1856: First Issue 10 k. carmine, a fine large margined used example, without manuscript cancel, tied to small piece by low boxed BJORNEBORG datestamp (21 April 1857). Superb and most attractive, a gem. Signed Köhler; cert. BPA (1962) Mi = EUR 1'000.
1866: Rouletted 20 p. blue on blued paper, a dramatically off centre example with full roulettes, used on 1866 cover to Karis tied by 'Helsingfors' cds in black. Framed 'Ank' marking alongside (Nov 10). A fresh and fine cover. Signed Ferchenbauer.
1866: Rouletted 40 p. rose, a used example on reverse of green opened for display cover to Tavastehus, lightly cancelled by JOROIS cds (Aug 5) in black. Framed 'Ank' marking on front of an attractive cover.
1875 (July 1): 32 penni carmine-rose, perf. 14 x 13½, a fine well centred lightly used example of this elusive stamp. Cert. Witschi (1988) Mi = EUR 600.
1885: 5 pennin green, perf. 12½, a superb mint block of 16, fresh and very fine with sheet margin at top, of good colour, mounted in margin only, stamps unmounted og Mi = EUR 350+.
1885: 10 mark brown, yellow-brown & rose, a well centred used example cancelled by Helsingfors datestamp (11.6.87) in black. Minor stain on reverse only. Signed A. Diena. Cert. BPA (1962) Mi = EUR 650.
1889: 5 m. green & rose, perf. 12½, a superb mint block of ten from base of sheet, fresh colour, full unmounted og. A delightful multiple Mi = EUR 350+.
1891: 3 r. 50 k. black & grey, a mint marginal example of excellent colour, fresh and very fine, mounted in margin only, stamp unmounted og. Rare thus Mi = EUR 200.
Karelia 1922: Cover franked by Finland 1 m. black & lilac-rose and Karelia 1922 bicoloured high values 1 m., 5 m., 10 m., 15 m., 20 m. and 25 m. tied by UHTUA datestamps (Feb 2) in black. Philatelic but a scarce issue used. Cert. RPS (1980) Mi = EUR 970.