Europa A-Z
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Losnr. : 1143 Canada
1851: Beaver 3 d. red on laid paper, fine example, slightly oxidised with ample to large margins all round, used on 1852 Money Letter to Cayuga lightly tied in black. 'Toronto / Canada' despatch cds at left (April 1) and two strikes of straight line MONEY LETTER adjacent with manuscript endorsement 'Paid - Money'. Reverse with 'Hamilton / CW' arrival cds (April 2). Spike hole but an attractive and scarce usage. Cert. Vincent Graves Greene (1995) Scott 1 = $ 1'900.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 1144 Canada
Losnr. : 1145 Canada
Losnr. : 1146 Canada
Losnr. : 1147 Canada
Losnr. : 1148 Canada
Losnr. : 1149 Canada
Losnr. : 1150 Canada
Losnr. : 1151 Canada
Losnr. : 1152 Canada
1897/1948: Mint Collection on cards with 1897 Jubilee 20 c., 50 c., $ 1 lake (2), $ 2 deep violet, $ 3 bistre, $ 4 violet and $ 5 olive-green, 1898 definitive 8 c. orange, 1903 definitive 7 c. in two differing shades and 50 c. violet top value (Gi 187), 1908 Tercentenary set of eight, 1915 War tax 5 c. and 20 c. (Gi 225, 226), 1928 Bluenose 50 c., 1932 set of seven, 1935 two sets of 11 to $ 1 (Gi 341/351), 1942/48 War Effort sets in blocks of four (2) and two single sets (Gi 375/388). Generally fine, a good lot Gi = £ 10'000+.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 1153 Canada
1868/1950: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused, incl. better single items and full sets as Jubilee issue 1897 up to $ 5.- (partly unused / no gum), other sets with dollar values, also colour shades, cancellations, airmails, officials as well as a small selection Newfoundland, on album pages owner's cat = EUR 11'000+.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHF
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