Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919

Zeppelin Vertragsstaaten

Europa & Übersee
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  • Losnr. : 574 Zeppelin Vertragsstaaten

    British Acceptances of  Zeppelin Mail to Argentine 1932/34: Selection of nine covers with high frankings, all by Zeppelin mail to Buenos Aires, including 1932 1st South American Flight with three commercially used items with one registered printed matter franked 1s printed matter rate and 3d registration (sic!), 4th SA-flight, 1933 Chicago-flight and 5th SA-flight triple rate commercially used envelope, 1934 registered envelope with high Seahorse franking of 5s and 10s via "Friedrichshafen 18.8.34" of 6th SA flight as well as 1934 Argentine flight with two covers of which one with 2 x 10s Bradbury-Wilkinson Seahorses (SG 417).
    Ausruf : 850 CHF
    Zuschlag : 950 CHF
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