Katalog 328: Rumänien - Special Catalogue
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Losnr. : 6001 Rumänien
1837 (July 13 and 14): Entire letter probably written at Bucharest by Prince Anatole Demidov, Art collector and writer of "Voyage dand la Russie Merriodionale (1839-49)", mailed to the Consul in Orsova and disinfected by overall rastel punches with "Contumaz" red wax seal on reverse and signed below Rastel number 128 in manuscript on reverse. Interesting letter in French stating that he has arrived in Giurgevo where he left the ship but is now travelling on the Danube on the "Argo" to Galatz but has been held in quarantine. Sold together with a print of Rothenthurn.Ausruf : 140 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 6002 Rumänien
1839: Prepaid entire letter from Galatz endorsed internally "Dal Lazaretto" to Marseille, rastel punched for disinfection and struck on reverse with exceptionally scarce Cyrillic "CAY KYPЪЦbT" (S'AU CURATIT = Has been cleaned) with manuscript notation below and Rauten number RH30 alongside. "JASSY" transit handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 753) and thence to Marseille with a variety of rate markings. A very rare entire, the disinfection handstamp used four years earlier than recorded in Meyer - sold together with an 1846 printed document with an even better strike of the rare "CAY KYPЪЦbT" in black (Kiriac fig. 149) on reverse. Ex collection Sassower.rnNote: Illustrated in Kiriac Dragomir "Stampilografie Postala" on page 49.rnrnAusruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 6003 Rumänien
1840: Entire letter, written by Misa Anastasijevic - Kapetan Misha (President of the National Assembly of Serbia) at Bucharest sent via Tatar to Belgrad, Serbie, via the northern route, disinfected at Rothenturn Quarantine station, to the reverse the cachet of this Quarantine station "NETTO DI FUORA E SPORCA DI DENTRO" (Type IV 1837); rare example of mail posted from Bucharest to Serbia by northern route.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 6004 Rumänien
1846 Large document "BILET" for exporting goods from the Principality of Wallachia, bearing on reverse fine strike quarantine disinfection negative seal of "KARANTINA OLTENITA / 1838", (unrecorded by Kiriac Dragomir in 'Stampilografie postala' - see page 53). A fine and rare item.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 6005 Rumänien
1851: Entire letter written in Svishtov, Bulgaria to Bucharest, hand carried across the Danube to Zimnicea where struck with superb Cyrillic circular "CLEANED AT ZIMNICEA QUARANTINE" handstamp in black with Eagle motif in centre; and rastel punched for disinfection. An exceptional example of this rarity (this handstamp precedes any Romanian postal marking) with further comments on this handstamp see Meyer "Disinfected Mail" page 128. Exceptional. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6006 Rumänien
1854c.: Second sheet of prepaid entire letter from Galatz to Jassy rated "1/1.20" in manuscript, struck wih second type Cyrillic "ΦPAHKO" (Franco) handstamp in black (Kiriac fig. 213). Fresh and very fine, a scarce cover. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6006A Rumänien
1854c: Entire letter from Jassy, written in Hebrew and directed to Nathan Themen in Berlad, struck on front with fine impression of framed Cyrillic "FRANKO" handstamp, type I applied in Iasi in black (Kiriac fig. 215). Some wear, nevertheless a desirable entire, signed Heimbüchler. rnProvenance: Collection Otto BinderAusruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6006B Rumänien
1854c: Entire letter from Jassy, struck on front with light impression of framed Cyrillic "FRANKO" handstamp, type II applied in Iasi in black (Kiriac fig. 216). A fresh and fine entire. rnProvenance: Collection Otto BinderAusruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 6006C Rumänien
1856 (6 Feb.): Entire letter from Fokschan to Roman struck on front with fair impression of framed Cyrillic "FRANKO" handstamp in black (Kiriac fig. 211). Vertical fole fold well away from the rare cancel. rnProvenance: Collection Otto BinderAusruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6007 Rumänien
1856: Entire letter from Craiova to Bucharest struck with Cyrillic two line dated "KPAIOBA / MAP 18" handstamp in blue (Kiriac fig. 243). One or two surface scuffs but a fine strike. Ex collection Sassower.rnAusruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 6008 Rumänien
1857: Entire letter from Braila to Bucharest struck with Cyrillic two line dated "BPZIΛA / MAP 11" handstamp in blue (Kiriac fig. 235). Horizontal file fold but a fine and scarce entire. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6009 Rumänien
1858: Postal document struck with oval negative seal "CURIERUL ROMANESC" showing Mail Coach and Horses with wording at top in Cyrillic (Kiriac #SV55, fig. 77, page 30/31). A few small edge tears but generally of fine appearence. Rare, no example offered by Corinphila in the last 25 years. Signed Kiriac Dragomir.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 6009A Rumänien
1858c: Cover from Bacau to Jassy struck on front with fine impression of framed Cyrillic "FRANKO" handstamp applied in Bacau in greenish ink (Kiriac fig. 205), scarce that fine. Reverse with crisp "JASSY / MOLDOVA" arrival (fig. 279) cds in blue (29/3). rnProvenance: Collection Otto BinderAusruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6010 Rumänien
1858: Entire letter from Pitesti to Bucharest struck with two line dated Cyrillic "PITESTI / MAI 20" handstamp in black (Kiriac fig. 247). A fine and scarce entire.rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 227, Nov 2018, lot 1242.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 6011 Rumänien
1858/60: Document bearing the "POSTA BUZAU / 1846" seal (unfortunately damaged, with a part missing at lower left), a similar strike illustrated by Heimbüchler in volume 2, page 39; and an 1856 part document bearing an unrecorded disinfection seal of the Braila quarantine "Punct Braila / 1836" (not in Kiriac Dragomir 'Stampilografie postala' - see page 53). An interesting lot.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6012 Rumänien
Postal Stationery 1859: Registration receipt form with printed Arms of Moldavia with Crown and Bull illustration, with charges separately printed at left for "Postage / Registration / Return Receipt" and manuscript "12" parale for the total charge for all three services, signed and dated 26 September 1859. Reverse with printed terms and conditions. Usage of these forms was stipulated from March 1859. Rare. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 6013 Rumänien
Postal Stationery 1860: Registration receipt form with printed Arms of Moldavia & Walachia illustration, with charges separately printed at left for "Postage / Registration / Return Receipt" and manuscript "2" parale for the total charge for registration, handstamped "JASSI" straight line in red (never used on mail), signed and dated 6 May 1860. Reverse with printed terms and conditions. Scarce and fine. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 140 CHFLosnr. : 6014 Rumänien
1860c.: Small envelope sent registered to Jassy with fine strikes of framed "FRANCO / ROMAN" handstamp (Kiriac fig. 319), "ROMAN / MOLDOVA" cds (Feb 28) and "RECEPISSE" all well struck in blue, reverse with Jassy arrival cds (March 2). Most attractive and scarce.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 6015 Rumänien
1860: Registered prepaid entire letter from Jassy to Piatra with "JASSY / MOLDOVA" cds (June 6) of despatch (Kiriac fig. 292), "RECEPISSE" italic registration cachet and fine strike of oval manuscript filled "FRANCO / JASSY / "12" Lei / "10" Par" handstamp (Kiriac fig. 1483), all struck in red with rate notations in manuscript ink on reverse. "Piatra / Moldova" arrival cds (June 8) in blue. Tape stain over seal on reverse but a beautiful and scarce entire. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 6016 Rumänien
1860: Unpaid double rate cover to a Dr. Vlastos in Craiova, Walachia endorsed "par Alt-Orsova", struck with Paris cds of despatch (Oct 27) with framed "F./27" Convention marking in black (Van der Linden fig. 1159) and fine circular "KRAIOWA POST EXPE." struck in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 734). Reverse with Alt-Orsova transit cds in black. Scarce. Ex collection Sassower.rnAusruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 6017 Rumänien
1860 (11 Feb): Receipt for three postal items charged three Lei and sent from Fokschani to Bakeu, bearing straight line FOKSCHANI despatch handstamp and "BAKEU MOLDOVA" double circle datestamp, both in blue.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6018 Rumänien
1860 (1 Oct): Receipt detailing letters carried from Bakeu to Fokschani, bearing straight line italics Bacau in red and "FOKSCHAN MOLDOVA" arrival datestamp in bluish black.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6019 Rumänien
1860: Two receipts issued by the telegraph offices in respect of working funds supplied, both bearing the official seals of the offices in Braila and Tekucz in Moldova.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6020 Rumänien
1861 (20 Oct): Large-sized Post coach ticket haeded by the seal of the United Principalities concerning (in manuscript) a passenger travelling urgently to Braila at 7 o'clock with permit from the Ministry of the Frontier. The instructions in the lower margin concern the importance of punctuality of passengers and the regulations dealing with change of horses.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6021 Rumänien
1861 (11 Nov): General Receipt - Fatura Generalu for the diligence travelling from Jassy to Fokschani and vive versa giving inside detailed information for the postal stations en route being Jassy, Poeanii, Poeana Crinului, Movila, Solemtii, Vaslui, Craena, Docolina, Strmura, Berlad, Prescii, Beshechiu, Tekutsch and finally Fokschani. The receipt shows strikes of Tekucz and on front the tombstone datestamp of Jassy.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 6022 Rumänien
1861 (11 Nov): General Receipt - Fatura Generalu for the diligence travelling from Jassy to Michaeleni and vive versa giving inside detailed information for the postal stations en route being Jassy, Podu Iloa, Totoestii, Socii, Lala, Vacnita, Botosani, Barjea and finally Michealeni. The receipt shows strikes of the tombstone datestamp of Jassy, the document lists passengers, their destination and the fee for the journey and separately for luggage.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 6023 Rumänien
1861 (20 Nov): Receipt detailing packets from Piatra via Roman to Jassy, bearing double-circle PIATRA despatch in blue and JASSY tombstone arrival datestamp in black.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6024 Rumänien
1861: Registered prepaid entire letter from Jassy to Galatz with "JASSY / MOLDOVA" cds (June 3) of despatch (Kiriac fig. 292), "RECEPISSE" italic registration cachet and fine strike of oval manuscript filled "FRANCO / JASSY / "51" Lei / "10" Par" handstamp (Kiriac fig. 1483), all struck in blue with weight and value "23 ducats" in manuscript below. Reverse with "Tekutsch" transit and Galatz arrival cds's. File fold but markings very fine, a scarce entire. Ex collection Sassower.rnrnAusruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 6025 Rumänien
1861: Entire letter to Ploesti struck on despatch with two line dated "BRAILA / IUL 14" Latin datestamp in blue (Kiriac fig. 236) with manuscript '12' rate at right. This datestamp known in use for circa 15 months (3 March 1861-12 June 1862) only. Scarce and fine. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6026 Rumänien
1861c.: Small envelope sent registered to a Doctor in Roman, Moldavia endorsed "via Focsani" at top left, struck with fine "BUCAREST / WALACHEI" circular datestamp (July 3) in blue (Kiriac fig. 269) and rare oval framed "KU RECEPIS" (for return receipt) also in blue (Kiriac fig. 1475). Reverse with both Cyrillic "FOKSCHANI / IUL 4" datestamp in blue (fig. 244) and "Fokschani / Moldova" cds (July 6) in red (fig. 275). Charged '80' parale in red manuscript (40 pa. for postage and 40 for registration). Small opening tear but a fine inter-principalities cover, sold together with an 1861 "Retur Recipis" form for a letter to Rimnic. Ex collection Sassower.rnNote: This cover is fully discussed and illustrated in the London Philatelist, Volume 88 (Jan-Feb 1979) on pages 4-8.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 6027 Rumänien
1862 (1 Aug): Receipt detailing letters carried from Ismail to Cahul, bearing "ISMAIL MOLDOVA" despatch and "KAHUL MOLDOVA" double circle cds's in red.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6028 Rumänien
1862: Prepaid entire letter to Jassy struck with superb framed "FRANCO / GALATZ" handstamp in black (Kiriac fig. 308), with "Galatz / Moldova" cds (Nov 6) at left and reverse with Jassy arrival in blue (Nov 9). A charming entire: illustrated in the London Philatelist, volume 89, March-April 1980 on page 52.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6029 Rumänien
1868: Entire letter from Craiova to Galatz struck with "CRAIOVA" despatch cds (July 2) in black (Kiriac fig. 387), manuscript tax "28" bani in blue crayon - 18 bani postage + 10 bani as tax due - with "Bucuresci / Dimineata" arrival cds in black displaying well on flap (July 4). Scarce, illustrated and discussed in Gabby Sassower's article in the London Philatelist, Volume 87, Sept-Oct 1987, page 136.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6030 Rumänien
1868 (12 Sept): Coach ticket for a journey from Bucharest to Giurgiu illustrating the diligences used also for postal services.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 6031 Rumänien
1869: Unpaid entire letter to Bucharest struck with superb "PLOESTI" circular datestamp (Oct 20) in blue (Kiriac fig. 427) and handstruck "28" bani due marking (18 bani postage + 10 bani due as tax) also in blue. Reverse with "Bucuresti / Dim" arrival cds (Oct 21) in black. A very fine and rare cover, this procedure with a special handstamp is only recorded from Ploesti. Illustrated in "Stampilografie Postala" by Kiriac Dragomir on page 291 and discussed and illustrated in Gabby Sassower's article in the London Philatelist, Volume 87, Sept-Oct 1987, page 136.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6032 Rumänien
Lots & Collections, 1850s: Lot of 3 prephilatelic covers showing two line dated Cyrillic handstamps of: "KALAFATU / OKT 25" in black (Kiriac fig. 240), "KRAIOVA / AVG 5" struck well in blue (fig. 243) and "PLOESCI / MAI 25" in red (fig. 249); fresh and generally very fine, a scarce group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 6033 Rumänien
1853/1862: Pre-stamp lot containing (11) covers with Wallachian two line pre-philatelic postmarks (PV 53, illustrated in Kiriac, page 77). A good starting collection of this interesting field, with examples of BRAILA (one Cyrillic, two latin script items), BUKURESTI (1), KALAFATU (1), KARAKALU (2), KRAIOVA (1), OLTENITA (1), SEVERINU (1) and SLATINA (1). Condition generally fine throughout.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6034 Rumänien
1854/60: Lot of 3 prephilatelic covers/entire letters each showing two line dated handstamps of latin "BRAILA / APR 4" in blue (Kiriac fig. 235), Cyrillic "BRAILA / OKT 3" in blackish-green on 1860 entire to Bucharest (fig. 236), and "OLTENITA / IUL 15" on 1858 entire (fig. 246) in black. Scarce .Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6035 Rumänien
1854/62: Cover lot with 3 pre-philatelic covers showing two line dated Cyrillichandstamps of "SLATINA / AVG 12", "KRAIOVA / IUN 10" and "BEKETU / AVG 4" all struck in blue (Kiriac figs. 253, 243 & 234), this last also bearing the red wax seal of the Bechet Customs of the Border Guard Battalion (Kiriac KR1 fig. 170, page 61). Some stains and small faults but generally fine, a scarce group.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6036 Rumänien
1854/62c. Lot of 3 pre-philatelic covers showing two line dated Cyrillic handstamps: "KALAFATU / MAI 19" in black (Kiriac fg. 240), scarce "KARAKALU / FEB 6" struck in blue (fig. 241) and "SEVERINU / IUL 29" in blue (fig. 252), this last signed Heimbüchler. Generally fine, a scarce group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6037 Rumänien
1857/58: Lot containing large part documents (3) bearing three different Braila disinfection/quarantine seals, two of them unrecorded by Kiriac Dragomir in 'Stampilografie postala' (see page 53). The first is a part document from 1858 bearing a round seal with part text "Punctul Braila...1857" (unrecorded); the second fragment from 1858 bears an oval seal illustrated by Kiriac (fig. 55) and described as K42; the third part document from 1858 bears a "Punct Braila / 1836" quarantine seal (unrecorded). A fine and interesting lot.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 6038 Rumänien
1857/60c.: Cover from Bottuschan to Terescheny, Bucovina endorsed at top "K.K. Starostie Bottuschan", struck with two line dated "BOTTUSCHAN / 10 NOV" handstamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 725) and unrecorded "RECOMANDIRT" at right, both in blue. Terescheny handstamp in black (Nov 11) on reverse and marked at '10' kr. to pay upon arrival. Sadly undated but nevertheless scarce. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 6039 Rumänien
Austrian PO's 1833: Prepaid cover to Leipzig, Prussia with very scarce oval "BUKUREST / IN DER WALACHEY" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 706), fine circular "SANITATIS SIGULLUM" cachet of disinfection (1833 Cholera outbreak) well struck in black and oval "VON / HERMANSTADT / FRANCO" transit in red at left (Müller 510d) and thence via Vienna. Refolded for better exhibit display, a rare cover. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 6040 Rumänien
Austrian Fieldpost 1854: Cover to Este endorsed from the Infantry Regiment in Bucharest, struck with two line dated "BUKAREST / 15 SEP." handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 710), with Military cachet on reverse alongside Vienna transit cds (Sept 22) and Este arrival cds (Sept 25) all in black. Scarce. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6041 Rumänien
Austria PO's 1854: Prepaid cover to France struck on despatch with two line dated "BUKAREST / 29 SEP" despatch in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 710) and scarce oval "FRANCO" alongside (fig. 711). Octagonal framed "P.D." in black, mailed via Hermannstadt and Paris to Lizy sur Ourcy. Two pinholes on obverse but most attractive. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6042 Rumänien
Austrian Fieldpost 1854: Cover to Brescia endorsed from the Infantry Regiment in Bucharest, struck with fine "K.K. FELDPOSTAMT / No. 1" circular datestamp (Oct 5) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 712) - an early date and possibly the earliest recorded as the Austrian Military presence was from 10 Sept 1854. Reverse with Hermannstadt and Kronstadt transits and Brescia arrival cds's alongside complete Regimental red wax seal. Rare cover. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 6043 Rumänien
Austrian PO's 1858/62: Bucharest: entire letters (3) to France, with 1858 prepaid entire struck with "BUKAREST" cds in black and scarce oval "FRANCO" to Paris (Tchilinghirian figs. 713 and 711); 1861 entire letter at double rate struck with scarce "BUCAREST / Abends" cds in black (fig. 717) and 1862 entire with "BUCAREST / Fruh" cds in black. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 6044 Rumänien
Austrian PO's 1861: Entire letter from Bucharest to Constantiunople struck with "BUCHAREST / Abends" despatch cds (Oct 8) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 717), with manuscript rate "5/20" (5 kr. by land, 20 kr. by sea) with "Constantinopel" arrival cds of Austrian P.O. on reverse (Oct 15) in black. File folds but a superb strike. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 140 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 6045 Rumänien
Austrian Post Offices in Romania 1863: Arms 2 s. yellow, perf. 14, a used horizontal pair on 1864 Printed Matter rate cover to Vienna, tied by fine strike of "BUCAREST" circular datestamp (Jan 1) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714), with Vienna arrival cds (Jan 4) on reverse. Horizontal filing fold well away from the adhesives, a rare rate and franking, especially so from this Office Ferchenbauer = € 2'000+.rnrnrnAusruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 6046 Rumänien
Austrian Post Offices in Romania 1863: Arms 10 s. blue and 15 s. brown, both perf. 14, the 15s. with rounded corner perf., used on 1864 cover to Vienna tied by "BUCAREST" circular datestamp (July 19) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714). Vienna arrival cds (July 2) on reverse. Minor ironed file folds but an attractive and scarce usage.rnrnAusruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6047 Rumänien
Austrian Post Offices in Romania 1863/64: Arms 15 s. brown, perf. 14 and 10 s. blue, perf. 9½, used on 1864 entire letter to Pest, Hungary tied by "BUCAREST" circular datestamp (July 19) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714). Reverse with 'Pesth / Früh' arrival cds (Julky 23) in black. Minor wrinkles at top but a very scarce mixed issue franking. Signed Ferchenbauer.rnrnrnAusruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6048 Österreich. Levante
Hungarian Post Offices in Romania, Bucharest 1864: Arms 5 s. rose and 10 s. blue, perf. 9½, used on 1867 entire letter from Bucharest to Constantinople tied by "BUCAREST" circular datestamps (May 7) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714). Reverse with Austrian P.O. "Constantinopel" arrival cds (May 10) in black. A rare entire and a very early first week usage from the Hungarian Post OfficeAusruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 6049 Österreich. Levante
Hungarian Post Offices in Romania, Bucharest 1864: Arms 10 s. blue, perf. 9½, two used examples on 1867 double rate entire letter to Vienna neatly tied by "BUCAREST" circular datestamp (May 25) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714). Reverse with Rissdorfer / Pharmacy wafer in purple and gold and Vienna arrival (May 29). A rare double rate usageAusruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 6050 Rumänien
Bucharest 1867: 5 s. red, a fine horizontal pair used on 1868 cover to Pest, neatly tied by "BUCAREST" cds (17/6) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 715). Pest arrival datestamp and sender's wafer seal on reverse of an attractive and very scarce cover. Signed Colla, Ferchenbauer and E. Müller.rnProvenance: Collection Dr. Anton & Elisabeth Jerger, Corinphila sale 140, May 2004, lot 701; collection Eduardo Cohen, Corinphila sale 222, May 2018, lot 4251.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6051 Rumänien
Bucharest 1867: 10 s. blue, a used example on 1868 cover to Vienna, neatly tied by "BUCAREST" cds (26/11) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 715). Vienna cds of arrival on reverse (Dec 1). The adhesive just off edge of a fine entire.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 6052 Österreich. Levante
Hungarian Post Offices in Romania, Bucharest 1867: 10 s. blue, two used examples on 1868 double rate entire letter to Brünn, neatly tied by "BUCAREST" circular datestamps (June 6) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714). Reverse with framed Brünn arrival (June 11) in black. An attractive entire and a very scarce rateAusruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 6053 Österreich. Levante
Hungarian Post Offices in Romania, Bucharest 1867: 10 s. blue, a used example on 1869 cover to Berlin, Prussia tied by "BUCAREST" circular datestamp (Jan 10) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714). Reverse with letter continuation and framed "Kandrzin / Oderberg" transit and Berlin arrival cds (Jan 15) in blue. A very scarce usage, carried under the GAPU rate of 10 soldi for a single letter. Small imperfections but rare: believed to be the sole recorded usage of this franking to the German StatesAusruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 6054 Österreich. Levante
Hungarian Post Offices in Romania, Bucharest 1867: 15 s. brown, a used example on 1869 single rate cover to Wattwyl, St. Gallen, Switzerland, tied by "BUCAREST" circular datestamp (Feb 22) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714). Reverse with Vienna cds (Feb 26), St. Gallen cds (Feb 27) and Wattwyl arrival cds all in black; manuscript '4' Rheinish krajcar in red crayon. A rare cover - the rate to Switzerland had been reduced to 15 soldi on 1 September 1868. Slight peripheral aging reduced but a scarce and attractive coverAusruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6055 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867/68: Six entires including 10 s. neatly tied by "BUCAREST" (7. Nov.) datestamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 714) to 1868 cover adressed to the French Consul in Trebisonde, Turkey, 10s., blue two examples used on 1868 cover to Palermo, Sicily, struck with red "P.D" below franking and reverse with Vienna cds (Nov. 8) as well as Palermo arrival (Nov. 12), two folded letters to Vienna each sealed by attractive wafer labels "JUL. RISSENDORFER / PHARMACIEN / BUCHAREST" and "JACOB MARMOROSCH / BUCAREST" respectively or an 1868 unpaid entire to Vienna, charged "15" in manuscript upon arrival. An interesting Group from the Dr. Géza Homonnay collection.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 6056 Österreich. Levante
Hungarian Post Offices in Romania 1867/69: Lot six covers from the P.O. in Bucharest incl. unpaid to Bordeaux and Vienna, 1864 Arms 10 s. blue to Vienna, 1867 coarse whiskers 10 s. blue, single and double franking to Vienna and single franking to Lugos, Temeser Banat crownland. An interesting group from the Dr. Geza Homonnay collectionAusruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 6057 Rumänien
Austrian Fieldpost 1850/54: Austria 6 kr. brown and 9 kr. blue, fine used examples with large margins all round, used on 1856 entre letter to Pesth at civilian rate, lightly tied by "K.K. ÖST. F.P. KRAJOVA" circular datestamp (Jan 12) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 735). The adhesives further cancelled upon arrival by "Pesth / Früh" cds (Jan 17) to prevent fraudulent re-use. Disinfected with large circular "Cleaned at Austrian Rastel Office / Alt-Orsova" cds (Jan 13) displaying well on flap and Temesvar transit cds (Jan 15). Slightest stain on the 9 kr. but a rare entire. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6058 Rumänien
Austrian Lloyd 1866: Entire letter from Craiova to Galatz, with blue sender's cachet and manuscript notation of a group of coins to the value of 5'059 Lei accompanying the letter, probably mailed at Piquet (Beket) Lloyd Agency Office on the Danube with contents stating "With this letter we send by Danube steamer a satchel with coins..." and "NB. The steamer's charges for carrying the money to be paid by you". Reverse with fine strike of oval "GALATZ" datestamp (5/II) of the Lloyd office struck in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 809). A rare entire that opens well for Exhibit display. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 6059 Rumänien
Austrian Fieldpost 1855: Civilian entire letter from Fokschan to Paris struck with "K.K. FELDPOSTAMT / 3s. Ae. Cs" circular datestamp (July 26) of the Third Army Corps in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 737), sent via Bucharest with equally fine "K.K. FELDPOSTAMT No. 1" cds (July 28) in black (fig. 712). Rastel punched for disinfection and thence via Hermannstadt to Paris where charged '16' décimes due on delivery. A fine and scarce entire that displays well. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 6060 Rumänien
Austrian Fieldpost 1855: Entire letter from Fokschan to Pest, Hungary struck with fine "K.K.FELDPOSTAMT / 3s. Ae Cs." circular datestamp (Nov 6) of the Third Army Corps (Tchilinghirian fig. 737) struck in black. Reverse with Hermannstadt transit cds (Nov 10) and "Pesth / Früh" arrival cds (Nov 15) in black. Scarce. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 6061 Rumänien
Austrian PO's 1860: Entire letter to Paris struck by superb "FOKSCHAN" circular datestamp (Oct 17) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 738), with Hermanstadt transit on reverse and unusually struck by both "Autriche / Erquelines" and "Tour-T / Valenciennes" entry marks in blue (Oct 27) alongside and charged '16' décimes due on arrival. Very few entires are known from Fokschan. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 6062 Rumänien
Austrian PO's 1866: Entire letter to Paris struck by very fine "FOKSCHAN" circular datestamp (May 14) in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 738), with JASSY transit cds (May 16) in black (fig. 757) displaying well on reverse, thence via Vienna and Strasbourg and charged '10' décimes due on arrival. Very few entires are known from Fokschan. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 6063 Rumänien
Austrian PO's 1848: Entire letter written in Greek from Syra, carried by hand and mailed in Galatz with manuscript "Galatz" above address, mailed on to Trieste with disinfection slits and struck with italic "Leta. arr.te per mare" in black and reverse with Trieste arrival cds (July 8) in red and rated "6" in manuscript. A most unusual routing and usage. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 6064 Rumänien
Austrian Lloyd 1856 (Oct 7): Entire letter from Braila to Sira, Greece struck with fine oval "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO / Galatz" in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 828) with "Syros" arrival cds (Oct 21j) in blue on reverse. A most attractive entire. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 6065 Rumänien
1861: Stampless entire, from Belgrade, Serbia, to Marseille, dated 21 October 1861, printed lettersheet headed up 'SOCIETE GENERAL FRANCO-SERBE-NAVIGATION DU DANUB', endorsed top 'Par voie de Vienna Austria', handstamp '10' charge mark in black and a 'A.' alongside a Galatz datestamp in blue 25 October, letter carried on the ship 'PAPIN' to Galatz where it was posted through Galatz to Vienna, sent by land to France where it received the charge mark, to the reverse a 'Wien' (Vienna) datestamp 30 October 1861 overlaying an arrival in Marseille dated 3 November 1861, horizontal filing crease centrally, otherwise fine, a rare cover; proving the French investment company at Levant were using their Danube shipping company boat to expedite mail transfer from the Balkans.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 6066 Rumänien
Austrian Post Offices in Romania 1864: Arms 2 s. yellow, perf. 9½, a used horizontal pair on 1867 Printed Matter rate entire letter to Trieste, tied by crisp strike of "GALLATZ" circular datestamp (March 26) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 743). Reverse with WIEN transit (April 1) and oval TRIESTE arrival (April 3) datestamps. A rare and most attractive entire. Signed Raybaudi. Cert. E. Diena (1991) Ferchenbauer = € 3'500.rnProvenance: Collection Achille Rivolta, Harmers. Lugano, Feb. 1992; collection Provera, Corinphila 292, 1 Dec 2022, lot 3071.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 6067 Rumänien
1867: Unpaid cover from Galatz to Corfu, Ionian Islands with manuscript "Galatz" despatch cancellation at top right, Vienna (Nov 16) and Trieste transits on reverse. Charged on arrival with Large Hermes 1862/67 Consecutive 5 l. green (3) and single 80 l. carmine, margins fine to just touched, all tied by "Kerkyra" cds's (Nov 10j) in black. Minor imperfections but the cover opens well for Exhibit display to show all cancellations, a most attractive and scarce cover. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 6068 Rumänien
Austrian PO's 1868: Entire letter from Galatz to Marseille, France struck on despatch with circular three line dated "GALATZ" cds (June 30) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 745), carrried via Vienna (July 4) and Strasbourg to Marseille (July 8). Slight ink smudge at upper right but a superb strike of an elusive datestamp. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 6069 Rumänien
Austrian Lloyd PO 1889: Romania 5 b. black on pink postal stationery card, a used example from Galatz (Oct 14) to Bucharest with superb impression of oval framd "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRO-UNGARICO / GALATZ" handstamp in violet alongside Bucharest arrival cds (Oct 15). Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 6070 Rumänien
Austrian P.O.'s 1862: Entire letter to Vienna struck with "GIURGEVO" cds of despatch (Dec 26) in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 748), rated "30" soldi in manuscript, reverse showing Vienna arrival cds in red. File fold but a very scarce cancel struck in blue: this cover being earlier than recorded in Tchilinghirian. Ex collection SassowerAusruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 6071 Rumänien
Austrian PO's 1865: Cover to Paris with superb strike of "GIURGEVO" despatch cds (May 16) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 748), rated '15/25' kreuzer in manuscript, mailed via Vienna and Strasbourg (May 22) and charged '10' décimes due on arrival. Scarce so fine. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 6072 Rumänien
Austrian Post Offices 1864: Arms 2 s. yellow, perf. 9½, a single example and two horizontal pairs, well embossed and in a brilliant bright shade, tied to cover front by three clear strikes of "GIURGEVO" circular datestamp (June 10) cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 748). An extremely rare usage of the 2 soldi adhesive in Giurgevo, Tchilinghirian did not record a single example, even off cover, in his handbook. Ferchenbauer illustrates this item on page 580 of his catalogue and gives 'LP' for a franking of five 2 s. adhesives on cover.rnSuperbly attractive and very rare.rnNote: 10 soldi rate from the Danubian Principalities to Austria after October 15, 1866. Thus this item must have been sent in June 1867, when Giurgevo belonged to the Hungarian Postal administration. rnProvenance: Collection Provera, Corinphila 271, 10 June 2021, lot 6091.Ausruf : 10.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6073 Rumänien
Austrian PO's 1855: Cover from Ibraila to Como endorsed from a Line Infantry Regiment, struck with rare two line dated "IBRAILA / 29. DIC." handstamp in green (Tchilinghirian fig. 728) in use for a short period in 1855 only in this colour. Reverse showing fair strike of "K.K. FELDPOSTAMT No. 1" in black (4 Jan 1856) applied in Bucharest (fig. 712) and Vienna and Como (Jan 12) cds's in black. Scarce. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 6074 Rumänien
1857: Prepaid entire letter to Syra, Greece sent registered with manuscript "Ibraila" cancellation at upper left, slight acid ink fault, slitted for disinfection with reverse showing Pesth transit cds (March 7), "Triest / Recommandirt" datestamp (March 9) with rates on flap (3 x 9kr + 3 x 6 kr = 45 kr.) and Sira arrival cds in blue (March 6j). A most unusual entire. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 6075 Rumänien
Austrian Lloyd PO 1858: Entire letter bilingually addressed from Braila to Constantinople, struck with fine oval framed "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO / Ibraila" in blue-green. A fine and scarce entire. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6076 Rumänien
Austrian PO's 1864: Austria Arms 10 kr. blue, perf. 9½, a horizontal pair used on 1866 entire letter to Vienna tied by fine "JBRAILA" circular datestamp (Oct 13) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 730) with manuscript "Franco" alongside. Reverse with Vienna arrival cds. A fresh and fine entire. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6077 Rumänien
Austrian Post Offices in Romania 1864: Arms 15 s. brown, perf. 9½, a vertical pair used on 1865 registered cover to Hotel National, Vienna tied by "IBRAILA" cds (Jan 6) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 730) with "RACCOM" at right in black. Reverse with part of 1864 10 soldi blue damaged upon opening and arrival cds WIEN datestamp in black (Jan. 14). One nibbed perf and perf. toning of the pair, the cover with some aging and a horizontal filing fold, nevertheless an interesting item for the pre-1866 rate with 10 s. for the Levant and 15 s. for the third rayon in Austria, thereby overfranked by 5 soldi.rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 257, Jan 2021, lot 1190.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 6078 Österreich. Levante
Hungarian Post Offices in Romania, Braila (Ibraila) 1867: 10 s. blue, two examples used on registered cover to Vienna, with superb example on obverse neatly tied by "JBRAILA" circular datestamp (Oct 4) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 730); reverse with repaired 10 s. blue similarly tied paying the registration fee. Straight line "RACCOM" on obverse in black with docket number '35' in manuscript above. Vienna arival at left (Oct 9). A scarce usageAusruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 6079 Rumänien
Austrian Fieldpost 1856c.: Cover from Chrudhim, Bohemia to a member of the 18th Infantry Regiment in Jassy, struck on despatch with "CHRUDIM" cds (Dec 29) in black; reverse with Czernowitz transit and astonishing use of three different Field Post Office datestamps due to cover's re-direction to Bucharest and thence to Ploesti: with "FELDPOST No. 2" cds applied at Jassy (Jan 7), "K.K. FELPOSTAMT No. 1" applied in Bucharest (Jan 10) and extremely rare "K.K. ÖST.F.P. PITESCHTI" circular datestamp applied on eventual delivery (Jan 14), all being fine strikes in black - the Piteschti cds being one of very few known "Stampless letters - None known, may exist" - (see Tchilinghirian page 459, fig. 765). Slight trim to edges of cover but a truly remarkable usage. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 850 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6080 Rumänien
Austrian PO's 1868: Entire letter from Jassy to Vienna endorsed at top as accompanying 1 parcel of gold with a value of 8'000 florins, and details of weight below, sent unpaid with "JASSY" circular datestamp of despatch (Dec 2) in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 757). Manuscript rate "25-20" in red crayon on a fine and most unusual entire. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 175 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6081 Rumänien
Austrian Fieldpost 1854/57: Prepaid cover to Linz struck with fine strike of "K.K. ÖST.F.P. PLOESCHTI" circular datestamp (Oct 20) in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 767) with straight line "FRANCO" alongside (this not recorded by Tchilighirian & Stephen) also in blue. Reverse with Hermannstadt (Oct 22) cds, Vienna cds and Linz arrival (Oct 26). Rare and fine cover. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 6082 Rumänien
Austrian Fieldpost 1854/57: Austria 3 kr. red, a fine used example with good to large margins all round, tied to piece by superb strike of "K.K. ÖST.F.P. PLOESCHTI" circular datestamp (June 18) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 767). Straight line RECOM and sender's cachet at left. Small creases away from the adhesive, a fine and unusual usage. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 6083 Rumänien
Austrian Post Offices in Romania 1864: 10 s. blue, perf. 9½, a fine example used on 1866 cover to Vienna tied by over-inked strike of scarce "PLOJESTI" circular datestamp (April 19) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 768). Reverse with Vienna and Mariahilf / Wien arrivals (April 24). Rare cancellation, especiallöy when struck in black ink.rnProvenance: Collection Eduardo Cohen, Corinphila sale 224, 30 May 2018, lot 4240.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 6084 Rumänien
Austrian Post Offices in Romania 1864: Arms 10 s. blue, perf. 9½, a fine horizontal pair used on cover to Vienna tied by bold strike of scarce "PLOJESTIE" circular datestamp (July 20) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 768) - unusually scarcer when struck in black than in red. Reverse with Hermannstadt transit cds and Vienna (July 25) arrival. A very fine and extremely rare cover in superb quality.rnNote: The cover is undated, if the cover was sent before 1866, the rate was 20 soldi to Austria. Post 1866 the cover would pay the double rate to Austria.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6085 Österreich. Levante
Hungarian Post Offices in Romania, Ploesti 1867: 10 s. blue, a used example on 1867 cover to Fogaras, tied by "PLOJESTIE" circular datestamp (Oct 4) in black (Tchilinghirian ffig. 768). Reverse with Brasso transit and Fogaras arrival cds (Oct 5) in black. An exceptionally rare cover - the cancellation struck in black in use for under four monthsAusruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6086 Rumänien
Austrian Fieldpost 1857: Cover from Munich, Bavaria to Roman, Moldavia with complete and long original contents, struck with two line dated "MÜNCHEN / 4 IAN 1857 V" handstamp on despatch. Reverse with Vienna and Czernowitz transits and rare usage of two Field Post Office datestamps: "FELDPOST No. 2" circular datestamp (Jan 13) applied in Jassy in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 756) and "K.K. F. POST 11." cds (Jan 15) applied on arrival in Roman (Tchilinghirian fig. 771). A fine cover with full red wax seal on reverse and a most exceptional usage. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 6087 Rumänien
Austrian P.O. 1857: "Retour Recipisse" form for a letter to Chotin, Bessarabia, dated June 26th in manuscript, struck with superb circular "ROMAN" handstamp without date inserted (for the previous example, form number 73, used on the same day, see the Corinphila sale of Franz See's collection in May 1979, lot 2341) in brownish-black. An outstanding usage, mentioned in Tchilinghirian on page 462 - the earliest recorded date of use of this handstamp. Extremely rare. Ex collection SassowerAusruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 6088 Rumänien
Incoming mail 1852: Entire letter from Constantinople to Galatz stuck with oval framed "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO / Constantinopoli" in blue-green (Tchilinghirian fig. 442), struck on arrival with Cyrillic Disinfection cachet "PORTULU S'AU CURATIT / AA CAPITANIA GALATI" = "The Harbour. It has been cleaned at the Office of the Harbour Master, Galatz" (Kiriac fig 158). Extremely rare, carried by Lloyd on the Danube, Meyer records just three examples of this disinfection cachet, this being finer than the illustrated example. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6089 Rumänien
Incoming Mail 1854: Prepaid second sheet of entire letter from Manchester to Galatz endorsed "via Ostend & Vienna", with "1/1d." in red manuscript, London transit cds and "AUS ENGLAND PER AACHEN / FRANCO" in red, Hermannstadt transit cds and Austrian P.O. "BUKAREST / 16 NOV" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 710) and "GALATZ / 16 NOV" arrival in blue (fig. 741), both displaying well on flap. Scarce. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 6090 Rumänien
Incoming Mail 1854/67: Covers/entire letters (8) to Austrian PO's in Galatz or Jassy, with 1854 entires from Great Britain via Aachen with unpaid 1854 entire showing both BUKAREST and GALLATZ two line dated handstamps in black and in blue, 1856 prepaid entire to Galatz via Aachen and an unpaid 1856 entire, 1857 entire to Jassy via Aachen with JASSY arrival cds in blue, 1859 entire to Jassy via Aachen and Krakau with Jassy arrival in blue, Austria 1864 Arms 10 kr. used from Vienna to Jassy with arrival, Austria 5 kr. red stationery envelope upo-rated 5 kr. with Jassy arrival, 1866 entire to Jassy sent unpaid from Leipzig. A fine and interesting group. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 6091 Rumänien
Incoming Mail 1857 (Sept 2): Prepaid entire letter from Manchester to Galatz, endorsed "via Ostend, Vienna, Pesth par les bateaux à vapeur du Danube", prepaid '8d.' in red manuscript, with red Aachen transit on obverse and Pesth transit (Sept 5) and "GALLATZ" arrival cds (Sept 11) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 743) on reverse.rnrnAusruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6092 Rumänien
Incoming Mail 1860: Entire letter at double rate from Manchester to Galatz, endorsed "Via Ostend and Pesth by the Danube", struck with despatch cds (Aug 7), and, on reverse with London cds in red, "AUS ENGLAND PER AACHEN" cds in red (Aug 9), Temesvar cds (Aug 12), Hermannstadt cds (Aug 13) and Austrian P.O. "GALLATZ" cds in blue (Aug 16) with large "70" kreuzr due in blue manuscript. Slight soiling but an unusual routing. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 140 CHFZuschlag : 140 CHFLosnr. : 6093 Rumänien
Incoming mail 1864: Unpaid small envelope from Paris (July 6) to Ploesti, struck on despatch with circular "F. / 28" Convention marking in blue (Van der Linden fig. 1161) with large "NA" at top right (Non Affranchie). Reverse with Vienna transit cds and Itzkany cds (July 10) in black with faint Ploesti arrival. Taxed in manuscript with "25" in blue crayon and "85" in ink. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 6094 Rumänien
Incoming Mail 1866: Unpaid entire letter from Manchester (Jan 24) to Galatz endorsed "via Ostend & Vienna" with reverse showing London cds in red, "AUS ENGLAND Per AACHEN" cds in blue (Jan 26), Vienna cds (Jan 27) and Austrian P.O. "GALATZ" arrival cds (Feb 5) in black, obverse with superb strike of "35" kreuzer charge marking in blue at Aachen (Van der Linden fig. 3187). Scarce and fine entire that displays well.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6095 Rumänien
Austrian Post Offices in the Dobrudja, Kustendje 1864: Arms 10 s. blue and 15 s. brown, perf. 9½, used on 1866 cover to Pest, Hungary tied by slightly enhanced "LLOYD AGENTIE / KUSTENDJE" circular datestamp (June 2) in black. Reverse with Temesvar transit cds (June 4) and Pest arrival (June 5). Fold at top barely affecting the stamps, the 15 s. with a minor tear at top but not unattractive. Ferchenbauer = € 800. Cert. Ferchenbauer (2022).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 6096 Rumänien
Austrian PO's in Dobrudja, Sulina 1867: Prepaid cover to London endorsed "Via Vienna & Ostend" struck with fine "SULINA" circular datestamp (Feb 4) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 839) with straight line "FRANCO" at left. Framed "P.D." in red and reverse with Austrian P.O. "GALATZ" cds (Feb 7), Vienna cds (Feb 16) and London arrival (Feb 18) in red. Slight opening tear but a scarce and appealing cover. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHF
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