive yellow, two examples with touched to large margins, used on registered cover to Riobamba each stamp tied by 'Franca' dotted lozenge in black, with the 'Franca' handstamp applied at corners of the cover to denote registration and italic 'Certificacion' handstamp in black. Peripheral faults to the envelope but a great rarity, one of just two first issue registered covers recorded, and the sole example with this stamp. Cert. Moorhouse (2009).rnProvenance: Collection Fiorenzo Longhi, Investphila, 25-27 Sept 2009, lot 1442; Collection Dr. Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 191, Nov 2014, lot 814.rn 
    Ausruf : 5.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7562 Ecuador

    1865: 1 real green, a magnificent horizontal strip of nine stamps, being the complete fourth row of the sheet (positions 28-36) used on large part 1865 cover to Latacunga with additional 1 r. green and ½ r. ultramarine all with large margins all round and cancelled by the 64 dot lozenge in black with "Amabto" datestamp adjacent (Oct 10). Position 35 showing Plate flaw "Break in NE Corner Square". Weight annotation at right "1 Libras 4½ oz." = 10½ reales and thus correctly rated. Slight file fold of no significance, a wonderful and extremely rare usage.
    Ausruf : 700 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7582 Ecuador

    1866: 4 reales brown-red on greenish paper, a deep shade and the paper evidently tinted, the exceptional horizontal pair with vertical frameline at right (positions 38-39 on the sheet), tied to 1868 entire letter at quadruple rate to Lima by "Guayaquil" cds June 10) in black. Manuscript '2' (reales) due to pay upon receipt with arrival datestamp of Lima (June 19). An exceptionally rare entire and very probably unique in private hands.rnProvenance: Collection Bill H. Homan Jnr., Payton, Isleham; Collection Dr. Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 178, 27 Feb 2013, lot 4245.
    Ausruf : 6.750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 21.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 7516 Ecuador

    Fourth Printing Group 1867/70: ½ real deep blue, a mottled 'dry' print in a royal blue shade, a used horizontal strip of four from the lower right corner of the sheet, positions 81-84, with last stamp showing the rounded SE corner Plate flaw and part of the marginal frameline, large margins all round, used on 1871 cover to Valparaiso tied by three strikes of the dotted FRANCA lozenge in black. A delightful cover to a surprisingly scarce destination for Ecuador first issue mail.rnProvenance: Heinrich Köhler, sale 238, Feb 1983, lot 3775.
    Ausruf : 600 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 7564 Ecuador

    1866: 4 reales red, two wonderful unused blocks of four, marginal from top of sheet and originally forming a block of eight, positions 10-13 / 23-26 and thus corner marginal from top right of the sheet of 104; with marginal rule at top and each block of vibrant fresh colour, position 10 showing the broad oval around the central vignette (only found four times of the sheet of 104 subjects); each with minor gum stain and slight creasing of absolutely no significance, large part og. Illustrated in Hugo Goeggel 'Edition D'Or' XXXIII on page 107. Superb multiples in the foremost Exhibition quality.
    Ausruf : 4.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 8.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 7525 Ecuador

    First Printing Group 1865: 1 real bistre-brown in a sandy shade, the remarkable vertical strip of five, positions 9/18/27/36/45, from the right hand side of the sheet, all used on large front of cover to Ambato in combination with 1865 ½ real bright blue on blued paper with large to huge margins all round, paying the rate for an 11 ounce letter. The 1 real position 45 is pre-cancelled by hexagonal framed AMBATO handstamp in red, with all the stamps being tied by very scarce framed LATACUNGA handstamps in black. A marvellous and extremely rare franking for the advance collection.
    Ausruf : 2.200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 7549 Ecuador

    1865/66: 1 r. green on greenish paper, the horizontal pair in a deep shade, used on 1866 entire letter to Chavez in Lima, Peru with large even margins all round and part of adjoining stamp at right, neatly tied by "Guayaquil" datestamp (April 3) in black. Reverse with Lima arrival cds (April 8). Exceptional and a magnificent rarity, the sole recorded usage of this stamp on letter. A marvellous showpiece for the connoisseur of Ecuadorean classic philately.rnProvenance: Collection Bill H. Homan Jnr., Collection 'Crown Point',Corinphila sale 131, Oct 2001, lot 6706.
    Ausruf : 8.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 12.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 7580 Ecuador

    1866: 4 reales red, a fine unused block of six (3 x 2) with variety "Printed on Both Sides", the obverse of fine colour and large margins all round, positions 21-23/34-36, the reverse in the characteristic brown-red shade, fresh and very fine, large part og. A superbly attractive and rare multiple, the only other block this size is owned by the United States Postal Museum, thus this multiple is the largest in private hands. A major rarity of Ecuadorean Classic Philately. Signed Holcombe.rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 90, October 1994, lot 7174.
    Ausruf : 6.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 10.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 7575 Ecuador

    1866: 4 reales brown-red, two vertical strips of four in a bright shade, both from the left hand side of the sheet and thus the entire vertical coloumn, positions 1/14/27/40/53/6/79/82; formerly used together and cancelled by over-inked Latacunga (?) datestamps in black, both strips extremely fine and without the usual scissor cuts between, traces of bend on one from the original parcel and cancellation shows through the somewhat thin paper. Exceptional and very rare, a marvellous pair of multiples.rnProvenance: Collection E.M. de Bustamante, Afinsa, Madrid, May 1996, lot 93.
    Ausruf : 2.800 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7501 Ecuador

    1865: ½ real green on greenish wove paper, a fresh and fine Plate Proof on ungummed paper with large margins all round, two minor age spots at right. A scarce and most interesting Proof in the issued colour of the 1 real. It is stated that the issue was designed by Emilia Rivadeneira who copies the Greek Large Hermes Heads for her design. This Plate Proof matched very closely the Large Hermes 5 lepta value both in colour and the shade of the paper - indeed the three original stamps are in the shades utilised for the 5, 10 and 20 lepta values.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 480 CHF

    Losnr. : 7507 Ecuador

    First Printing Group 1865: ½ real ultramarine on slightly greyish paper, a used example with four margins, clearly cancelled "Quito / Franca" datestamp "4 / ENERO / 65" - the fourth day of proposed issue and the first day of actual issue. Ex collection Olgieser. Unique.rnNote: The earliest recorded date of use for the Ecuador first issue is 4th January 1865 on this ½ real used in Quito and also on a 1 r. orange-yellow. The 1st January 1865 was a Sunday and it is probable the stamps were delivered to Post Offices on the following day and actually issued on the 3rd or 4th of January; certainly this last date marked the first shipment of adhesives to Guayaquil.
    Ausruf : 600 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 7548 Ecuador

    1865: 1 real green, a horizontal pair just shaved at right but ample to large margins on three sides, used on 1866 entire letter at single rate to Lima, Peru endorsed "Por V. Favorita" and cancelled by neat "Guayaquil" datestamp (June 27) in black. Reverse with Lima arrival cds (July 2) in black. It is unusual to find Ship endorsements on the Chavezis correspondence although they are sometimes noted internally on arrival - this example is internally docketed "Vapor Perú". A fresh and attractive entire. Signed Pfenninger.
    Ausruf : 180 CHF
    Zuschlag : 180 CHF

    Losnr. : 7558 Ecuador

    1865: 1 real 'milky' green, a horizontal strip of nine, the complete row, positions 64-72, and a further 1 r. from the row below (position 73), used with 1865 ½ r. bright blue on 1865 cover to Ambato, rated "21 oz." at top in manuscript; the adhesives all tied by 64 dot lozenge and by neat "Latacunga" datestamp (Nov 29) in black. Position 64 with "Indented Left Vertical Frameline" flaw, position 66 with "Diagonal Scratch from Centre Circle to Base" Plate flaw and position 71 with "Line through Real" flaw. A delightul and very rare cover.
    Ausruf : 2.200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7554 Ecuador

    1865: 1 real green, two horizontal strips of three used on refolded 1865 entire letter to Latacunga, the upper strip being positions 88-90 and showing the rounded frame at lower right and the vertical marginal frameline, position 88 with contemporary fault, the lower strip just touched at lower left, both strips being cancelled by two strikes of hexagonal framed AMBATO handstamps in black. Docketing of receipt at Latacunga above (June 28). A scarce and most appealing usage.rnrnNote: The framed "Ambato" hexagonal handstamp is only recorded used during the first eight months of 1865.
    Ausruf : 450 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600 CHF

    Losnr. : 7520 Ecuador

    Fifth Printing Group 1872: ½ real deep bright blue on surface blued paper, a fine example with large margins all round used on 1873 entire letter to Guaranda tied by framed "P.I." in ten pointed star obliterator (Porte Interno) with "Guayaquil" datestamp (March 15) alongside, both in red. For a similar usage see the Bustamante collection, lot 32. A delightful and extremely rare entire of great visual appeal.rnProvenance: Harmers, London, 30 April 1996, lot 6.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 7578 Ecuador

    1866: 4 reales pale red, a vertical pair and a diagonally bisected example in combination with third printing 1867/70 ½ r. bright blue in a horizontal pair, all used on restored large front of cover to Quito, all cancelled by three manuscript ink lines with "Esmeraldas" datestamp (Nov 20) at top. The 4 r. pair with small contemporary scissor cut but a very rare internal usage of the bisected 4 r. (three recorded) for pre-payment of a 22 ounce package. Peripheral faults but a great rarity.
    Ausruf : 850 CHF
    Zuschlag : 850 CHF

    Losnr. : 7557 Ecuador

    1865: 1 real green, a sheet marginal horizontal strip of nine stamps, positions 46-54, and a single example alongside a complete horizontal strip of eight with the first stamp only half preserved (positions 28-36) used on 1868 cloth cover from Riobamba to the High Court in Quito, all cancelled by circular "Riobamba" datestamps (Feb 8) in black. All stamps with large margins all round, position 50 showing "clubfoot" to second "R" in "Correos" flaw. An exceptional cover and a most extraordinary multiple franking.
    Ausruf : 2.200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7559 Ecuador

    1865: 1 real green, a horizontal pair, positions 5-6 used with a wonderful strip of nine, the complete second row of the sheet, positions 10-18, all with large margins all round and neatly tied to 1865 large piece of cover to Latacunga by 64 dot lozenge in black with "Ambato" datestamp (31 Dec) alongside. Position 6 shows the "Indented Lower Frameline", position 12 shows the "Apostrophe" flaw, position 14 shows the "Beal for Real" flaw and Position shows part of the embossed "Coat of Arms" security seal. A piece in exceptional condition and of great rarity.
    Ausruf : 800 CHF
    Zuschlag : 800 CHF

    Losnr. : 7572 Ecuador

    1866: 4 reales red, a fine example in a 'matt' shade, used on 1873 cover to Quito additionally franked by 1870/72 ½ r. deep blue on surface blued paper and three single 1870/72 1 real yellow (central stamp position 71 with "Line through Real" Plate flaw), all neatly cancelled by "Latacunga" datestamps (June 30) in black with receipted docketing inside (July 3). A superb and rare late usage, a wonderful three colour franking of great beauty and charm.
    Ausruf : 850 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 7531 Ecuador

    Second Printing Group 1866/68: 1 real orange-yellow, horizontal strip of seven, positions 57-63, used on 1867 cover front and part back to Guaranda, cancelled by three strikes of the 64 dot lozenge and by "Latacunga" circular datestamp (July 18) at left. The strip with four contemporary scissor cuts between stamps at top with close to large margins all round and with part of adjoining stamps at top. Manuscript "14 oz." rate in blue crayon on front panel. An exceptional and most attractive franking.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7518 Ecuador

    Fourth Printing Group 1871/72: ½ r. dull greyish-blue, a dry printing alongside ½ real pale ultramarine (2) used with single 1 r. olive-yellow on 15 March 1871 cover to Ambato endorsed "Civil" and weight "5 oz." in manuscript, all stamps with large margins all round and tied by 64 dot lozenge in black. The ½ real adhesives being poor impressions with a 'striated' paper appearance from the front with the ink poorly applied leaving the stamps with a watery look. A rare and unusual cover.
    Ausruf : 700 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700 CHF

    Losnr. : 7567 Ecuador

    1866: 4 reales red, the famous used block of nine in a rose-red shade on thin white wove paper, positions 43/55-56/68-69/81-82/94-95 on the sheet of 104 subjects, scissor cut vertically between positions 55-56 and fault on position 81, all cancelled by six strikes of the 64 dot lozenge in black. Despite the imperfections, a marvellous block of great rarity, this being the largest recorded used multiple of this stamp.rnProvenance: Collection E.M. de Bustamente, Afinsa, Madrid, May 1996, lot 98.
    Ausruf : 5.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7540 Ecuador

    Fourth Printing Group 1868/72: 1 real yellow-orange, a horizontal pair with ample margins all round from a worn plate, used on 1873 cover (with partial contents written May 11th) to Vermont, USA cancelled by 64 dot lozenge and "Alausi" datestamp (May 14) in black, with 'New York' transit cds at left (June) in red. The envelope with some edge wear but an extremely rare destination for First Issue mail.
    Ausruf : 1.750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.750 CHF

    Losnr. : 7584 Ecuador

    1871/72: ½ r. blue on surface blued paper, a single example just shaved at right and with three large margins and portion of adjoining stamp at left, used with three single examples of the 1 r. yellow on white wove paper (first stamp position 66) used on 1871 Papel Sellado revenue paper with black circular seal of the Republic at top, all tied by neat strikes of "Loja" datestamps (July 1) to entire endorsed "6¼ oz." and addressed to Caxiamanga. A rare usage with complete contents - especially so with the Papel Sellado.
    Ausruf : 180 CHF
    Zuschlag : 280 CHF

    Losnr. : 7568 Ecuador

    1866: 4 reales red, a fine horizontal pair in a rich bright shade, used on 1871 sensibly refolded cover to Riobamba, in combination with 1 r. yellow in a horizontal pair, positions 13-14 with right hand stamp showing "Beal fo Real" Plate flaw, all tied by three strikes of the "3154" gros chiffres (formerly of Rixheim). "Quito / Franca" datestamp in red at right (May 3). A scarce and delightful 10 reales franking for the connoisseur.
    Ausruf : 850 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7555 Ecuador

    1865: 1 real green, five single examples and a horizontal pair, all used on 1866 cover and large part back to Guaranda with manuscript weight "14 oz." at right, sensibly folded for Exhibit display, all stamps being fair to very fine and tied by two strikes of the 64 dot lozenge and by five strikes of the "Riobamba" datestamp (Feb 7). One stamp crossed by by pressed file fold but a very rare and appealing franking. Signed Holcombe.
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7502 Ecuador

    1 / 1
    1872: 1 r. ochre-yellow on quadrille paper, the irregular used block of eleven, positions 73-78/83-87, with good to large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at top right, in combination with faulty 1871/72 ½ r. blue on surface blued paper, tied to judicial wrapper from Riobamba. A superb and rare multiple - the largest used block of the 1 r. quadrille paper recorded on cover. Certs. Raybaudi (2002), Moorhouse (2011).rnProvenance: Collection Fiorenzo Longhi, Investphila, Oct 2007, lot 366.rn 
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7583 Ecuador

    1871/72: 1 r. ultramarine on blued paper, lower marginal example, used on sheet of (2 + 2 reales) Papel Sellado, boldly cancelled by circular Floral handstamp in black with PELILEO / FRANCA datestamp (15 April, 1872) in red alongside. Folded well for Exhibit display, the ½ real franking paid for up to 1 ounce of documents - the same as for Postage.rnProvenance: Collection Dr. Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 191, Nov 2014, lot 833.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 340 CHF

    Losnr. : 7553 Ecuador

    1865: 1 real green, a fine horizontal strip of five in a deep shade, marginal from left of sheet showing the vertical frameline, positions 73-77, used on 1866 cover to Quito tied by manuscript pen lines, 64 dot lozenge and by "Ibarra" datestamp (Nov 24) in black. Fresh and fine, an attractive multiple franking.rnProvenance: Collection 'Crown Point', Corinphila sale 131, Oct 2001, lot 6714.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 7547 Ecuador

    1865: 1 r. grass green, a fine horizontal pair with large margins all round, used on 1865 cover and part back to Guaranda neatly cancelled by "Ambato" datestamp (April 26) in black. Annotated "4 oz. / 2 rs." alongside the adhesives in manuscript. Slight stain from the gum but a scarce cover of fine appearance.rnProvenance: Collection 'Crown Point', Corinphila sale 131, Oct 2001, lot 6720.
    Ausruf : 160 CHF
    Zuschlag : 160 CHF

    Losnr. : 7566 Ecuador

    1866: 4 r. red, an irregular block of six in a vibrant bright shade, positions 59/71-72/84/85/98, with large margins all round, cancelled by pen crosses in a star shape as utilised at Quito and Pujili (although it is unlikely this latter town was ever issued with the 4 reales). Upper five stamps very fine, the lower stamp with closed tear, however a very rare and attractive multiple.
    Ausruf : 650 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.900 CHF

    Losnr. : 7552 Ecuador

    1865: 1 r. green in a dry dullish shade, five single examples all used on refolded August 1865 cover to Riobamba, the adhesives with generally fine margins all round and showing some signs of dirt from the uncleaned Plate, the fourth stamp showing the "Beal for Real" Plate flaw clearly, the first stamp sadly truncated at left, all cancelled by the pre-philatelic framed LATACUNGA handstamp in black. A scarce and appealing cover.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600 CHF

    Losnr. : 7517 Ecuador

    Fourth Printing Group 1871/72: ½ real deep ultramarine, a fine large margined example in a bright shade almost no definition to the printing at all, used on cover endorsed 'Civil' to Guaranda with weight annotation "4¼ oz." at right in manuscript, additionally franked by vertical pair of 1866 1 r. orange-yellow, clear to large margins, tied by "Ambato" datestamps (Jan 20) in black. An exceptional example of the ½ real and an unusual cover.
    Ausruf : 450 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7542 Ecuador

    Fourth Printing Group 1870/72: 1 r. yellow, a used block of eight (2 x 4) of fine vibrant colour and large margins all round, tiny scissor cut in margin at top mentioned for accuracy, used on circa 1870 cover front to Pelileo tied by seven strikes of the 64 dot lozenge and "Ambato" datestamps (March 11) in black. A charming and scarce multiple.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7563 Ecuador

    4 reales red, unused examples (2), both from the base of the sheet, position 97 with part of marginal rule at base and position 100, slight wrinkle, otherwise of superb appearance, unused without gum. Scarce Gi 4a = £ 750/Mi 4/I = € 800/Scott = $1'000.rnrnNote: The 4 reales was printed in sheets of 104 stamps - 8 horizontal rows of 13 subjects. The design, with the exception of the vignette appears to have been copied from the Mexico Hidalgo issue.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 7508 Ecuador

    First Printing Group 1865 (Jan 1):  ½ real bright ultramarine on greyish wove paper, fine impression, a single example position 3 with dent in frame above "RR" of Correos at top, used on 1865 cover to Guanujo with manuscript weight "1 oz." at top, cancelled by bold strike of hexagonal framed AMBATO handstamp in black. Dated on reverse in manuscript "Ambato Marrzo 30 de 1865". A fine and scarce early usage.
    Ausruf : 600 CHF
    Zuschlag : 900 CHF

    Losnr. : 7546 Ecuador

    1865: 1 real green, a fine example in a 'matt' shade with large even margins all round, used on 1866 cover to Latacunga endorsed 'Civiles' and "1¼ oz. 1 rl." in manuscript, tied by "Ambato" datestamp (Sept 22) in black. Further manuscript notation at lower left stating that the cover contained 15 reales to pay fees and postage. A fine and attractive usage.
    Ausruf : 180 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7521 Ecuador

    Fifth Printing Group 1872: ½ real deep bright blue on surface blued very thin wove paper, two horizontal pairs used on 1873 entire letter to Lima, Peru, all cut close and with some staining from the water used in the inking process, neatly tied by "Guayaquil / Franca" datestamps in blue (April 27). Lima arrival on reverse (May 7). Faults but unusual.
    Ausruf : 130 CHF
    Zuschlag : 480 CHF

    Losnr. : 7533 Ecuador

    Second Printing Group 1866/68: 1 real yellow, a single example and a horizontal pair, all with ample to large margins all round, clear impressions, used on 1870 folded cover to Latacunga with manuscript weight "6 oz." at top, all cancelled by fine "Quito / Franca" datestamps (Nov 23) in black. A late usage of a clear impression 1 real and a most attractive cover.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7510 Ecuador

    First Printing Group 1865: ½ real ultramarine, a used example with irregular to huge margins all round, tied to 6 February 1865 cover to Guayaquil by manuscript "Babahoyo" in ink. A rare and early usage in the second month, prior to Babhoyo receiving it's datestamp. Slight aging not affecting the fine adhesive, a rare cover and a unique usage.rnProvenance: Collections Dujmovic, Longhi and Olgieser.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.100 CHF

    Losnr. : 7529 Ecuador

    Second Printing Group  1866/68: 1 real orange-yellow, a diagonally bisected example used on 1867 cover to Quito, tied by extremely scarce "Babahoyo" circular datestamp in black (Dec 5). A few minor wrinkles to the adhesive and one flap missing from the cover but an extremely rare usage of the bisect and cancellation.rnProvenance: Collection Bill H. Homan Jnr.
    Ausruf : 450 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 7574 Ecuador

    1866: 4 reales brown-red, the used irregular block of five from base of sheet, positions 68/81-82/94-95, showing the frameline at base and sheet margin, all cancelled by pen crosses in manuscript and by "Riobamba" circular datestamps (June 4) in black. Tiny scissor cut between upper two stamps and the first stamp with rounded corner, otherwise an exceptional multiple and extremely rare.
    Ausruf : 2.200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7571 Ecuador

    1866: 4 reales red, a fine example in a rose shade used on refolded 1870 cover to Latacunga with weight notation "13 oz." at top, used in combination with fine examples of ½ r. bright blue and horizontal pair of 1 r. yellow, all tied by "Quito / Franca" datestamps (Nov 2) in black. A rare and fine three colour franking.
    Ausruf : 850 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 7515 Ecuador

    Fourth Printing Group 1871/72: ½ real deep ultramarine on white wove paper, a fine appearing example in a rich 'wet' shade, touched at lower left, with almost definition in the printing at all, tied to cover to Riobamba endorsed "¾ oz." in manuscript by "Ambato" datestamp (Jan 29) in black and additonally dated on reverse. An unusual stamp and cover.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7576 Ecuador

    1866: 4 reales brown-red, a used vertical pair, just shaved at top right but of excellent rich colour, used on 1868 quadruple rate entire letter to Lima, Peru tied by "Guayaquil" cds (Nov 12) with information strike alongside. Lima arrival cds (Nov 17) in black. A very rare franking.rnrnProvenance: Collection Robert Blake Yardley, 1944.
    Ausruf : 1.300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 7551 Ecuador

    1865: 1 r. green, a contemporarily defective horizontal strip of four used with a poorly printed horizontal pair in a deep shade, positions 3-4, right hand stamp with Plate flaw "Double Frameline at Base"; all tied by manuscript "Riobamba Riobba" to 1865 cover (docketed July 29 on reverse). Despite faults an unusual usage.
    Ausruf : 180 CHF
    Zuschlag : 180 CHF

    Losnr. : 7537 Ecuador

    Third Printing Group 1871/72: 1 real deep bistre brown, a superb large margined example on 1872 cover to Latacunga showing some deterioration of the plate, boldly cancelled by the newly introduced gros chiffres "3154" (formerly of Rixheim) with "Quito / Franca" datestamp alongside (Nov 3) in black. A rare and charming cover.
    Ausruf : 450 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7511 Ecuador

    First Printing Group ½ real bright ultramarine on greyish wove paper with slight surface blueing, fine impression, two large margined single examples used on cover front to Alausi cancelled by pre-philatelic CUENCA / FRANCA oval handstamps struck in red. Reverse with docketing "Cuenca Julio 12 de 1865". Extremely rare and most appealing cover.
    Ausruf : 650 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 7538 Ecuador

    Third Printing Group 1868/72: 1 real yellow, a vertical sheet marginal pair (positions 73/82) on thick paper with "Guayaquil" datestamp (Oct 27, 1868) in black; together with an 1868 cover endorsed "4 oz." bearing a horizontal pair of the 1 real yellow used to Latacunga and tied by "Quito / Franca" datestamp in black (Nov 4). A fine and attractive page.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 7534 Ecuador

    Second Printing Group  1866/68: 1 real yellow, a diagonally bisected example used on 1867 entire letter to Guayaquil, tied by extremely scarce "Monetecristi" circular datestamp in black (Sept 22). A few minor imperfections to the cover but an extremely rare usage of the bisect and cancellation.rnProvenance: Collection Bill H. Homan Jnr.
    Ausruf : 450 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 7513 Ecuador

    Second Printing Group 1867: ½ real bright ultramarine, a horizontal strip o four, sheet marginal from left with vertical frameline, huge margins on the other three sides, positions 61-64, used on small piece tied by "Guayaquil" datestamps (March 25, 1867) in black. Splendid and rare so fine.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 160 CHF

    Losnr. : 7528 Ecuador

    Second Printing Group 1866/68: 1 r. orange, an unused block of four in a vibrant shade and early impression, marginal from left of sheet with the vertical frameline at left, large margins all round but for slight piece missing at top, large part og. A magnificent and extremely rare block.
    Ausruf : 850 CHF
    Zuschlag : 850 CHF

    Losnr. : 7585 Ecuador

    Fourth Printing Group 1871/72: 1 real dull yellow on surfaced blued paper, a single example and a horizontal pair, margins touched to large, used on circa 1872 front and part back of cover to Guaranda cancelled by two superb strikes of fancy circular CHIMBO handstamps in black. Rare.
    Ausruf : 220 CHF
    Zuschlag : 220 CHF

    Losnr. : 7536 Ecuador

    Third Printing Group 1865/67: 1 r. olive, an unused block of four, marginal from right of sheet, positions 53-54/62-63, ample to large margins all round fresh and of very fine rich colour, unused without gum. Scarce.rnProvenance: Collection 'Crown Point', Corinphila sale 131, Oct 2001, lot 6731.
    Ausruf : 180 CHF
    Zuschlag : 180 CHF

    Losnr. : 7509 Ecuador

    First Printing Group 1865 (Jan 1):  ½ real bright ultramarine on greyish wove paper, fine impression, a fine example used on archive dated March 1, 1865 cover front to Chimbo and weight "1 oz." at right confirming the rate, tied by manuscript "Ambato" in ink. A fine and rare usage.
    Ausruf : 650 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650 CHF

    Losnr. : 7523 Ecuador

    First Printing Group 1865: 1 real bistre-buff in a sandy shade, position 71 on the sheet showing Plate variety "Line through Real", a four margined example used on 1866 cover front and part back to Ambato well tied by "Guaranda" datestamp (Jan 28).
    Ausruf : 180 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 7544 Ecuador

    1865: 1 r. green, a superb unused group (4), all on thin white wove paper, all with part of vertical sheet marginal framelines, positions 19, 54, 55 and 63 on the sheet of 90 subjects, fresh and fine, large part og. Gi 3 = £ 1'100/Mi 2x = € 1'000+/Scott = $ 1'200.
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.100 CHF

    Losnr. : 7543 Ecuador

    1865: First Printing ½ real ultramarine / bright blue, position 65; 1 r. orange-yellow position 10; and 1 r. green, position 32; the set of three values unused, all with sharp and clear impressions and in fine delicate colour, unused or large part og. Gi 1+2+3 = £ 325/Mi. 1a+2ax+3ax = € 310/Scott = $ 365.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 280 CHF

    Losnr. : 7577 Ecuador

    4 reales brown-red, two examples, postions 75 and 76, used on small 1868 piece together with 1865 1 r. green in a horizontal pair (positions 40-41), all tied by "Ambato" datestamps (March 20) in black. Very fine and scarce, a most attractive piece.
    Ausruf : 220 CHF
    Zuschlag : 260 CHF

    Losnr. : 7579 Ecuador

    1866: 4 reales brown-red, a fine unused horizontal pair with variety "Printed on Both Sides", positions 99-100 on the sheet of 104 subjects, the reverse showing the horizontal marginal frameline, large part og., a fine and very scarce multiple Gi 4c = £ 750+/Scott = $ 1'100+.
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : 900 CHF

    Losnr. : 7514 Ecuador

    Fourth Printing Group 1871/72: ½ r. greyish-blue, a dry printing on coarse wove paper, two single examples, each with good margins all round, each cancelled by the rarest of Ecuadorean classic datestamps, that of JIPIJAPA struck in red.
    Ausruf : 180 CHF
    Zuschlag : 180 CHF

    Losnr. : 7565 Ecuador

    1866: 4 r. red, a soft printing in a pale shade, a used example from right of sheet with vertical marginal frameline, position 78, cancelled by light "Guaranda" datestamp (Nov 25) in black. Rare so fine.
    Ausruf : 130 CHF
    Zuschlag : 130 CHF

    Losnr. : 7522 Ecuador

    First Printing Group 1865: 1 real orange-vermilion, early impression, a used example with slight thin bit cancelled by large part "Pelileo" circular star in black. Rare thus.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft
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