Braila - Ibraila 1863: Official cover from Braila to Hermanstadt struck with superb two line IBRAILA / 24.AGO datestamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 728). Reverse arrival cds (29/8) and scarce red wax 'K.K.Post.Expedetion in Ibraila' seal.
Braila - Ibraila 1858c.: Cover from Braila to Constantinopoli struck with superb single-circle 'JBRAILA' datestamp (22/12) in black (Tchilingirian fig.730). Reverse showing the rare 'Constantinopel' ornamental datestamp of arrival (28/12) struck in red. (Tchilingirian fig.388).
Galati - Galatz 1859 Cover from Galati to Constantinopoli struck with oval AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO / GALATZ handstamp in green (Tchilingirian fig.828) alongside oval blue 'Eulocio Georgieff / Galatz' company cachet.
Bucharest 1860c.: Prepaid cover from Bucharest to Constantinople struck with fine FRANCO and 'BUCAREST / Früh' datestamp (6/9) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 717 var). Reverse with Constantinopel cds of receipt in blue (9/9).
Bucharest 1858: Prepaid cover from Bucharest to Constantinople struck with oval FRANCO and circular BUKAREST datestamp (19/1) in black. (Tchilinghirian fig.713,711).
Bucharest 1862: Prepaid cover from Bucharest to Constantinople struck with very fine strikes of straight line FRANCO and circular BUKAREST datestamp (26/8) in black (Tchilinghirian fig.713).
Bucharest 1865: Cover from Bucharest to Constantinople bearing Lombardy-Venetia 1864 10 s. blue and 15 s. brown, defective, perf. 9½, tied by BUCAREST datestamp (16/5) in black (Tchilinghirian fig.715). Reverse with 'Constantinopel' arrival cds (19/5).
Constanța - Kustendje 1876: 5 s. red postal stationery card used from Constanta to Austria showing very fine strike of single-circle KUSTENDJE / TURQUIE datestamp (5/6) in black (Tchilinghirian fig.846). Vienna arrival (10/6) in black at left.
Constanța - Kustendje 1861 (April 26): Cover from Constantinople to Svishtov blue single-circle 'P. / PAGATO' handstamp and framed KUSTENDJE handstamp in black. Company cachet 'St.Arnaudof & figlio/Constantinopoli' at left. Rare and very attractive cover, both markings being unrecorded. A rarity in wonderful condition. Signed Nakri.
Constanța - Kustendje 1864 (May 29): Entire letter from Ruse via Constanta to Constantinople showing single-circle 'Lloyd Agenzie / Kustendje' datestamp (Tchilingirian fig.846) in black. At left 'H.J.Pentzovits/Rostcuk' company cachet and, on reverse, blue 'Lloyd Agenzie / Costantinopoli' arrival cds (14/6).
Giurgiu - Giurgevo 1866: Cover from Giurgiu to Constantinople bearing 1864 Lombardy-Venetia 10 soldi blue pair, one stamp defective, tied by extremely rare manuscript GIURGEVO cancellation. Reverse with Constantinopel arrival (6/6). Unrecorded by any catalogue. An extremely rare cover.
Tulcea - Tultscha 1866c.: Cover from Tulcea to Constantinople bearing 1864 10 soldi blue tied by single-circle 'TULTSCHA' datestamp (16/11) in black (Tchilinghirian fig.837). Reverse with Constantinopel cds (2/12) of arrival.
Sulina 1871: Entire letter from Sulina to Chiovari/Italy sent unpaid, struck with fine SULINA datestamp (27/11) İn black (Tchilinghirian fig.839), sent via Vienna (14/12), Venezia (Dec 15) and, on arrival 1870 Postage Due 30 c. and 40 c. applied and tied by Chiavari cds's. Some aging but a scarce entire.
Galati - Galatz 1868: Entire letter from Galati to Braila bearing DDSG 1867 10 kr. green tied by fine strike of Roman dated GALAZ (29/VI) datestamp in blue (Tchilinghirian fig.813). Exceptional and very fine. Cert. Ferchenbauer (2004).
Galati - Galatz 1869: Cover from Giurgevo to Galati bearing DDSG 186710 kr. green tied by fine strike of oval GALAZ (22/4) datestamp in blue (Tchilinghirian fig.810). Cert. Ferchenbauer (2004).
Galati - Galatz 1870c.: Undated cover from Galati to Constantinople showing extremely fine large oval DONAU DAMPFSCHIFF AGENTIE / GALAZ handstamp in blue (Tchilinghirian fig.815) with repeated strike on reverse alongside 'Lloyd Agenzie / Costantinopoli' cds of arrival.
Braila - Ibraila 1867: Cover from Braila to Nicopoli bearing DDSG 1866 17 kr. red tied by oval BRAILA (25/10) datestamp in blue (Tchilinghirian fig.807).
Braila - Ibraila 1870c.: Second sheet of entire letter from Braila to Czernavoda with oval BRAILA (6/7) datestamp struck in blue (Tchilinghirian fig.807).
Bechet - Piquet 1869: Entire letter from Bechet to Orsova bearing DDSG 1867 10 kr. green tied by doubled strike of oval AGENTIE D.D.S.G. PIQUET handstamp (Tchilinghirian fig.784) in black.
Bechet - Piquet 1870c. Undated cover from Bechet to Vienna struck by large oval AGENTIE D.D.S.G ./ 19/V / PIQUET handstamp in blue (Tchilinghirian fig.787), with repeated strike on reverse across seal. Cover with small hole at upper right but scarce.
Galati - Galatz 1846: Cover from Galati to Bucarest struck with framed all Cyrillic 'ВЪ ГАЛАЦЕ = GALATZ ' dated red handstamp (Tchilinghirian fig.45) and, in red manuscript, charged '30' at left. Rare.
Galati - Galatz 1860: Cover from Galati to Odessa showing on reverse single-circle green all Cyrillic 'ГАЛАЦЪ = GALATS' datestamp (Tchilinghirian fig.49). Rated '30+ 1 pi. 10 paras' on front in manuscript. Rare.
Galati - Galatz 1868: Cover from Galati to Constantinople showing very fine framed MER NOIRE in black, reverse with circular 'Constantinople/Turquie' arrival (March 13) cds.
Galati - Galatz 1864: Cover from Galati to Constantinople struck by fine strike of cogwheel GALATZ / MOLDAVIE datestamp in blue, charged with handstruck '10' (décimes) due on delivery.
Galati - Galatz 1864: Cover from Galati to Constantinople bearing 1862 Empire 20 c. blue and 80 c. red tied by dotted 5085 gros chiffres, alongside cogwheel GALATZ / MOLDAVIE cds in blue and framed blue 'PD' cachet, arrival cds (April 27) on reverse. A scarce franking.
Braila - Ibraila 1859: Cover from Braila to Constantinople showing fine framed MER NOIRE in black, with handstruck '10' (décimes). Reverse with 'Constantinople/Turquie' arrival (June 14) cds.
Braila - Ibraila 1867: Cover from Braila to Constantinople struck by fine strike of cogwheel IBRAILA / VALACHIE datestamp (March 23) in blue, with handstruck '6' (décimes) due marking alongside. Reverse with circular 'Constantinople/Turquie' arrival (March 28) in black.
Sulina 1867: Cover dated from Sulina to Genoa bearing Empire 1862 20 c. blue and 40 c. orange tied by very clear 5099 gros chiffres in black, with cogwheel SULINA / TURQ.D'EUROPE-7 AVRIL 67 datestamp alongside. Small red framed 'PD' cachet and, on reverse, 'Constantinople / Turquie' transit cds (April 9) and 'Genova' arrival cds. An attractive and extremely rare cover. Signed Nakri.
Braila - Ibraila 1850 (May 3): Second sheet of entire letter from Svishtov (today Bulgaria) to Braila, rastel punched, showing extremely rare framed disinfection cachet SAV.KURATIT.LA - BRAILA KARANTINA handstamp on front (Kiriac fig.156).
Braila - Ibraila 1852 (Feb 15): Entire letter from Svishtov (today Bulgaria) to Braila showing on reversevery clear framed 'SAV. KURATIT.LA - BRAILA KARANTINA in black (Kiriac fig. 156). An extremely rare handstamp.
Braila - Ibraila 1862: Cover from Braila to Bucharest showing two line dated BRALIA / MAR 3 handstamp (Kiriac fig. 236) in blue. Reverse with double-circle 'Bucaresti' arrival cds in red.
Braila - Ibraila 1867c.: Prepaid cover from Braila to Bucharest with double-circle BRAILA datestamp (2/2) in red and framed FRANCO cachet alongside in black. 'Nicola Zeno/Braila' company cachet at left and, on reverse, double-circle 'Bucaresci' arrival cds in black.
Braila - Ibraila 1862: Cover from Braila to Bucharest showing double-circle BRAILA datestamp (26/6) in blue and small framed 'P.P' cachet. Reverse with 'Bucuresci' double-circle arrival cds in blue (28/6).
Bucharest 1855: Postal document from Bucharest showing superb negative oval handstamp of Disinfection in black, with the handstamp dated '1855' at base, similar to Kiriac fig. 161. Scarce and fine.
Bucharest 1848 (April 22): Entire letter from Svistov (today Bulgaria) to Bucharest with, on reverse, fine negative Disinfection station seal (Kiriac fig. 145) in brown. Rare and fine entire.
Bucharest 1849 (April 13): Cover from Kalofer (today Bulgaria) to Bucharest, with reverse showing fine oval negative Disinfection station seal in black.
Râmnicu Sărat - Rimnicul Sarat 1871: Cover from Ramnicu Sarat to Bucharest showing small thimble RIMNICUL-SARAT datestamp (Nov 9) struck in blue (Kiriac fig. 565). Reverse with red wax seal and Bucharest arrival cds.
Turnu Măgurele 1868 (July 22): Entire letter from Turnu Magurele to Bucharest struck with fine double-circle 'T:MAGURELLE datestamp in black (Kiriac fig. 418). Reverse with Bucharest arrival /26/7) in black.
Alexandria 1866: Cover from Alexandria to Bucharest struck with double-circle ALEXANDRIA datestamp (18/11) in black (Kiriac fig. 371), on reverse Bucharest arrival (20/11).
Alexandria 1866: Cover from Alexandria to Bucharest struck with double-circle ALEXANDRIA datestamp (24/3) in blue (Kiriac fig. 371), on reverse Bucharest arrival (26/3).
Giurgiu - Giurgevo 1865c: Cover from Giurgiu to Bucharest with fine GIURGIU datestamp (20/7) in black (Kiriacf fig. 396), reverse with Bucharest arrival cds of the following day, charged 30 bani due.
Giurgiu - Giurgevo 1869: Cover from Giurgiu to Bucharest struck with GIURGIU cds (15/7) in black (Kiriac fig. 396) and BUCURESTI black datestamp, with, alongside, framed '28 BANI' due marking in black.
Zimnicea 1855: Postal receipt of Zimnicea showing extremely fine and clear negative handstamp in black with Eagle and Postal Coach / 1851 at base. Extremely attractive and scarce.
Bucharest 1871: Unpaid cover from Genoa to Bucharest via Pest showing single-circle GENOVA / FERROVIA datestamp (Jan 25) in black, alongside '25' and framed '85 BANI' due marking in black. 'Pest' transit cds and Bucharest arrival cds (Feb 2) on reverse.
Olteniza 1867c.: Cover from Olteniza to Bucharest showing double-circle OLTENITA datestamp in blue (Kiriac fig. 346) and framed FRANCO cachet alongside. Reverse with arrival cds in black.
Olteniza 1863c.: Cover from Olteniza to Bucharest showing OLTENITA datestamp (Kiriac fig. 346) in deep blue and framed 'P.P' cachet alongside. Reverse with (22/3) Bucharest arrival cds.
Tulcea - Tultscha 1885: Printed Matter entire letter sent from Tulcea to Constantinople bearing single franking 1879 5 b. green on greenish tied by double-circle 'TULCEA' datestamp in blue. Reverse with transit and 'Constantinopel' arrival cds of Austrian P.O.
Buzău 1877: Cover to Milan mailed during the Russo-Turkish War bearing 1876 10 b. blue, perf. 11, single and horizontal pair, tied by extremely fine double-circle ПОЛЕВОЕ ПОЧТ ОТДБЛЕНIЕ 3 / 1 OKT 1877 = FIELD POST OFFICE 3 / 1 OCTOBER 1877 datestamps of the Russian Military Post when the unit was located in Buzău. Reverse with repeated strike of the datestamp and 'Milano' arrival cds. A key exhibition item of both the Russo-Turkish War and Military Postal History. Signed Nakri.
Zimnicea 1877: Imperial Russian 4 kop. green postal stationery card used during the Russian-Turkish War, showing on front of card fine all Cyrillic Russian Military ПОЛЕВОЕ ПОЧТ ОТДБЛЕНIЕ 15 / 26 IЮΛ 1877 = FIELD POST OFFICE 15 / 26 JULY 1877 datestamp when the unit was located near Zimnicea (Bela=Belena). and mailed to Pernau / Estonia. Transit and arrival cds's alongside. A rare usage. Signed Nakri.
1900: Postcard of Constantza showing ship 'Regal Carol I' sent to Switzerland bearing 10 b. redi tied by extremely fine circular 'BUCURESCI-CONSTANTA-CONSPOLI' datestamp (June 8).
1906: Postcard of Constantinople 'Cadi-Keuy' port sent to Bucarest bearing 1905 5 pa. yellow tied by 'CONSPOLI-CONSTANTA-BUCURESCI' datestamp (Aug 14) alongside arrival c.d.s.
1908: Postcard sent to Constanta from Constantinople bearing single franking 20 pa. red tied by SMYRNE-CONSTANTINOPLE-CONSTANTA datestamp, with alongside, Constanta arrival cds.