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Losnr. : 754 Kolumbien
1857: Registered cover addressed to the President of the Legislature of Savanilla and Bolivar, struck with oval SOLEDAD / DE / OFICIO handstamp in black, the cover surrounded by manuscript '0' denoting registration, with manuscript 'Certificado de ojo / Setbre. 10 de 1857' at left. Scarce.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 755 Kolumbien
1859: 2½ c. green, a fine large margined horizontal strip of three, with large margins all round and showing frames of adjoining stamps at right and at base, cancelled by near complete framed RECIBIDA EN LA ADMIN- / TRACION P. DE MEDELLIN / EL 10 DE NBRE. DE 1859 in blue. A splendid and rare multiple. Signed A. Diena.
Provenance: Collection Dr. Norman Hubbard, Corinphila sale 131 (Oct 2001), lot 6318.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 757 Kolumbien
1860 (March): 10 c. yellow-buff, Stone I, mint horizontal pair, marginal from lower right corner of the sheet of 50 subjects, positions 49-50, fresh and very fine, large part og.
Provenance: Collection Dr. Norman Hubbard, Corinphila sale 131 (Oct 2001), lot 6359.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 758 Kolumbien
1860 (March): 10 c. yellow-buff, Stone I, mint example with large margins all round, of excellent colour and showing lithographic Transfer flaw through 'F' of 'Confed.' in left panel running to border of the central vignette. Fresh and very fine, large part og.
Provenance: Collection Dr. Norman Hubbard, Corinphila sale 131 (Oct 2001), lot 6356.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 759 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 760 Kolumbien
1860 (March): 20 c. deep blue, Stone B, a very fine mint horizontal pair, large margins all round and in an excellent rich shade, two additional spots of color on right hand stamp below each figure '20'. Slightest of bends on left stamp and minor aging of no real importance, with small part original gum. There are but three pairs known of this stamp in unused condition, this pair with the largest margins and probably the finest. Cert. Bortfeldt (2008) Scott = $ 400+.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 761 Kolumbien
1860 (March): 20 pale clear blue, Stone A, a wonderful used horizontal pair with huge margins all round, tiniest trace of hinge thin and merest corner bend on right hand stamp mentioned for complete accuracy, cancelled by near complete strike of pearled BOGOTÁ handstamp in black. An extremely rare multiple, illustrated in Bortfeldt 'Colombia Philatelic Handbook' on page 72. The finest of only four known used pairs and a showpiece of the issue. Signed Brun. Cert. Bortfeldt (2006).
Provenance: Newbury Collection; Norman Hubbard Collection, Corinphila sale 131 (Oct 2001), lot 6372.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 762 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 763 Kolumbien
10 c. blue, a magnificent used example with ample to huge margins all round, marginal from base of sheet, cancelled by part SOCORRO / FRANCA handstamp in black. A delightful stamp.
Provenance: Collection Jairo Londoño Tamayo, Corinphila sale 90 (Oct 1994), lot 7005; Collection Dr. Norman Hubbard, Corinphila sale 131 (Oct 2001), lot 6391.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 764 Kolumbien
10 c. blue, a superb used example, marginal from right of sheet, with clear to large margins all round, cancelled by 'Barran / Quilla' in manuscript.
Provenance: Jairo Collection Londoño Tamayo, Corinphila sale 90 (Oct 1994), lot 6854; Collection Dr. Norman Hubbard, Corinphila sale 131 (Oct 2001), lot 6389.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 765 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 766 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 767 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 768 Kolumbien
20 c. red, used example from Position 40 on the sheet of 54 types,"plancha emmendada" showing the retouched '2' in '20' at base and showing traces of the original '2½' die, with the confirming vertical outer frame break at right above 'E' of NACIONALES. Four large margins and cancelled by fine oval handstamp in green. A magnificent and famous used example, one of just a few recorded. Cert. RPS (1968).
Provenance: Collection Newbury; Collection Jairo Londoño Tamayo, Corinphila sale 90 (Oct 1994), lot 6649; Collection Dr. Norman Hubbard, Corinphila sale 131 (Oct 2001), lot 6402.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 769 Kolumbien
20 c. red, fine used corner marginal pair from lower left corner of the sheet, positions 46-47 on the sheet of 54 subjects, slight aging but large margins all round, cancelled by 'José de Cucutá' in manuscript. Rare and very attractive.
Provenance: Corinphila sale 107 (Sept 1998), lot 4112.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 770 Kolumbien
1 peso rose-pink, mint corner block of four, positions 8-9/17-18 on the plate of 54 subjects, vertical scissor cut in margin only from base, otherwise with ample to large margins all round, of excellent vibrant colour and fresh unused without gum. A great rarity - one of the two largest multiples known of this stamp, the other being a horizontal strip of four. Signed A. Diena. Cert. Rendon (1997), Bortfeldt (2008) Gi 15 = £ 4'800+/Scott = $ 5'000+.
Provenance: Collection Larsen, Corinphila sale 47 (Dec 1960), lot 3696; Collection Jairo Londoño de Tamayo, Corinphila sale 90 (Oct 1994), lot 6659.Ausruf : 4.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.400 CHFLosnr. : 771 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 772 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 773 Kolumbien
1862: 50 centavos red, Error of Colour from sheet of the 20 c., Type II, a superb unused example with large margins all round and showing the vertical frameline at right and the horizontal frameline at base, fresh and very fine, without gum. Unobtrusive horizontal bend but a wonderful example of this great rarity Gi 23b = £ 11'000/Scott = $ 18'500.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 4.000 CHFLosnr. : 774 Kolumbien
1862: 50 c. red, Error of Transfer in the 20 centavos Stone, a fine used example of this rare error with ample to large margins all round and showing guidelienes at left and at top, cancelled by large part oval MEDELLIN / FRANCA handstamp struck in blue. A rare stamp. Scott = $ 5'500.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 776 Kolumbien
1864: 5 c. orange, the famous mint block of nine (3 x 3), showing the central stamp tête-bêche, Types I-II-I/III-IV-III/I-II-I, with vertical crease and slight stain, otherwise fresh and fine with large part og. An extraordinary block, the multiple which eventually determined the sheet reconstruction and thus vital to the serious Exhibitor of this classic issue. One of the most important items of classic Colombia, the largest mint or used multiple recorded. Cert. Bortfeldt (2008) Gi 26+26b = £ 850+/Scott = $ 875+.
Provenance: Collection Larsen, Corinphila sale 47 (Dec 1960), lot 3818.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 777 Kolumbien
1864: 5 c. orange, horizontal tête-bêche pair, fine large margins all round crossed by fold prior to affixing to the letter, cancelled by oval MEDELLIN / FRANCA handstamp in blue. Framed 'Agencia Principal de / Correos / Medellin 7 Junio / 1865', also struck in blue at left. A rare franking on a most attractive entire. Cert. Moorhouse (2014).Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 778 Kolumbien
1864: 10 c. blue used on 1864 front of cover to Paris endorsed 'via Cartagena i San Thomas', fine large margined example crossed by file fold, tied by BOGOTÁ oval handstamp in black. Mailed via London where struck with framed 'GB / 1F 60 c.' Anglo-French Accountancy marking in black. Calais cds at left (Oct 30) in black and charged '8' décimes handstruck due on receipt. Scarce. Cert. Moorhouse (2014).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 779 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 780 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 781 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 782 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 783 Kolumbien
1864: 5 c. yellow, touched to huge margins with portion of adjoining stamp at base, used in combination with 1865 10 c. violet on 1865 entire letter to Bogotá, neatly tied by oval MEDELLIN / FRANCA oval with numeral '15' rate marking alongside, and framed 'Agencia Principal de / Correos / Medellin 5 Julio / 1865', all struck in blue. A delightful and extremely rare mixed issue franking.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 784 Kolumbien
1865: 20 c. blue, horizontal pair (Types I+V), top marginal horizontal strip of five (II-II-III-IV-V) and top marginal strip of three with fourth stamp diagonally bisected (V-VI-II), all cancelled by oval framed CHITA / FRANCA handstamps in black. A few minor bends as is to be expected in multiples of this size and rejoined for Exhibit display, nevertheless an extraordinary and rare piece.
Provenance: Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 4157.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 785 Kolumbien
1865: 50 c. green, Large Figures of value, the irregular mint block of 38, with part sheet margin at left and at top, some creasing with just one vertical crease detracting from the appearance, the block also demonstrates the difficulty in finding large margined single examples, a multiple of excellent colour and large part original gum. A very scarce multiple for the student of the issue Scott = $ 4'500+.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 786 Kolumbien
1865: 50 c. green, Small Figures of value, mint block of 36 from the lower left corner of the sheet (6 x 6), of generally fine colour. Interesting lithographic Transfer Flaw between the eleventh and twelfth stamps in block, which also demonstrates the difficulty with finding large margined single examples. Some faults as are to be expected on a multiple this size with some creasing and a few marginal nicks at left and at base, one stamp slight stain - however, this stamp is extremely difficult to find in such a large multiple, with large part original gum and is a huge aid to the plating of the issue. Rare Gi = $ 4'300+.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 787 Kolumbien
1865: 1 peso vermilion, a fine mint block of 12 from lower left corner of the sheet of 110 subjects, positions 80-83/90-93/100-103, small faults including thinning and minor bends, of good colour and large part original gum. A remarkable and scarce multiple Scott = $ 1'400+.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 788 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 789 Kolumbien
1865: 1 peso vermilion, the used reconstruction from the top half of the sheet of 110 subjects, using 66 stamps to form the 55 positions (11 x 5), including a vertical marginal strip of four, corner marginal strips of three (2) and of four, blocks of four (6) and blocks of six (4), mostly cancelled by BOGOTÁ handstamps in black or by oval MEDELLIN / FRANCA handstamps in blue. A rare and most appealing reconstruction Scott = $ 1'150+.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 790 Kolumbien
1866: 10 c. lilac, touched to large margins, used on 1867 entire letter from Medellin to Bogotá, neatly tied by oval MEDELLIN / FRANCA handstamp in blue with '1' numeral at right and framed 'Agencia Principal de / Correos / Medellin 27 Marzo / 1867' at lower left in blue. File fold but scarce.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 791 Kolumbien
1866: 20 c. light blue, the extraordinary complete mint sheet of 121 subjects (11 x 11), with full sheet margins all round, position 40 with lithographic Transfer Flaw defective 'O' in CENTAVOS, the sheet with some creasing and minor thins but with large part original gum. The sole recorded complete sheet of this stamp and of great rarity thus Gi 46 = £ 4700+/Scott = $ 5'000+.
Provenance: Collection Larsen, Corinphila sale 47 (Dec 1960), lot 3871; Collection Jairo Londoño de Tamayo, Corinphila sale 90 (Oct 1994), lot 6811.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 792 Kolumbien
1866: 50 c. yellow-green, the complete mint sheet of 121 subjects (11 x 11), with full sheet margins all round, of extraordinary fresh colour, creased in sixth coloumn and sixth horizontal row and a few minor imperfections of no significance compared to the rarity of the sheet, superb large part original gum. A wonderful and extremely rare sheet with just three recorded Gi 47a = £ 1'900+/Scott = $ 2'000+.
Provenance: Collection Juan Santa Maria (March 2009), lot 1844.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 792A Kolumbien
1866: 1 peso carmine-rose on white wove paper, a fine mint strip of three, marginal from top of sheet, good margins for this stamp, tiny crease in margin only at upper left, of fresh colour and superb og. A scarce stamp in a multiple. Cert. RPS (1968) Scott = $ 300.
Provenance: Collection Lars AmundsenAusruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 793 Kolumbien
1866: 10 p. black on vermilion glazed paper, imperforate, the used block of four with large margins on three sides and minutely grazed at top, cancelled by pen crosses in manuscript. Some creasing not affecting the frontal appearance of a rare multiple - just two blocks of four are recorded. Signed A. Diena Scott = $ 800.
Provenance: Collection Larsen, Corinphila sale 47 (Dec 1960), lot 3900; Collection Jairo Londoño de Tamayo, Corinphila sale 90 (Oct 1994), lot 6829.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 794 Kolumbien
1868: 10 c. lilac, single usages on a correspondence of entire letters (12) mailed between Medellin and Bogotá, together with entires (2) bearing the 1871 10 c. violet, all are cancelled by oval strikes of MEDELLIN or MEDELLIN / FRANCA handstamps struck in red or in blue.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 795 Kolumbien
1869/70: Carrier Stamp, 2½ c. black on lilac wove paper, Stone III (with second and sixth horizontal rows out of alignment), a block of 70 corner marginal from lower right of sheet with two vertical rows at left missing and the irregular top horizontal row missing, usual slight creasing but with large part or unmounted og.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 796 Kolumbien
1869: Carrier 2½ c. black on lilac wove paper, Stone III, with unshaded shield, the complete sheet of 100 subjects showing the eight stamp blank space, one corner stamp defective and marginal faults at lower right corner, creased as to be expected but extremely scarce as a complete sheet from this setting, fine large part og Gi 58 = £ 425+/Scott = $ 475+.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 797 Kolumbien
1869/70: Carrier Stamp, 2½ c. black on lilac wove paper, Stone II (with added lines of shading in the Shield), a complete unused sheet of 100 subjects with sheet margins all round. Some aging and oa few creases not detracting greatly from the appearance of a rare and appealing sheet.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 798 Kolumbien
1877/79: Condor 10 c. lilac brown, 20 c. deep blue and a horizontal pair of 1 peso pale red, all tied to small attractive piece by 'Admon. Nacl. de Hacha / SOATA' datestamps (Dec 27, 1877) in blue. Slight horizontal bend of no importance, a charming and scarce piece.
Provenance: Corinphila sale 72 (Sept 1985), lot 1651.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 799 Kolumbien
1881: 10 c. violet, large margined example in a grey shade, used on 1884 cover to London tied by oval BOGOTÁ handstamp in violet. 'Barranquilla' transit cds on front (Aug 27) in black. Reverse with London arrival cds (Sept 26). A fine and scarce cover.
Provenance: Corinphila sale 107 (Sept 1998), lot 4183.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 800 Kolumbien
1940/41: 'Timbre Nacional' Fiscal Issue, the working archive from the American Bank Note Co. for the issue, the stunning collection of Essays with hand-painted design for the 5 pesos value in green & pale sandy brown and white; beautiful 'A00000' Essay for 100 pesos in blue, grey, white and red, photographic completed Proofs on card for values between 1 c. and 1 p. (10, most annotated 'for denomination only' at base) with eleven examples, large format altered 50 c. Proof hand-painted in black & white, completed Proofs with or without value on sunken cards (18), 20 p. Proof with Herrara vignette in violet (and photograph from which the design was taken), a wonderful and fascinating archive, a unique and valuable assembly.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 801 Kolumbien
1941 (Jan 28): Airmail 1 peso 'Proclamation of Independence', the original American Bank Note Co. Essay on card (97 x 77 mm.) and mounted on large board (200 x 158 mm.) with photographic frame and vignette overlaid by hand-drawn 'Proclamación De La Independencia / Un Peso / Sobreporte' in black and chinese white ink. Frame with manuscript Printer's notations in pencil (see photo-plate), also large size hand-drawn circular '1' figure of value Essay (95 x 90 mm.) dated July 29,1940 in mss. in black, grey and white; also the Quimbaya ceramic outer frame design for the 30 c. value. An exceptional group complete with the ABN original Order form. Unique.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 802 Kolumbien
1941 (Jan 28): American Bank Note Co. Airmail 15 c. and 50 c. 'Spanish Fort at Cartagena' values, with original archive photographs of the Fort (one with added Spanish Galleon for background), February 1940 illustration by Klein for vignette in ink, incomplete sunken Die Proof missing values in words and numerals at base in blue-green and 'For denomination only' Die Proof in black for 50 c. value (July 31, 1940), together with completed Proofs for each value. A fine and scarce group.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 350 CHFLosnr. : 803 Kolumbien
1941 (Jan 28): American Bank Note Co. Airmail 10 c. and 40 c. 'El Dorado Monument' values, with original letter from ABN archive, completed 'For Approval' Die Proofs (2) in yellow-orange and in maroon without values at base in words or numerals, completed Die Proof for 10 c. value in issued colour of yellow-orange, 40 c. value in issued colour of maroon (2) one marked 'For Approval', a rare group (7 items).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 804 Kolumbien
1941 (Jan 28): American Bank Note Co. Airmail 20 c. and 60 c. 'Colonial Bogotá' values, the artwork for the design as received from Colombia, artwork by Klein for the vignette, letter from ABN records concerning the issue, undenominated sunken Die Proof in dull violet (note no acute accent on the 'a' of Bogotá) and manuscript 'add accent' at base (July 25, 1940). Completed Die Proof 'for denomination only' for 20 c. with 'Vienete Centavos' value inserted, completed Die Proofs (2) marked 'For Approval' and completed Die Proof in grey for the 60 c. etc. A splendid group.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 805 Kolumbien
1941 (Jan 28): Airmail 1 peso 'Proclamation of Independence', the original American Bank Note Co.Die Proof / Essay without value tablets and inscriptions at base, marked 'For Approval / Vignette' at top, in issued colour for the 1 peso of black & blue and a photographic mock up of un-accepted design, 3 peso black & violet in issued colour complete Die Proof with annotation 'Proof showing slight alteration to vignette' dated Oct 22, 1940 in ink; completed Die Proofs (4, two marked 'For Approval'), also three letters on ABN paper detailing the Proofs and the disbandment of the 'Congres de Angostura, 1819' design and photos. Rare and splendid archival group, unique.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 806 Kolumbien
1941 (Jan 28): Airmail 2 peso and 5 peso, showing the National Library in Bogotá, two fine American Bank Note Co. completed sunken Die Proofs in issued colours, file numbers 81485 and 81486, further issued colour completed Die Proofs (2) marked 'For Approval' (Oct 1940), coupled with the 1 peso National Library original unaccepted design, a photographic Proof imperforate on card marked 'VI', and some photographs ex the archives and the original work schedule forms for the issue. A rare archival group.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 807 Kolumbien
1957: 25th Anniversary of the Agricultural Credit Bank, the set of five De La Rue Proofs, imperforate on DLR cards, for 5 c. as issued, Tractor 10 c. as issued, Emblem 15 c. (Airmail) as issued, Livestock 20 c. (Airmail) as issued and Express 5 c. as issued, all printed in light brown with registry numbers below each Proof in ink. Exceptional and rare group (5) Gi 908-915.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 808 Kolumbien
1866: 'Sobreporte' Foreign Mail issue, 25 c. black on blue, the stunning mint sheet of44 stamps (11 x 4), creased in the fourth vertical row and further minor bends of no great significance, of outstanding colour and freshness for this rarity, believed to be the sole recorded sheet, fresh and fine, large part og Gi 39 = £ 3'500+/Scott = $ 3'500+.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 809 Kolumbien
1866: 'Sobreporte' Foreign Mail issue, 50 c. black on yellow, the extraordinary mint sheet of 33 stamps (11 x 3), creased and repaired by hinges between sixth and seventh vertical rows and further minor bends of no great significance, of outstanding colour and freshness for this rarity, believed to be the sole recorded sheet, fresh and fine, large part og Gi 40 = £ 1'800+/Scott = $ 1'800+.
Provenance: Corinphila sale 80 (March 1990), lot 5740.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 810 Kolumbien
1857: Printed Matter circular from the New Granada Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bogotá, mailed through British P.O. with CARTHAGENA double arc cds on reverse (Feb 25) in black. Thence via London (April 1) with red datestamp and manuscript charge of 1/4 d. to pay, through Hamburg Danish P.O. (April 3) and charged 23 skillinge due on receipt in red crayon manuscript. A most unusual cover to a rare destination.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 811 Kolumbien
1863: Entire letter struck with fine Crown PAID AT CARTHAGENA in red (Gi CC2) addressed to New York and struck with circular '10' charge marking on arrival in black. Reverse with British P.O. CARTHAGENA cds (March 4) and ST. THOMAS transit in black (March 15). Scarce and fine entire Scott = $ 1'500.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 812 Kolumbien
1866/73: Great Britain 4 d. vermilion,plate 9, a horizontal pair, one rounded corner perf., used on 1868 entire letter from Cartagena to Bordeaux, tied by fine strikes of 'C56' obliterators in black. reverse with single ring CARTAGHENA cds (Aug 1) of despatch and front with 'London Paid' transit cds (Aug 25) and Calais entry marking. Scarce and attractive cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 872 Kolumbien
1868/1904: Cancellation study collection 500 stamps showing various types of in total 78 different town cancellations from Abejorral to Zea, including certificado cancellations in manuscript, small oval types, one line handstamps, circular date stamps on issues of Antioquia as well as on National issues. Generally fine condition with only few exceptions, with a vast variety of different cancels, neatly mounted on album pages.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 873 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 874 Kolumbien
1865: 2½ c. black on lilac, the complete sheet of 45 stamps (three horizontal rows of fifteen), mounted on piece of card / newspaper dated 1865, some minor natural creasing and two small age stains of no importance, fresh and fine. An exceptional and very rare sheet.
Provenance: Collection Jairo Londoño de Tamayo, Corinphila sale 90 (October 1994), lot 6775.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 876 Kolumbien
1917: 'Camilo Torres' 1 c. value, Perkins Bacon & Co. Imperforate Proof sheets of 100 stamps (4), printed in deep brown, pale orange, black and in yellow-green on yellowish paper together with a block of 48 (6 x 8) on white paper as issued. Minor imperfections as usual but a rare selection of Plate Proofs ex the printer's archive.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 877 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 878 Kolumbien
1917/26: 'Santander' 4 c. value, Perkins Bacon & Co. Imperforate Proof sheets of 100 stamps (12), printed in black, grey-black (Plate 3), blue, ultramarine, pale grey-blue, blue on pale pink paper, dull grey-blue (Plate 4), bright blue, deep blue, bright ultramarine (this sheet lithographed, Plate 3), watery print of the bright blue (also lithographed), a 1929 'double sheet' printing of 200 and a sheet in purple. A fascinating insight into the Printer's art.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 879 Kolumbien
1923: 1½ c. chocolate-brown, Perkins Bacon & Co. Imperforate unused Proof sheet, two stamps punctured by hole, with left hand side of the sheet showing additional vertical row giving a 'Double Print' variety on the first column. Minor creasing but an extremely scarce and most attractive sheet, probably unique thus.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 880 Kolumbien
1917/26: Perkins Bacon & Co. Imperforate Proof sheets of 100 stamps for 'Caldas' ½ c. bistre, 1 c. green (three sheets, Plate 2, Plate 4 and Plate 5), 2 c. 'Nariño' in carmine-rose (two sheets, Plate 2 and Plate 3),1920 3 c. red on white wove paper, 3 c. red on yellow paper, 1926 4 c. 'Santander' in blue, 5 c. 'Bolivar' in dull blue and in claret, 1926 8 c. in blue, 10 c. 'Córdoba' in grey and in bluish-slate, 20 c. in red and 1 peso 'Sucre' in sky-blue; condition varies but most very fine, a remarkable assemby (16 sheets).Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 881 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 882 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 883 Kolumbien
1938: 400th Anniversary of Bogotá, Waterlow & Sons Imperforate Proofs, with 1 c. yellow-green in terpanneau blocks of 12 and 24, 2 c. scarlet in interpanneau blocks of 12 and 24, 5 c. black in in interpanneau block of 16 and a further 16 in pairs, 10 c. brown in interpanneau block of 24 and 12 pairs, 15 c. blue in block of 20 and 8 pairs, 20 c. red-violet in blocks of 20 and 10and three pairs, 1 peso brown in a vertical pair; all fresh and fine, unmounted og.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 884 Kolumbien
1949 (Dec 15): Cisneros Anniversary, Waterlow Imperforate Proofs with 50 c. red-violet & yellow (44), 50 c. green & violet (44) and 50 c. blue & light brown (44) with all stamps in pairs or larger multiples, all fresh and fine, unmounted og. Scarce.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 885 Kolumbien
1950 (Aug 22): Orchids, the balance of the Waterlow Imperforate Proof archive, with 1 c. brown (34), 2 c. violet (36), 3 c. rose-lilac (36), 4 c. green (35), 5 c. red-orange (36), 11 c. red (36) and 18 c. ultramarine (36), all fresh and fine mint, unmounted og.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 886 Kolumbien
1859/60: Lot nine stamps 10 c. red brown or yellow buff, all cancelled by handwriting or part strikes of oval handstamps from BOGOTA, HONDA FRANCA, MEDELIN FRANCA, CARTAGENA FRANCA in blue or black. A fine group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 887 Kolumbien
1917: Registration 10 c. blue (Tequendama Waterfall), Perkins Bacon & Co. Imperforate Proofs in un-gummed blocks of 23 and 17, small imperfections but majority fine.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 888 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 889 Kolumbien
1869/§1894c.: 'Cubiertas' type registration slips (150+), the exceptional collection, unusually with the majority used on the back of envelopes (one side was retained as the receipt), late 1860's usages on blue forms from Honda and Mompos, green and yellow forms from Cali and Cucuta, pink forms from Cali with fine strikes of oval BOGOTÁ / DE OFICIO in black or in blue, 1890 usage with oval 'Carmen' datestamp, further types from Bucuramanga and Cundinamarca.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHF
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