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Losnr. : 807 Irak
1927 (Jan 7): Cover to England franked with Iraq 6 a. tied by "LOWER BAGHDAD 7 JAN 27" cds. and bearing large "AIR MAIL" adhesive label with type written "BAGHDAD-CAIRO/1st Flight Imperial Airways" McQueen and Mair unlisted. Imperial Service departed Baghdad 8. January and arriving Cairo 9 January 1927.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 190 CHFLosnr. : 809 Irak
1927: Iraq - UK, Cover at 9 a. cancelled "MAGIL 15 FEB 27" plus another registered envelope at 1 rupee from "BASRAH 6 MAY 27 REGD.", both showing large two line handstamp "BASRAH=CAIRO./AIR MAIL." in blue to England. A scarce and appealing pair McQueen unlisted.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 811 Irak
1927: Iraq - UK via Egypt and Regular Mail Steamer, Group of four covers including mourning envelope from Basrah (May 12), registered cover from Baghdad (Nov 5) and official O.H.M.S. cover from "R.A.F. Signals 12 AU" ( Baghdad), all to England as well as unsealed Printed Matter envelope franked by ½ a. + 1½ a. air mail fee to Cairo showing straight line "BAGHDAD-CAIRO AIR MAIL" handstamp in violet. A fine group.Ausruf : 240 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 814 Irak
1928: Iraq - UK, Envelope from Basrah (Feb 24) to England franked by 6 a. single franking showing large two line handstamp "BASRAH-CAIRO./AIR MAIL." in blue as well as another cover franked at the new reduced letter rate of 4½ d. from Lower Baghdad (Apr 7) showing boxed handstamp "AIR MAIL/BAGHDAD-CAIRO." in blue, both handstrucks applied on front McQueen unlisted.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 817 Irak
1929 (May 3): Iraq - UK, envelope franked by 3 a. air mail fee and 2 x 1½ a. Imperial surface letter rate from BASRAH to Portsmouth/England showing scarce boxed handstamp "RECEIVED LATE FOR INCLUSION WITH THE AIR DESPATCH" in violet. MCQueen unlisted.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 820 Iran
1929 (Sept. 22): Persia - Iraq, Registered Hotel enelope (vertical fold) from KERMANCHAR franked on reverse with 48 ch. showing on front boxed "POSTE AERIENNE BAGDAD CAIRE" handstamp in black, sent via Bushire with "BAGHDAD REG. 23 SEP. 29" arrival mark Mair type IRN-A-2.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 836 Iran
1931 (Aug 1): Persia- Australia, envelope correctly franked on front and reverse by total 4 Krs 32 Ch .tied by "TEHERAN 1 VIII 31" cds. dispatched to the intermediate leg Bushire - Karachi, handstamped "AIR MAIL" and crossed out with two large "Jusqu'à" bars applied at Karachi, onwards carriage by rail to Bombay ( Aug 8) and sea mail to Sydney. Fine.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 840 China Kaiserreich
1938 (April): China - UK, Envelope franked by combined surface/air mail letter rate of 95 Yuan (perfs. slight gum stain) from CHANGSHA and sent via "HONG KONG VICTORIA 17 AP 38" to England, unusual acceptance Mair type CHN-A-1d.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 868 Malaiische Staaten Sarawak
1934 (May 15): Sarawak/Perak - USA, Envelope franked at the correct double rate of 66 cents (45 first ½ oz. +21 c. additional ½ oz.) tied by "KUCHING 15 MAY 1934" cds. as well as another envelope from "SITIWAN 7 DE 34" Perak/Malaya, both sent from Singapore by Imperial service showing London "Jusqu'a" - bar cancellations, thence sea mail to USA. A nice pair.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 877 Irak
1935 (Jan. - March): Iraq - Group of three commercial covers from Baghdad to diff. destinations as 15 fils single franking covering the airmail and surface rate to Komotau/Czechoslovakia, Air Mail label crossed out by red pencil in Athens (Jan. 16) and onward transmission by surface, another envelope to Canada franked with 35 fils with "Jusqu'à" cancellation applied in Marseilles (Feb. 2) as well as 23 fils air mail letter to England showing "AIR MAIL BY IMPERIAL AIRWAYS" cachet in blue McQueen unlisted.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 881 Libanon
1935 (Feb. - July): UK - Palestine/Syria - Czechoslovakia, Group of three covers including one from England to Jerusalem (May 11) and other to Beyrouth (Feb. 16) as well as envelope from Beyrouth to Czechoslovakia franked with 13.50 pi., backstamped at Cairo (July 30), Athens (Aug. 3) and Prague (9.VIII) on reverse.Ausruf : 140 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauft
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