Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919


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  • Losnr. : 1418 Stato Pontificio

    Australia 1852: 2 b. black on green in a horizontal pair and 8 b. black on white in a horizontal strip of three, touched at left and at top, fresh colours, tied by grill handstamps to small 1864 envelope to Echuca, Victoria with ROMA (Aug 20) despatch cds alongside. Framed "PP", annulled with framed "PD" and French entry mark E.-PONT. MARSEILLE (Aug 24) in red and Echuca arrival cds (Oct. 14) on reverse. The rate of 28 bajocchi shown here was introduced for each 7.5 gr. on 1 January 1858 but only to the port. Mentaschi & Mathà state in their handbook 'Letter Mail from and to the Old Italian States' that it was possible from 1 April 1862 for covers from France to Australia to pre-pay the postage up to the destination but that this option was not available before 1 September 1866 for covers originating in the Papal States. In contrast, this letter demonstrates the possibility to pay the postage not only to the seaport but also to an inland address, although the sequential use of PP and PD marks reflects the uncertainty of the postal clerks in Rome with regard to this fact. An attractive cover to a very rare destination.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1530 Italienische Kolonien

    Cirenaica 1934 (Jan. 23): Registered envelope addressed to Francis Lombardi in Buenos Aires, franked with Italy 1932 1 L. 25 vertical pair plus Holy Year 25 c. green tied by "Roma Centro 23.1.34" cds. and boxed registration handstamp 'R-00399' in combination with Cirenaica, the complete special overprinted airmail set of four to 10 L., cancelled by "ROMA 27.1.34.XII Io VOLO POSTALE DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AYRES" cds., showing red flight cachet at lower left and Lombardi's signature at right, on reverse with circular "Roma Ferrovia Raccomandate D." datestamp together with boxed PANAM handstamp in violet as well as "Buenos Aires 2. Feb. 34" arrival mark. An extremely rare cover. Note:Longhi states only two covers known with Italian adhesives in mixed franking with the complete airmail set. Presumably despatched from the same sender as the Italian envelope with mixed franking and the registration handstamp 'R-00398' offered in this sale, of which Longhi states the only known mixed franking with Italian stamps and complete airmail set of Tripolitania. Longhi = P.d.A (Prezzo d'amatore) for comparison Longhi rates R6 between € 60'000 / 80'000, Sassone GP 69.
    Ausruf : 17.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1447 Modena

    United States of America 1852: 10 c. black on rose, light archive fold, 40 c. black on dark-blue, and 1853 1 l. black on white, good to large margins all round and fresh colours, tied by six barred mute obliterator to 1855 entire letter to Philadelphia with crisp CARRARA (Sept. 30) despatch cds (Mioni type 3) in black, "P.D." in red but also "P.P." in black. Sardinian entry mark VIA DI SARZANA and BOSTON BR. PKT. / OCT 26 / 5 (cents) alongside. Sarzana, Genova and Paris-Calais transit cds's on reverse. The Postal Convention between Sardinia and Modena, effective from 1 March 1855 set a rate of 190 c. for each 7.5 grams for covers to the USA. The PD mark was added erroneously as the addressee had to pay five cents from the port of embarkation. A cover from the same correspondence is shown and described on page 171 of Mentaschi & Mathà - 'Letter mail from and to Old Italian States 1850-1870'. Signed A. Diena Sassone = € 17'000+.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1693 Österreich. Levante

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    Katalognummer : Modena 4
    1 / 1
    Modena 1852 definitive 25 c. black on light buff, a fresh and fine example tied by six barred mute obliterator to 1858 outer letter sheet to Milano with crisp GUASTALLA (June 16) cds (Mioni type 3) at right in blue. Oval framed AGENZIE DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO GUASTALLA also in blue alongside. Milano arrival cds (June 17) on reverse. The Austrian Lloyd opened Agencies in Piacenza (Duchy of Parma), Guastalla (Duchy of Modena) and Pontelagoscuro (Papal States) along the River Po between 1852 and 1858 for Lloyd Austriaco Ships that sailed this river to link mails from Trieste to Lago Maggiore. This cover also helps support Tchilinghirian's notion that these cancels served the purpose of despatch or arrival markings for mail that was handled by the Lloyd Austriaco Agency. An extremely rare handstamp, Tchilinghirian & Stephen described those from Piacenza and Pontelagoscuro, but not from Guastalla. Illustrated and described on page 39 in Vaccari - Modena 1852-1863. Certs. Vaccari (1987), RPS (2003).
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1536 Italienische Kolonien

    Tripolitania 1934 (Jan. 23): Registered envelope addressed to Francis Lombardi in Buenos Aires, franked with Italy 1932 1 L. 25 blue plus 75 c. vertical pair, tied by "Roma Centro 23.1.34" cds. and boxed registration handstamp '00398' in combination with Tripolitania complete special overprinted airmail set of four to 10 L., cancelled by "ROMA 27.1.34.XII Io VOLO POSTALE DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AYRES" cds., showing red flight cachet at lower left and Lombardi's signature at right, on reverse with circular "Roma Raccomandate D." datestamp together with boxed PANAM handstamp in violet as well as "Buenos Aires 2 Feb. 34" arrival mark. An extremely rare cover despatched from the same sender as the Cirenaica mixed franking with the registration handstamp 'R-00399'. Longhi states the only known mixed franking with Italian stamps and complete airmail set of Tripolitania. Longhi 3074 = P.d.A (Prezzo d'amatore) for comparison Longhi rates R6 between € 60'000 / 80'000
    Ausruf : 17.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1695 Österreich. Levante

    Alexandria 1835/1914: Specialised Collection on leaves with 88 covers and 90 stamps/pieces, incl. 1835 captain's cover to Trieste, five cover with straight line ALEXANDRIEN datestamp, the same mark in a rare usage on three pieces with Arms definitives, stampless covers with ALEXANDRIEN cds in black or blue (Tranmer fig. 5) with interesting taxations, some sent franco, the same mark used on Arms and Franz Joseph definitives, usage on strip of three 5 kr. Franz Joseph, COL VAPORE D'ALLESANDRIA marks, incoming mail and better destinations, thimble cds's on pieces, covers and postal stationery, 1883 Arms definitives with 20 so. single franking on registered cover, mixed franking of 1883 and 1888 definitives on registered cover, incoming mail from the Austrian PO in Constantinople, postmarked at the German PO and sent after closure to the Austrian Alexandria PO, French Port Said 1901 cds and Egyptian cds's on Austrian stamps, Egyptian Retta mark on Austrian stationery, and Lloyd line cancellations. An interesting selection for the Austrian Levant and the Egypt collector, fine and very scarce, carefully mounted on exhibition pages by the knowledgeable consignor, three certs.
    Ausruf : 3.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1435 Stato Pontificio

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    Portugal 1852: 1 b. black on green and horizontal pair 5 b. black on rose, lifted repaired and replaced, with good to large margins all round, tied by grill handstamps to 1866 entire letter to Lisbon with ROMA (Nov. 8) cds and italic "Insufficiente" on despatch. French entry mark in red and oval framed FRANCA alongside, Marseille-Paris and Lyon transit and Lisboa arrival (Nov. 17, 1866) cds's on reverse. An appealing and rare cover. From 1 Sept. 1866 the Franco-Papal Postal Convention fixed a new rate to the Franco-Spanish border of 55 c. which was equal to 11 b. While the despatch PO in Rome found this insufficient the Portugese accepted it. However, the jouney to the addressee had to be paid in addition, although in this instance, no Portugese tax appears to have been raised. Sign A. Diena. Cert. RPS (2003).
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1427 Stato Pontificio

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    Greece / Corfu 1852: 1 b. black on blue green and horizontal pair of 7 b. black on blue, good to enormous margins all round, tied by straight line RIMINI handstamps in black to entire letter addressed to Corfu with crisp oval framed "Agenzie Del Lloyd Austriaco - Ancona" (Tchilinghirian & Stephen fig. 457) with CORFU (March 20) arrival cds alongside, charged "3" (pence) due on receipt for the incoming letter fee. File fold slightly affecting the 1 b. stamp but a very attractive and scarce cover. The postage with Austrian services was 9 kr. for sea carriage and 9 kr. for Austro-Italian land transit for a distance up to 150 kms., amounting to 18 kr. or 16 bajocchi. The underpayment by 1 b. was not taxed. Signed Friebe BPP; certs. Holcombe (1992); RPS (2004).

    Provenance: Collections Arthur Linz and Edwin Müller.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1428 Stato Pontificio

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    Greece / Ionian Islands 1852: 5 b. black on pale-rose in a vert. strip of three, large even margins all round, stamps lifted for checking and re-affixed, file fold affecting one stamp, tied by ROMA 11 DEC 52 cds's to entire letter addressed to Corfu, Ionian Islands, endorsed "via d'Ancona" with oval framed "Agenzie Del Lloyd Austriaco - Ancona" (Tchilinghirian & Stephen fig. 457) and Corfu arrival cds alongside. Charged "3" (pence) due on receipt for incoming letter fee. An attractive cover to a scarce destination. The postage with Austrian services was 9 kr. for sea carriage and 9 kr. for Austro-Italian land transit for a distance up to 150 kms., amounting to 18 kr. or 16 bajocchi. The underpayment by 1 b. was not taxed. Cert. RPS (2004).
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 420 CHF

    Losnr. : 1426 Stato Pontificio

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    Germany / Bavaria 1852: 4 b. black on yellow and 6 b. black on greenish grey, a single and horizontal pair, all fresh and fine with good to large margins all round, tied by grill handstamps to 1859 entire letter addressed to Mittenwald, Bavaria. Mailed during the Italian War of 1859, endorsed "via di Mare" to circumvent the theatre of war with ROMA despatch cds (July 5), "PD", and French entry mark E.-PONT. MARSEILLE (July 9) in red alongside. Lyon-Paris, Paris, and Paris-Strasbourg transit cds's on reverse. An attractive cover with interesting postal history content. The Postal Convention between France and GaPU set a rate of 30 kr. rh. or 22 baj. for a cover from the Papal States. Certs. Helbig (1999), RPS (2002).
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 800 CHF

    Losnr. : 1510 Italien

    1934 (Jan. 22): The unique complete set of overprinted special issue in blocks of four used on four registerd envelopes dispatched in Genoa, additionally franked with Italian adhesives, and cancelled with circular "ROMA Io VOLO POSTALE DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34  XII", showing special flight cachet in red alongside. The two envelopes franked with 2 L and 3 L addressed to Rio de Janeiro with corresponding arrival marks (Jan. 31) on reverse, the other two envelopes franked with 5 L. in a marginal corner block of top right of sheet or 10 L. with sheet margin at right, have been sent to Buenos Aires and showing boxed PANAM handstamps as well as Buenos Aires arrival marks (Feb. 2) on reverse. Despite some toning a stunning group for the connaisseur Longhi 3067 = (Prezzo d'amatore) for comparison Longhi rates R6 between € 60'000 / 80'000
    Ausruf : 17.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 17.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1424 Stato Pontificio

    France 1852: 8 b. black on white in a horizontal strip of five, good margins all round, tied by grill handstamps to 1860 reg'd entire letter addressed to Chambery, Savoie, endorsed "Via Civitavecchia & Marsiglia" with VELLETRI straight line handstamp, DIREZIONE .. 22 SET. 60 cds, "PD" and French entry mark E.-PONT. MARSEILLE 24 SEPT 60 and French CHARGÉ in red alongside. Lyon transit and Chambery arrival cds's (Sept. 26) on reverse. Cover with edge wear and a tad soiled but a scarce usage. Following the Franco-Papal Postal Convention of 1 October 1853, letters to France could be prepaid by 20 bajocchi while registration doubled this postage fee Sassone = € 4'500 for the strip of five on cover.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 420 CHF

    Losnr. : 1450 Stato Pontificio

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    United States of America 1852: 7 b. black on blue in a horizontal pair, 8 b. black on white in a horizontal strip of four and 50 b. blue, margins large to just touched, tied by grill handstamps to small 1858 envelope with manuscript "3" (third weight stage), endorsed "via Liverpool" to Boston with ROMA (Feb 28) despatch cds. Framed "PD", French entry mark, "Am. Service" and BOSTON MAR 21 / 45 (cents), all in red alongside. A scarce triple rate cover franked at 96 bajocchi, fully paid to the port of embarkation. From 1 January 1858 the rate for letters with French mediation was reduced to 32 b. for each 7.5 grams. Photocopy cert. E. Diena (1985) Sassone = € 11'000+.
    Ausruf : 1.200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1436 Stato Pontificio

    Portugal 1852: 1 b. black on green (2), 2 b. black on white, horizontal pair of 5 b. black on rose, and 6 b. black on grey, two examples cut to shape, fresh and fine four colour franking with good to large margins all round, tied by grill handstamps to 1867 envelope, file fold and small tear at top, sent to Lisbon with ALBANO (May 13) cds and "PD" at despatch. Oval framed FRANCA of arrival alongside, Roma, Marseille-Paris and Lyon transit cds's on reverse. In spite of imperfections a very scarce and impressive 46 b. rate cover paying the double rate. From 1867 a new rate to the Franco-Spanish border was fixed at 65 c. equal to 13 b. per 7.5 grams.
    Ausruf : 850 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.300 CHF

    Losnr. : 1451 Stato Pontificio

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    United States of America 1852: 7 b. black on blue in a horizontal pair, shaved at base and 50 b. blue, touched at left, the pair tied by grill handstamps and the 50 b. by mss. pen cross, to 1859 entire letter from Rome to Louisville, Kentucky, forwarded to Eggs Point, Mississippi, the 50 b. also tied by Louisville cds in blue during transit. Framed "P.P.", French entry mark in blue, bluish framed "Am. Service" and "NEW YORK PAID Nov 2 30" (cents) alongside. A scarce doubel weight rate cover to the United States, fully paid until the port of embarkation. From 1 January 1858 the rate for letters with French mediation was reduced to 32 b. for each 7.5 grams. Cert. Fiecchi (1975) Sassone = € 11'000+.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1693A Österreich

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    Katalognummer : 32
    D.D.S.G. / Orsova 1865 (July 6): Cover endorsed inside 'Donau D. S. G. Agenz, Orsova' with superb strike at upper left of D.D.S.G. / AGENTIE / ORSOVA oval handstamp (31 x 26 mm.) in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 818), franked by Austria Arms 1864 5 kr. rose, perf. 9½, single and horizontal pair, tied on arrival in Vienna by '1' numeral handstamps in black. Reverse with ALT-ORSOVA datestamp (6/VIII) in black (Muller 3214). An unusual stamped usage prior to the issue of DDSG adhesives in April 1866. Rare and very fine cover.

    Provenance: Collection Emil Capellaro, Corinphila sale 163 (March 2010), lot 5648.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1437 Stato Pontificio

    Portugal 1852: 5 b. black on rose, fresh and fine, good margins all round and tied by ROMA cds to 1853 entire letter to Lisbon, endorsed "Via die Mare" with French entry mark in red (March 19) and two Portugese tax marks alongside: oval framed "LEY DE 20/4 50 - 30 Rs." in red and "600" (reis) in blue. Bayonne transit and Lisbon arrival (March 29) cds's on reverse. A very early and interesting cover to a very rare destination. Prior to the Franco-Papal Postal Convention of 1 October 1853 mail could only be paid to the Papal border while the addressee had to for the residual journey.
    Ausruf : 600 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1425 Stato Pontificio

    France 1867: 80 c. rose lilac imperf. in mixed franking with 1868 20 c. red brown perf. with slight file fold, tied by grilll handstamp to 1868 entire letter addressed to the Bishop of Chalons sur Marne with ROMA 24 MAG 68 cds, "PD" and French entry mark E.-PONT. MARSEILLE (May 25) in red alongside. Marseille and Paris transits and Chalons arrival cds's (May 27) on reverse. An unusual combination. Following the Franco-Papal Postal Convention of 1 September 1866, letters to France could be prepaid by 10 bajocchi = 50 centimes per 10 g., thus 100 c. for a double rate cover. Signed Calves.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 420 CHF

    Losnr. : 1422 Stato Pontificio

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    France 1852: 2 b. black on green, 8 b. black on white and 50 b. blue on white, small repair on top left corner, tied by grill handstamps to triple rate 1860 morning envelope, backflap missing, addressed to Arcis sur Aube with "Ambassade de France à Rome" sender's cachet, "PD" and French entry mark E.-PONT. PONT-DE B in red alongside. Lyon and Paris transit cds's on reverse. In spite of imperfections an appealing and scarce cover. Following the Franco-Papal Postal Convention of 1 October 1853, letters to France could be prepaid by 20 bajocchi per 7.5 grams. Cert. RPS (2003) Sassone = € 11'000+.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1433 Stato Pontificio

    Poland 1852: 8 b. black on white (2), fresh and fine, tied by grill handstamps to 1860 reg'd cover to Warsaw, Poland with DISTRIBUZIONE DI ROMA cds (June 4) and ASSICURATA alongside. Milano and Milano-Desenzano transit as well as Warsaw arrival (June 17) cds and arrival time marking, both in red on reverse. An appealing and rare cover sent to an employee at the Polish Ministry of Finance during the short time of relative Polish autonomy at the beginning of the 1860's. After the Italian war of 1859 letters from the Papal States had to be carried via Sardinia, this cover was paid only up to the Papal border, the 8 bajocchi inland rate doubled due to registration.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.700 CHF

    Losnr. : 1444 Stato Pontificio

    Tunesia 1852: 6 b. black on grey and 8 b. black on white in two vertical pairs, fresh and fine examples, tied by ROMA (Oct 15) cds to 18533 entire letter to Tunis with framed "PD" and French entry mark both in red alongside. Marseille and Bône, Algerie transit and Tunis arrival cds's (Oct. 20) on reverse. An interesting and attractive cover to a very rare destination, addressed to Giuseppe Raffo, the minister of Foreign Affairs under Bey Ahmed I (ruled 1837-1859). The handbook 'Letter Mail from and to the Old Italian States' by Mentaschi & Manthà does not list a single cover from the Papal States to Tunisia.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 1725 Polen

    1860/1969: Fantastic collection thousands primarily unused/mint stamps including 1860 10 kop. blue & rose (2) used, postmarked "1" and DP, 1919 Krakow definitives with opt. POCZTA / POLSKA on Austrian definitives, compl. set 20 values 3 h. to 10 kr. in unused condition (Mikulski certs. for 25 h., 90 h. and 10 kr.), 1925 'Na Skarb' set, 1928 Warsaw stamp show souvenir sheet, 1938 Stratosphere balloon souvenir sheet, 1946 BIE souvenir sheet unused, 1948 Polish culture souvenir sheet, 1949 USA constitution souvenir sheet unused, 1954 Philatelic Congress souvenir sheet imperf., in addition Port Gdansk with 1924 & 1926 definitives, Polish Exile Government with Monte Casino set etc. A superb collection Mi = € 22'000++.
    Ausruf : 3.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 9.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1728 Polen

    1919/69: Interesting collection thousands primarily used stamps incl. 1919 Krakow definitives with opt. POCZTA / POLSKA 5 h. yellow green, 20 h. blue green, also with variety: thin Z, 30 h. violet, and 90 h. red carmine, definitives opt. on Germania, 1924 large Eagle definitives up to 2'000'000 m., 1925 'Na Skarb' set, 1928 Warsaw stamp show souvenir sheet, 1938 Stratosphere balloon souvenir sheet, 1946 BIE souvenir sheet unused and used, 1948 USA Constitution souvenir sheet unused, Polish culture souvenir sheet unused, Groszy opts. used/unused, 1954 Philatelic Congress souvenir sheet imperf. unused, in addition Postage Due 1919 40 h. red rose, Polish Exile Government with Monte Casino set, in two albums, four opinions Mikulski.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1518 Vatikanstaat

    1934 (Jan. 26): Original photocard depicting Francis Lombari and his Co-pilot Franco Mazzotti, sent registered from Vatican City and franked with 1933 1 L.  plus 50 c., both tied by "Citta del Vaticano 26.1.34" cds. in combination with overprint issue 3 on 2 L. olive green without circular cds. of Rome and presumably directly delivered on board, showing special flight cachet in dark red,  Buenos Aires arrival (Feb. 2.) as well as boxed PANAM cachet in violet. One of the very rare flown photographs of the two flyers Longhi 3069, Sassone GP 67 = € 3'000
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1441 Stato Pontificio

    Sweden 1867: 80 c. black on rose lilac imperf. in mixed franking with 1868 5 c. black on blue green and 10 c. black on orange perf., tied by grill handstamps to 1868 cover to Stockholm with ROMA (Nov 22) despatch cds, framed "P.D." and French entry E.-PONT. St. MICHEL (Nov 24) cds in blue alongside. Stockhom arrival cds (Nov 29) on reverse. Some minor staining, but a rare cover, a similar cover from the same correspondence is shown in Mentaschi & Mathà - 'Letter mail from and to the Old Italian States 1850-1870' illustrated on page 125. The 95 c. rate for mail to Sweden via France was established on 7 March 1868.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1419 Stato Pontificio

    Belgium 1852: 2 b. green and 3 b. orange-bistre, tied by BOLOGNA 10 OCT. 52 cds's to small entire letter (closed tear on top) addressed to Bruxelles, prepaying the 5 bajocchi rate to the Papal border, "VIA DI SARZANA" two line Tuscany - Sardinia entry mark (Van der Linden fig. 2934), "T.S.2." Sardinian transit mark, and SARDAIGNE PAR QUIEVRAIN 18 OCT 1852 Belgium entry mark (van der Linden 2512). Prior to the Franco-Papal Postal Convention of 1 October 1853, letters to Belgium could only be paid to the Papal border, the addresse had to pay the residual journey, in this case charged "8" décimes in manuscript.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1439 Stato Pontificio

    Spain 1852: 2 b. black on green, 4 b. black on yellow (2), and 6 b. black on green (2), tied by grill handstamps to 1859 entire letter to Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands with straight line LORETO, framed "P.P.", French entry E.-PONT. PONT-DE-B. (March 22) cds, both in red. Spanish postage due "4 Rs." handstamp alongside, Marseille, Lyon, Cette-Toulouse, Perpignan and La Junquera transit cds's on reverse. A scarce and fine cover. In the Franco-Papal Postal Convention of 1 October 1853 a rate of 22 b. was fixed up to the Franco-Spanish border, the addressee had to pay 4 reales for internal postage.
    Ausruf : 850 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.100 CHF

    Losnr. : 1446 Stato Pontificio

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    United Kingdom 1852: 8 b. black on white, a horizontal pair with interspazio di grupo on top, and the rare 50 b. blue, all touched, tied by grill handstamps to 1858 second page of entire letter to London with ROMA (April 17) despatch cds. French entry mark and London arrival cds (April 22) both in red alongside. Slightly grubby cover with some edge wear but an interesting item of the third weight stage. From 1 April 1855 the rate was reduced to 22 b. for each 7.5 grams. Signed E. Diena, cert. Sorani (1995) Sassone € =  11'000+.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 800 CHF

    Losnr. : 1429 Stato Pontificio

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    Greece 1852: 5 b. black on rose, shaved at left and 8 b. black on white (2), tied by grill handstamps to 1866 entire letter to Athens with CIVITAVECCHIA cds alongside, charged 20 lepta for internal delivery on arrival paid with touched 20 l. blue Large Hermes, cancelled by Athenes cds (March 3, 1866) with arrival cds on reverse. An attractive and scarce mixed franking. From 1 November 1858 the letter rate for Austrian Lloyd services to the Greek seaport was 21 bajocchi, the addressee had to pay in this case 20 lepta for the residual journey from the port. Signed Holcombe, cert. RPS (2003).
    Ausruf : 600 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 1432 Stato Pontificio

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    Poland 1852: 8 b. black on white, fresh and fine, tied by grill handstamp to 1866 entire letter to Lemberg, Galicia, Poland, nowadays Lviv in Ukraine with ROMA (Aug 21) cds alongside. Firenze, Milano, Chur, Chur-St. Gallen and Vienna transits as well as Lemberg arrival (Aug 29) cds's on reverse. Cover addressed to Franciszek Wierzchleyski, Archbishop of Lemberg (1860-1884), sent via Switzerland due to the war between Austria and Sardinia. The cover was paid only up to the Papal-Italian border, the taxation for the transit via Italia and Switzerland to the addressee amounted to "45" kr. Certs. Th. Mathà (2005), Colla (2006).
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.300 CHF

    Losnr. : 1445 Stato Pontificio

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    United Kingdom 1852: 4 b. black on brown grey, horizontal strip of three of 8 b. black on white and 50 b. blue, vibrant colour, tied by ROMA (April 24) cds's to 1854 entire letter to Bridgewater, with manuscript notion "18 / 3" (18 gr. / 3rd weight stage). Framed "P.P.", French entry mark and London "PAID" marks alongside, Bridgewater arrival cds (May 1) on reverse. An attractive and rare three colour franking cover. The Franco-Papal Postal Convention of 1 October 1853 set a rate of 26 b. for each 7.5 grams. Cert. Raybaudi (1996) Sassone = € 11'000+.
    Ausruf : 850 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1431 Stato Pontificio

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    Ireland 1852: 4 b. black on yellow and 8 b. black on white, two horizontal pairs and a single, fine and fresh with good to large margins all round, tied by grill handstamps to small 1861 envelope with manuscript "2" (double rate) mailed to Galway with ROMA (Jan. 11) despatch cds, framed "PD", French entry mark in red and AUGHRIM (Jan. 18) arrival cds alongside. Closed tear at left, but an appealing double rate cover to a scarce destination. From 1 April 1855 the rate was reduced to 22 b. for each 7.5 grams. Cert. RPS (2003).
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1504 Italien

    1934 (Jan. 26): Registered newspaper wrapper with full content and addressed to Signor Kneitschel in Buenos Aires, franked with overprinted special issue 2 on 5 L. yellow circular flight datestamp of Rome (27.1.34) in combination with 1932 1 L.75 orangecancelled by "Roma Ferrovia Racc. 26.1.34" cds., showing on reverse special flight cachet in red, boxed PANAM handstamp in violet as well as "Buenos Aires Feb.34" arrival mark. Slight toned perfs, a rare registered printet matter rate, Longhi just notes the regular usage with additional franking of Italy 25 c. Longhi 3065, Sassone GP64
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1516 San Marino

    1934 (Jan. 25): Registered postcard addressed to Casablanca, Maroc, franked with 1931 airmail 80 c. carmine plus 1925 1 L and 75 c. tied by San Marino combination with overprint issue 3 on 2 L. olive green cancelled with special cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", showing special flight cachet in dark red and Buenos Aires arrival (Feb. 2.) together with boxed PANAM handstamp, in total only about 20 items flown of which only very few known addressed to Casablanca, see Longhi page 468 Longhi 3071 = € 2'500, Sassone GP 68 = € 3'000.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1524 Italien

    Switzerland 1934 (Jan. 24): Postcard franked with airmail 35 cts. tied by "BERN 1 24.I.34 10" in combination with overprint issue 3 on 2 L. olive green, cancelled with special cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", showing special flight cachet in dark red and part strike of boxed PANAM cachet in violet, signed by Francis Lombardi. Note: only 23 items known and together with the other three offered here, the only known complete set from Switzerland Longhi 3076 = € 2'500, SLH FF 34.1 = CHF 2'500, Sassone GP 72 = € 4'000.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1423 Stato Pontificio

    France 1852: 5 b. rose in a vertical strip of four, good to large margins all round, tied by grill handstamp to envelope addressed to Bastia, Corsica with CIVITAVECCHIA 16 GIU 58, "PD" and French octogonal entry mark E.-PONT. MARSEILLE 17 JUIN 58 in blue alongside. Bastia arrival mark on reverse and forwarded again within Corsica. Some edge wear and minor staining, but an interesting cover with Corsica an unusual destination. Following the Franco-Papal Postal Convention of 1 October 1853, letters to France could be prepaid at 20 bajocchi.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1529 Italienische Kolonien

    Cirenaica 1934 (Jan.23): Registered envelope franked with complete set of overprinted special issue in combination with issues of  General Colonies (4) of 2 L. 25, all tied by "POSTA AEREA (BENGASI) 23.1.34" and backstamped  with special cachet "ROMA 28.1.34", showing on reverse flight cachet as well as boxed "Perduta coincidenza / primo volo postale / Roma Buenos Ayres" in red. Due delay of the connection flight to Rome they missed the plane which left Rome Jan. 27th, the 'Perduta' special cachet had been applied on the corresponding mail Longhi 3085 = € 1'200, Sassone GP74, € 2'250 for the complete set.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1525 Italien

    Switzerland 1934 (Jan. 24): Postcard franked with airmail 35 cts. tied by "BERN 1 24.I.34 10" in combination with overprint issue 5 on 2 L. rose cancelled with special cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", without special flight cachet in dark red but finestrike of boxed PANAM cachet in violet, signed by Francis Lombardi. Note: only 23 items known and together with the other three offered here, the only known complete set from Switzerland Longhi 3076 = € 2'500, SLH FF 34.1 = CHF 2'500, Sassone GP 72 = € 4'000.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.300 CHF

    Losnr. : 1526 Italien

    Switzerland 1934 (Jan. 24): Postcard franked with airmail 35 cts. tied by "BERN 1 24.I.34 10" in combination with overprint issue 10 on 2 L. violet, cancelled with special cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", without special flight cachet in dark red, but  a fine strike of boxed PANAM cachet in violet, signed by Francis Lombardi. Note: only 23 items known and together with the other three offered items here, the only known complete set from Switzerland Longhi 3076 = € 2'500, SLH FF 34.1 = CHF 2'500, Sassone GP 72 = € 4'000.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1532 Italienische Kolonien

    Tripolitania 1934 (Jan. 24): Newspaper wrapper with full content, franked with overprinted special issue 2 on 5 L. reddish brown in combination with 1933 General Colonies 25 c. yellow green  tied by "POSTE AEREA TRIPOLI D'AFRICA  24.1.34" cds., showing special flight cachet alongside together with circular flight datestamp of Rome (27.1.34) to Buenos Aires. Extremely rare usage at printet matter rate, with part of the back flap missing and therefore without arrival mark Longhi not listed and to date the only known wrapper from Tripolitania.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1464 Sardinien

    1 / 1
    1853: Embossed 40 c. rose, a fine large margined example used in combination with 1854 5 c. green on white wove paper in a large margined horizontal pair on 1854 single rate cover from Turin to Lyon, France tied by 'Torino' datestamps (Dec 15) in black. Red unframed 'P.D.' at right and Beauvoisin entry marking (Dec 18) in red alongside. Reverse with sender's cachet in blue and Lyon arrival cds (Dec 19). File fold well away from adhesives, a fresh and very fine mixed issue franking. Signed Grioni. Cert. A. Diena (1954), G. Colla (1999).
    Ausruf : 5.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 7.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1571 Italien

    1861/1972: Collection in an Yvert album with many better sets and values used/unused from 1929 onwards mainly in complete mint sets, including 1923 Manzoni unused, 1924 Crociera unused, 1926 S. Francis set with L 1.25 unused (2) and 20 c. with variety imperf. at bottom, 1929 Monte-Cassino set unused and used on registered envelope, further fine range of 'Pubblicitari', airmails with 1930 Crociera transatlantica L 7.70 unused, followed by Express delivery stamps, Parcel stamps, Pneumatic post issues, postage dues as well as issues of the Social Republic. A fine old time collection of high catalogue value.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1672 Österreich. Levante

    1840 (March 19): Entire letter from Foschia near Smirna, written by the Austrian Rear-Admiral Baron de Bandiera to a Naval Commander in Zara, struck on despatch by superb strike of straight line SMIRNA handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 1). Slitted for disinfection with two line 'Zara / 13 Apr.' datestamp of arrival on reverse. A rare and historic entire in superb quality.

    Note: War against Mehmet Ali of Egypt. Rear Admiral Bandeira was present at the Siege of St. Jean d'Acre (November 1840) on the Austrian flagship 'Medea', and received thanks for his gallantry from the British Parliament.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 1533 Italienische Kolonien

    Tripolitania 1934 (Jan.22): Registered envelope to Yukon, USA, franked with complete set of four of overprinted special issue in combination with Libya 1 L. 75 and 1 L.1933 tied by "POSTA AEREA TRIPOLI D'AFRICA 22.1.34 17" cds. with special flight cachet in red at lower left, showing on reverse special handstamp "ROMA Io VOLO POSTALE DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AYRES 27.1.34" and "ROMA FERR. RACC. POSTA AEREA 26.1.34" together with boxed PANAM handstamp and "Buenos Aires 2 .Feb. 34 17" arrival mark, forwarded to USA Longhi 3075 = € 1'500, Sassone GP 66d= € 2'250.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1534 Italienische Kolonien

    Tripolitania 1934 (Jan.24): Registered envelope franked with complete set of overprinted special issue in combination with 1933 General Colonies issues (4) of 2 L. 25, all tied only by "POSTA AEREA TRIPOLI D'AFRICA 24.1.34 17" cds. with special flight cachet in red at lower left, showing on reverse special handstamp "ROMA Io VOLO POSTALE DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AYRES 27.1.34" and "ROMA FERR. RACC. POSTA AEREA 26.1.34" together with boxed PANAM handstamp and "Buenos Aires 2 .Feb. 34 17" arrival mark. Longhi 3075 = € 1'500, Sassone GP 66d= € 2'250.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1686 Österreich. Levante

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 2/I+4/I
    1870 (Sept 9): Envelope to Ledbury, endorsed "Via Triest & Ostende", franked by 1867 Franz Joseph definitives coarse whiskers, hor. pair of 10 so. blue and 3 so. green , tied by "ALEXANDRIEN 9/9" cds's in black (Tranmer fig. 5) with handwritten "8" weiterfranko, reverse with Ledbury arrival cds (SP 21 70). 10 so. for the Austrian Lloyd, 5 so. for GAPU, and 8 kr. for Belgium and Great Britain, some edge toning but an interesting cover sent on this scarce route to avoid the hostilities of the Franco-Prussian War.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 1430 Stato Pontificio

    Greece 1852: 6 b. black on grey and 7 b. black on blue (2), affected by horizontal file fold, good to large margins all round and tied by grill handstamps to 1855 entire letter addressed to Patras, endorsed "col vape Austriaco" with ANCONA (Dec 19) cds and oval framed "Agenzie Del Lloyd Austriaco - Ancona" (Tchilinghirian & Stephen fig. 457) alongside and Patras arrival cds on reverse. From 1 October 1852 the letter rate for Austrian Lloyd services via Ancona to the Greek seaport was 20 bajocchi, the addressee had to pay "40" lepta for the residual journey from the port.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1507 Italien

    1934 (Jan. 25): Registered envelope from Matera (Lucania) to Buenos Aires franked with overprinted special issue  5 on 2 L. rose in an vertical pair as 10 L. postage rate tied by circular flight cachet of Rome (27.1.) in combination with 1932 25 c. and 1933 1 L.25 cancelled "Matera 25.1.34", showing on front special flight cachet in red and on reverse boxed PANAM cachet as well as  Buenos Aires (2.2.) arrival marks. Despite punching whole at lower left corner of envelpe, a rare franking Longhi not listed, Sassone GP64.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1409 Neapel

    1 / 1
    1858 (June 6): 5 grana light lilac rose (lilla rosa chiaro), the extremely rare shade of first printing (prima tavola) with good to close margins three sides, tied by boxed 'ANNULLATO' handstamp to outer lettersheet to Naples, showing scarce oval "Città Ducale" handstamp in red alongside. cover slightly browned, but very rare franking, Chiavarello states the shade as unissued and of the very first printing, Colla mentioned it as the only known usage on a postal document. Photocopies of the certificates attached, Chiavarello (2004), Colla (2006) Sassone not listed.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.900 CHF

    Losnr. : 1517 Vatikanstaat

    1934 (Jan. 26): Registered envelope from Vatican City franked with 1933 1 L.  plus 75 c. tied by "Citta del Vaticano 26.1.34" in combination with overprint issue 2 on 2 L. yellow ochre cancelled with special cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", on reverse with special flight cachet in dark red, boxed PANAM cachet in violet and Buenos Aires arrival (Feb. 2.), envelope trimmed at top and at right,opened on three sides, presumably used as wrapper at 2 L printed matter rate similar to Longhi 3070, Sassone GP 67 = € 4'750
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1449 Stato Pontificio

    United States of America 1852: 5 b. black on rose and 6 b. black on grey (3, one with corner fault), tied by grill handstamps to small 1867 cover, tear at top behind the stamps, mailed to New York with Roma despatch cds, framed "PD", French entry mark E.-PONT. (Feb. 11) in red and NEW YORK / PAID / FEB 24 and "3" (cents) in red alongside. From 1 September 1866 the rate for letters with French mediation was reduced to 23 b. for each 7.5 grams, three cents were credited to the US postal administration.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 260 CHF

    Losnr. : 1523 Italien

    Switzerland 1934 (Jan. 24): Postcard franked with airmail 35 cts. tied by "BERN 1 24.I.34 10" in combination with overprint issue 2 on 2 L. yellow cancelled with special cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", without special flight cachet in dark red, but showing boxed PANAM cachet in violet, signed by Francis Lombardi. Note: only 23 known and together with the following three items, the only known complete set from Switzerland Longhi 3076 = € 2'500, SLH FF 34.1 = CHF 2'500, Sassone GP 72 = € 4'000.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1505 Italien

    1934 (Jan. 23): Registered envelope endordsed 'Stampe' from Torino to Argentine franked with 1929 15 c. plus 1932 1 L. and 65 c. in combination with special overprinted issue 2 on 2 L yellow cancelled with circular flight cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", sent via "Roma Ferrovia Raccomandate 24.1.34", showing special flight cachet red alongside and on reverse boxed PANAM cachet in violet as well as Buenos Aires arrival marks (Feb. 2.). Rare registered printed matter franking with registration receipt included Longhi 3065, Sassone GP 64.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 1689 Österreich. Levante

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 5/Ic+6/Ic
    Large linen piece with block of 20, strip of four, and strip of three of 25 so. brown violet combined with single 15 so. red brown resulting in an enormous franking of 690 so., cancelled by "ALEXANDRIEN RECOM: 6/2" cds's in black (Tranmer fig. 8). An unparalleled franking of Austrian Levant and a major exhibition item for both the Austrian Levant or Egypt collector, shown and described in Ferchenbauer, vol. IV, p. 598. Signed Colla and Ferchenbauer.

    Provenance: Collection Dr. Anton Jerger, 140. Corinphila (May 2004), lot 659.
    Ausruf : 3.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1448 Stato Pontificio

    United States of America 1852: 5 b. black on rose and 6 b. black on grey (3), all fresh and fine, tied by grill handstamps to small 1867 cover to New York, with ROMA (Jan. 28) despatch cds, framed "PD", French entry mark in red and NEW YORK / PAID / FEB 15 cds as well as "3" (cents) in red alongside. A very attractive cover. From 1 September 1866 the rate for letters with French mediation was reduced to 23 b. for each 7.5 grams, three cents were credited to the US postal administration.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650 CHF

    Losnr. : 1501 Italien

    1934 (Jan. 24): Registered envelope from Milano to Santiagoe de Chile franked with five examples of overprinted special issue 2 on 2 L. yellow as 10 L postage tied by circular flight cachet of Rome (27.1.) in combination with 1929 1L75 c. orange and on reverse with two copies of 1932 50 c., cancelled "Milano Corr. Pacchi Racc. 24.1.34", showing on front special flight cachet in red and on reverse boxed PANAM cachet, Buenos Aires transit (2.2.) and Santiago arrival mark. A rare franking Longhi not listed, Sassone GP64.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 850 CHF

    Losnr. : 1500 Italien

    1934 (Jan. 25): Envelope of 29 gr. from Verona to Brazil franked with airmail 25 c. of upper left corner sheet in combination with special overprinted issue 2 on 2 L yellow cancelled with circular flight cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", sent via "Roma Ferrovia Posta Aerea 26.1.34", showing special flight cachet red alongside and "Rio de Janeiro 31.Jan.934" arrival mark on reverse. Envelope opened on two sides (left/right) and presumably used as wrapper Longhi 3065, Sassone GP 64.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1421 Stato Pontificio

    Finland 1852: 7 b. black on blue, a fresh horizontal strip of three with vivid colour, touched at lower right, tied by grill handstamps to 1860 cover to Helsinki, Finland, endorsed 'via St. Petersburg', then under Russian rule, with ROMA (Jan 3) despatch cds and red "PD" alongside. Milano, Chur-St.Gallen Railway, Berlin and St.Petersburg Polutsheno Utro transits as well as Helsingfors arrival (Jan. 20) cds on reverse. An appealing and scarce cover sent via Switzerland during the war between Austria and Italy.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1718 Polen

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : P10b
    1 / 1
    1919: Krakow issue, 10 kr. ultramarine opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in black, opt. plate I, position 3, fresh and fine, vivid colours, good centering and perforations, large part og. Only 15 examples issued of which ten are recorded, one of the rarest Polish stamps in fantastic quality. Signed Riblewski and others; cert. Mikulski (1972) Fischer D12/II = Zł 150'000 / Mi = € 60'000 / Scott J10a = $ 42'500.

    Provenance: Collection Marquess of Bute, Robson Lowe Auction (June 17, 1959), lot 401.
    Ausruf : 20.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 32.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1520 Vatikanstaat

    1934 (Jan. 26): Official envelope 'Poste du Vatican' addressed to Puerto Natal franked with 1933 1 L.  plus 50 c. + 20 c. + 5 c., tied by "Citta del Vaticano 26.1.34" in combination with overprint issue 5 on 2 L. rose cancelled with special cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", special flight cachet alongside and Rio de Janeiro arrival (Jan.31) on reverse. Note S. Bayer prepared six items to Brazil, Longhi 3069, Sassone GP 67 = € 3'000 + € 800
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1589 Luxemburg

    1852/1952: Lot hundreds primarily unused stamps incl. 1852 1 sgr. red brown (3), two certs. Demuth, five reprints, 1859 Arms definitives imperf. 10 c. dark-blue and 40 c. orange, 1865 Arms rouletted 25 c. light-blue and ultramarine, 30 c. lilac red, 37½ c. bistre, 40 c. orange, 1872 1 fr. on 37½ c., 1875 Arms definitives perf. 25 c. blue, 30 c. lilac red, 37½ without ovpt. 'Un Franc', perf. and imperf., 1880 Arms definitives 5 c. yellow perf. 11½ x 12, 1923 Elisabeth Birthday miniature sheet, Official stamps incl. 1875 40 c. red orange, inverted ovpts. and small type ovpts., as well as Postage Dues Mi = € 36'000++.
    Ausruf : 3.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1535 Italienische Kolonien

    Tripolitania 1934 (Jan. 22/25): Complete set of overprinted special issue used on three registerd envelopes and one card in combination with adhesives of Libya or issues for the General Colonies, all tied by Tripoli d'Africa datestamps showing special flight cachets in red and ,except the card franked with 3 L and 'Perduta' cachet (not flown), all other flown, showing violet PANAM cachet as well as Buenos Aires arrival mark (Feb. 2) on reverse. A fine and scarce group. Longhi 3086, Sassone = € 2'225.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1511 Italien

    1934 (Jan. 23/26): Complete set of overprinted special issue used on two registerd envelopes and two postcards in combination with Italian adhesives, including uprated 30 c. stationery card from Genoa (Jan 25) with 2  on 2 L, yellow and 5 on 2 L rose on registered envelope from Rome singed by Lombardi,  all tied by Rome special flight cds and special flight cachet in red alongside together with boxed PANAM handstamps and corresponding Buenos Aires arrival marks (Feb. 2)., dated Jan 28th or 30th. Longhi 3064 = € 1'500, Sassone = € 2'250.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1619 Norwegen

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 7+9
    1 / 1
    3 sk. grey-lilac, single example used with 8 sk. pale rose in a horizontal pair on 1867 cover to Purmerende, Netherlands, tied by TONSBERG datestamps (4/4) in black. Repeated strike of despatch cds at left and reverse with Sandosund transit cds and Amsterdam cds (8/4) in red. Left hand 8 sk. with one short perf. at top and tiny puncture in the letter sheet skillfully reduced, otherwise an attractive and rare cover. Cert. Enger (1991) Facit 7a+9.

    Provenance: Corinphila sale 83 (Sept 1991), lot 3396.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 460 CHF

    Losnr. : 1707 Polen

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 122 By/I
    1 / 1
    1919: 1st National Stamp Exhibition Warsaw, 50 f. blue green imperforate on horizontally laid paper, marginal from base of sheet, opt. with rare Type I with 'I / POLSKA / WYSTAWA / MAREK / 5 F + F5' in violet, fresh colour, a fine unused example with large part og. Slightest of wrinkles in margin but just 100 stamps issued with the wrong overprint in Type I (four instead of three lines in overprint). Signed Gryzewski; cert. Mikulski (1980) Fischer 106 I A / Mi = € 1'000.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 1503 Italien

    1934 (Jan. 26): Complete Newspaper 'IL TELEGRAFO' (26.1.34) to Buenos Aires, franked with overprinted special issue 2 on 5 L. yellow tied by circular flight datestamp of Rome (27.1.34) in combination with 1929 1 L.75 c. orange sent registered from Orbetello via "Roma Ferr. Raccom 26.1.34", showing fine strike of special flight cachet in red, boxed PANAM handstamp in violet as well as Buenos Aires arrival mark at left. Rare registered usage of a complete Newspaper Longhi 3066 = € 2'000, Sassone GP64.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1684 Österreich. Levante

    1868 (Apr 23): Registered entire letter from the Austrian consulate of Alexandria to Ludwigshafen Bavaria with handwritten "N 878" registration number, struck with "ALEXANDRIEN 23/4" cds in black (Tranmer fig. 5), Prussian framed "Recommandirt" in red and "3" (silbergroschen) taxation, reverse with attractive consular cachet, "TRIEST Recommandirt", "LEIPZIG - MAGDEBURG" TOP as well as Ludwigshafen arrival datestamps (28 / 4). A postage-free cover until the borders of the Austrian Empire, taxed with 1 sgr. for postage and 2 sgr. for registration thereafter.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 800 CHF

    Losnr. : 1522 Vatikanstaat

    Francis Lombardi 'Primo volo diretto Roma - Buenos Aires' 1934 (Jan. 25): Registered envelope from Vatican City franked with 1933 2 L. 75 tied by "Citta del Vaticano 25.1.34" in combination with overprint issue 'Primo volo diretto Roma - Buenos Aires' in a complete set of four values cancelled with special cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", on reverse with special flight cachet in dark red, boxed PANAM cachet in violet and Buenos Aires arrival (Feb. 2.), signed on front by Lombardi in black and Mazzotti in green Longhi 3069, Sassone GP 67a = € 3'500
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1515 San Marino

    1934 (Jan. 25): Registered postcard franked with 1931 airmail 80 c. carmine plus 1925 1 L and 75 c. tied by San Marino combination with overprint issue 3 on 2 L. olive green cancelled with special cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", showing special flight cachet in dark red and Buenos Aires arrival (Feb. 2.), on reverse with boxed PANAM cachet in violet, in total only about 20 items flown, Longhi 3071 = € 2'500, Sassone GP 68 = € 3'000.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1412 Neapel

    1 / 1
    1858: 5 gr. rose, 1st. printing, 10 gr. brown-rose, 1st. printing and 20 gr. brown-rose, 1st. printing, all used on small 1859 envelope to Paris cancelled by two strikes of framed 'Annulato' handstamps in black. Framed 'PD' in red at right with Marseilles entry marking (March 7). Reverse with Naples despatch in red and Paris arrival cds (March 9). A charming and scarce franking. Cert. E. Diena (1995) Scott 4/6 = $ 3'000/Sassone = € 5'000+.

    Note: Messrs Worms & Co. still occupy the premises in Rue Laffitte.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1502 Italien

    1934 (Jan. 26): Newspaper cut-out of upper right corner of frontpage of 'Le Forze Armate 8 gennaio 1934' addressed to Santos Brazil, franked with overprinted special issue 2 on 5 L. yellow with sheet margin at left, tied by circular flight datestamp of Rome (27.1.34) in combination with 1932 25 c. green cancelled by "Roma Centro (Posta Aerea) 26.1.34" cds. and showing special flight cachet in red at lower left. Rare usage on Newspaper Longhi 3066 = € 2'000, Sassone GP64.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1512 Italien

    1934 (Jan 27): Postcard franked with overprinted special issue 3 on 2 L. olive green in combination with 1932 25 c. green both cancelled by "Palermo Ferrovia 24.1.34" machine cancel, together with registered envelope from Genoa franked with complete airmail set of which two values remained uncancelled in combination with Italian adhesives, both items flown with special flight cachet in red alongside, PANAM handstamps as well as Buenos Aires arrival marks (2.2.34) on front or reverse., unusual Sassone = € 2'510
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1513 Italien

    1934 (Jan. 2): Registered envelope from Triest to Buenos Aires franked with complete set of overprinted special issue tied only by Triest cds. with additional franking on front and reverse of 2 L.75, showing on front boxed delay handstamp "Perduta coincidenza / primo volo postale / Roma Buenos - Ayres" in red and Buenos Aires arrival mark (3.3.34) on reverse. Despite arrival in "Rome Ferr.Racc Posta Aerea 27.1.34 11" not dispatched to the plane and sent by ordinary mail to Argentine, only known item franked with the complete set Longhi 3080.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 1474 Sizilien

    1 / 1
    5 gr. vivid vermilion, 2nd plate in horizontal strip of four, positions 1-4, together with 10 gr. indigo as horizontal pair, positions 41-42, tied by framed handstamp to outer letter sheet, sent registered from Petralia Soprana to Palermo (Feb 1, 1860) with framed one-line dispatch mark and arrival cds on front. Despite some flaws a rare and spectacular franking with the largest strip of 5 gr. vermilion of 2nd plate known. Signed Alfredo Fiecchi, certificates Enzo Diena (1981) and Colla (2004).
    Ausruf : 6.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 6.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1416 Stato Pontificio

    1 / 1
    1852: ½ b. bright-lilac in a block of six from the lower sheet margin, vivid colour, tied by grille marks to reverse of cover from Terracina Latium (Dec. 6, 1863) to San Felice with 'CANCELLERIA DISTRETTUALE DI TERRACINA' cachet alongside. The lower four stamps were damaged upon opening and repaired, in spite of its imperfections a desirable item with a large unit of the ½ b. stamp in the very rare vivid lilac shade. Cert. Raybaudi (1984) Sassone = € 168'000 for a block of four on cover.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1682 Österreich. Levante

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : V23
    1865 (Feb 25): Envelope to the Royal War Court in Stolp Pommerania Prussia, franked by 1864 Arms definitives vert. pair of 15 so. brown perf. 9½, tied by "ALEXANDRIEN 25/2" cds in black (Tranmer fig. 5), reverse with Berlin - Anhalter Bahnhof transit and arrival datestamps (10/3). An attractive cover with 15 so. for the Austrian Lloyd and 15 so. for the GAPU. Sender of this cover is Leonhard von Blumenthal (1810-1900), Chief of the General Staff during the German-Danish War of 1864.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 250 CHF

    Losnr. : 1527 Italienische Kolonien

    Cirenaica 1934 (Jan.23): Postcard franked with Italy 5 c. and 1933 Holy Year 20 c. tied by "ROMA POSTA AEREA" cds. in combination with Cirenaica overprinted special issue 2 on 5 L reddish brown cancelled with special flight datestamp "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AYRES 27.1.34 XII" with special flight cachet alongside and Buenos Aires arrival mark (2. Feb. 34" on front. Scarce, one of only eight postcards known Longhi 3072 = € 3'000, Sassone GP69 = € 2'000.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1443 Stato Pontificio

    1 / 1
    Switzerland 1867: 1 b. black on green, 5 b. black on rose carmine and 7 b. black on blue, all just touched but of fresh colour, tied by grill handstamps to 1863 entire letter to Luzern with ROMA (Nov. 26) despatch cds alongside. Livorno-Firenze, Firenze, Bologna-Allessandria, Verbano and Luzern Schiffsbureau transits as well as Luzern arrival cds (Dec. 1) on reverse. An interesting and rare cover to the widow of Franz von Elgger, the General of the Catholic Sonderbund Troops. Cert. Raybaudi (1996).
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700 CHF

    Losnr. : 1420 Stato Pontificio

    Belgium 1852: 6 b. black on grey and 8 b. black on white (2), tied by ROMA 12 MARS 55 cds's to entire letter addressed to Bruxelles with "PP" and French entry cds in red alongside and Belgium entry cds and Bruxelles arrival cds (March 20) on reverse. Two stamps touched and cover slightly aged but scarce. Following the Franco-Papal Postal Convention of 1 October 1853, letters to Belgium could fully paid at a rate of 22 bajocchi.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1468 Sizilien

    1 / 1
    1/2 gr. in the rare yellow light-olive shade, 1st plate on Naples paper with three broad margins and cut along the line at left, cancelled by framed handstamp on newspaper "Tremacoldo" from Messina (Jan 11, 1860), sent to Nicotera. Exceptional rarity and only example known of this colour on newspaper. Signed Emilio Diena and Matteo Tosto; certificates Enzo Diena (1990) and Raybaudi (2000) No price given in Sassone for use on cover.
    Ausruf : 10.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 10.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1641 Österreich

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 19a+20a+22b
    1 / 1
    5 Kr. rot (2) zus. mit 15 Kr. dunkelblau vorders. sowie 3 Kr. dunkelgrün (2, eine übersiegelt) und 15 Kr. dunkelblau (übersiegelt und geknickt) rücks. als Rekoporto, je farb- und prägefr. sowie vollzähnig, je klar und übergehend entw. "NEUE ALLEE PRAG 15 / 3" mit nebenges. vorders. rotem P.D., RECOM: und rotem CHARGE sowie blauem franz. Grenzübergngsstp. "AUTRICHE 17 MARS 61 ERQUELINES" auf eingeschr. Umschlag mit kompl. Briefinhalt nach Paris mit rücks. Ankunftsstp. (18 MARS 61). Neben drei privaten Waxsiegeln finden sich vorschriftsgemäss noch zwei weitere Siegel der franz. Postverwaltung, die wie üblich zum Übersiegeln von Teilen der rücks. Reko-Frankatur führen. Ein schöner Beleg. Attest Ferchenbauer (2005).
    Ausruf : 700 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1519 Vatikanstaat

    1934 (Jan. 26): Registered postcard from Vatican City franked with 1933 1 L.  plus 75 c. tied by "Citta del Vaticano 26.1.34" in combination with overprint issue 3 on 2 L. olive green cancelled with special cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", on with special flight cachet in dark red and Buenos Aires arrival (Feb. 2.), on reverse with boxed PANAM cachet in violet, signed G. Bolaffi Longhi 3069, Sassone GP 67 = € 3'000 + € 260.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.100 CHF

    Losnr. : 1434 Stato Pontificio

    Poland 1852: 8 b. black on white (2), fresh and fine, tied by grill handstamps to 1865 entire letter to Lemberg (Lvov), Galicia, Poland, with ROMA (March 29) cds alongside and Lemberg arrival (April 4) cds on reverse. Slightly grubby cover sent to Franciszek Wierzchleyski, Archbishop of Lemberg (1860-1884). After the Italian war of 1859 letters from the Papal States had to be carried via Sardinia, this double rate cover paid the rate only up to the Papal border.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650 CHF

    Losnr. : 1528 Italienische Kolonien

    Cirenaica 1934 (Jan. 22): Registered postcard from Bengasi  franked with Libya 1 L. 75 plus 50 c. in combination with overprinted special issue 2 L on 5 L brown red and 3 L on 5 L yellow green tied by "ROMA 28.1.34" special flight datestamp, showing  special cachet on front and on reverse bold strike of boxed  'Perduta coincidenza' handstamp in red. Rare combination for a 5 L. postage rate Longhi 3081 = € 1'000, Sassone GP 74 = € 950.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1508 Italien

    1934 (Jan. 24): Registered envelope from Genova to Buenos Aires franked with overprinted special issue 2 L. + 3 L. + 5 L. as 10 L. postage rate tied by circular flight cachet of Rome (27.1.) in combination with 1929 2 L. + 75 c. cancelled "Milano Corr. Pacchi Racc. 24.1.34", showing on front special flight cachet in red and on reverse boxed PANAM cachet, and  Buenos Aires (2.2.) arrival mark. A rare franking Longhi not listed, Sassone GP64.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1599 Niederlande

    1852/1970: Collection in two albums with better sets and values used with many showing fine cancellations, starting with 10 sets of first issue, 15 c. yellow orange unused (*), set of three in horizontal pairs, 10 c. carmine vert. strip of three and two horizontal pairs, single copies of 5 c. blue (15) and 10 c. carmine (10), 1898 Queen Wilhelmina 1 Gld. and 10 Gld. unused (*), compl. set to 10 Gld. used, 1913 100 anniversary issue of independance to 10 Gld. used, 1924 7 1/2 ct. tête-bêche gutter pair used, 1913 Jubilee issue of 100 years Independance set to 10 Gld. used, further Postage Dues, Airmails and Officials.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 1521 Vatikanstaat

    1934 (Jan. 26): Registered envelope from Vatican City franked with 1933 2 L.  plus 75 c. tied by "Citta del Vaticano 26.1.34" in combination with overprint issue 10 on 2 L. violet cancelled with special cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", with special flight cachet alongside and on reverse with boxed PANAM cachet in violet and Buenos Aires arrival (Feb. 2.). Envelope slightly trimmed on top, fine and scarce 10 L usage. Longhi 3069, Sassone GP 67 = € 3'000 + € 1'100.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1645 Österreich

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 30+33+34+GB27
    1 / 1
    2 Kr. dunkelgelb mit 10 Kr. blau (senkr. Dreierstreifen) und 15 Kr. hellbraun, alle gez. 9½, übergehend entw. mit Ovalstp. "TRIEST 11 / 1 V" auf grossem Teil einer Briefvorderseite nach Canton mit zufrankierter Grossbritannien, Ausgabe 1865, 1 Schilling dunkelgelbgrün zur Begleichung des Overland Mail - Portos, entw. mit übergehendem ovalem Schraffenstp. "B 0 1". Weiteres grosses Briefst. nach Bangkok (Tintenfrass, Patina) mit 1863/64 15 Kr. braun (3) und zufrankierter Grossbritannien 1 Sh. grün. Beschrieben sind in Jerger "Mischfrankaturen" nur vier weitere Briefteile und Briefe, somit eine sehr seltene Ländermischfrankatur. Attest Ferchenbauer (2014) für das Briefstück nach Canton.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1709 Polen

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : P2
    1 / 1
    1919: Krakow issue, 10 h. rose red opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in black, ovpt. plate IIA, sheet position 72, fresh colour and good perfS., tied by Krakow 1919 cds to piece (partially detached for examination). A rare stamp with only 150 issued, with just 4 known in used condition. Signed Mikstein on the reverse of the stamp; cert. Mikulski (1980) Fischer D2 = Zł 25'000+ / Mi = € 6'000+.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1509 Italien

    Francis Lombardi 'Primo volo diretto Roma - Buenos Aires' 1934 (Jan. 24): Registered envelope from Torino franked with 1932 2 L. 75 olive green in combination with complete set of special overprint issue 'Primo volo diretto Roma - Buenos Aires' of four values, cancelled with special cachet: "ROMA 1o VOLO DIRETTO ROMA - BUENOS AIRES 27.1.34 XII", showing special flight cachet in dark red alongside and on reverse boxed PANAM cachet in violet as well as Buenos Aires arrival marks (Feb. 2.) Longhi 3063, Sassone GP 64d = € 2'250
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1477 Toscana

    1851/60: Used collection with 1851/53 1 q., 1 soldo 'giallo oro' on blued paper with rare piece bearing five examples (cert. E. Diena, 1993) and a 1 s. pair, 1 cr. (6, incl. two pairs), 2 cr. shades (5), 4 cr. (5, incl. a pair), 6 cr. shades (4, one on piece) and 9 cr. (4); 1857/59 issue with 1 q. (2), 1 cr., 2 cr. (3), 4 cr. (2), 6 cr. (4), 1860 issue with 1 c., 5 c. (4), 10 c. (3, one on piece), 20 c. (5), 40 c. (2) and 80 c.; condition obviously variable but some fine examples noted, many with expert signatures. A highly catalogued group (53 items).
    Ausruf : 1.200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1731 Portugal

    1910/1985c.: Collection of covers/cards, all taxed on arrival in Portugal or Colonies with 1913 cover from GB taxed on arrival in Beira by Mozambique Co. 60 r. Due, Portuguese India with taxed 1938 cover from GB taxed at 2 tangas, taxed 1949 cover from Nigeria, 1935 shortpaid incoming cover from GB to Beira taxed with Mozambique Co. adhesives at 5½ c., 1936 cover from GB taxed 140 c. on arrival in the Azores, 1938 cover from Johannesburg taxed 1.60 escudos with five Dues in Lourenco Marques, 1949 cover from Cook Islands taxed on arrival in Beira at $ 5, 1950 cover from Ecuador taxed on arrival in Macau, a scarce and interesting collection (26 items).
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1697 Österreich. Levante

    Cyprus 1866/67: Two commercial covers from Larnaca to Italy, incl. a stampless entire, dated "27 February 1866" from the Ralli correspondence to Trieste with arrival datestamp on reverse and a part cover with Franz-Joseph coarse whiskers 3 so. green and a pair of 10 so. blue, cancelled with LARNACA DI CIPRIO datestamps in brown black (Tchilinghirian fig. 3). Covers with staining or address erased, but still a nice pair with this rare cancellation.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 340 CHF

    Losnr. : 1673 Österreich. Levante

    Alexandria 1840 (July 16): Entire letter from the Ralli correspondence in Greek language to Trieste, struck with straight line "ALEXANDRIA" in black (Tranmer fig. 1, Smith fig. 2), handwritten "x3", three pia. identical to 12 kr CM Lloyd postage, reverse with an add. crisp strike and a clear arrival "TRIESTE 3 AUG 1840" cds in red. An extremely early use of this postmark, described in Tranmer to be in use since 1845.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 1438 Stato Pontificio

    1 / 1
    Russia 1852: 7 b. black on blue (3), fresh colours and large margins, the right stamp shaved at bottom, tied by "ROMA 19 OTT 56" cds (the leftmost stamp not cancelled) to entire to St. Petersburg. Reverse with Prussian Breslau railway handstamp and "f 3" 3 sgr. Weiterfranco as well as Russian "Polutsheno" arrival handstamp. Vert. archive fold also through the rightmost stamp but a rare destination. Cert. Avi (2016).
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1723 Polen

    1860/1939c.: Lot hundreds used/unused stamps including 1860 10 kop. blue & rose (2), 1918 opt. 'Warschau' definitives 20 pf. in rare ultramarine shade, 1919 Krakow definitives with opt. POCZTA / POLSKA part set, 1928 Warsaw stamp show souvenir sheet, 1938 Stratosphere souvenir sheet on cover, Official issues, Postage Dues, local 1919 Postage Due opts., Port Gdansk, Upper Silesia, Polish Levant sets, partially signed Bojanowicz, Polish Korps, and Polish exile issues.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 900 CHF

    Losnr. : 1440 Stato Pontificio

    Spain 1852: 5 b. black on rose tied by ROMA cds (June 23) to 1852 entire letter to Pamplona with French entry cds and Spanish postage due mark "9 Rs.", both in red alongside. Bayonne transit and Pamplona / Navarra arrival (July 2) cds in red on reverse. Cover was paid only up to the Papal border, the addressee had to pay the residual journey from France. A few imperfections but scarce.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1706 Polen

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 47b
    1 / 1
    1919: Krakow definitive issue, 10 kr. dark-violet opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in black, opt. plate IVB, position 4, fresh colour and good perfs., a fine stamp tied by "KRAKOW 1 -16.II.19" cds to small slightly creased piece. A rare stamp with just 440 issued (of both shades), in the dark-violet shade, only a few used examples are recorded. Cert. Mikulski (1980) Fischer 49b / Mi = € 25'000.
    Ausruf : 7.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1610 Niederländisch-Indien

    1882/1953: Covers (6) with internal 1882 cover from Poerwodadi to Banjoemaas taxed by 1874 Postage Due 20 c. green on blue, 1893 Military concession rate cover from French Indo-China franked at 15 c. to the 'U.S..S. Marion' in Java taxed by 10 c. black & rose Postage Due, 1922 cover from Penang franked 10 c. and taxed 12½ c on arrival in Medan, 1952 Airletter from Aden taxed by Indonesia 5 s. and 10 s. orange Dues, 1953 covers (2) taxed in Dutch New Guinea etc.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 480 CHF

    Losnr. : 1488 Italien

    1870/1985c.: Large accumulation of covers/cards (50+) all taxed on arrival incl. 1872 cover from Italian P.O. in Alexandria taxed on arrival at 60 c. in Tunisia, further taxed mail from Austria, Egypt, Eritrea incl. taxed 1932 cover, Fiume, GB, Libya (franked by Postage Due 5 c. pair with inverted centre), Syria, USA etc., also Colonial covers incl. 1907 cover taxed with Somalia 5 c., 1909 San Marino Due cover, 1943 cover from Leros to Rhodes, 1943 taxed 'Isole Jonie' cover, covers taxed in the Vatican etc.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.600 CHF
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