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Losnr. : 1233 Indien
Losnr. : 1234 Indien
1925 Essay for Provisional Surcharge on 1912/13 Official 25 r. chestnut & blue with 'ONE / RUPEE' and bar obscuring original value in black, the overprint in seriffed capital letters and unrecorded by Hammond Giles; fresh and fine appearance, fine unused without gum. A rare Essay.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1235 Indien
Idar State - Booklets 1944: Booklets (3), one with 1 a. violet in eight panes of four with white covers, another without cover containing 2 a. blue in eight panes of four, another with 4 a. vermilion in eight panes of four with slightly faulty orange cover. Scarce group.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1236 Indien
Redirected / Réexpédie 1900/11: Collection on leaves with covers/cards (8), four from Great Britain and three from India, all struck with framed RÉEXPÉDIE handstamp in black, with 1900 cover from India franked by GB 1 d. lilac tied 'Thabanchu' used to Lucknow illegally and thence to Exeter, 1905 cover from GB to India and back bearing 1902 2 d. green & carmine, 1904 and 1906 items from India each re-addressed to UK, 1914 cover with GB 1 d. returned due to the death of the addressee etc.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 1237 Indien
1854/1970: Lot several hundred used stamps incl. four copies of the 4A blue and red (octagonal cut), later issues of British India with pairs, blocs of four, officials etc., partly heavy duplication, good to mixed condition and hosued in three stockbooks, in addition one folder with cards, covers and postal staionery items, mainly business or daily mail.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 1238 Indien
Overland Postage Due 1869/1961.: The collection on leaves with covers/cards (68) from primarily GB but with examples from Aden, Austria, Egypt, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Lourenco Marques, Malta, Sudan, Sweden, Uganda, USA and Zanzibar; all (57) showing OVERLAND POSTAGE / DUE markings, also some GB Surface Printed covers to India with frankings from 1869 (1/1 d.), 1872 singlke franking with 9 d. straw, 1876 and 1879 covers with single franking of 1876 8 d. orange, 1882 single franking with 1881 5 d. indigo, 1886 single franking with 1883 5 d. green etc., and a 1904 registered cover from Bavaria. A fine and varied collection.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 1239 Indien
1873/98: Covers/cards (6), with 1873 cover franked by 1868 8 a. carmine Die II mailed f4rom Bombay to London with fine TOO LATE handstamp on reverse in black, two 1873 covers to Italy each with three colour frankings, 1878 cover to France with 1 a. and 4 a. used from Calcutta, 1882/90 2 a. blue tied to cover by bold 'Sea Post Office / C' datestamp etc.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 1240 Indien
1821/1975: The collection of covers/cards (65+) with 1821 entire from Calcutta to USA endorsed 'via Padang & Batavia', 1840/50's 'Overland Mail' entires to UK (one endorsed 'per Egypt & Falmouth per Express to Bombay'), 1866 entire from Calcutta with framed 'GB / 1F 62c.' Accountancy marking, 1866 cover to Egypt franked by 8 a. carmine, 1899 cover with 1 a. on reverse taxed on arrival in Cairo with Postage Due 2 m. green and 1, 1905 postcard with CEF 1 a. carmine tied by FPO No.1 datestamp, Indian Field Post Office usages from Egypt, Censored Mail, Airmail etc.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 1241 Indien
Maldirigé / Missent in the Indian Mail 1891/12: Mis-directed or Missent mail (9 items), with 1891/94 covers/cards (3) from USA all struck with framed MISSENT IN / INDIAN MAIL handstamps in black and an 1893 card with the same marking (much readdressed) from Germany, 1903 cover from Netherlands to Medan sent to Bombay in error with framed MALDIRIGE, 1904 cover with GB 1 d. lilac mailed locally and re-addressed to India with framed REDIRECTED and framed REFUSED, 1906 card much re-addressed within India, 1910 card from Madagascar to France sent to Bombay in error, 1912 card from USA to Eritrea also sent in error to Bombay.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 1242 Irak
Losnr. : 1243 Irak
Losnr. : 1244 Irland
Ireland 1922: Range on leaves with 1922 Dollard 2 s. 6 d. and 5 s. Seahorses unused, Thom overprints on 2 s. 6 d. (4) and 5 s. Seahorses (2) unused, also a fine set of three 1935 Re-Engraved Seahorses unused Gi = £ 750+.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1245 Leeward Islands
Leeward Islands 1897: Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, 1 d. dull mauve and rose, handstamped 'Sexagenary 1897' in black, variety: 'Overprint Double', an unused example with some tropicalisation on original gum. A scarce stamp. Opinion Holcombe (1986) Gi = £ 1'000.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1246 Malaya
Losnr. : 1247 Malaya
Malayan States - Japanese Occupation 1942/45: Album pages, reference collection for Japanese overprints on Malaya, Johore, Kelantan etc., with Postage Due 4 c. green in strip of three optd. Type 1 in red tied by Syonan cds's (Gi JD23a), 1943/45 Posstage Due set of eight values in unused blocks of four (Gi JD34/JD41), Johore Postage Due 1 c. carmine with black opt. in unused block of four (Gi JD1), Kelantan with 8 c. on 5 c. red-brown with 'handa' seal in red (Gi J43) unused and further values without chops unused, 1942 '2602' opt. on Straits 2 c. in block of 50 unused (Gi J224), '2602 / penang' thin opt. on Straits with blocks of 1 c., 5 c., 12 c., 15 c. and $ 1 values unused etc..Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 1248 Malta
Malta 1882/84: ½ d. red-orange, wmk. Crown CA, a superb mint block of 48 stamps (12 x 4), centrally separated by interpanneau margin with imprint 'Malta - Postae One Half Penny', of excellent fresh colour and full unmounted og. A delightful and rare block Gi = £ 720+.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 1249 Malta
1885/1921c.: Village Cancellations, well arranged collection with rare 'Asciak' (4 examples), 'Attard' on Ed VII ½ d., 'Birchircara' (11 examples) from 1885 ½ d. green, 'Caccia' on 1903 ½ d. green, 'Casal-lia' (13 examples) including fine 1885 ½ d. green, 'Chircop' with fine strike on 1885 ½ d. green, 'Cospicua' (extensive group of 40 examples), 'Curmi' (5) from 1901, 'Dingli' (4), 'Gargur' (1), 'Gudia' (2), 'Hamrun' (22), 'Melleha' (5), Micabbiba (2), 'Migiarro / Gozo' Code A and B each on 1885 ½ d. green and five other examples, 'Misida' (13), 'Musta' (4), 'Nadur' (1), 'Naxaro' (2), 'Notabile' (21), 'Paula' (8), 'Rabato / Gozo' with superb 1886 strike on ½ d. green,'St. Paul's Bay' (4), 'Siggieui' (3), 'Sliema B.O.' datestamps (13, incl. one on 1886 5 s. rose), 'Tarxien' (5), 'Victoria / Gozo' with 28 stamps primarily on 1885 issue, 'Zabbar' (8), 'Zebbug' (8), 'Zeitun' (5) and 'Zurrico' (4). Later issues including some Revenue usages and documents etc. A rare and difficult to replicate collection.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 1250 Malta
1840/2010c.: Collection with 1840 cover from Athens disinfected in Malta to Marseille, thereafter with GB used in Malta cancelled 'M' or 'A25' with 145 items used thus, used from 1863 onwards incl. 1886 5 s. rose, 1899 10 s. blue-black, wmk CC; later issues used with some covers and postal stationery incl. 1 d. stationery card used from the Postmaster and struck on reverse with scarce POST OFFICE / MALTA oval datestamp, further range of postal stationery incl. up-rated registration envelopes etc.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 1251 Malta
1905/78: Postal History of the World Wars and Military Mail in Malta, the collection with covers/cards (88) including rare framed 'Advertised / GPO Malta' cachet on 1905 card, World War I 'Army P.O. / SZ 7' usages, out-going and in-coming Censored mail, scarce circular 'From Prisoner of War / PC / Malta / Free' circular cachet in violet on 1915 card, oval FREE FORM PRISONERS OF WAR / MALTA cachets in red, violet and blue (numbers 1, 2, 4 and 8); World War II including 'Malta Relief Fund' labels on covers and study of Censors and post-War Forces Mail. Fine quality throughout with viewing recommended.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 1252 Mauritius
Mauritius 1848: Post Paid 2 d. deep blue on greyish paper, Earliest Impression, position 4 on the sheet of 12 subjects, close but clear at top and at base and with large vertical margins, cancelled by intaglio '3' of Souillac in black. A fine example of a very rare stamp. Cert. Holcombe (1984), Brandon (1993), BPA (2015) Gi = £ 26'000.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 5.500 CHFLosnr. : 1253 Mauritius
1848: Post Paid 1 d. bright vermilion on greyish paper, Early Intermediate Impression, position 11 on the sheet of 12 subjects, a fine appearing unused example with good to large margins all round. Regummed and harsh certificate stating colour a little sulphurised but a very rare stamp so fine. Cert. BPA (2015) Gi = £ 22'000.Ausruf : 4.000 CHFZuschlag : 9.600 CHFLosnr. : 1254 Mauritius
1848: Post Paid 1 d. dull vermilion, Intermediate Impression, a fine used example with large margins all round, tiny thin spot at base and minor bend not noticeable from the front, lightly cancelled by '1' numeral of Mahebourg in black. A fine and scarce stamp. Cert. BPA (2015) Gi = £ 3'000.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 1255 Mauritius
1848: Post Paid 1 d. dull vermilion, Intermediate Impression, a used horizontal pair on greyish-blue paper, positions 10-11 on the sheet of 12 subjects and thus corner marginal from lower left, of delightful appearance but with heavy horizontal pressed creases and skilfully repaired, lightly cancelled by two strikes of numeral '14' handstamp of Rivière du Rempart in black. Raised Bühler signature. Pink BPA cert. (2015) Gi = £ 6'000.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 1256 Mauritius
1859: Lapirot 2 d. blue, Early Impression, position 10 on the sheet of 12 subjects, clear to fine margins all round, lightly cancelled by the dumb obliterator in black, leaving much of the profile clear. An attractive example of a scarce stamp. Signed Bühler. Cert. BPA (2015) Gi = £ 3'250.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 1257 Neuseeland
New Zealand - Pigeon Gram / Great Barrier Island 1897/1908: Pigeon Gram form headed 'The Original Great Barrier, Marotiri Copper Syndicate, and Port Charles Pigeongram Services' with full letter concerning trip to Waiki, and the dullness of the Market (just 10/6 d. worth of Shares sold on the previous day), franked on reverse with 1 sh. dull grey-blue adhesive, somewhat tied by toning. A very rare and fine form from this exceptional Service.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1258 Nyassaland British Central Africa
Brit. South Africa - Nyasaland 1897: 2 d. black & yellow (2) with 1901 1 d. dull purple & carmine-rose pair and single 4 d. dull purple & olive-green and 6 d. dull purple & brown pair all used on 1903 OHMS registered cover to USA tied by ZOMBA squared circle datestamps (March 9). Oval 'Registered / BCA / Letter' at left and London transit on front (April 25). Reverse with Chinde transit cds (March 23) and New York oval (May 3). Scarce and attractive cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 1259 Palästina
Palestine 1920 (Dec) /21: 1 m. sepia, overprint Type 5 (Arabic 10 mm. long) in black, perforated 14, a fine lightly used example, minor horizontal bend but of excellent appearance for this extremely rare stamp. Signed Holcombe. Opinion Holcombe (1988) Gi = £ 950.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1260 Rhodesien und Nyassaland
Losnr. : 1261 Samoa Brit. Besetz.
Samoa 1923/47: Overprinted on New Zealand Postal Fiscal 2 s. blue used, 2 s. mauve used (2 examples), and 1945/53 Postal Fiscal £ 2. bright purple, £ 3 green, slightly rubbed and £ 5 indigo-blue with watermark inverted, large part og. Scarce group Gi = £ 1'390.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 1262 Seychellen
Losnr. : 1263 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
Losnr. : 1264 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
1855: Triangular 4 d. blue on white wove paper, close to large margins all round, used on 1857 cover from Graff Reinert to Middelburg, neatly tied by bold strike of CGH obliterator in black. Reverse with oval 'Graaff Reinert' despatch in red (Aug 29). The cover with some aging but the stamp and cancellation fine.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1265 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
Losnr. : 1266 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
Losnr. : 1267 Südwestafrika
Losnr. : 1268 Sudan
1897: Egypt 1 m. brown, a fine mint vertical pair, positions 45/46 on the sheet, top stamp with Type VI overprint, variety: 'Overprint Omitted' on lower stamp, fresh and fine mint, large part og. Extremely rare: Danson's pair was from position 50/60 on the same pane. Just 5 pairs of this variety can exist. Cert. C. Hass (1988) Nile Post S1c/Gi = £ 1'500.
Note: Due to the diagonal misplacement of the pane during overprinting, positions 56-60 failed to receive the bilingual 'Soudan' overprint, the Type VI overprint should have fallen on stamps 56-60.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 1269 Sudan
1902/21: Camel Postman De La Rue Samples, three values on watermark Star & Crescent paper: 2 p. purple & orange-yellow, 5 p. chestnut & green and 10 p. black & reddish-purple (all in issued colours of 1927 issue), Imperforate and ungummed and each handstamped SPECIMEN in black. Scarce and most unusual.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1270 Sudan
1927: 10 pi. imperforate Colour Trial horizontal pairs, 10 different pairs in a variety of colours with large part og, also the 20 pi. value with three imperforate Colour Trial horizontal pairs, fresh and fine, unused. A delightful group (13 items).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1271 Sudan
1931/37: Airmail 10 m. frame only marginal Proof in ultramarine on thick card paper, matching 'vignette only' Proof on thin card paper in ultramarine and 2½ pi. magenta & blue in a vertical mint imperforate pair on watermarked paper, with large part og. A fine and scarce group.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1272 Sudan
1938: 5 Piastres on 2½ p. magenta & blue, perf. 11¾ x 12½, 'Error of Surcharge' with wrong value (piastres for milliemes), a fine used example on small piece tied by large part Khartoum datestamp (9. Oc.1939) in black. Extremely rare use from either a Proof or Trial printing and probably just two sheets of 50 printed Gi footnote = £ 400 for unused.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1273 Sudan
1940/1: Palm Trees 4 p. ultramarine & black, a mint block of four showing variety: Frame Doubled, most easily seen at top in the horizontal frame lines, the '4' in value tablet being noticeably thinner in the horizontal bar, a fine mint block with superb og., sold together with a slightly faulty used example showing the variety (cert. Hass, 1991) and a normal block for comparison; also 1940/41 '4½' Proof of Overprint (pairs, both large and small, imperforate) together with blocks of the issued stamps.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1274 Sudan
1897/1941c.: Mint collection on leaves with 1897 set of eight, 1898 Camel Postman set of eight, 1902/21 set of eleven, 1921/23 set of eight incl. shade variety, 1927/41 set of fifteen on chalky paper, 1931 Airmail sets of twelve and eight, 1935 surcharged issue, 1938 Airmail surcharged set of four, 1941 set of fifteen, 1948 set of sixteen, 1951 set of seventeen, Officials with 1903 set of eight, 1948 set of sixteen, Postage Dues and Independent State issues etc. A fresh and fine lot.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 1275 Sudan
Nile Campaign 1885 (March 17): Cover and long contents addressed to a soldier in the 1st. Battalion of the West Kent on the 'Nile Expedition', franked by Great Britain 1883 1½ d. lilac vertical pair tied by London duplexes. Reverse with Cairo arrrival cds (March 30). Scarce.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1276 Sudan
1885/97: 'Sullivan' cover from HMS Monarch at Alexandria franked by Egypt 5 m. tied by Alexandria cds (Feb 7, 1885) countersigned by Commanding Officer for reduced rate Sailor's Letter, Third Suakin Expedition India 1 a. blue on buff stationery card used from Suakin with 'Base Office / B' datestamp (Oct 7, 1896) to Benares, and 1897 Soldier's Letter franked by Sudan 1897 5 m. tied by T.P.O. cds of 'Kerma-Halfa' to Nottingham. A scarce trio, all have faults.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1277 Sudan
1885: Cover endorsed on reverse 'Suakin May 12, 1885', franked by Great Britain 1883 2½ d. lilac tied by BRITISH ARMY POST OFFICE / EGYPT code A datestamp (May 13) in black, endorsed 'via Brindisi' with scarce (and of uncertain usage) circular 'E' cachet struck in red at left in London - possibly for 'Egypt' and struck only on the top envelope of a batch of letters? Reverse with Swindon Station and Fairford (May 27) datestamps. Small imperfections but rare.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1278 Sudan
Suakin Campaign 1885: Cover to Fairford, England endorsed 'via Brindisi' franked by Great Britain 1883 ½ d. slate-blue and two 1881 1 d. lilac tied by BRITISH ARMY POST OFFICE / EGYPT datestamps (code C) in black (March 31). Reverse with Swindon Station cds (April 14) and Fairrford arrival cds. Fresh and fine, a scarce cover.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1279 Sudan
1885: Cover endorsed 'On Active Service, No Stamps Available' mailed to a Mrs. Morris in Manly, New South Wales, struck on despatch with BRITISH ARMY POST OFFICE / EGYPT datestamp (April 14) in black. Framed 'T' marking at left but not taxed, reverse with Sydney cds (May 27) and Manly arrival of the same day. Envelope with faults but a remarkable usage from the New South Wales contingent - they arrived at Suakin on March 29, 1885 and were withdrawn as early as May 17, 1885. Faults as are to be expected but a great rarity of the postal history of the 1884/85 Campaign.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 350 CHFLosnr. : 1280 Sudan
Suakin Campaign 1885: OHMS deleted envelope mailed as Soldier's Letter to London endorsed 'On Active Service' at left and 'No Stamps Available' at right, from a member of the 1st Berkshire Regiment, struck with BRITISH ARMY POST OFFICE / EGYPT cds (code C) in black (April 11) with framaed 'T' marking below. Charged due on arrival (April 28) with '1d.' handstamp in black. A scarce and very fine usage.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1281 Sudan
Reconquest 1896: 1 a. red 'Soldier's & Seamen's' postal stationery envelope mailed from Suakin to Kamari, Karachi, tied by BASE OFFICE datestamp (Aug 20) in black, countersigned at left. Reverse with 'Sea Post Office / B' datestamp (Sept 1) and Kimari arrival (Sept 8).Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1282 Sudan
Losnr. : 1283 Sudan
1935: 2½ Piastres on 5 m. black & green, error 'Surcharged in Green' fine used (just 50 stamps printed thus), and 2½ Piastres on 5 m. black & green, surcharge in black, a used example with variety: 'Surcharge Inverted' fine used (cert. RPS). Scarce pair Gi = £ 1'400+.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 1284 Sudan
1935: 7½ piastres on 4½ p. red-brown & grey, Error Surcharged in Red, from Proof sheets, a fresh and very fine mint lower right corner block of four from Plate One, the two right hand stamps (pos. 40 and 50) each showing arabic '1/3' error for '1/2' in surcharge - these errors were corrected in the issued stamps. Fresh and very fine multiple (only two Control blocks can exist), full unmounted og. Only 100 stamps printed thus Gi footnote = £ 1'400.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 1285 Sudan
Losnr. : 1286 Sudan
1903/12: 3 m. mauve & green, unused example showing variety: 'Overprint Double', the second impression of the overprint being almost exactly congruent to the first, weaker, impression, unused without gum with used normal for comparison. Rare Gi = £ 850.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1287 Sudan
Official 1903: 1 p. blue & brown, 2 p. black & blue and 5 p. brown & green all used on reverse of 1904 Sudan Postal Service Postage Due reclaim form to pay 80 millièmes due for unpaid correspondence, all tied by 'Khartoum' datestamps (29.IX.1904) in black. Slight faults and fold as is usual with these scarce forms, also 5 m. scarlet & black in a block of eight and block of ten used in similar fashion for a total of 90 millièmes to collect at Khartoum (14.V.1904).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1288 Sudan
1951: 2 p. deep blue & pale blue, a mint example with full sheet margin at top, overprinted 'S.G.' in black, variety 'Overprint Inverted'. Position 3 on the sheet. Fresh and very fine, unmounted og. A rare stamp, just 50 stamps can exist Gi = £ 1'200.
Note: The sheet of 50 stamps with this error was found in an electrician's shop in Khartoum on January 15, 1955.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1289 Sudan
Losnr. : 1290 Sudan
Losnr. : 1291 Sudan
1905: 1 m. brown & carmine, Horizontal Overprint, with Small Type ARMY OFFICIAL (latter inverted) complete from position 6 with dropped 'O' in 'Official', and further part of adjoining overprint with OFFICIAL in large type inverted at top, fresh and fine mint, minor diagonal crease at upper right of no great significance, large part og. A very rare stamp, with just 4 examples recorded. Cert. BPA (1981) Gi = £ 4'000.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 1292 Sudan
1905: 1 m. brown & carmine, Large Type with 'Army' reading down at right, position 29 on the setting of 30, showing variety: OFF!CIAL for OFFICIAL, a fine example on small piece, lightly cancelled leaving the variety clear. A rare stamp. Cert. RPS (1963) Gi = £ 1'400.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 1293 Sudan
Losnr. : 1294 Sudan
1906: 5 m. scarlet & black, fine used example with variety: 'Amry' for 'Army', lightly cancelled in black leaving the variety clear. Slight corner crease at upper left otherwise fresh and very fine. Only known in used condition, an extremely rare stamp with just three recorded examples Cert. RPS (1962), BPA (2000) Gi = £ 2'750.
Note: The Setting is 'Wide A' and Long Tailed 'y', the same as the UPU Specimen set. The varieties from this setting are therefore believed to be from the First Setting. Colonel Danson recorded just three examples of this variety, all used. Since the scarcity is much greater than 1 in 30 examples (the size of the setting), it must be conjectured that these errors were noticed in the first setting and corrected.
Provenance: Collection Col. H. E. Hebbert.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 1295 Sudan
1905/1924: Collection on leaves with 1905 'Army' reading down 1 m. mint and used, pane of 30 unused with varieties (Gi A1c etc.), 1 m. with 'Army' reading down small overprint used (Gi A3b, cert.), cover with 1 m. with 'Army' reading down at right (inverted small type, position 6, Gi. A3b), 1906/11 Type B 1 m. in a complete pane of 30 mint, 1 m. used (Gi. A5) with cert, 1 m. overprint double used (Gi. A6a, cert.), 1 m. ovpt. inverted mint (Gi. A6b) with cert. and a used example, 2 m. green & brown in a complete setting of 30 mint and a Postage Due account form bearing 30 examples used to collect 60 millièmes Postage Due, 5 m. with 'Overprint Double' and Overprinted Double, One Inverted' variety used (Gi. A9a, A9e), and also a Parcel Card with 5 m. (14 examples) used to Cairo, 5 p. mint, wmk. Quatrefoil 10 p. mint and set of three values used (Gi. A14/A16), 1921/24 set of three mint and used etc. Condition varies but generally fine, a good lot of high catalogue value (45 items).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 1296 Sudan
1912/14: Punctured 'AS' by machine, the original set of eight values (less 2 pi. purple & orange-yellow issued in 1922), all in fresh mint blocks of four, marginal, of excellent fresh colours, unmounted og Gi = £ 3'000.
Provenance: Collection Jacques Kassab; Collection Peter A. S. Smith.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 1297 Sudan
1897: Provisional Postage Dues, 2 m. green and 4 m. maroon used on 1899 cover sent unpaid from Omdurman to Wadi Halfa Camp with 'Omdurman' datestamp (Nov 27) and framed 'T' marking of despatch. Taxed on arrival at the Soldier's Concession Rate of 6 m. (the 3 m. deficiency was doubled) and tied by Wadi Halfa Camp datestamp (Nov 28). Extremely rare - as far as we can say, the sole recorded Soldier's Concession rate Postage Due cover.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1298 Togo
Togo 1915 (May): The complete set of 12 values with all excl. the 6 d. showing the variety 'Thin 'G' in 'Togo' (Gi = £ 1'000+), fine October 1914 forerunner reg'd cover to UK with Gold Coast ½ d. green pair (with Plate & Requisition number at top) and 2 d. grey tied by 'Lome' cds., 1916 Censored cover to UK with ½ d. green pair used from Lome and a similar registered usage additionally franked by 2½ d. pair, 1916 cover to Rotterdam at 2½ d. rate from 'Station / Palime', 'Blatter' cover with four values tied 'Station / Palime' and a reg'd cover to Oxford franked 1 d. (3) tied by 'Lome / Togogebiet' cds. Most covers fine, a scarce group (8 covers).
Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1299 Togo
1915: Anglo-French Occupation on Gold Coast adhesives, all with overprint variety 'CCUPATION', the range with ½ d. green unused (2, one signed Holcombe) and used, 1 d. red unused (2, one with cert. BPA, 1961), 2 d. grey unused (signed Holcombe), 2½ d. bright blue unused (signed), 3 d. purple on yellow unused og. (2, both signed), 6 d. dull & bright purple unused (2, one defective, both signed, finer example with cert. BPA, 1961), 1 s. black on green used og. (2, one defective, both signed Holcombe). A scarce group Gi = £ 2'450.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 1300 Jordanien
Transjordan 1920 (Nov): 1 m. sepia, optd. 'East of Jordan', perf. 15 x 14, complete mint sheets of 100 (2) from Settings C and D, 1 pi. deep indigo, perf. 14 in a complete sheet of 100 (Setting D) and 5 m. orange, perf. 14 in a block of 45 (5 x 9) from left of sheet (Setting B) and a block of 20 from Setting D, all with some minor age spots on the original gum but an invaluable reference group for the specialist Gi = £ 700.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 1301 Jordanien
Losnr. : 1302 Jordanien
1920/47: Collection with 1920 'East of Jordan' optd. issue with fine mint multiples and some noted flaws incl. 1 m. sepia perf. 15 x 14 and perf. 14 with opt. inverted variety, November 1922 with fine range of both mint and used incl. perf. 15 x 14 2 p. on 2 p. olive with red surcharge mint, 9 p. on 9 p. ochre mint, perf. 14 20 p. on 20 p. grey mint (2), Dec 1922 perf. 14, 10 pi. ultramarine optd. violet mint, 20 p. pale grey, optd. in violet mint, 20 p. pale grey, optd. in red used (cert.); March 1923 issue with extensive range predominantly unused incl 2 m. green, perf. 14 with double opt. variety mint (opinion Holcombe) and 20 p. grey mint (4), 20 p. grey with opt. double mint; April-Oct 1923 with rare black surcharge on 5/10 p. on 3 m., mint (cert.), ½ p. on 2 pi. with opt. inverted mint (unlisted, opinion Holcombe), 2 p. on 20 p. mint (cert) and 2 p. on 20 p. as before but with gold surcharge inverted (Gi 88 var) with cert.; April 1923 opt. on stamps of Hejaz with a fine range of mint, May 1923 with reading down or up incl fine selection of mint from this sc arce issue and 1 m. sepia with opt. double, 1927 definitive set mint and used, 1928 'Constitution' set mint and used, 1930 'Locust' set mint and used, Locust 15 m. inverted opt. mint, 500 m. in mint block of four and pair with missing 'C' in 'Locust' variety; 1930 definitive set mint and eight stamps perf. Specimen, 1933 Tourist set mint, Postage Due 1925 set optd. 'Specimen' etc. A splendid lot in much above average condition.Ausruf : 10.000 CHFZuschlag : 10.000 CHFLosnr. : 1303 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1948: Royal Silver Wedding of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, compl. Omnibus issue of GB and Colonies, all full original gum with first hinge, mounted in a small album with description.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 1304 Div. Brit. Kolonien Lots/Slg.
1880/1980: Lot several hundred used stamps, mainly small values and duplicats from Australia and New Zealand, average condition and housed in five stockbooks.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 1305 Grossbritannien
1840/1950: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused from GB and from various colonies throughout the British Commonwealth, mainly small values and incomplete sets, in good quality and mounted on a large number of hand made album pages, the whole arranged in a box.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 1306 Div. Brit. Kolonien Lots/Slg.
1880/1980c.: Interesting lot thousands stamps used/unused incl. Great Britain starting with Victoria, Seahorses, official stamps, modern material in blocks of four, Kuwait & Bahrain ovpts, Hongkong, Ceylon, Canada, Cyprus, Malta, India with States, Australia with States, New Zealand, Omnibus sets.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 450 CHFLosnr. : 1307 Grossbritannien
1960/2000: The important modern selection with several thousand stamps used/unused or in mint condition from GB incl. locals, partly specialized in the Macchin-issues, furthermore Ireland and Channel Islands with full sets, souvenir sheets, gutter pairs, duplicates etc. in addition a bunch of booklets, the whole in good condition, housed in eleven mostly big stockbooks and packed in a large removal box.Ausruf : 850 CHFZuschlag : 1.250 CHFLosnr. : 1308 Div. Brit. Kolonien Lots/Slg.
1850/2000: Important lot with several thousand stamps used/unused or in mint condition covering the whole aerea of the British Empire incl. Australia, Canada. India, Ireland, Malta, New Zealand, Zimbabwa and many others, the classic section up to 1920 with mostly small values and incompl. sets, modern issues with full sets, blocs of four, souvenir sheets, miniature sheets, booklets and other products of the new issues departement, partly heavy duplication, all arranged in 13 stockbboks (partly big ones) and packed in a large removal box.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 1309 Div. Brit. Kolonien Lots/Slg.
1851/64: Lot twelve primarily unused classic stamps, all with faults or repairs, incl. Great Britain 1862/64 9d. bistre, British Guiana 1857 dull red, New Brunswick 1851 1 s. reddish mauve used with papered over thin (signed A. Diena, Sorani), Mauritius 1859 Sherwin 2 d. deep blue used (Gi. 40) repaired but of quite stunning appearance, Cape of Good Hope 1853 1d. brown-red unused (Gi 3a), 1855 1 d. rose unused (Gi. 5a), 1859 1 s. bright yellow-green superb used but for ironed bend (Gi. 8), 1861 Woodblock: 1 d. vermilion used (Gi. 13) with marginal repair, 1 d. brick-red unused in similar condition (Gi 13b), 4 d. deep bright blue used as well as 1864 4 d. deep blue and 6 d. bright mauve unused. Despite the minor repairs, an excellent reference for some of the scarcer stamps of the British Commonwealth. All with certs. BPA (2015) Gi = £ 108'600.
Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 7.000 CHFLosnr. : 1310 Grossbritannien
1850/1950: Lot 48 cards, covers and postal stationery items from GB and Colonies, incl. Cape of Good Hope, Australian States, India, Malta Shipmail, Mauritius and others, partly showing O.A.T.- cancel for airmail direction, mainly European destinations incl. Switzerland, good to mixed condition, on album pages.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 1311 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1840/1923: Small group of British Commonwealth covers/cards with 1840 1 d. black on cover, apparently unused, with four large margins, 1 d. black (2) on large piece, further fine 1 d. black on cover from Chipping Norton to Worcester tied by red MC, Embossed 2/3 d. rate cover to New York, Cyprus with 1904 registered cover to Switzerland and 1913 cover franked 2 pi. used to Canal Zone, Malta covers with corner block of 1 d. on 2½ d. showing 'Pnney' error, two registered usages bearing 5 s. green & red on yellow (Gi. 63), Ireland 1923 cover franked by Seahorse 10 s. etc. (16 items).Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 1312 Griechenland
Ionian Islands 1835/53: Entire letters (8) with 1835 entire from Corfu to Nice via Otranto with oval Arms cachet in black and disinfected, 1850/53 entires from Cefalonia and Zante to Corfu with hooded despatch datestamps in black or greenish ink rated '2' or '4' in manuscript.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 1313 Griechenland
Losnr. : 1314 Griechenland
Losnr. : 1315 Griechenland
Losnr. : 1316 Griechenland
1862/67: 1 lepta brown on creamish paper, a fine mint block of eight, marginal from left of sheet, exceptionally deep colour on the marginal stamps, scissor cut between the last vertical pair in margin only, fresh and fine, large part og. Signed Holcombe Gi 16 = £ 320/Mi = € 550.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1317 Griechenland
Losnr. : 1318 Griechenland
1872/75: 10 lepta orange-vermilion on lavender paper, horizontal pair with ample to large margins all round and thus showing the lavender paper clearly, tied to 1876 entire letter to Patras by AIGION / 7 datestamp in black. A scarce shade and a fine entire. Signed Holcombe Gi 41d.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 1319 Griechenland
Losnr. : 1320 Griechenland
1881/86: 40 lepta mauve, a fine large margined example used on 1890 registered cover to Kerkyra (Corfu) tied by fine ARGOSTOLIAN / 110 datestamp (Jan 19) in black. Framed Registration cachet alongside with docket number '353' and reverse with Kerkyra arrival cds of the following day. A very scarce stamp used on letter. Opinion Holcombe (1986) Gi 61/Mi = EUR 300 on cover.Ausruf : 175 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1321 Griechenland
Katalognummer : 67-921886/93: Small Hermes Heads, the collection on stockcards, many hundreds with both Belgian and Athens printings, imperf. and perf., predominantly used with some multiples and cancellation interest throughout.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 1322 Griechenland
1901: New Year Greetings card from the Greek Post Office, fine engraved card printed by J.H.Segg & Co. of London featuring the 1901 issue in colour, Postage Due 3 lepta orange and, strangely, the yet to be released 1902 1 drachma rose-red. Scarce and most attractive card.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1323 Griechenland
1923 (June): Revolution Anniversary, the overprinted set of 10 values to 10 dr. on 1 dr. lilac-brown, all overprinted 'Specimen' in violet, together with the Venzelos part set of six (no 1 dr. on 1 dr. ultramarine) similarly overprinted, fine, large part og. A scarce group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1324 Griechenland
1930: Perkins Bacon imperforate Plate Proofs (6), all with large margins on thin white wove paper, with 15 dr. yellow-green (Dionysios Solomos), and five examples, one somewhat aged, of the 20 dr. deep blue-grey (Adamantios Korais) value.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1325 Griechenland
1861/1970(ca.): Lot hundreds used/unused stamps starting with Large and Small Hermes Heads, as well as later commemorative sets such as 1927 Navarino, 1933 Zeppelin and Aeroespresso.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 1326 Griechenland
1862/1950c.: Collection on leaves and loose (many hundreds) with Large Hermes range with some fresh unused examples of 1 l., 5 l., 10 l. and used to 80 l. with duplication, 1876 60 l. green fine used, and one or two with plate flaws; fine range of Small Hermes with imperf. 1 d. grey in vertical strip used, 1896 Olympics to 2 d. used with duplication, 1901 20 l. imperf Plate Proof and set to 5 d., thereafter with further used sets, Crete, etc.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1327 Griechenland
1845/2004: Beautifully arranged used collection in marvellous quality, itemised by both Michel and Kohl numbers, with a few stampless covers (3) incl. 1845 entire to London, complete Large Hermes with all shades and duplication including 1861 Paris prints 1 l. deep brown, 2 l. bistre (2, used in Megara and Naxos), 5 l. green used in Lamia, 10 l. orange on blued (2, used in Sparta and Syros), 20 l. blue (2), 40 l. mauve on blued (2), 80 l. carmine (3, incl. one used in Alexandria); 1st. Athens 5 l. (2, used in Githion and Naphlion), 10 l. and 20 l.; December 1861 fine printing complete set of values incl. 80 l. used in Alexandria; thereafter complete with duplication, a few covers with 1868 entire from Syros to Cyprus franked by 40 l., 1872 three colour franking to Trieste bearing 5 l., 10 l. and 40 l. used from Calamata, (263 Large Hermes items and 9 covers). The collection continues with the Belgian and Athens printings of the Small Hermes, incl. multiples and cancellation interest with covers, 1896 Olympic set of 12 fine used, 1900 surcharges on Hermes and Olympic issues complete, 1906 Olympic issue complete, from 1926 seemingly complete to with a smattering of relevant covers throughout. A splendid collection.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.900 CHFLosnr. : 1328 Griechenland
Losnr. : 1329 Griechenland
Katalognummer : 2Heraklion 1898 (Dec 3): 10 pa. blue, perf. 11½, an unused sheet of 100 subjects, some gum loss and splitting with parts of margins missing, nevertheless a rare multiple, most large part or unmounted og Mi = € 1'000.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1330 Ungarn
1871: Lithographed 3 kr. green (Type IV) in a vibrant shade, used on 1872 local Printed Matter entire letter tied by TEMESVÁR JÓZSEFVÁROS datestamp (Oct 2) in black (Gudlin = 35 pts.). Letter sent at an over-payment of 1 kreuzer. A superb and very rare entire. Cert. Ferchenbauer (1991).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 1331 Ungarn
1871: Engraved 3 kr. green in a horizontal pair and single 5 kr. red used on local 1872 reg'd cover to Medves, neatly tied by oval TEMESVAR / AJANLOTT datestamps (20/3) in black. 'Ajánlott /Sz.' registration marking at top in black. Reverse with lengthy docketing concerning attempts to deliver the cover and red wax seal. File fold and small tear in address panel but a very scarce 11 kreuzer franking and a most unusual cover.Ausruf : 1.250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1332 Ungarn
1871: Engraved 15 kr. brown used on 1873 printed Telegram envelope front, endorsed 'escoffo' (Express) and sent registered to the Mayor of Sommerein, neatly tied by POZSONY datestamp (Jan 13) in black. Two strikes of POZSONY straighht line handstamp in blue and further 'Ajanlott' registration handstamp at upper right. A magnificent and rare usage. Signed Ferchenbauer.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHF
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