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Losnr. : 647 Bulgarien
Losnr. : 648 Bulgarien
1851: Entire letter from Plovdiv to Constantinople struck with watery impression of 'An janib-i Posta Filibe / 256' negative seal handstamp in pale blue-green (Coles & Walker fig. 16) with manuscript at upper left weight 3 dirhem, postal charge 2 piastres.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 649 Bulgarien
Losnr. : 650 Bulgarien
1880: Cover from Burgas to Constantinople struck with straight line FRANCO and POSTA / BURGAS cyrillic datestamp in blue (similar to Tchilinghirian fig. 84 but with Bulgarian 'Poshta' at top instead of Russian Burgas). Faint arrival cds on reverse and some tiny nicks at the edges of cover but a seemingly unlisted datestamp. Rare.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 651 Bulgarien
1881 (April 10): 5 st. black & yellow, variety: 'Background Inverted', a fine used example centred to left with light 'Star in Circle' cancellation in blue leaving the variety clear. A rare stamp. Signed Karaivanoff, Kosack, Wallner. Cert. Dr. Wallner (1968) Scott 7a = $ 2'400/Mi = € 3'000.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 3.800 CHFLosnr. : 652 Bulgarien
1882 (Dec 4): 3 st. orange & yellow, unused example with variety: 'Background Inverted', of excellent colour, one short perforation at centre right, otherwise fine, large part og. An excellent reference example of a rare stamp. Signed H. Bloch. Cert. Friedl (1969) Scott 12a = = $ 4'000/Mi = € 3'500.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 653 Bulgarien
1882 (Dec 4): 3 st. orange & yellow, unused example with variety: 'Background Inverted', marginal from base of pane, fresh and fine, of excellent colour, one blunted perforation at right, large part og. An exceptional example of this rare stamp. Signed A. Diena, Kosack, Wallner. Cert. Dr. Wallner (1968) Scott 12a = $ 4'000/Mi = € 3'500.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 654 Bulgarien
1882 (Dec 4): 5 st. rose & pale rose, Error of Colour, printed in the colours of the 10 stotinki value, a fine unused example centred to left, minor blunted perforation and diagonal corner crease, large part og. Despite the imperfections a rare stamp. Signed Bloch, Karaivanoff, Mikulski. Opinion Todd (2014). Cert. Mikulski (1980) Scott 13a = $ 3'000/Mi = € 3'600.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 655 Bulgarien
Losnr. : 656 Bulgarien
Losnr. : 657 Bulgarien
1882: 1 st. lilac & grey (4), 2 st. green & grey (2), 3 st. orange & orange-yellow (4), 5 st. green & grey green and 25 st. deep blue & blue all uesed on registered cover endorsed via Lisbon to Rufisique, SENEGAL, tied by neat strikes of bilingual PHILIPPOPLE datestamps (27.V.86) in blue with straight line 'Recommandé' in blue. Reverse with Sophia transit cds, Bordeaux transit cds. Seal has been removed and some faults with stain on 3 st., but a remarkable and colourful cover correctly rated at 50 stotinki to a most extraordinary destination.Ausruf : 4.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 658 Bulgarien
Losnr. : 659 Bulgarien
Katalognummer : Essays1889: 'Vienna' Essays, the imperforate selection for proposed 10 stotinki value, with sheetlets of 8 in blue and in rose, block of four in pale rose, and 20 single examples in a variety of colours. A scarce group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 660 Bulgarien
1895: '01' on Large Lion 2 st. deep green & grey, mint block of four, mint pane of 25 and used block of 15 with 'Inverted Surcharge' (not guaranteed), also a remarkable if large cover bearing two complete panes of 25 and 1896 25 st. red pair sent registered from Sofia to Budapest at correct rate of 100 st. for a triple weight cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 661 Bulgarien
1888: 10 c. rose-red on buff postal stationery card, written in Hebrew, used to Constantinople cancelled by bilingual JAMBOL cds in blue (2/X), taxed (due to Eastern Roumelian politics) on arrival with Turkey 1884 20 pa. carmine & rose tied by Constantinople cds, with further strike of Constantinople cds (Oct 17) on reverse.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 662 Bulgarien
1886/92: Correspondence to Sir Nicholas Roderick O'Connor (1843-1908), whilst British Consul-General to Bulgaria, nearly all letters written from his wife Minna Margaret Hope-Scott, daughter of James R. Hope-Scott Q.C. (1812-1873) and Lady Victoria Hope-Scott (1840-1970); whilst he was resident in Sofia. Nearly all of the envelopes remain with the original enclosures with fascinating views on Victoria's court and the political scene in London at the time with news of postings for diplomats especially; most franked with Queen Victoria 1880 1 d. lilac (48 covers), 1883 2½ d. lilac (5 covers) or 1887 Jubilee 2½ d. purple and blue (73 covers), with some written from Wiesbaden bearing 1875/88 10 pf. or 20 pf. adhesives (45) and a few from Austria, Bulgaria and France. A splendid lot for the Postal or Social Historian.
Note: The O'Connor's only child, a daughter called Eileen, married Prince Matyla Ghyka of Romania in 1918.
Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 663 Bulgarien
Losnr. : 664 Bulgarien
1901: 2 st. deep olive & blackish blue, an imperforate horizontal strip of five perforated with full OBRASETZ, and 3 leva grey & brown in a perforated marginal strip of five overprinted OBRASETZ in red, both fresh and very fine, a rare pairing.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 210 CHFLosnr. : 665 Bulgarien
Katalognummer : 53+54+56+571903/10: Cover, card and front of cover, all franked by 1901 issue adhesives, with 10 st. on 1903 postcard tied by EUXINOGRAD / PALAIS cds, 1910 front of cover with 25 st. tied by PALAIS DE TSARSKA BISTRITZA bilingual cds and delightful cover and full contents with 'Cabinet Secret de Sa Majesté le Roi de Bulgarie' imprint franked 5 st. pair and single 30 st. tied by SOFIA / PALAIS datestamps in violet.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 666 Bulgarien
1907: Turkey 10 + 10 pa. green postal stationery reply card, used to Philippople with Turkish 'T' marking and Postage Due 10 st. green tied by bilingual Philippople cds (13/IV) with Tsaribrod TPO datestamp alongside (23/IV). An unusual usage.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 667 Bulgarien
1910: Postcard of Haskovo franked by 1901 10 st. rose & black-brown, somewhat rubbed, tied by bilingual KAMENETZ cds (2/VII) with scarce usage of MENLIK Ottoman arrival cds in violet at lower left Coles & Walker fig. 45 / Isfila fig. 3.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 668 Bulgarien
1903/09: Surcharges on 1901 issue, the collection on leaves (29 items) with 1903 10 on 15 st. with interpanneau marginal strip of four unused, varieties incl. Inverted, Misplaced, Double and Surcharge on reverse examples, together with the extremely rare '10' on 10 st. error fine with large part og. (cert. Karaivanoff, 1958, Michel = € 1'000), 1909 issue with Trial Surcharges '5' in green on 30 st. brown and '5' in red on 30 st. brown block of four and '1990' error on 10 on 50 st. deep green central stamp in a block of nine unused etc. Generally fine, a good lot.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 669 Bulgarien
Katalognummer : 66/68 Essays+67U+68U1907 (Aug 15): 20th Anniversary of Coronation of Tsar Ferdinand I, the collection on leaves with set of three Essays: 5 st. red-brown & green, 10 st. pink & deep green and 25 st. blue & deep blue all imperforate and smaller than accepted designs (ex. Karaivanoff, Corinphila sale 133, 2002) with certificate letter from Franz See; issued 10 st. red brown in imperforate or imperforate between vertical pairs, issued 25 st. blue in imperforate vertical pair unused etc. (8 items).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 670 Bulgarien
Katalognummer : 78-89+101-106 Proofs1911/15: Pictorial Issues, the album pages with 1911 Plate Proofs, imperforate on ungummed paper (8) incl. 1 leva values in blocks of four in issued colour of brown and unissued colour of deep blue, 1915 Plate Proofs in issued colours in imperforate blocks of four of the 1 st., 5 st., 15 st., 25 st. and 30 st.. Fresh and fine, a scarce group (13 items).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 671 Bulgarien
1912 (Aug 2): Tsar's Silver Jubilee, the set of three values on piece from Portuguese Colonial Post Office record book, stuck down and with slight staining, all handstamped on receipt from the UPU with diagonal COLONIAS handstamp in black (unique), the piece signed at top right by the Offical A.R.Costa; also a stationery card bearing the issued set of three.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 672 Bulgarien
1937 (Oct 3): King Boris III, 2 leva values (4), 'Ministerblock' with the 2 l. printed in blue-green, red, purple and deep blue with the adhesives imperforate in Miniature Sheet format (103 x 145 mm., not as erroneaously stated in Michel), with imprint at lower right '3. October 1937 r.' in black. A fresh and fine mint example of an extremely rare sheet. Minor horizontal gum bend of no significance, fresh and fine unmounted og. Just 20 examples printed thus.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 673 Bulgarien
1882: 25 st. deep blue & blue used on 1886 cover to Constantinople tied by bilingual PHILIPPOPLE cds in blue (18/IV), taxed (due to Eastern Roumelian politics) on arrival with Turkey 1884 20 pa. carmine & rose tied by Constantinople cds on reverse. The 25 st. folded over edge of envelope and creased, the envelope also with extensive imperfections, but a scarce usage of this issue as Postage Due.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 674 Bulgarien
Ottoman Post Offices 1863/79: Small group (60+ adhesives) with primarily Dulos issues used (some multiples and usages on piece) with circular all arabic handstamps from Kaspichan (5 items), Plovdiv (7), Eski Djouma (6), Zagra (3), Sofia (1), Razgrad (8), Ruscuk (22), Tirnovo (2), Varna (2), 1 pi. lilac block of four used in Samokov; also a few covers (6) bearing Toughra or Dulos issue frankings.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 675 Bulgarien
1879/1948: Fiscals Collection with a fine range of unused and used, including exceptional 1932 'mirror image' Proofs (7) of completed designs, vignette or frame only, 1935 composite Proof of two values on card paper in black. An unusual collection.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 676 Bulgarien
1913/1920c.: Collection with covers/cards (55), predominantly of a Military nature with 1916/17 German Field Post items from Sofia, 1917 'Marine Schiffspost' cover from Varna, Austrian Field P.O. cover from Sofia, POW Mail including cover to Turkish Prisoner in Sofia, Money Order froms used with adhesives and some Balkan War usages.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 677 Bulgarien
1879/1965: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused incl. better single values, full sets, imperf. stamps, souvenir sheets, miniature sheets, officials, postage dues, parcel stamps etc., in good to mixed condition and housed in one album.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 678 Bulgarien
1880/1910c.: Balance of a Bulgarian collection, with early stationery cards used from Sofia and Varna, Small Lion covers used on TPO's, 1901 Rustchouk Provisional 'T' markings on Ferdinand bicoloured issue (5) on individual pieces, 1901 5 st. on card cancelled 'Silistria-Vidin No.2' River TPO, 1902 Shipka Pass 5 st. and 10 st. in half sheets of 50 (ex Bertram Poole) and imperf. set optd. OBRASETZ, 1907 card with 1901 10 st. tied Kostenetz-Bania Gare TPO cds, further cards used at Baroar and Tatar Pazardjik, Postage Dues with 1895 '30' in red on 50 st. blue in mint block of six imperforate and a usage on cover, 1896 card with 10 st. violet Postage Due, also in-coming mail to British Ambassador with 1 d., 2½ d. and 5 d. rates plus two scarce Telegrams etc. A esoteric but interesting selection (37 items).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 679 Bulgarien
Katalognummer : 12/13+21/24+25/271882/1886: Remainder of a Large Lion collection with 1882 1 st. grey-violet & grey and 2 st. deep green & grey in unused blocks of four, 1886/87 1 st. grey-violet & grey and 2 st. deep green & grey each overprinted OBRASETZ (Specimen) in blue (rare) and 2 st. single franking on invitation cover with content, 1 leva black & red single and marginal block of four unused (cert. for block), 1884 provisional surcharges with '3' on 10 st. rose-red unused (3) and used, '5' in red on 30 st. unused (4) and used (2), '15' on 25 st. with part manuscript OBRASETZ in red ink and issued stamps unused (2) and used, '50' on 1 fr. unused and used on piece (signed Bloch). Some stamps signed, a fine and scarce selection (25 items).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 680 Bulgarien
Katalognummer : 28/371889/1901: Collection on leaves with remarable unused multiples incl. 1892 25 st. blue in mint block of four, 1892 15 on 30 st. brown in a mint block of four, superb mint block of 50 of the 1896 2 leva rose-red, 1896 Sofia printing with set of seven values imperforate (Mi 28U/34U = € 500), 1901 5 on 3 st. brown and 10 on 50 st. deep green overprinted ULTRAMAR upon receipt from UPU (unique thus) and covers / cards (32) at different rates: 1 st. local Newspaper rate, 5 st. local rate, 5 st. Newspaper rate, 5 st. to Paris, 10 st. rate on card with Large Lion 3 st., 15 st., registered visiting card rates of 17 st. (2), 20 st. to London, 25 st. perf. 10½ used to Vienna, 36 st. philatelic card, 50 st. reg'd to Budapest, Salonika and another to Canada, 75 st. reg'd. and rare 5 leva philatelic franking. A fine lot.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 681 Bulgarien
1879/1925c.: Collection with 1879 5 c. black & yellow (shades) unused (7) and used (8), 10 c. black & green unused (5) and used (3), 25 c. black & purple unused (2) and used (17), 50 c. black & deep blue unused and used (13), 1 fr. black & red unused (5, incl. a block of four) and used (14), 1881 3 st. unused (8 incl. a block of four), 5 st. unused (7), 10 st. unused (3) and used (22), 15 st. unused (2) and used (16), 25 st. used (12), 30 st. unused (5) and used (14), 1882 issue with 1 st. unused block, 2 st. unused blocks (3), 5 st. in unused blocks (2), 10 st. in unused blocks (2), 15 st., 25 st. and 30 st. with unused blocks, 1884 provisional surcharges, both typographed and lithographed mint and used (65) with blocks (5) many of which are signed by Holcombe, Karaivanoff, Richter, Stolow etc., 1886 incl. 1 leva in a corner block of six unused, later issues continuing in the same vein with mint and used including varieties with poerf. varieties of 1889 issue with certs., 1901 bicoloured issue with set in blocks of four unused incl. both types of 1 leva, 1902 Shipka Pass set with varieties, 1903 '10' on 15 st. with double opt. variety in block of four, 1907 set with imperf. between varieties etc., 1909 '25' in blue on 30 st., 1909 surcharges on numeral issue with range of varieties, 1911 with set perf 'Specimen' by Bradbury Wilkinson, 2 st. lilac red & black in block of four and single unused, together with imperf. Proofs, Colour Trials and varieties, 1912 with 5 st. bright green variety unused and used, 1915 issue with Proofs and imperfs., 1917 set with imperf. Proof blocks of four, 1919 1 st. and 2 st. imperf. blocks, 1919/20 issue with paper varieties abd imperf. muöltiples, 1920 overprinted issue with surcharge varieities and imperfs., Postage Dues with 1884/87 issues in a superb specialised range with unused, used and multiples, 1893 5 st. imperf. pair, 1896 set in imperf. pairs, 1901 'T' handstamps used on bicoloured issue on pieces ex Rustchouk, also some Macedonia and Thrace. Condition generally fine to very fine, with viewing recommended.Ausruf : 6.000 CHFZuschlag : 7.000 CHFLosnr. : 682 Bulgarien
1842/70c.: Small group of covers (25) with Austria Arms 1863 15 s. brown perf. 14 tied 'Rustschuk' cds, 1864 10 s. tied by 'Sofia' cds, 1867 10 s. used in Burgas, Sofia and Varna, DDSG / DSNC with 1867 entire to Braila franked by 10 kr. lilac used from Sistov, 1867 17 kr. red used to Nikopoli from Sistov, French P.O. in Varna with creased cover bearing 1863 10 c. (2) and 40 c. (2) tied by dotted 5103 gros chiffres, Ottoman P.O. covers with negative seal handstamps from Kalofer, Sistov, Sumnu etc., condition obviously varies.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 683 Bulgarien
1879/1980c.: The collection of covers/cards (few hundred) with classic issues on covers, extensive collection of postal stationery used, Airmail covers with First Flights, some interesting World War II usages of Bulgarian stamps in occupied Greece, Macedonia and Thrace (Demir Hissar, Drama, Gumurdjina, Kotchane, Ohrid, Pirot, Prilep, Schtip, Serres, Skopie etc.), range of Military postcards etc. A most interesting lot.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 12.500 CHFLosnr. : 684 Bulgarien
1881/84: 20 pa. black on rose + 10 pa. black on rose Error of Colour + 20 pa. black on rose, perf. 13½, unused horizontal strip of three showing the error, minor age stain on first stamp and blunting on one or two perforations at top, nevertheless extremely scarce and fine strip, without gum. Signed Bühler Scott 12b = $ 1'000/Mi = € 1'200.
Provenance: Heinrich Köhler Auction (Oct 1975), lot 3309.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 685 Bulgarien
1881/84: Fine collection of these difficult issues including 'R.O.' overprint issue, extensive 1881/84 issue with unused and used and imperforate varieties and tête-bêche vertical pairs, blocks of four 5 pa., 20 pa. and 1 pi. with shortened 'Obrasetz' (Specimen), 1885 overprinted issue with Lion struck in black or in blue unused and used and some blocks, September 1885 framed overprint in black with unused and used examples and multiples and one or two covers. Page of forgeries present but a fine old-time lot.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 1583 Bulgarien
Austrian Post Offices in Bulgaria 1864/83c.: Austrian issues used in Bulgaria, fine selection, predominantly on the 1867 issue with cancellations of Burgas, Filippopel, Rustschuk, Sofia, Varna and Widdin etc., also a few DDSG adehsives and three France adhesives cancelled 5103 gros chiffres of Varna.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 1584 Bulgarien
Katalognummer : 1/6Austrian P.O.'s in Bulgaria 1863/83: Pages (3) with 1864 5 kr. rose, perf. 9½ used in Varna, 1867/74 values to 25 s. used in Bulgaria incl. duplication (13 stamps), 10 s. blue used on 1878 cover tied by 'Varna' cds, 5 s. red stationery card used to Paris via Constantinople cancelled at Philippopolis, 1859 stampless entire written from Philippopolis in 'Ladino' script with Hebrew notation of sender, also Turkey Duloz issue piece with 20 pa. and 1 pi. used in Varna etc.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauft
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