1918: Proofs (2) for the overprint HRVATSKA/SHS lithographed in black on greyish-white paper, imperforate, as utilsed for Michel 64/65 and 87. Scarce and most unusual.
1918 (Nov 18/Dec): Harvesters 5 f. green and 10 f. rose-red, fresh mint examples overprinted SHS/HRVATSKA in black (genuine surcharge but not Official, issued in blue), fresh and fine, large part original gum. Rare: 10 filler with Cert. Ercegovic (1986).
Overprinted HRVATSKA / SHS overprint Type 2 (as Mi 55 + 56) in blue on Hungarian War Charity 2 f. olive yellow, 3 f. orange and 6 f. black, unissued, fresh and fine, large part og.
Overprinted SHS / HRVATSKA in blue on Hungarian Harvesters 2 f. ochre brown, a mint example with normal overprint and 'offset' double overprint, fine large part og. Signed Ercegovic.
1918 (Dec 19): Registered cover to Sellye with Hungary Katl & Zita 10 f. vermilion (4) in two pairs, used in combination with Harvester 6 f. blue-green overprinted SHS / HRVATSKA in blue, all tied by "Nova Gradiska" datestamps in black. Slightly smudged arrival datestamp on reverse but a scarce usage. Cert. Predrag Zrinjscak (2012).
Overprinted SHS/HRVATSKA in blue on Hungarian Harvesters, 6 f. blue-green, variety "Overprint Inverted" used on cover locally mailed within Zagreb. Rare. Cert. Ercegovic (1985).
Overprinted SHS / HRVATSKA in blue on Hungarian Harvesters, 3 f. red-lilac in a mint block of four with "Overprint Double" (signed), 6 f. blue-green with overprint double and misplaced mint, 15 f. violet with overprint double and misplaced fine mint and 3 kr. violet & grey with variety "Overprint Double", all fresh and fine, large part or unmounted og. A scarce group.
Overprinted SHS / HRVATSKA in black on 1913 2 k. orange imperforate Newspaper stamp, variety "Overprint Inverted", and on Hungarian Harvesters 10 f. red, with "Overprint Inverted" in blue; fine large part og. Scarce.
Overprinted SHS/HRVATSKA in blue on Hungarian Harvesters 2 f. ochre brown pair, 6 f. blue-green and 35 f. red-brown all tied to registered cover from Zagreb to Ljubljana by Zagreb datestamps in blue (Dec 18). A fresh and fine cover. Cert. Predrag Zrinjscak (2012).
Overprinted SHS / HRVATSKA in blue on Hungarian Harvesters 15 f. violet and 25 f. blue mint, variety overprint as used on Turul (Mi 55/56). Scarce and most unusual, the 25 filler value signed Ercegovic.
Overprinted SHS / HRVATSKA in blue on Hungarian Harvesters 40 f. olive green, a corner marginal strip of three with overprint misplaced to left, fresh and fine, very fine og.
1919: Hungarian 10 f. Packetcard sent registered franked by Hungary Postage Due 50 f. black & green in combination with overprinted HRVATSKA / SHS in blue on Parliament 2 kr. brown & deep brown all tied by DUBRICA datestamps (Jan 26). Scarce mixed franking and very fine. Cert. Predrag Zrinjscak (2012).
1918 (Nov 18/Dec): Overprinted SHS / HRVATSKA in blue on Hungarian Harvesters & Parliament Building issues, the superb set of 18 in mint blocks of four, mostly marginal, fresh and very fine, large part or unmounted og.
Overprinted HRVATSKA / SHS in blue (Type 9, as used on Karl & Zita issue) on Hungarian Harvesters 4 f. deep blue (unissued value), fresh and fine, large part og. Scarce.
Overprinted SHS / HRVATSKA in blue on Hungarian Karl & Zita 20 f. brown, variety "Overprint Inverted", fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Signed Ercegovic.
1919: Karl & Zita 40 f. olive, three examples used on reverse of 'Telefonbillet' with manuscript "SHS" overprint on each, tied by "Koprivnica (May 25) datestamps, with further datestamp on obverse.
1919: 2 f. yellow-brown, perf. 11½, a fine mint block of four from Plate II, superb unmounted og. Just two sheets (200) stamps stated to exist, multiples are very rare. Cert. Predrag Zrinjscak (2012).
1919: Completed Die Proofs for Plate II 10 f. and 20 f. values in black on very thick carton paper. Exceptional and of great scarcity for the Exhibit collection. Certs (2) Mario Huzanic (2012).
1919: 10 f. a superb imperforate Proof printed in black on yellowish paper from Plate III, enormous margins all round, creased horizontally well below the stamp, but fine and most attractive.
1919: 10 f. vermilion, mint example from Plate III with compound perforation 11½ x 12½, with extra row of horizontal perforations at top (11½), fresh and very scarce, large part og. Signed Petric. Cert. Predrag Zrinjscak (2012).
1919: Printer's Proofs in black (reversed negative) for 20 f. value in black and 5 kr. in black (reversed negative ) each printed on glazed white paper on very thick carton paper, the 20 f. value with "10.25.45" additional figures below. Superb and of great scarcity. Certs. Mario Huzanic (2012).
1919: 20 f. deep brown, a mint imperforate example from the scarce Plate II, minor ageing at top on reverse of gum, large part og. Scarce. Cert. Mario Huzanic (2012).
1919: Hungarian 10 f. blue on yellow Parcel Card sent registered with multiple fraanking of 1919 20 f. brown strip of four on obverse and reverse with 20 f. single and two further strips of four and 5 f. green and 10 f. vermilion (Plate II, Type 4, broken frame under H of HRVATSKA) all tied by 'Zagreb' datestamps ((May 23) cds's.A scarce and appealing franking. Cert. Predrag Zrinjscak (2012).
1919: Completed Die Proofs for Plate I, 25 f. and 45 f. values in black on very thick carton paper. Exceptional and of great scarcity for the Exhibit collection. Certs (2) Mario Huzanic (2012).
1919: 25 f., Colour Trial in violet, imperforate from base of sheet, fresh and fine with fingerprint and minor crease on gum; also the scarce 25 f. bright blue, top marginal mint example from Plate I, (signed Petric), with superb, large part og. A rare pair. Certs. Huzanic (2012) and Predrag Zrinjscak (2012).
1919: 45 f, grey olive, a fine mint pair, marginal from base of sheet (Plate I) and a matching imperforate gummed single example, fine, large part og. Cert. Zoran Sips (2010).
1919: 45 f. olive-grey, Plate II, a fine imperforate example with large margins unused and a sheet marginal block of eight from right of sheet, fresh and fine unmounted og.
1919: Imperforate large part set of seven values 2 f. - 45 f. in issued colours, all from Plate III, all with with "Double Print" variety, probably Printer's waste but nevertheless a scarce group unused or witrh large part og.
1919: 10 f. vermilion (Plate III), 20 f. deep brown (Plate III) and horizontal marginal pair of 45 f. deep brown (Plate I), all perf. 11½, used on large part of Telegram form and cancelled by scarce IVANKOVO datestamps (May 31) in blue.
1942: Ustasha Youth Organization souvenir sheet in imperf. condition showing variety: Two souvenir sheets attached to each other with large sheet margin with position numbers, scarce multiple Mi = unlisted.
1943: Zagreb Stamp Show souvenir sheet 18 + 9k. black brown, imperf., unused mit with full original gum showing variety: Two souvenir sheets attached to each other with large sheet margin and crosse marks, horizontal fold between the sheets and margin with wrinkels and two creases, away from stamps, scarce multiple Mi = unlisted.
1943: Boskovic 3.50 k. Colour Trial Proof in deep carmine engraved on thin gummed paper, dated in manuscript "11.10.43", with printer's notes including "50 kg." and file numbers in manuscript. A very rare Proof.
1943: Boskovic 3.50 k. Colour Trial perforated 14 (issued perf. 10¾), printed in deep carmine red, full original gum but with slight imperfection at top left corner, otherwise fine and scarce.
1943: Boskovic 12.50 k. Colour Trial Proof in black engraved on thin ungummed paper from a magazine (colour photograph on reverse), dated in manuscript "20.9.43" at top. A fine and very rare Proof.
1943: Boskovic 12.50 k. Colour Trial Proof in deep purple-brown engraved on thin ungummed paper, slight crease at lower left, dated in manuscript "1.9.43". Fine and very rare Proof.
1944: Croatia Anniversary, complete set of three imperf. values unmounted mint, each in full printing sheets of 100, folded vertically and horizontally with some stains in margin, each sheet with handwritten autograph, dated between April 18 and April 21, 1944.
1941/45: Remarkable collection 174 unused stamps incl. 1941/42 Pictorial Issue with many multiples, diff. shades, varieties such as imperf., print on the gum side, double perfs., double and smudged prints etc., 1941 Official 50 b. imperf. with double print in block of four, 1943 Pavelic blocks of four (2) with missing perf., 1943/44 Pictorials with imperf. blocks and varieties, 1944 Francetic issue with imperf. Colour Trial pairs (3), 1945 War Charity values imperf. in pairs etc. Excellent lot for further expansion.