Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919


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  • Losnr. : 66 Chile

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    1861. Cancelled Stamps for Rowland Hill’s nephew Ormond HillrnOn 18 April 1861 Ormond Hill, the nephew of Rowland Hill, wrote to Joshua Butters Bacon the head of Perkins Bacon and Co.:rn“My dear Sir, Two or three of my friends who are collectors of Postage Stamps have asked me to procure for them specimens of new or uncommon stamps whenever I have it in my power. It occurs to me that perhaps you may be able to give me a few ...”rnHe added on 24 April: “... I should be glad to have six stamps of each kind ...”rnOn 15 August J. Upham (for J.B. Bacon) sent the stamps to Pearson Hill with the following letter:rn“Dear Sir, I beg now to send you as promised ... an envelope addressed to Ormond Hill Esq. containing 6 obliterated impressions of each of the stamps named in the list and request you will take two of each for Rowland Hill Esq. and yourself and then seal the package and forward it together with a letter which you will also find addressed to him, to Mr. Ormond Hill.”rnIt turned out that the supply of the Crown Agents‘ property was given without authority.rnOrmond Hill was not asked to return the „specimens“, and in fact, all were treated as private property. Nevertheless, the case destroyed Perkins Bacon as future printers for the Crown Agents.rnFrom Peter Jaffe in "Cancelled by Perkins Bacon“, published for Spink & Son Ltd by James Bendon Ltd. (1998).rnrnThe complete set of four values, Third London 1 c. chrome-yellow, second London 5 c. red-brown on blued, Third London 10 c. blue on blued and the 20 c. green with large part og.; all fine used with large part "CANCELLED" obliterator handstamps in black. This is the set of four as illustrated in Peter Jaffe's book. An exceptional group with just six examples of each produced. Rare. Certs. Holcombe for 1 centavo and 10 centavo (1985), BPA for 5 centavo (1982).rnrnProvenance: 1 c. collection Dr. Conrad Latto; 5 c. and 10 c., collection Jean Dupont, Balasse, May 1981, lot 3; 20 c., collection Peter Jaffe, Spink, 1 June 2006, lot 88; ex Joseph Hackmey collection, 236. Corinphila Auction 11 June 2019, lot 6127.rnrnrnrnrnrnrn 
    Ausruf : 7.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 18.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 93 Cuba

    1800/1900: The outstanding Exhibit collection (199 items) of Maritime Mail by Spanish ships, Spanish Naval vessels, private ships and companies, with mail from 1799 cover from Santa Fé, Colombia via Corunna to Havana, 1800 cover to Guatemala with YNDIAS in red, covers with ESPANA truncated handstamp (2), 1801/09 covers from Mexico to Calella via Havana with NEUVA ESPANA handstamps in black (2), covers with YNDIAS markings in red, blue or black (16), range of covers with ISLAS DE / BARLOVENTO handstamps in black (usually incoming), blue, green or in red (22), two unique 1819/20 covers with "DE YNDIAS" handstamps in red (5), Havana Maritime Service covers with oval "E" marking on 1831/47 entires from Galicia and Barcelona and one to London (4), "CORREIO MARITIMO" handstamps in blue or green with numbers 1-6 (17), unique 1842 cover with circular "E / YNDIAS" handstamp applied in yellow - a great rarity of Cuban Maritime Mail, covers with circular "E / NA" markings in black or red, "E/NE" cachet in black on 1840 entire, 1827 cover with rare small "NE" mark in black and 1837 cover with rare "ИE" handstamp in black (five recorded), 1842 cover with rare italic "ESPAÑA" in red, 1847 entire from Bordeaux to Havana with circular "EMPRESA / INDIAS" ship datestamp in blue (one of five reported), 1848 cover with circular "EMPRESA / N. AMERICA" datestamp in blue, two 1850's covers with "EMPRESA / ESPANA" handstamps in red, early Cuban town markings of CARDENAS, HABANA and HAVANA, PUERTO / PRINCIPE, disinfected mail, rare oval framed PUERTO RICO in red etc., 1855 Antilles/Cuba First Issue ½ real used on cover to Cadiz per "Conde de Regla" - just 11 covers are recorded used on the first Day of Issue of this stamp - two are in museum collections, thereafter with single and double weight usages on 1855/59 covers (29) including fraudulkent usager of Cuban ½ r. from Barcelona to Pto. Principe - just two examples known (cert. Comex), 1862/75 Lopez & Co. covers from Cuba to Spain with a variety of frankings (18), 1877 cover front with Alfonso 50 c. black tied dotted "DM" in blue (rare, with cert), Cuban Coastal Mail covers (5), US Mail covers (14) incl. fine "NA" usages and 1861 cover with 10 c. green pair to Manzanillo, British Mail incl. PAID AT VERA CRUZ and PAID AT HAVANA Crown Circles etc. A superb well written up collection; careful and studious viewing is recommended.
    Ausruf : 30.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 24 Argentinien

    International Exhibition Collection of Argentine Air Mail 1924-1939 'The Development of Argentine Outbound and Domestic Airmail' showed by carrier, routes and rates with the different rate changes up to 1939. The fine internationally exhibited eight frame collection comprising 220 covers showing the development of Argentine airmail starting with the Early Flights 1924, French Carriers, Argentine Aeropostal SA, US-carriers to German Lufthansa and Condor-Zeppelin flights, starting Compania Rioplatense first regular air service from Buenos Aires to "Montevideo 2.1.24", 1928 R-cover to Aleppo, Syria, 1928 (Dec. 15) crash cover of Casablanca - Toulouse flight, rare acceptance from Bolivia to Aéropostal-Line to Germany (1930), Montevideo crash cover (1930), 1932 Aéropostale envelope to Jerusalem, Palestine, 1935 envelopes to China and South Africa, high mass franking of $10,70 on large and heavy cover to France (1932), 1936/37 Air France covers to Dakar and Cape Town plus a 1938 (March 23) crash cover of Cinq Croix (Pyrénées), 1938 'Sample' envelope  to Belgium, 1938 domestic express delivery cover to Winterthur, Switzerland, 1939 (May 2) crash cover Argana, Morocco, 1929 Aeropostal experimental flight Rivadavia -  Buenos Aires and 1936 high Peso frankings to Patagonia, 1930 NYBRA flights to Rio de Janeiro and further to USA, 1937 Panagra-KLM service to Curaçao, West Indies, 1939 trans-pacific envelope to Manila, 1930 Zeppelin cover to Calcutta as well as DLH catapult service with covers to Singapore and Shanghai, plus registered large sized envelope franked with $ 35,15 sent via Bathurst-Stuttgart-Amsterdam to London. Viewing highly recommended. Fine internationally awarded exhibition collection: London 2022 and Stockholmia 2019 Large Vermeil (87 pts.), FEPA Sevilla 2018 Large Gold (95 pts.).rn 
    Ausruf : 15.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 83 Kolumbien

    1858/63: Selection 17 covers incl. 1858 Official registered front of cover addressed to the Governor of the State of Cauca (Mosquera) care of the Consul General of the Grenadine Confederation (Orejuela) in Quito, Ecuador; Prepaid registered cover from Bogotá to the Postmaster in Panamá; Prepaid registered cover at triple rate from Bogotá to Santa Marth; Prepaid cover to Santa Martha struck with oval framed "MEDELLIN / FRANCA" and rate mark "1½" (reales = 15 centavos), however then letter was sent unpaid and the 'paid' strikes deleted by weight mark "0" in black; 1859 Prepaid entire letter to Rionegro struck with oval framed "MEDELLIN / FRANCA"; two covers to Tomas de Mosquera in Popayan, each prepaid with oval framed "BOGOTÁ / FRANCA"; Cover from Cartagena to General Tomas de Mosquera, Popayan carried privately and forwarded with oval "ENCAMINADA POR / HURTADO : HERMANOS / PANAMÁ" in red; 1860 Cover from Santo Domingo, Antioquia via Medellin to Rionegro sent unpaid with oval "MEDELLIN / DEBE" in blue-black; Registered Official cover mailed within Bogotá from the electoral commission of the State of Cundinamarca to the Presidente of the electoral commission; Registered cover front to the Post Office in Honda struck with '0' weight markings (8) at edges; Prepaid entire letter from Honda to Bogotá struck with oval framed "HONDA / FRANCA"; 1862 Prepaid entire letter from Panama to Bogotá, mailed from Colon with circular "ADMINISTRACION DE CORREOS DE COLON / FRANCA"; Registered cover front to the Post Office in Popayan struck with '0' weight markings (4) at edges; 1863 Entire letter from Nare to Bogotá struck in transit with oval framed "HONDA / DEBE"; Entire letter from Bodegas de Bogotá situated on the River Magdalena carried privately to Bogotá; as well as Incoming Mail 1861 Entire letter from New York to Tomas de Mosquera in Bogotá, endorsed via Colon; prepaid by Agent or on account with the Post Office and struck there with circular "ADMINISTRACION DE CORREOS DE COLON / FRANCA" in red. An impressive group.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 80 Kolumbien

    1860: 5 c. lilac and 20 c. blue (2), used on obverse and reverse of 16 July 1860 entire letter to New York endorsed "via Colon", all tied by oval "BOGOTÁ" handstamps in black with oval framed "FORWARDED BY / C.J. FOX / ASPINWALL N.G." cachet in red. The rate prepaid for single rate between 450 and 1'350 kms. (20 c.) and the "Sobreporte" charge of 25 centavos payable to the British Consul at Cartagena. The letter carried as an enclosure from C.J. Fox in Aspinwall as no charge raised for arriving Ship Letter in the USA. The adhesives on reverse with manuscript docketing of receipt (Sept 1) in New York, but an extremely rare entire with just two such known both carried in the same manner, the other being ex Dr. Hugo Goeggel.rnProvenance: Collection Brigitte Kaplan; Collection Alfredo Fröhlich, Investphiila, Lugano, 17-18 April 2010, lot 373; Collection E. Langlais.rn 
    Ausruf : 3.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 75 Chile

    1853/66: The predominantly used collection in a black stockbook with 1853 1st Perkins Bacon 5 c. red-brown on blued (8, plus 4 used on a front of cover), 10 c. deep bright blue (9, on cancelled in red), 1854 Desmadryl 5 c. brown (shades) with 26 examples and a cover; Gillet Lithos 5 c. (13, not all can be guaranteed), Gillet recess printing 5 c. (8) in the deep red brown and sienna shades, September 1854 Desmadryl 10 c. blue (shades) with 24 examples incl. a pair and a marginal strip of three, 1855 2nd London printing (14) incl. a pair and six covers; 1856/62 Estancos with superb selection (48) and usages on covers (13); 10 c. blue (73) incl. a strip of four and a block of four, covers with 10 c. bisected (3); 1861/62 1 c. chrome unused and used (52), 10 c. blue (40) incl. a strip of three and a strip of four; 20 c. green (39) incl. multiples and a later 'Proof', 1866 final printing of 5 c. in red with unused/used examples (10) and a cover; plus two usages on documents. A remarkable collection, condition obviously varies but many fine. Viewing is recommended.

    Ausruf : 3.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 10.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 118 Frankreich

    1863/64: Correpondence (9, all except two covers with long and complete contents) from Metz to a Lieutenant Colonel of the Engineers serving with the Corps Expeditionaire du Mexique, all covers with 1862 Empire frankings: seven covers mailed via Great Britain at 50 c. rate and two by French ships at concessionary 20 c. rate, eight cancelled by '2336' gros chiffres of Metz (last cover cancelled at Roussy-Le-Village and written in Mondorf, Luxembourg) and sent via Paris with Control datestamps (to check and endorse the rates) of transit, with one February 1864 cover at 50 c. rate showing rare usage of "CORPS EXP. MEXIQUE / BAU A" circular datestamp (April 1) applied as a backstamp. Plus two further covers to the Colonel mailed locally upon arrival home to Metz (March 1866) and a local May 1866 cover with fine "Paris A Strasbourg / A" TPO cds. Some imperfections to be expected but a fascinating and rare correspondence (11 covers).
    Ausruf : 2.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 55 Chile

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    Recess by Narciso Desmadryl from Perkins Bacon Plates 1854 (Jan-Feb): 5 c. deep reddish brown, wmk. pos. 1, a used block of six (3 x 2), marginal from left of sheet with small part marginal inscription, close but clear at lower right with large margins all round, minor horizontal ironed bend not affecting the appearance (and not mentioned on certificate), lightly cancelled by target handstamps in black. An exceedingly scarce multiple, even the Galvez collection only possessed a block of four. Exceptional exhibition piece. Cert. BPA (1992).rnProvenance: Collection Jean Dupont, Balasse, May 1981, lot 79; Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, lot 969; ex Joseph Hackmey collection, 236. Corinphila Auction 11 June 2019, lot 6036.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 169 Peru

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    1810c.: Cover front to Antonio Alvarez Jimenez, Brigadier del Ejército in Chiloe rated '4½' reales in manuscript with good strike of the very rare truncated two line INTERCEPTADA / DELIMA handstamp in red (Colareta fig. 1 = 100 pts./Tizon unrecorded). A rarity - this being acknowledged as probably the first Censor handstamp ever applied to mail in the Americas. Walter Bose in "Signos Postales del Rio de la Plata" states that this marking was used during between August and November 1810 in the revolutionary period on mail from Spain destined for Peru and other interior provinces that had been intercepted in Salta and returned to Buenos Aires. Cert. Moorhouse (2015).rnProvenance: Collection Dr. Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 202, Nov 2015, lot 498.
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : 950 CHF

    Losnr. : 46 Chile

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    Losnr. : 71 Chile

    Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1856/61: 10 c. deep blue, wmk. pos. 1, the magnificent unused block of twenty-one (3 x 7), positions 10-12/82-84, a sharp and worn impression with the upper stamps showing a very sharp impression and the lower stamps with not quite such a fine impression, large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamps at base and at left, sheet marginal at right with closed tear in seventh stamp and some minor creasing not affecting the dramatic appearance. A spectacular unused multiple showing the variation in printing, of excellent colour and a showpiece - the largest unused multiple of the 10 centavos 'Estancos' recorded.rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 49 (Nachtrag/ Supplement), April 1963, lot 3697A; ex. Joseph Hackmey collection, 236. Corinphil Auction 11 June 2019, lot 6111.rnrn 
    Ausruf : 3.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 14.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 145 Panama

    Panama Canal 1881/1952: Study of Panama Canal Mail, with Italy 1881 mixed issue franking cover at 1 L. 05 c. rate to Panama and forwarded to Paraiso addressed to "Del Canale Intero", 1881 cover from the Panama Canal Co. franked 1881 10 c. violet to Paris, 1883 similar franking to Mantova, Italy with handstamp "SECTION DE / BOHIO SOLDADO" cachet in violet on reverse; 1885 imprinted Canal Co. cover sent registered to Germany, 1886 cover from France to Gatun, Panama to a Doctor on the Canal, 1886 cover from Nantes with "LA BOCA / CANAL DE PANAMA" arrival, 1886 and 1887 covers to Corsica with 10 c. orange and "OBISPO / CANAL DE PANAMA" cds on reverse, 1889 cover with Panama 10 c. black on yellow with "EMPERADOR / CANAL DE PANAMA" cds on reverse, later covers on imprinted Canal stationery and 'Panama Railroad' bag label etc. A fine collection (29 items) and the small balance of the consignment incl. 1848 prepaid cover from Paris to Chile and some Czechoslovakia covers/cards (a further 18 items).
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 140 Panama

    1922/25: Panama Coat of Arms embossed stationery Essays and Proofs by the American Bank Note Co., with pen and ink drawing large card Proof showing the printed vignette of the Arms in black, five further Proofs embossed in white on thick cards, and a wonderful thick card (255 x 145 mm.) showing photographic mock-ups for the 1 c. and 2 c. designs in black, the 2 c. especially being adapted by hand in Chinese white with further printing instructions in manuscript "Coat of Arms to be without color. Rest is OK"; together with 1925 1 c. green and 2 c. carmine postal stationery envelopes (H&G B10 and B11), with file numbers at top in red "F7566" and "F7429" respectively on each and both perforated "SPECIMEN / A.B.N.Co.". A wonderful and unique assembly. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.rn 
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 47 Chile

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    London Printing 1853 (July 1): 10 c. deep bright blue on yellowish paper, wmk. pos. 1, a fine unused example with clear margin at left and large on the other three sides, of good colour and small part slightly soiled og. but very rare thus - it should be noted that prominent collectors such as Albert Quast, Alfred H. Caspary possessed no unused examples. An exceptionally rare stamp unused. Signed A. Diena. Cert. Holcombe (1994) Gi. 2 = £ 425/Scott = $ 1'000.rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 90, Oct 1994, lot 6299; Joseph Hackmey collection illustrated in Edition d'Or Vol. XXVI, page 34 (2011).
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 115 Mexiko

    1856/61: The used classic selection incl. multiples with ½ r. blue with rare used block of four used in Guanajuato, ½ r. sheet marginal pair on piece cancelled on the Diligencias, stunning ½ r. marginal pair used in Vera Cruz, two further ½ r. pairs and five single examples with one cancelled in red; 1 r. yellow with single examples (12) incl. cancellations in blue (Tlacotalpan), and in red (2), 1 r. pairs (5) with superb complete "San Juan de Lagos" in black and Tepec cancel in red; 2 r. green used (18) with five showing complete cancels on piece incl. "Encarnacion" and "La Piedad" usages, 4 r. red single examples (6) and covers (2) with vertically bisected examples, 1861 ½ r. black on buff with singles (2), a pair, a block of four used in SLP on piece and a cover, 1 r. black on green with singles (3) and pairs (4), 2 r. grey-black singles (9), 4 r. red on yellow (3), 4 r. black on yellow (6), 8 r. black on red-brown used (4), 1867 gothic 4 r. rose etc. A fine and most appealing lot (93 items).
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 178 Peru

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    British Post Offices abroad: 1876: (Oct. 28): 1/- green pl.12 OI, and 6d grey pl.15 DF paying the 1/6 rate for a letter to England, in combination with a 1866 20c. brown bisected for the inland rate, all tied by three slightly unclear strikes of the C38 obliterator of CALLAO. The letter is endorsed via Panama and bears the CALLAO single circle on the back, as well as a receiving single circle of COLCHESTER. According to the enclosed certificate Potel, the combination with a bisected 20c. stamp is only recorded on three further items and was only used in October 1876. There is minor wear on the cover but this nonetheless represents a rarity of both Peruvian Philately and British Offices Abroad. Certificates POTEL (2003) and Moorhouse (2006). 
    Ausruf : 1.250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 52 Chile

    1853 (July 1): First Perkins Bacon London printing 10 c. deep bright blue on blued paper, a used example, fault at upper right but with large margins on two sides and portion of adjoining stamp at base, showing "Ivory Head" variety, lightly cancelled by target handstamp in black; matched with a very definitive example of the first printing without Ivory Head, four margins and cancelled in manuscript - the first stamp with hand-written note by P.L. Pemberton stating "in the whole of the Walters collection which we bought there were only three specimens of this stamp, whereas there were upwards of 200 of the 5 c. lithographed...". A historic philatelic comment from one of the greatest of all 20th century philatelists.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 160 CHF

    Losnr. : 3 USA

    1857 (Jan 10): Cover from Annapolis to La Spezzia, Kingdom of Sardinia, bearing 1856 Jefferson 5 c. brown imperf., a fine adhesive with good to large margins, shaved at base, tied by crisp "ANNAPOLIS Md." cds in black, "GB / 1F 60C" accountancy handstamp and French "ETATS-UNIS PAQ. BRIT. CALAIS 27 JANV. 57" entry cds, both in black alongside. Reverse with "BOSTON Br PKT 14 JAN" transit cds in black, LONDON transit cds in red and GENOVA transit datestamp in red (Jan 30 57). Charged upon arrival “10” (decimi), which include Sea rate, English and French transit and Sardinia postage, some staining, otherwise a fine and scarce usage to Sardinia. Scott = $ 1'200 on domestic cover.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 57 Chile

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    Recess by Henri Gillet from Perkins Bacon Plates 1854 (April): 5 c. Burnt Siena, wmk. pos. 1, an unused example with clear to large margins all round and with portion of adjoining stamp at top, minor cut in margin only at top and not affecting the appearance; fresh and fine, without gum. A very rare stamp. Cert. BPA (1996) Gi. 10 = £ 1'700/Scott = $ 1'800.rnProvenance: Collection Joaquin Galvez, Corinphila sale 62, May 1979, lot 3209; Collection 'Islander', Corinphila sale 95, Dec 1996, lot 848; Joseph Hackmey collection illustrated in Edition d'Or Vol. XXVI, page 58 (2011).
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 73 Chile

    1878/99: 5 c. ultramarine and 15 c. dark green in a horizontal pair, used on 10 c. grey postal stationery envelope sent registered / AR to Liverpool endorsed "via Magellanes" with appropriate labels all tied by Santiago cds's (Sept 3). Reverse with Liverpool arival (Dec 13). Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.rnNote: The cover is addressed to Thomas Ridpath & Co., stamp dealers in Liverpool. It was Ridpath who was the first 'trade' owner of the the famous 1856 British Guiana 1 c. black on magenta, buying same on 2 October 1878 and soon afterwards selling same to Philippe von Ferrary de la Renotière.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 140 CHF

    Losnr. : 86 Costa Rica

    1863: 2 r. scarlet tied by bar cancel to 1869 entire letter from San Jose to St. Gallen, Switzerland endorsed "via Southampton", British P.O. transit COLON code A on the front in black, and London (Jan. 3, 1870) transit in red and a Zurich cachet from the following day on the reverse with Kaltbrunn arrival (Jan. 5) and taxed 150 rp. in blue. Minor imperfections of no significance, one of just four known first issue covers (all bearing the 2 r.) recorded to Switzerland - see the article by Greg Todd AIEP in the SBZ (5 Dec 2022).rnrn 
    Ausruf : 2.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 152 Peru

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    Colonial 1592/1595: Entire letter mailed from Lima to Cuzco endorsed 'Inquiss.on' at lower left (Inquisition), the letter signed and clearly dated inside, the letter started in 1592 and then finished three years later when the initial instructions had been carried out. Exceptional early letter mailed just 100 years after Colombus's first voyage to the Americas and only 50 years after Pizarro's brutal destruction of Inca society. Full English translation of contents accompanies the lot. A very rare entire. Cert. B. Moorhouse (2015).rnProvenance: Dr. Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 202, Nov 2015, lot 478.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 106 Mexiko

    Mexico 1861: 2 r. grey-black on pink, a used example with touched to large margins all round, used on 1863 cover frorm Mexico City endorsed "via London" to Llanes, Spain tied by circular grill handstamp in black with "Franco / Mexico" cds adjacent. Reverse with circular "CONSULADO BRITANICO / MEXICO" negative seal handstamp (Heath & Schimmer fig. 26B) and double arc VERA CRUZ cds of the British P.O. in black (Feb 1) and London transit (March 2) in red. Obverse with "1/-" pre-payment in red manuscript and charged "8Rs." due in red on arrival. Edge wear and reverse flap torn but a very rare usage.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 97 Mexiko

    Mazatlan 1851: Spectacular registered entire letter to Francisco Iturbe in Mexico City endorsed "Certificado" and struck on despatch with framed manuscript filled "CERTIFICACION AL PTO DE MAZATLAN / Salio en 10 Noviembre de 1851" in black (Yag & Bash MZ5), with corners of cover showing Eagle cachet denoting the registration and wreathed "FRANCO" in red (Y&B MZ6A). Transits of framed "ROSARIO" and dated "NOBRE 11" in red (Y&B MZ16, date handstamp unlisted) and boxed and dated "GUADALAJARA / NOVIEMBRE 21" in black (Y&B GD13). Docketing on reverse: "Por Francaturas - 6 / Por Certificaciones - 16 = 22". An outstanding registered entire of great rarity and visual appeal.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 59 Chile

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    Lithographed by Henri Gillet 1854 (April-August): 5 c. red-brown, wmk. pos. 2, an unused example with large margins at top and at base, close but clear at left and at right, of good delicate colour and large part og. A very rare stamp unused, especially so with original gum. Cert. RPSL (1978) Gi. 8 = £ 1'400/Scott = $ 1'500.rnProvenance: Collection Joaquin Galvez, Corinphila sale 62, May 1979, lot 3275; Corinphila sale 90, Oct 1994, lot 6365; Joseph Hackmey collection illustrated in Edition d'Or Vol. XXVI, page 73 (2011).rn                       
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 53 Chile

    1 / 1
    Recess by Narciso Desmadryl from Perkins Bacon Plates 1854 (Jan-Feb): 5 c. deep reddish brown, wmk. pos. 1, an unused example with clear margin at right and large margins on the other three sides, of good colour and superb, large part og. A very rare stamp unused. Cert. RPSL (1978) Gi 4 = £ 850/Scott = $ 600.rnProvenance: Joseph Hackmey collection illustrated in Edition d'Or Vol. XXVI, page 27 (2011), then classified by the collector as London I printing.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 157 Peru

    Colonial 1770c.: Cover from Madrid to the Archbishop of Lima, Peru endorsed at top "Por el Rey" (on behalf of the King) and reverse with near complete full red wax seal and manuscript '5'. Fine oval framed "Crown / Shield" despatch handstamp in black at left. Internal docketing places the letter at this date "These are the two dossiers concerning the "alvorotos" riots of...and Quito" which occurred in 1765 and the establishment of regular postal routes from 1770 onwards. Closed repairable tear on face panel but rare.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 460 CHF

    Losnr. : 156 Peru

    Colonial 1650 (Nov. 30): Entire letter from the Viceroy of Peru, Garcia Sarmientode Sotomayor, Count of Salvatierra (1648-1655) to the "Jueces oficiales of Hacienda" (Treasury Officers) of Huancavelica, manuscript endorsement "Virrey"  (Viceroy) on front at lower lower left, content expressing responsibility of the Treasury Officers for the mercury mines and that the person in charge of making the vessels to contain the metal destined to Potosi in order to obtain silver should be replaced. Sold with full transcription and an illustration of Sotomayor on a modern Peruvian adhesive stamp. A very important early letter in very fresh condition.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 112 Mexiko

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    Queretaro 1872: 100 c. grey-lilac, imperforate, Invoice 35-72, a horizontal pair and a horizontal strip of three used on piece, cancelled by two strikes of pearled oval "FRANCO / EN SALAMANCA" handstamps in black (Schatzkes fig. 1330). Minor pre-application thin on one stamp but a remarkable sub-consigned multiple usage of the top value. Cert. Jaretzky (1983) Scott = $ 250++.rnProvenance: Collection Maurice Burrus, Robson Lowe, London, 7 April 1964, lot 319; Corinphila sale 70, Zurich, 26-31 March 1984, lot 3554.
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : 350 CHF

    Losnr. : 67 Chile

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    1858: Estancos 5 c. rose-red (2, in very differing shades) and 10 c. blue (2, in differing shades), all used on 1861 entire letter to Valparaiso endorsed "per Vapor" tied by target handstamps in black with manuscript filled "COQUIMBO" cds at left (28 Jan 1861). The entire originally franked for single internal ship rate (15 c.) and found to be double weight, further adhesives applied. One 5 c. crossed by file fold, stamps lifted and replaced, an unusual and rare entire. Cert. Moorhouse (2003). Ex collection Harvey Weeks.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 280 CHF

    Losnr. : 130 Panama

    1883: 10 c. orange on yellow, a used example on "Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interocánique" imprinted envbelope to Eure, France, tied by octagonal "ASPINWALL / PAQ. FR. D. No. 3" datestamp (Feb 23) well struck in blue (Salles fig. 1503) with repeated information strike at left. Carried on the "Colombie" to Bordeaux with Paris cds (March 24) and arrival on reverse. Slight edge wear but an attractive and very scarce cover. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 280 CHF

    Losnr. : 138 Panama

    1911c.: Specimen Booklets by American Banknote Co., 25 c. yellow Booklet with 4 panes of 6 x 1 c. black & green (Scott 197b) security punched and cover overprinted SPECIMEN in red; 49 c. grey-brown Booklet with 4 panes of 6 x 2 c. black & vermilion (Scott 198a) security punched and cover overprinted SPECIMEN in red; 61 c. pale buff Booklet with 2 panes of 6 x 5 c. black & blue (Scott 200a) security punched and overprinted SPECIMEN in red; all three with file numbers "F4853" or "F4854" print order numbers in red on the covers. Slight faults and repairs but of great rarity with only two examples of each Booklet known to exist. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 88 Costa Rica

    1941/48: Waterlow portraits, the 'bantam' series, the complete Proof set of six with 3 c. deep orange, 3 c. deep plum, 3 c. carmine and 1948 3 c. deep ultramarine; and 5 c. deep violet and 5 c. brownish-black; all in matching Imperforate corner marginal blocks of ten (5 x 2) from lower left corner of the sheet (the 1948 3 c. in a block of fifteen), on gummed paper with security punch-holes, five with manuscript comments in margins regarding colours utilised, minor creasing as these were working Proofs; a rare group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 420 CHF

    Losnr. : 128 Panama

    1885: Stampless cover from Colon to Bremen endorsed "Paid" and "via England", mailed during stamp shortage with superb "AGENCIA POSTAL NACIONAL / COLON" nine barred duplex in black (July 18). Reverse with Bremen arrival cds (Aug 9) in black. Unusual and very fine. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.rnNote: Due to the destruction of Colon (March 31st, 1885) by a fire ignited by the revolutionary bandit Prestan, stamps had yet to be sent to Colon. Prestan was caught and executed by the authoriuties on 18th August 1885 for the wanton destruction of Colon.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 220 CHF

    Losnr. : 68 Chile

    1 / 1
    1858: Estancos 5 c. rose-red, six single examples and two horizontal strips of three (one is marginal), and 1860 10 c. blue in a horizontal strip of three, margins touched to huge in places, all used on 1863 cover from Puerto Caldera to Valparaiso tied by tagret handstamps in black. "Puerto Caldera" despatch cds in black on obverse and internally docketed as received (March 29). Imperfections but a rare example of the 6 x 15 c. internal ship letter rate. Cert. Moorhouse (2003).
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 37 Brasilien

    1876 (Aug 3): 500r. orange perforated, a good used horizontal pair and single in mixed franking with 80r. slate violet perforated and 100r. green rouletted on registered overseas letter from Rio de Janeiro to Genua, Italy, then internally redirected with redirection endorsement affecting one of the 500r. stamps. The letter is roughly opened with part of the flap and front missing. Despite the usual wear and tear an outstanding 'DOM PEDRO' letter with three of the high values of the perforate issue in mixed franking with a roulette. 
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 154 Peru

    1 / 1
    Colonial 1629 (June 15): Entire letter from Lima to Guancanca (Huancavelica) endorsed "Virrey" at lower left (Viceroy), the entire signed at base by the Count of Chinchón - Luis Jerónimo de Cabrera, 4th Count of Chinchón (1589-1647), who was Viceroy from 14 Jan 1629 until 18 Dec 1639. Sold with full transcription of contents and illustration of the Count of Chinchón on a modern Peruvian adhesive stamp. Rare and very fine. Cert. Moorhouse (2015).rnProvenance: Dr. Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 202, Nov 2015, lot 479.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 63 Chile

    1855: 5c. red-brown on blued paper, large watermark, second London print, horizontal strip of eight from the upper sheet margin, displaying a significant misalignment between the 7th and 8th stamp. The strip has exceptional margins all round, just a minor scissor cut into the bottom left of the third stamp and the sheet watermark CORREOS at the top. It is affixed to a large fragment of a letter from the well known Jagerschmidt VALPARAISO correspondence. With such large margins an exceptional piece, most other strips of eight have inferior margins.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 137 Panama

    1909: Balboa 1 c. black & green, American Bank Note Co. imperforate Proof blocks on thick card, with vignette only Proof in black in a block of twelve (6 x 2), with print order number "F-5634" and "FOR 1 CENTESIMO / REPUBLICA DE PANAMA" imprints at top and "APPROVAL" in violet, with two top marginal imperforate blocks of six of the frame only in deep green and manuscript matching order number "F-5634" in red ink; one block showing reversed "2A" plate number. Rare and spectacular page. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 600 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 29 Brasilien

    1851 (April 10): Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Oporto endorsed "p. Medway", struck with fine "♚ / PAID AT / RIO DE JANEIRO" in black and carried at double rate with manuscript "2/-" in red. Reverse with poor double arc "RIO-JANEIRO" cds in black. Struck with framed "P. BRIT" in blue on arrival and handstruck "540 + manuscript 80 = 620 reis" due to pay, the 80 reis due for the Lisbon - Porto leg of the journey. Disinfected by two chisel slits, a fine and most appealing entire Gi CC3 = £ 850.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 143 Panama

    1950: Registered cover from Bucharest franked on reverse on despatch with four adhesives to USA, forwarded on to Bocas del Toro, Panama where 2 c. vermilion Postage Due applied to collect the  Poste Restante Fee with two line ADMON DE CORREOS / BOCAS DEL TORO on reverse. Readdressed to the Comoro Islands, where Comores 50 c. green and 1§ fr. brown applied, again for the Poste Restante fee by "Dzaouadzi / Madagascar" cds. A most unusual double taxation cover. Ex collection Peter A.S. Smith. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 220 CHF

    Losnr. : 82 Kolumbien

    1877: Liberty 20 c. blue, a diagonally bisected example used on 1881 cover to Hamburg, superbly tied by serrated oval "PANAMÁ" handstamp in black. Circular "LIGNE D / PAQ. FR. No. 1" Paquebot datestamp (July 22) in red (Salles fig. 1471) and carried on the "Ol. Rodrigues" from Colon to Bordeaux. Reverse, top flap missing, with Buenaventura sender's cachet in blue and Hamburg arrival cds (Aug 18) in black. Rare. Signed R. Mondolfo.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 380 CHF

    Losnr. : 162 Peru

    Colonial 1798c.: Cover front from the Viceroy of Peru to Chiloe  endorsed "Por El Rey" at top and "Virrey" (Viceroy) and "Por Chile" at lower left, rated at enormous '163' reales for a 32½ ounce letter, struck on despatch with "LIMA" handstamp (28 x 8.5 mm.) in red (Tizón fig. 6 / Colareta fig. 7). Addressed to The Commander of the Veteran Troops ("Al Commandante de las Tropas Veteranas") in the province of Chiloe. Exceptional and rare.rnProvenance: Collection Fernando Camino.
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 161 Peru

    Colonial 1797 (Feb 10): Postal registration receipt for 20 pesos on document to the Administrator of Cuzco, struck on despatch from the Pucara Post Office with straight line "PVCARÁ" handstamp in black with second 'Á' embellished in contemporary manuscript (Colareta fig. 2, sole recorded year of use). Mail forwarded containing cash or, in many cases, gold or silver, was charged 1% insurance by the Post Office or more, depending on the distance and route. An exceptional and rare document.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 480 CHF

    Losnr. : 204 Venezuela

    1 / 1
    1882: Third Escuelas 50 c. green, a diagonally bisected example used on 1893 cover from Valencia (Feb 6) to Cincinatti, USA endorsed "Por Americano Philadelphia", tied by circular "CORREOS DE VENEZUELA / * / PUERTO CABELLO" handstamp with FRANCO alongside in black. Reverse with New York / Paid All transit (Feb 127) and Cincinatti arrival cds. Small tear at top but scarce. Cert. Friedl / Rendon (1984). Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 122 Panama

    1853 (April 29): Entire letter from San Francisco to Valparaiso, Chile endorsed "via Panama", struck with "PAID" in black (and endorsed thus in manuscript at lower left) with "1/-" in red manuscript and good strike of rare "♚ / PAID / AT / PANAMA" in red. Reverse with beautiful negative sender's handstamp of "Grogan & Lent / Commission House / San Francisco" in blue and exceptional strike of double arc "PANAMA" code B cds of British P.O. (May 23). Rare. Ex Brian Moorhouse estate Gi CC5 = £ 1'900/Scott A82 = $ 2'200.rnProvenance: Collection James de Voss.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 100 Mexiko

    1 / 1
    Temascaltepec 1856: 1 r. yellow, a used example with good margins and colour, District name reading up at left, cancelled by part strike of straight line TEJU(PILCO) handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 1613). An extraordinarily rare District - just 3'520 stamps of the first issue 1 real were consigned over five years to the Temascaltepec District and sub-consigned usages should be considered as rarities. Signed Todd AIEP. Cert. Mepsi (1973).
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 120 CHF

    Losnr. : 54 Chile

    1 / 1
    Recess by Narciso Desmadryl from Perkins Bacon Plates 1854 (Jan-Feb): 5 c. deep reddish brown, wmk. pos. 1, fresh and very fine unused example with narrow to large margins all round, of rich colour, fresh and very fine unused. A rare stamp. Cert. BPA (1992) Gi. 5 = £ 400/Scott = $ 650.rnProvenance: Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, lot 950; Joseph Hackmey collection illustrated in Edition d'Or Vol. XXVI, page 44 (2011).
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 134 Panama

    1894: 'Habilitado' 10 c. in red on 50 c. brown on pelure paper, an unused corner marginal block of fifty (5 x 10), being the left half of the sheet, with fifth vertical coloumn showing "Curved Serifs to "1" in overprint" (Scott 30), and, also in the fifth column "CENTAVO" for CENTAVOS errors and "HABILITAD" for HABILITADO errors, fresh and fine but some minor creasing, large part og., mostly unmounted og. A rare multiple. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 180 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 155 Peru

    1 / 1
    Colonial 1633 (Nov 3): Entire letter from Lima to Guancanca (Huancavelica) endorsed "Virrey" at lower left (Viceroy), the entire discussing "Quicksilver" (Mercury) and signed at base by the Count of Chinchón - Luis Jerónimo de Cabrera, 4th Count of Chinchón (1589-1647), who was Viceroy from 14 Jan 1629 until 18 Dec 1639. Sold with full transcription of contents. Rare and very fine. Cert. Moorhouse (2015).rnProvenance: Dr. Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 202, Nov 2015, lot 480.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700 CHF

    Losnr. : 150 Peru

    Colonial 1574: Entire letter addressed to Spanish Inquisition officers in 'Los Reyes' (now Lima, founded by Pizarro), written as a recommendation from a Mrs. Maria Castellon of Guanaco concerning one Antonio Destano, held prisoner by the Inquisition of Peru in Los Reyes. An extraordinarily early entire letter - Pizarro conquered the Incas in 1532, this letter being written just 42 years later.rnrnNote: It should be noted with early Peruvian mail that most of the early internal correspondence to Lima was destroyed in the earthquake of 1687.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 9 USA

    1851/1938: Small collection with a few hundred stamps used/unused incl. some better values from the early years, airmails, souvenir sheets, officials, postage dues as well as few items from Guam, Hawaii, offices in China and Canal Zone, on album pages, in addition a stockbook with duplicats and two office files containing cards, picture postcards, postal stationery items, FDC's and plenty of modern business mail envelopes owner's car = Mi € 11'000+.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.250 CHF

    Losnr. : 119 Panama

    1843 (Nov 10): Unpaid cover from Panama to London, struck on obverse with extremely rareBritish Post Office "PANAMA" circular handstamp in black without date - unlisted by Parmenter, Gordon & Morton - and reverse, opening well for display, showing "KINGSTON / JAMAICA" cds (Nov 29) in black and London arrival cds in red (9 Jan 1844); where charged "1/-" to pay. Usual file folds but a very rare cover. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 31 Brasilien

    1856 (Oct 18): Entre letter from Colonia Leopoldina, Alagoas, to Nordheim, Germany endorsed "per Tamar" at top, struck on reverse with London transit cds (Dec 8) and scarce "Seebrief per England und Aachen" in red (Van der Linden fig. 2555), with Nordheim arrival cds (Dec 10) in blue. British rate in manuscript on front of "1/4d." due to pay, myriad manuscript rates thereafter. A most unusual entire. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 180 CHF

    Losnr. : 193 Venezuela

    1847 (July 20): Entire letter from Caracas to Bordeaux endorsed "par Packet Anglais", with reverse showing three line italic "Acheminée par vos ser. / A. Moreau & Co. / La Guayra" Forwarding Agent's cachet in blue, struck with "CORREO DE VENEZUELA / GUAIRA / FRANCA" in red. Carried via London where "Colonies / &c Art 13" applied in red and thence via Boulogne (Aug 22) to Bordeaux. Scarce entire. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 151 Peru

    Colonial 1585 (April 2): Entire letter from Los Reyes (Lima) to Sevilla, Spain, with full text (and English translation of contents) from Lima concerning a deceased native of Seville addressed to "Dña Clemencia de Cervantes en Sevilla" with content stating that "he left between eight and nine thousand ducados...". One of the earliest letters from Peru and one of very few entires recorded - mailed just over 50 years after the founding of Lima by Pizarro. A rarity.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 136 Panama

    1909: Balboa 1 c. black & green, American Bank Note Co. imperforate Proof blocks on thick buff card, with vignette only Proof in black in a block of twelve (6 x 2), with print order number "F-5634" and "FOR 1 CENTESIMO / REPUBLICA DE PANAMA" imprints at top and reversed "3A" plate number, with two top marginal imperforate blocks of six of the frame only in also in black; one block showing reversed "2A" plate number. Rare and spectacular page. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 185 Uruguay

    1877/79: Rouletted 5 c. green, a vertical strip of three and 10 c. vermilion, a horizontal pair, used on 1883 registered cover from Montevideo to Paris tied by barred "A" obliterators in black with Montevideo registration office despatch cds (Feb 22) in black. Blue perforated registered label at top and "Le Havre" entry marking in black (March 29) at left. Minor aging but scarce. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 160 CHF

    Losnr. : 121 Panama

    1850c.: Cover to the Purser of U.S. ship St. Mary's at Valparaiso, Chile with "PHILADLEPHIA / PA" despatch cds (Oct 10) in blue and straight line "PAID" in red. Reverse with superb oval "FORWARDED BY / ZACHRISSON, NELSON & Co. / PANAMA" Agent's cachet in black. Docketing "2½" reales due upon delivery at upper left. Cover sensibly opened for Exhibit dispay, scarce and most attractive. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 320 CHF

    Losnr. : 131 Panama

    1883: Colombia 10 c. orange on yellow, a used example on 1884 registered cover to Paris tied by straighjt line "PANAMA" handstamp in violet with UPU 10 c. red on yellow registration stamp at left with docket number '5136' in manuscript. "New York" Exchange registered label also on obverse (transit on reverse of Dec 25) with Paris arrival in red also tying the 10 c. adhesive. Flap roughly opened but a scarce usage. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 360 CHF

    Losnr. : 70 Chile

    1858/65: Estancos 5 c. rose-red on covers (2) from the same correspondence to France with 1861 cover bearing 5 c. rose-red tied by target cancel with SERENA despatch cds in black (March 2) and three line PANAMA / TRANSIT datestamp and Accountancy marking "GB / 2F 87½c." applied in London; 1865 cover with 5 c. tied by "Cancelled" obliterator with double ring SERENA despatch cds (Oct 15), via London with "GB / 1F 90c." Accountancy marking; each charged '12' décimes due upon arrival.
    Ausruf : 160 CHF
    Zuschlag : 380 CHF

    Losnr. : 201 Venezuela

    1871/76: Bolivar, lithographed 1 r. rose, overprinted "Decreto de 27 de Junio 1870", a horizontally bisected example used on 1873 entire letter to Caracas endorsed "2 Correo 5/4/73" at lower left, tied by "CORREOS / LA GUAIRA" undated handstamp in black with repeated example below. Caracas arrival also on obverse of a fine and rare cover. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate Scott = $ 1'500.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 94 Cuba

    1855: ½ r. blue-green, wmk. loops, a fine used example with large margins all round, used on 11 November 1855 entire letter from Matanzas to San Miguel de Teneriffe, Canary Islands endorsed "pr. Vapor Isabella la Catolica" tied by oval network handstamp in black. Disinfected with slits, reverse with "Vigo / Pontevedra" transit in red (Dec 3) and "Santa Cruz de T / Canarias" arrival (Dec 17) also in red. A fine entire.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 180 CHF

    Losnr. : 120 Panama

    1846 (Feb 9): Entire letter from Paita, Peru to London, with reverse showing fine framed "PANAMA / FORWARDED BY / FREDERICK W. BYRNE" Forwarding Agent's handstamp in black, alongside Brtitish P.O. double arc "PANAMA" datestamp in bright red (Feb 21, 1846) - the earliest recorded usage of this datestamp - and London arrival above (April 10) where charged at 2 s. to pay in manuscript. An important entire. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 177 Peru

    1 / 1
    1889 (20. Feb.): 20c. mauve, postal stationery envelope, with 1886 10c. black and 5c. orange (3) added, all tied very neatly by oval LIMA dated cachet to AR envelope via Panama to British Honduras. A PANAMA transit in blue (29 MAR 1889) and a BARBADOS (AP 15/89) document the postal transit of this rare and very attractive letter with its extraordinary destination. Signed Todd AIEP and cerificate Moorhouse (2012).
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 260 CHF

    Losnr. : 79 Kolumbien

    1859: 20 c. blue, a fine example with large margins all round, in a deep shade, used on circa 1859 cover at single rate to Bogotá tied by oval framed "POPAYAN / FRANCA" handstamp in blue with repeated strike alongisde. An attractive entire addressed from General Vicente Guevara Cajiao paying the single rate for a distance between 450 and 1'350 kms. Rare.rnProvenance: Collection E. Langlais.
    Ausruf : 600 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600 CHF

    Losnr. : 10 USA

    1857/1930: Small accumulation of United States and areas oddments, many of which are unusual such as two post cards from China respectively dated 1919 and 1922, the former with censor. The Shanghai Overprints are represented to 40c, the 20c orange and 24 red both with clear parcel Roller 'SHANGHAI CHINA', Hawaiian postal stationery, nearly fifty private despatch stamps and several Telegraph proofs. The quality is mixed as usual, with good and bad both present.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 33 Brasilien

    1 / 1
    1843: 90 r. black, fine impression from the 2nd Composite plate, State D, a used vertical pair of deep colour, good to large margins all round, and showing the horizontal dividing line at base, lightly cancelled by "Correio Geral da Corte" cds in black. Insignificant thin between the stamps not affecting the superb appearance of a scarce pair. Cert. RPSL (1999) Scott = $ 2'600.
    Ausruf : 850 CHF
    Zuschlag : 900 CHF

    Losnr. : 188 Uruguay

    1877/79: 10 c. vermilion, rouletted, a used example on 1880 cover to Bordeaux endorsed per "Iberia" at left, tied by "Correo / Montevideo" cds with circular "URUGUAY / BORDEAUX" entry marking in red (Nov 14); matched with 1880 cover from the same correspondence franked by 20 c. bistre, endorsed per "Cotopaxi" struck with "PAYS. ETR. / PAQ. ANG. BORDEAUX" IN RED (fEB 22) taxed on arrival at 12 décimes. A fine pairing. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 140 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 142 Panama

    1948: American Bank Note Co. Proofs for the 2 c. value (ACARREO DE CANA), with three marginal blocks of twelve, imperforate on thick card paper, one with Frame Only in issued colour of scarlet, another with Vignette only in black; and a third completed Proof in unissued colour with vignette in black and Frame in deep green - this last on thick buff paper. A rare and fine group, all with the reinscribed (1948) wording. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 60 Chile

    1 / 1
    Lithographed by Henri Gillet 1854 (April-August): 5 c. orange-brown, wmk. pos. 4, an unused example with ample even margins all round and in a resplendent bright shade, fresh and very fine, without gum. A rare stamp. Cert. Moorhouse (2008) Gi. 7a/Scott = $ $ 1'450.rnProvenance: Collection 'Islander', Siegel, June 2008, lot 112; Joseph Hackmey collection illustrated in Edition d'Or Vol. XXVI, page 73 (2011).
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 124 Panama

    1859 (July 2): Prepaid entire letter to New York, struck on despatch with oval framed "BOGOTÁ / FRANCA" and rate '15' in blue, reverse with further paid rate '25' in blue; struck with fine circular "ADMINISTRACION DE CORREOS DE COLON / FRANCA" in red with oval "FORWARDED BY / C.J. FOX / ASPINWALL" Agent's cachet in red and thereafter travelling outside the mails to destination and internally docketed (July 27) on receipt. A rare and fine entire. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 91 Costa Rica

    1956 (Feb 17): National Industries, new colours, printed by the Viena State printing works; 5 c.ultramarine, 10 c. violet-blue, 15 c. orange-yellow and 75 c. red-orange all with vignettes in black, the Proof set of four values in Imperforate blocks of four, corner marginal from top right of sheet, pencil notations in margin otherwise fresh and fine, unmounted og. Scarce. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 175 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 206 Venezuela

    1903: Venezuela Blockade. German Feldpost card mailed to Wilhelmshaven sent from "S.M.S. Vineta" (protected Crusier) at Puerto Cabello (Feb 16) with two "KAIS. DEUTSCHE / MARINE / SCHIFFSPOST / No. 1" datestamps. Readdressed on arrival to Light Cruiser "S.S. Frauenlob" in manuscript. Edge faults at base but a scarce card from this short-lived blockade (9 Dec 1902 until 19 Feb 1903). Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 120 CHF

    Losnr. : 8 Hawaii

    Literature 1948: Hawaii - Its stamp and postal history by Henry A. Meyer, 412 p. bound in blue linnen, published by Philatelic Foundation New York incl. Part I 'The Postal History of Hawaii' - Part II 'The Stamps of Hawaii' - Part III 'The Postal markings of Hawaii' plus Appendices. Fine copy together with 1976 Robson Lowe catalogue Hawaii - The 'Spencer' collection as well as 1998 Robert A. Siegel Auction catalogue of 'The Christian H. AAll Colletion of Hawaiian Stamps and Covers'.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 139 Panama

    1909: Frenandez de Cordoba 2 c. Proofs (4), with sunken Die Proof of the vignette in black, vignette only Die Proofs (2) in slate-violet and the second in rose-carmine (all three with full imprints from the American Bank Note Co. records; together with small Die Proof of the frame only in the issued colour of vermilion, small closed tear at right. A rare group, these Proofs were also used for the postal stationery. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 18 Argentinien

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : Fr. 67I
    1878 (8.Jan) : 8c. lake rouletted and 1f olive (minor perforation fault) as a rare mixed franking France and Argentina on a very clean transatlantic letter from 'BUENOS AIRES' to 'PARIS'. The 'BUENOS-AYRES PAQ. FR. J No 3' confirms that the letter was passed on board ship the day it was posted in Buenos Aires. An arrival mark PARIS ETRANGER (7. Feb.) is struck on the back.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 250 CHF

    Losnr. : 181 Peru

    1867/1940: Collection of over ninety mainly older letters, covers and postcards starting with two 1867 letters franked for the 10c inland rate, then forwarded by French mail to 'Genua'. Another notable item is a 1907  'AR' letter from 'Lima' via 'New York' to Germany with the US UPU label, among other fine items. This lot needs to be seen to appreciate.  
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 187 Uruguay

    1877/79: 10 c. vermilion rouletted, a single example used on 1877 cover to Carlow, Ireland endorsed "pr. Illimani ia Bordeaux" tied by barred "G" obliterator. Triangular "T" marking at right and unusual "80c." due marking in black. Circular Pays Etr. / Paq. Ang. Bordeaux" in red (Aug 26) and eventual manuscript "1/-" charge for delivery. A scarce usage to an unusual destination.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 160 CHF

    Losnr. : 179 Peru

    1880/2016: Collection on Minkus leaves in two volumes with a batch of duplicates in a three stockbooks and on loose leaves, containing a good run of through the peiods with some degree of completeness, the later years mainly mnh. There are some older letters with a pre-philatelic registered item and a batch of ten postcards from the 1920s, some varieties including a negative print on the gum side, a range of inverted overprints and many other collectors' gems.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700 CHF

    Losnr. : 174 Peru

    1858: 1 d. deep blue, a fine example with large margins all round, used on 27 Jan 1860 entire letter to Genova tied by oval dotted LIMA despatch in black. Framed Accountancy marking "GB / 2F 87½c." applied in London (March 6), thence via Calais and Paris to Genova where charged '15' handstruck in black. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 120 CHF

    Losnr. : 183 Uruguay

    1870 (Nov 30): Entire letter from Montevideo to New York with a double Atlantic crossing, forwarded in London with circular "A. TESDORPF & Co." cachet in blue and mailed the same day with "London / 5" duplex in black (16 Jan 1871) and endorsed "via Cork". Struck on arrival (Feb 3) with Depreciated currency "NEW YORK / 20 / U.S. NOTES" cds in black. Scarce. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 76 Chile

    1852/1898: Group of eight covers and one piece, with 1857 5 c. red-brown (Scott 8), horizontal pair tied by six bar target cancel to letter from Valparaiso and endorsed "per Lima", several bisected diagonally incl. 1861 10 c. deep blue (Scott 10n) and tied by target cancel in bright blue to an entire from Concepcion to Lota, also a piece with 5c. and 10 c. (2) tied by scarce framed "INUTIL CHILE" handstamp, an interesting lot.
    Ausruf : 600 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 108 Mexiko

    Vera Cruz 1864/66: Eagle 1 r. blue, fourth period Inv. 94-1865, a used example crossed by file fold on 14 August 1865 entire letter from Vera Cruz to New York endorsed "pr. Vera Cruz" steamer at top, tied by "Franqueado / Vera Cruz" cds in black. Handstamped "10" (cents) due marking of arrival on obverse and internal notation of receipt (Aug 28). A scarce entire.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600 CHF

    Losnr. : 191 Venezuela

    1840 (June 20): Entire letter from La Guaira to Bordeaux, carried outside the mails with reverse showing Forwarding Agent's manuscript docketing of Leo Quentello in Bremen (July 27), mailed on to Bordeaux by the Agent with half-round "BREMEN / ETR. TAX. OPA" datestamp (July 27); thence via Givet to Bordeaux (Aug 2) and rated '19' décimes due. An unusual routing. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 127 Panama

    1869: Printed envelope depicting the offices of "N. Brandon & Co." in Panama, sent unpaid to Bordeaux at double rate, struck with octagonal "ASPINWALL / PAQ. FR. A No. 2" datestamp (June 1) in black (Salles fig. 1416) and carried on steamer "Panama" with Bordeaux arrival (June 27) on reverse and taxed with handstrcuk "20" décime due. An unusual cover. Ex the Brian Moorhouse esate.
    Ausruf : 175 CHF
    Zuschlag : 280 CHF

    Losnr. : 6 USA

    Goodyear Airship VOLUNTEER 1931 (June 12): 'First Pacific Coast Ship-to-shore Air Mail Transfer' three printed envelopes from the "S.S. City of Los Angeles with green special flight cachet on reverse, two franked with 5 c. (slight stained perfs.) plus 2 c. surface rate, sent via "San Pedro Calif. June 12" to Waterford, Ireland, third with 5 c.single franking to Long Island  NY.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4 USA

    1867: 30 c. orange, with grill, used on 1869 cover from New York to Paris endorsed "pr. Russia, French Mail", tied by bold strike of circular segmented cork handstamp in black. "NEW YORK / PAID 12" cds of despatch and red 'PD' with Calais entry marking (Jan. 17) in red. Slight soiling but a very rare stamp on letter Scott = $ 2'000.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 240 CHF

    Losnr. : 180 Peru

    1608/1860: Group of covers / entire letters (16) with early 1608 letter to Santana, later period with fair to fine strikes of "HUANCHACO" str. line in red, 1828/30 entires to Arequipa each with "LIMA" straight line in red and 1839 "LIMA" entire in black, 1830' entire to Trujillo with "LAMBAYEQUE" despatch in red, 1847 entire with FRANCA and "AREQUIPA" str. line in black, 1849 entire with superb "PASCO" straight line in blue, 1851c. cover with oval framed "AREQUIPA / 3½" due mark in black, 1860 1 p. red on cover to Lima etc.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 90 Costa Rica

    1959: Airmail, Birth Centenary of Presidents Gonzlez Viquez and Oreamuno; the Waterlow Proof set of nine values from 5 c. 2 colon, in imperforate gummed pairs in the completed design, together with vertical pairs of the vignettes only in the issued colours, all with security punch-holes; one or two with minor bends, majority fresh and very fine (18 items). Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 180 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 87 Costa Rica

    1894/1904: 2 c. green postal stationery cards (3) with one up-rated with 1892 2 c. yellow cancelled LIMON cds, the others internally used with scarce oval "CORREOS DE MATINA" handstamp in violet, third with circular "AMBULANTE / SAN JOSE Y LIMON" cds; also a 3 c. red card (H&G 4) to Stockholm with oval "CORREOS DE SAN CARLOS" in blue and circular "CORREOS DE ARENAL" star cachet in violet. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 196 Venezuela

    1876: Unpaid cover to Paris with octagonal "PORTO CABELLO" Consular cachet (April 6) in black (Salles fig. 1373) and octagonal "VENEZUELA / PAQ. FR. A No. 3" Paquebot datestamp (same day) in black (Salles fig. 1420) and carried on the "Colombie". Triangular "T" marking and rate changed from handstruck '20' décimes to '12' upon arrival. Scarce and most attractive cover. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 109 Mexiko

    Tampico 1864/66: 1 r. ultramarine, third period Inv. 194-1864 (1'500 stamps consigned), a used horizontal strip of four in a pale shade, large margins all round, neatly cancelled by CORREOS / TAMPICO circular datestamps (Jan 2, 1865) in black (Schatzkes fig. 1581). A fine and most attractive multiple.rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 70, Zurich, 26-31 March 1984, lot 3399.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 160 CHF

    Losnr. : 51 Chile

    1 / 1
    1853 (July 1): First Perkins Bacon London printing 10 c. deep bright blue on blued paper, a used example, close at upper right but with large margins on two sides and portion of adjoining stamp at base, showing "Ivory Head" variety, lightly cancelled by target handstamp in black. Scarce. Opinion Holcombe (1997) Scott = $ 225.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 129 Panama

    1883: Colombia 10 c. orange on yellow, a used example on 1884 cover to New York tied by superb strike of oval framed "PANAMA" handstamp in black. Reverse wth "New York / Paid All" duplex (June 27) and Brooklyn arrival cds of the same day. Envelope with minor wrinkles at edges but a rare and attractive cover. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 280 CHF

    Losnr. : 192 Venezuela

    1843 (Oct 14): Entire letter from Puerto Cabello to Bordeaux, carried outside the mailswith manuscript "Received & Forwarded by Charless Vizin, Philadelphia November 18, 1843", then struck with oval framed "FORWARDED BY / MASTERS & MARKOE & Co. / NEW YORK" cachet in blue. Circular "Outremer / Le Havre" entry marking and Bordeaux arrival (Dec 18) in black. Scarce double Forwarder entire. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 103 Mexiko

    Tlalpujahua 1856: 2 r. green, a fine used example with large margins all round and showing portions of adjoining stamp at top, used on small piece cancelled by complete FRANCO EN / TLALPUJAHUA handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 1649). A scarce District with just 4'520 of the 2 real invoiced during the first issue. Signed J.K. Bash, Todd AIEP.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 100 CHF

    Losnr. : 117 Mexiko

    1864/66: The small range (12) with used examples incl. ½ r. (2, one Inv. 162-1865 to Mexico with 200 sent only), 1 r. ultramarine from 1st. period used in Moctezuma, 2 r. orange (3, two are sub-consigned), 4 r. green (3, two from Vera Cruz from Inv. 6-1866 and 38-1866) and 8 r. red (3, from Mexico City Inv. 219-1864, two from Vera Cruz Inv. 171-1865 and 6-1866), generally very fine, a scarce group Scott = $ 500+.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 208 Venezuela

    1904/09: Sucre 50 c. plum, a vertically bisected example (previously used with faint red cancellation showing at base) used on 1907 cover to Maracaibo to pay the 25 cent rate, tied by scarce "Correos de Venezuela / La Plazuela" cds (May 14) in violet. An unusual Postal Fraud from a small town. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 140 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 107 Mexiko

    1 / 1
    Queretaro 1861: 4 r. dull rose on yellow,  a horizontal strip of three of fine colour with large margins all round, used on small piece cancelled by Mexico City grid cancels (either used out of District or cancelled upon arrival) in black (Schatzkes fig. 827). An attractive and scarce multiple. Cert. Mepsi (1998) Scott = $ 200+.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 360 CHF
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