Spanien - Eingehende Post 1850-1880
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Losnr. : 7601 Baden
1860: 6 Kr. orange & 9 Kr. rosarot, zwei feine und vorab gut gez. Einzelwerte (je ein kurzer Zahn) auf Faltbrief nach Valencia mit Leitweg per Schiffspost "via Marseille", sauber und übergehend entw. mit Vierringstp. '87' mit nebenges. "MANNHEIM 19 MAI", mit nebenges rotem "P.D." sowie schwarzem franz. achteckigem Grenzübergangsstp. "BADE STRASB. 20 MAI 62 AMB. H", und spanischer Taxierungsstp. "4 R" in Blau. Rückseitig badischer Ambulant, Zweizeiler "ESTRANGERO VALENCIA" und Ankunftsstp. "VALENCIA 28 MAY".Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7602 Niederlande
1852: King Willem III, 5 c. light blue, 10 c. pink carmine pair and 15 c. yellow orange, used on cover, from AMSTERDAM to MARID, tied by Amsterdam/Franco datestamp in black (15 Sept 1859), with a French datestamp 'PAYS BAS VALN**' in red alongside (17 Sept 1859), and a Spanish '4R.' charge mark in blue and a 'P.P.', there is a horizontal filing crease away from stamps, cover is fragile with some separation of back flap and tears to left and base, with the exception of the 5 c. the stamps are cut into in places, however an extremely rare tri-colour franking, only two recorded to Spain. Georg Büller expert mark, certs. NVPH (2001), Vleeming (2016).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 7603 Thurn u. Taxis
1862/64: Zwei Briefvorderseiten vom Thurn & Taxis Postamt in Hamburg nach Rivadeo resp. Cadiz, frankiert zu 5½ Sgr. mit 1859/61 ½ Sgr. grün, 2 Sgr. rosarot & 3 Sgr. braunrot, der zweite Beleg im zweiten Gewicht zu 9 Sgr. mit senkr. Dreierstreifen 1862/64 3 Sgr. ockerbraun, taxiert bei Ankunft mit 4 resp. 8 Reales. Die Frankatur im üblichen Taxis-Schnitt, die Vorderseiten stark bügig, teils durch die Frankatur, dennoch ein interessantes Duo.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7604 Schweden
1858: Imperial Coat of Arms, 24 ö. orange yellow pair and one single, used on cover, from HELSINGBORG (Sweden) to MALAGA (Spain), tied by Helsingborg datestamp in black (25 June 1863) with additional strike alongside, also a red oval 'PD' mark, French transit datestamp (27 June 1863) and red Spanish '4R' charge mark, on the reverse a Irun datestamp in red (29 June 1863) and arrival Malaga in black (3 July 1863), slight soiling and tear to base, first stamp has perf fault, there is toning to edges of stamps, otherwise a fine and scarce example of 72 ö. rate to Spain.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 7605 Österreich
1861: Franz-Joseph 15 Kr. blau, zwei Einzelwerte, farbfr. und vorab vollzähnig (leichte Zahntönung), zus. zart und übergehend entw. mit Einkreisstp. "INNSBRUCK 3 / 11" (1863), nebenges. roter "P.D." und ein schwarzer franz. Grenzübergangsstp. "AUTRICHE STRASBOURG" vom Folgetag sowie ein spanischer Taxierungsstp. von "4 R." in Rot. Rückseitig spanischer Grenzübergangsstp. "ESPANA IRUN 6 NOV. 63 und Ankunftstp. MADRID vom Folgetag. Die korrekte Frankatur bis zur franz. - spanischen Grenze betrug 13 Kr. für Österreich und 18 Kr. für Frankreich, der Brief ist also um 1 Kr. unterfrankiert, was jedoch nicht zu einer Taxierung führte. Brief zweiseitig geöffnet, ein interessantes Stück, Attest Eichele (1999).rnProvenienz: Sammlung Sylvain Wyler.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 7606 Hannover
1861: Georg 3 Gr. mittelbraun, ein voll- bis überrandiger Einzelwert auf Faltbrief nach Bilbao, zart und übergehend entw. "BREMERHAFEN 10 2" (1864) des Postamts des Königreichs Hannover, mit nebenges. rotem gefasstem "Prusse." (van der Linden 2297). Vorderseitig weiterhin spanische Taxierungsstp. "4 R" in Rot, rücks. spanischer Grenzübergangsstp. "ESPANA IRUN 13 FEB 64". Die Frankatur bezahlte nur das Porto im dritten Briefkreis des Postvereins von Bremerhafen bis zur Grenze in Aachen.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7607 Thurn u. Taxis
1859/61: Zweite Ausgabe, 5 Sgr. braunpurpur und 1862/64, dritte Ausgabe ½ Sgr. orange im üblichen Taxis-Schnitt auf vollständigem Faltbrief nach Madrid, sehr zart und übergehend entw. mit Datumsstp. "HAMBURG TH. & T. 14 3 1864", mit nebenges PP sowie rotem franz. Grenzübergangsstp. "TOUR-T. FORBACH 16 MARS 64" und spanischer Taxierungsstp. "4 Rs" in Rot. Rückseitig schwarzer Ankunftsstp. "MADRID 18 MAR 64". Unterlage mit Einriss oben und etwas bügig, aber eine interessante Kombination der zweiten und dritten Ausgabe.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7608 Norwegen
1856: King Oscar I, 2 sk. orange-yellow and 1863 24 sk. brown, used on cover, from CHRISTIANSSUND (Norway), to BILBAO (Spain), via Prussia, tied by a single and well placed Christianssund datestamp in black (4 July 1864) with additional strike alongside, red 'PD' mark and the Spanish charge mark '4R.' in black, on the reverse a Sandösund datestamp (9 July 1862), Paris transit in blue (13 July 1862) and Beasain Guipuzcoa black datestamp (15 Jul 1862), does have a horizontal filing crease centrally well away from stamps, some separation along folds and slight soiling, a rare combination on cover to Spain.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7609 Schweden
1858: Imperial Coat of Arms, 12 ö. blue, 50 ö. carmine vertical pair, with 1866 20 ö. orange vertical pair, used on cover, from STOCKHOLM (Sweden) to CADIZ (Spain), tied to back of envelope by Stockholm datestamp in black (9 Feb 1869), with KIEL/HAMBURG mark in black alongside, to the front there is a oval 'Prussia' in black, red 'P.D.', 'FRANCO' in black and a 'CADIZ FRANCO' datestamp also in black (17 Feb 1869), the cover has be opened out and has apparent damage including tears top and to back flap (part missing), these have been repaired or reinforced, some slight toning to cover and three of the stamps, however an extremely rare combination of issues, franked at 152 ö. rate, the only known example of this rate and use.Ausruf : 4.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7610 Russland
1865: 10 kop. brown & blue without watermark, three fresh and fine single examples tied by indistinct RIGA (March 29, 1872) cds to cover to Rivadeo, framed "P.D." and Prussian "AUS RUSSLAND" cds, both in red alongside, reverse with "RIVADEO .. ABR 72" arrival cds. Correct 30 kopeck rate to Spain.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 7611 Österreich
1867: 5 Kr. rot und 25 Kr. lilagrau, beide im groben Druck, auf Umschlag nach Barcelona (Briefbug durch die Marken, rücks. grob geöffnet), zart entw. "WIEN 25 6 72". Nebengesetzt zunächst ein Zweizeiler "INSUFFISAMENT AFFRANCHIE", dieser mit Rötel durchgestrichen und dann roter gefasster "P.D." gesetzt. Portogerecht mit 30 Kreuzern oder 6 Silbergroschen für die erste Gewichtsstufe im Tarif vom Juli 1864, Weiterfranko notiert mit Rötel.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7612 Thurn u. Taxis
1862/64: Dritte Ausgabe 3 Sgr. ockerbraun, zwei waagrechte Paare und Einzelstück im üblichen Taxis-Schnitt auf Umschlag nach Madrid, zart und übergehend entw. mit Vierringstp. '309' mit nebenges. Datumsstp. "GROSSNEUHAUSEN BUTTELSTEDT 17 7 1864", mit nebenges rotem PP sowie franz. Grenzübergangsstp. "TOUR-T. STRASB. 18 JUIL. 64", beide in Rot und spanischer Taxierungsstp. "12 R" in Schwarz. Rückseitig Transitstp. WEIMAR und Ankunftsstp. "MADRID 22 JUL 64". Waagr. Briefbug weitab der Frankatur, eine interessante und portogerechte Frankatur im dritten Briefgewicht.rnrnBemerkung: Der Brief ist von einem Familienmitglied gerichtet an den preussischen Gesandten beim spanischen Hofe, Georg Graf und Herr von Werthern-Beichlingen (1816-1895). Ab 1864 war Werthern Gesandter in Madrid. In seiner neuen Stellung spielte er, vermutlich auf Weisung Bismarcks, eine wichtige Rolle bei der Anregung zur Kandidatur des Erbprinzen Leopold von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen für den spanischen Thron, dessen baldige Vakanz schon Jahre vor dem Ausbruch der spanischen Revolution von 1868 abzusehen war. Bereits im Herbst 1866 hatte er ein Gespräch mit Mitgliedern der spanischen Unión Liberal. Diese sprachen von einem baldigen Sturz der Königin und einen möglichen Nachfolger; Werthern sagte ihnen, der geeignetste sei Leopold.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7613 Württemberg
1863: Wappen 9 Kr. braun im waagr. Paar, eine farbfr. und gut gez. Einheit (einige Zahnverkürzungen, linke Marke mit Aufrauhung) auf vollständigem Faltbrief nach Madrid, zart und übergehend entw. "HEIDENHEIM 24 10 64", ovaler, später durchgestrichener violetter "P.D." und schwarzer franz. Grenzübergangsstp. "BADE STRASB. 25 OCT. 64 AMB" auf die linke Marke übergehend, nebenges. kleiner roter "P.P.". Vorderseitig weiterhin spanische Taxierungsstp. "4 R" in Schwarz, rücks. württembergischer Ambulant, Transit STUTTAGRT sowie Ankunftsstp. "MADRID 28 OCT 64".Ausruf : 1.250 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 7614 Hannover
1861: Georg 10 Gr. grünlicholiv zusammen mit 1864 3 Gr. ockerbraun durchstochen, Bogenrand rechts mit Reihenzähler (senkr. Briefbug), zwei voll- bis überrandige resp. gut durchstochene Einzelwerte auf Faltbrief nach Bilbao, je zart und übergehend entw. "BREMERHAFEN 10 12" (1864) des Postamts des Königreichs Hannover mit nebenges. rotem "P.D.". Voll vorausbezahlter Brief im Tarif vom July 1864 zwischen Preussen und Spanien mit sechs Silbergroschen für Spanien, seltene Verwendung der 10 Groschen - Marke auf Brief.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 7615 Sachsen
1863: Wappen 3 Kr. braun, zwei farbfr. und gut geprägte Einzelwerte in der üblichen unsauberen Zähnung (Zahntönung) auf Faltbrief nach Madrid, klar und übergehend entw. "LEIPZIG 14 JAN 67", nebenges. roter "P.D.". Rückseitig Ankunftsstp. "MADRID 18 JAN 67". Korrekte Frankatur mit Vorauszahlung bis zum Empfänger im Tarif vom Juli 1864, möglich für Preussen, Hannover, Hamburg und Sachsen.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7616 Schweden
1858: Imperial Coat of Arms, 24 ö. orange, 30 ö. brown (four singles) used on cover, from GOTENBURG (Sweden) to MALAGA (Spain), tied by 'SÖDRA ST. BANAN' datestamp (27 April 1866), purple oval 'P.P.' mark, French transit 'SUEDE' in black, Spanish charge mark '4R' corrected to ''8R', with Malaga arrival on reverse in black (4 May 1866), vertical filing crease left side well away from stamps, soiling and hinge remains to back, however a spectacular 144 Ö. franking, extremely rare to Spain.rnAusruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 7617 Norwegen
1863: Coat of Arms, 2 sk. yellow, 4 sk. blue, 8 sk. red-pink and 24 sk. brown, used on a cover, from CHRISTIANIA (Norway) to CARTAGENA (Spain), via Prussia, tied by Christiania datestamp in black (19 Oct 1866), red 'PD' alongside, endorsed 'Franco', on reverse a Sandösund transit in black (20 Oct 1866), Lübeck circular also in black (23 Oct 1866) and arrival Cartagena again in black (28 Oct 1866), edges soiled and worn in places but do not detract, a spectacular four colour rare 38 skilling franking, unique to Cartagena. Cert. F.C. Moldenhauer (1992).Ausruf : 1.800 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7618 Niederlande
1864: Willem 15 c. orange, single example, pair and strip of three with fair to large margins, on double rate cover to Madrid, each adhesive tied by lightly oily framed FRANCO with "ROTTERDAM 16 MRT 67" despatch cds in red, as well as "P.P." in black and "P.D" in red alongside. Reverse with Prussian "EMMERICH - OBERHAUSEN" train datestamp and "MADRID 21 MAR 67" arrival cds. Sent via Germany, the weiterfranko of 'f12' groschen was noted on front in blue crayon, signed Friebel; cert. Vleeming (2016).Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 7619 Norddeutscher Postbezirk
1869: 3 Kr. karmin und 18 Kr. olivbraun sowie 12 Einzelwerte der 7 Kr. ultramarin, eine farbfr. Massenfrankatur, wie zu erwarten mit kleineren Fehlern (Briefbug, Eckfehler, Zahnverkürzungen durch Scherentrennung), auf Faltbrief nach Madrid, je zart und übergehend entw. "WORMS 3 8 69", nebenges. violetter gefasster "P.D.", ovaler "Prusia" sowie ovaler "CADIZ FRANCO", beide in Schwarz. Die Frankatur von 105 Kreuzern entspricht dem sechsfachen Porto von 6 Silbergroschen, eine aussergewöhnliche Frankatur.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 7620 Norddeutscher Postbezirk
1869: 2 Gr. graublau, drei farbfr. waagr. Paar, (ein Einriss oben, Zahunregelmässigkeiten durch Randklebung), auf Umschlag nach Bilbao, je klar und übergehend entw. "ALTONA 27 11 69", nebenges. violetter gefasster "P.D." und ovaler "Prusia" in Schwarz, rücks. Ankunftsstp. "BILBAO 1 DIC 69". Portogerecht mit zweimal 6 Silbergroschen für die zweite Gewichtsstufe.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 7621 Niederlande
1867: Willem 5 c. blue, type I in a fresh strip of seven (perforation irregularities), on cover to Ibiza, Balearic Islands, the adhesives tied by numeral '5' lozenge, one stamp tied in addition by "AMSTERDAM 4 NOV 70" despatch cds in black. Reverse with Belgium "PAYS-BAS PAR ANVERS-STATn 4 NOV 70" entry and Spanish "ESPAGNE MIDI II 5 NOV 70" entry cds's, taxed on front with "4 R" in red. Unusual franking to pay the 35 c. rate in the January 1867 rate.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 7622 Österreich
1867: 15 Kr. braun, grober Druck im senkr. Paar, auf Faltbrief nach Bagur, Katalonien, sauber und übergehend entw. mit ovalem Datumsstp. "TRIEST 12 12", nebenges. roter gefasster "P.D.", rücks. Transitstp. "LA BISBAL 18 ... 70 GERONA". Portogerecht mit 30 Kreuzern oder 6 Silbergroschen für die erste Gewichtsstufe im Tarif vom Juli 1864.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7623 Norddeutscher Postbezirk
1868: ¼ Gr. braunviolett durchstochen in Kombination mit 1869 ½ Gr. orange (Eckfehler, leicht oxidiert, darunter Einriss in Unterlage), 1 Gr. karmin im Paar & 2 Gr. graublau im Paar gez., sechs vorab farbfr. Werte, auf Umschlag nach Madrid, je klar und übergehend entw. "BERLIN P. E. 38 22 / 12 70", nebenges. zwei versch. "P.D." in Rot und auf die ¼ Gr. übergehend zudem Transitstp. "LONDON PAID 26 DE 70" in Rot. Aufgrund des Deutsch-französischen Krieges 'über England' und 'Lisbon' geleitet.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 7624 Russland
1866: 10 kop. brown & blue on horizontally laid paper, a fresh and fine single example and a vertical pair, tied by indistinct RIGA (Feb 12, 1871) cds to cover to Orense, framed "P.D." in red alongside, reverse with March 1871 arrival cds. Correct 30 kopeck rate to Spain.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7625 Russland
1865: 30 kop. carmine & green without watermark, a fresh and fine single example tied by indistinct RIGA (Feb 17, 1871) cds to cover front directed to Rivadeo, framed "P.D." and Prussian "AUS RUSSLAND" cds, both in red alongside. Correct 30 kopeck rate to Spain.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 7626 Niederlande
1867: Willem 25 c. dark violet and 50 c. golden (minor oxydation), both in type I, on cover to Madrid, the adhesives tied by numeral '44' lozenge, "'sGRAVENHAGE 16 JUN 71" despatch cds and framed "P.D.", all in black alongside. Reverse with Belgium "PAYS-BAS PAR ANVERS-STATn 16 JUIN 71" entry and "MADRID 20 JUN 71" arrival cds's. A rare usage of the 50 c. adhesive.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 7627 Österreich
1867: Ganzsachenumschlag 5 Kr. rot mit Zusatzfrankatur 3 Kr. grün (2), 5 Kr. rot und 15 Kr. braun, alle im groben Druck, versandt nach Barcelona, Wertstempel und Freimarken sauber und übergehend entw. "WIEN 22 / 7 71", nebenges. roter gefasster "P.D.", rücks. Ankunftsstp. BARCELONA. Um einen Kreuzer überfrankiert über dem korrekten Porto von 30 Kreuzern oder 6 Silbergroschen für die erste Gewichtsstufe im Tarif vom Juli 1864.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 7628 Dt. Reich
1872: Kl. Schild 2 Gr. ultramarin und Gr. Schild 1 Gr. karmin, zwei farbfr. und gut gez. Einzelwerte auf Faltbrief nach Madrid, je zart und übergehend entw. "REMSCHEID 24 / 12 72", die 1 Groschen zusätzlich mit Teilabschlag eines roten "P.D.", rücks. Ankunftsstp. "MADRID .. DIC 72". Korrekter 3 Groschen - Tarif im Postvertrag zwischen dem Deutschen Reich und Spanien vom Juni 1872.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7629 Dt. Reich
1872: Kl. Schild 1 Gr. karmin, drei farbfr. und vorab gut gez. Einzelwerte (ein Wert mit Eckfehler) zusammen mit Frankreich 1872 Cérès 25 C. blau, auf Faltbrief nach Barcelona, die Schilde je klar und übergehend entw. mit Hufeisenstp. "MÜHLHAUSEN I. ELS. 9 MAI 72", die Cérès leicht von einem Abschlag tangiert, ansonsten aber nicht entwertet, nebenges. roter gefasster "P.D.", rücks. Ankunftsstp. "BARCELONA 11 MAY ..". Korrekter 3 Groschen - Tarif im Postvertrag zwischen dem Deutschen Reich und Spanien erst ab dem Juni 1872, die Unterfrankatur und die Kombination mit der franz. Freimarke wurde offensichtlich so akzeptiert und nicht taxiert. Signiert Calves.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7630 Bayern
1870: Wappen 3 Kr. karmin und 6 Kr. ockerbraun, zwei farbfr. und gut gez. Einzelwerte auf Umschlag nach Barcelona, zart und übergehend entw. mit blauem "WÜRZBURG 7 7 72", nebenges. schwarzer gefasster PD, rücks. Ankunftsstp. "BARCELONA 11 JUL 72". Korrekter 3 Groschen / 9 Kreuzer - Tarif im Postvertrag zwischen denm Deutschen Reich und Spanien vom Juni 1872.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 7631 Bayern
1870: Wappen 3 Kr. karmin, sieben Einzelwerte und ein waagrechter Viererstreifen, für eine derart umfangreiche Frankatur farbfr., gut ausgeprägt und vorab gut gez. erhalten (ein Eckfehler), auf Vorderseite nach Madrid mit Leitvermerk "Via Ostende", zart und übergehend entw. mit sechs Abschlägen des Halbkreisstp. "GOEGGINGEN 2 10", nebenges. roter gefasster "P.D.". Wahrscheinlich Leitung über Ostende während des Deutsch-französischen Krieges.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.800 CHFLosnr. : 7632 Schweden
1872: Numerals, 3 ö. light brown, 12 ö. blue and 30 ö. brown, used on cover, from GÖTENBORG (Sweden) to JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (Spain), tied by Götenborg datestamp in black (18 May 1873 - although the letter is headed up 9th May 1873), with 'P.D.' in red alongside, handwritten '3½', sent via Prussia with a three-line 'KIEL/ 11 5 1/HAMBURG' to reverse, also Madrid transits (15 May 1873) and arrival in black (16 May 1873), faint horizontal filing crease below stamps, a fine and rare rate and destination.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7633 Dänemark
1870: Numerals, 2 sk. grey and blue, 3 sk. grey and green, 4 sk. grey and carmine, and 8 sk. grey and brown, used on cover, from COPENHAGEN (Denmark) to JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (Spain), tied by '1' in circles, also a single strike of the Copenhagen datestamp (23 Aug 1873), with red 'P.D.' mark, handwritten '4' in red crossed through with blue line, sent via Prussia with 'KIEL/26 8 I/HAMBURG' in black on reverse, alongside a Jerez/Cadiz arrival (30 Aug), horizontal filing crease centrally not affecting stamps, 2 sk. and 3 sk. have minor perf fault otherwise a very fine and attractive cover, an extremely rare four colour franking, one of two known. Cert. L. Nielsen (1999) and C. A. Møller (2004).Ausruf : 2.600 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7634 Schweden
1866/72: Icon, 20 ö. red, Numerals, 5 ö. green and 20 ö. red, used on cover, from STOCKHOLM (Sweden) to ALICANTE (Spain), tied by Stockholm datestamp (24 Sept 1873), also two strikes of the boxed 'PD' in black alongside, a 'FRANCO' rectangular mark in black below, handwritten '45', sent via Prussia with three-line 'LUBECK/LAUENBURG' mark in black and circular datestamp 'PK XP.NR2.NE**/25' and faint arrival in black (4 Oct 1873), some creasing top affecting both 20 ö., central 20 ö. has tear in bottom margin not obvious, vertical and horizontal filing creases away from adhesives, a scarce mixed franking and rare usage. Cert. H. Obermüller Wilén (1990).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 7635 Schweden
1872: Numerals, 12 ö. blue and 30 ö. brown, used on cover, from STOCKHOLM to JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (Spain), tied by black datestamp 'NO.2 NED 13.8.1874' (13 Aug 1874), with red 'PD' alongside and handwritten '2' in red-brown crayon, to the reverse an indistinguishable French transit datestamp, horizontal filing crease well away from stamps, the certificate mentions one short perforation, otherwise a very fine cover, rare origin to destination. Cert. Dr. H. Obermüller Wilén (2001).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7636 USA
1875: Cuba, Coat of Arms, 50 c. green two singles, with USA Jefferson, 10 c. brown four singles and Post Horse and Rider 2 c. brown, used on cover, from HAVANA (Cuba) to BARCELONA, via NEW YORK (USA) and PRUSSIA (Germany), sent 13 Feb 1875 (endorsed) from Havana to New York (presumably privately as the 1 peseta rate not used) where USA postage applied, stamps tied by New York Steamship datestamp (18 Feb) and sent via Transatlantic route which was in operation for a short period, an incredibly rare cover, sent at 42 cents rate franked with the Cuba 1 peseta, delightful example; from the Francisco Cuadrada archive.Ausruf : 4.500 CHFZuschlag : 4.600 CHFLosnr. : 7637 USA
1875: Cuba, Coat of Arms, 50 c. green two singles, with USA Jefferson, 10 c. brown six singles and Post Horse and Rider 2 c. brown, used on cover, from HAVANA (Cuba) to BARCELONA, via NEW YORK (USA) and PRUSSIA (Germany), sent 17 Feb 1875 (endorsed) from Havana to New York (presumably privately) where USA postage applied, stamps tied by undated fancy circular, with New York paid in red dated 23 Feb, 50 c. greens cancelled by indistiguishable datestamp which appears to indicate 12 April presumably on arrival in Spain, a spectacular cover, sent at 62 cents rate, franked in combination with the Cuba 1 peseta, exceptional example; from the Francisco Cuadrada archive.rnrnProvenance: Collection Helmut Wolff, Harmers, Ney York, 17 Jan 1980, lot 2068.Ausruf : 7.500 CHFZuschlag : 7.500 CHFLosnr. : 7638 Grossbritannien
1848: Embossed, 10 d. brown, used on cover, from LIVERPOOL to CADIZ (Spain), cut into at base otherwise clear and with huge sheet side marginal to right, cancelled by indistinct '466' numeral, manuscript 'Via France', dispatch datestamp (22 Jan 1849) in black and London transit (23 Jan 1849) in red to reverse, faint French datestamp front, with double strike of the red oval 'P F' (paid to Franco-Spanish frontier), 11 Reales Due charge mark '11 R' in red, arrival to back (? Feb 1849), horizontal filing crease and soiled, however an good example of a single franking to Spain, scarce.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 7639 Grossbritannien
1847: Embossed, 1 s. green vertical pair and 1850 Line Engraved 1 d. red imperforate, used on cover, from LONDON to JEREZ DE LA FONTERA (Spain), 1 s. cut into sides and base, 1 d. almost three margins, tied by a London oval '19' and Calais arrival (26 April 1851), as well as the oval 'P F' in red (paid to the Franco-Spanish frontier), manuscript 'via France', with '26 Rs' due mark in red, London transit to reverse (25 April 1851 - although letter headed up 16th April), horizontal filing crease well clear of adhesives, an attractive franking neatly tied, the embossed in combination with an SG8 imperforate is not common.Ausruf : 460 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 7640 Grossbritannien
1847/48: Embossed, 10 d. brown, vertical pair with 1 s. green, two vertical pairs (one stamp is half), used on cover, from LONDON to CADIZ (Spain), cut into, tied by a London oval '12', manuscript 'via South-n' indicating carried from Southampton by sea, with '56 R' in red Spanish charge mark, sent 4 Nov. 1852, with London transit in red on the reverse, also straight-line 'FENCHURCH.ST' in blue, horizontal filing crease not affecting stamps, an extremely high franking cover, with four 1 s. (an additional piece of the halved stamp may have been fixed to the cover at one time), a 5s 8d, exceptionally rare usage.Ausruf : 650 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 7641 Grossbritannien
1854: Embossed, 6 d. purple, together with 1855 1 d. red, perf 16, and horizontal pair 1855 2 d. blues, perf 14, used on cover, from LONDON to MADRID (Spain), tied by a London oval '15', with dispatch datestamp on reverse (20 July 1855), sent via France with Calais transit (24 July), paid to Franco-Spanish frontier with red oval 'P F', 4 Reales Due charge mark '4 R' in blue, arrival on reverse (25 July), small tear to cover just above the second 2d blue and horizontal filing crease not affecting stamps, a fine and rare tri-colour example of an 11d rate into Spain.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7642 Grossbritannien
1856: Surface Printed, 1 s. green, used on cover, from LONDON to MADRID (Spain), perfs trimmed left, tied by a London W/1, with 'INSUFFICIENTLY/PREPAID' mark in red, and manuscript 'over 1/2 oz', a 'PD' mark overstruck with a London '30' both in red, also to front the Spanish '4R' charge mark in blue indicating 4 Reales to be paid, envelope reduced on left side, an interesting and scarce postage due item.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 7643 Grossbritannien
1854: Embossed, 6 d. purple and 1855 Surface Printed 4 d. carmine (blued paper), used on cover, from LONDON to BILBAO (Spain), 6 d. cut into one side otherwise clear all round which is rare on this issue, tied by London oval '26' and Calais arrival (11 March 1856), with oval 'P F' in red (10d rate to the Franco-Spanish frontier), with 4 Reales due mark in blue '4R', London datestamp in black (10 March 1856) and red arrival to reverse, faint horizontal filing crease well clear of stamps, a scarce combination franking.Ausruf : 140 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 7644 Grossbritannien
1854: Embossed, 6 d. purple and 1856 Surface Printed 4 d. carmine, used on cover, from LONDON to CADIZ (Spain), 6 d. cut to shape, tied by London oval '15', with Calais transit (30 April 1856) alongside, manuscript 'via France', an oval 'P F' in red (10d rate to the Franco-Spanish frontier), and '4R' charge mark in blue applied on arrival in Spain, London datestamp (29 April 1856) in black and arrival (7 May 1856) in blue to reverse, vertical and horizontal filing creases clear of stamps, some acid ink erosion top centrally and soiling, otherwise fine, a scarce two colour combination franking.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 7645 Grossbritannien
1855: Line Engraved, 2 d. blue, Small Crown, Perf 16 and 1856 Surface Printed 6 d. lilac, used on cover, from LONDON to RIVADEO (Spain), tied by indistinct London hooded cancel, sent via France, with Calais transit (19 April 1858) alongside, red 'PP' in circle and black '4 Rs' charge mark, to reverse an undated blue circular 'UP EAST S***FIELD', Paris transit (20 April) and Rivadeo arrival in blue (26 April), a fine example of an 8d franking into Spain. Gi = £790.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 140 CHFLosnr. : 7646 Indien
1855: East India, 8 a. carmine, blue glazed paper, used on cover, from CALCUTTA (India) to PALMA DE MALLORCA (Balearic Islands), tied by a combination of handstruck straight-line 'Stamped' in blue, octagonal 'B/1' in black and the Spanish charge mark '4R' in black, dated 7 August 1859, with boxed 'INDIA/PAID' in red alongside charge mark, endorsed 'Via Gibraltar' and 'Packet Smila', on reverse a GPO/Calcutta datestamp in red, a San Roque/Cadiz datestamp (14 Sept 1859) and arrival in Palma de Mallorca (22 Sept 1859), a fine example of a single franking India to Spain rate using the Gibraltar route, scarce.Ausruf : 280 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 7647 Argentinien
1858: Steamship, 2 ps. indigo blue, used on cover, from BUENOS AIRES (Argentina) to SALINAS (Asturias, Spain), tied by black ponchito cancel, with Correos De Buenos Aires circular datestamp (20 Dec 1858), Spanish postage due handstamp '4R.' in blue, soiling and some imperfections, however an exceptionally rare example of an Argentine steamship stamp used on cover to Spain, one of three known to Europe, highly desirable.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 6.500 CHFLosnr. : 7648 Venezuela
1863: First Issue, 2 r. dull rose, used on cover, from CARACAS to CADIZ (Spain), four good to large margins, tied by black Caracas postmark, endorsed 'via England' (via de Inglaterra), with black '8R' Spanish charge mark, London transit in red (3 Oct 1859) and Cadiz arrival in black (10 Oct 1859) on reverse, a vertical filing crease not affecting stamp, a rare single franking from South America to Europe with very fine condition First Issue, rare with such large margins. Gi = $1'500.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 7649 Straits Settlements
1859: East India Company Administration, 1 a. brown, 2 a. orange, 4 a. black and 8 a. carmine, used on cover from, SINGAPORE (Straits Settlements) to CADIZ, via GIBRALTAR, sent 22 March 1859 (Singapore dispatch on reverse in red), tied by octagonal cancel in black and a faint Gibraltar datestamp in blue (26 April 1859), with oval cachet in red 'FORWARDED / MIDDELTON & CO / SINGAPORE', an outstanding four colour franking making a 15 annas rate, rare destination out of the Straits Settlements via Gibraltar, very rare and attractive example.Ausruf : 2.600 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7650 Peru
1858: Coat of Arms 1 r. red, double-lined frame, a fine example with fresh colour and good to large margins, on cover to Bilbao, tied by dotted LIMA circle handstamp with French "ANGL. 20 JUIL. 59 AMB CALAIS A" entry cds and GB contract handstamp alongside. Reverse with LONDON and PARIS transit and BILBAO arrival (July 24) cds's. Taxed in Spain with "4 R." due handstamp in blue. An attractive cover from Peru via Great Britain and France to Spain.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 7651 Indien
1856/64: East India, 1/2 a. light blue and 1 a. brown, used on attractive printed wrapper, from CALCUTTA (India) to PALMA DE MALLORCA (Spain), sent 3 May 1860, tied by a combination of handstruck straight-line 'Stamped' in blue, octagonal cancel in black, 'INDIA PAID' in red alongside, handstruck '4' in black below a fine Gibraltar datestamp in black (8 June 1860), to reverse the GPO/Calcutta dispatch in red, San Roque/Cadiz (8 June 1860) and arrival Palma de Mallorca both in black (14 June 1860), a very attractive cover, scarce.Ausruf : 280 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 7652 Grossbritannien
1847: Embossed, 1 s. green, cut to shape, used on cover, from LONDON to JEREZ DE LA FONTERA (Spain), tied by a London duplex (11 Dec 1860), endorsed 'Via France', red oval 'PD' to front and small green embossed label "WINE DUTIES COMMITTEE / REDUCTION', arrival on reverse in black (18 Dec 1860), faint vertical filing crease centrally clear of stamp, a good single franking 1s rate cover.Ausruf : 80 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 7653 Grossbritannien
1862: Surface Printed, 4 d. bright red, and 1858 2 d. blue, plate 9, used on cover, from MOTHEWELL (Scotland) to SEVILLA (Spain), tied by Motherwell '361' duplex (22 March 1862), with 'INSUFFICIENTLY/PREPAID' in black and a manuscript 1/2, a red 'PD' cancelled by London '30' in black, also a '4R' due mark in blue overstruck with '8R' in black, on reverse Manchester in black (23 March) and London in red (24 March) transit marks, Sevilla arrival in black (29 March), damage to top centrally, horizontal filing crease clear of adhesives, some soiling, otherwise fine and scarce postage due letter Scotland to Spain.Ausruf : 140 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 7654 USA
1861: Jefferson, 5 c. red-brown, used on cover, from NEW YORK to BILBAO (Spain), neatly tied by attractive red lined oval, 'NEW YORK:BR.PKT. PAID' in red alongside (16 Sep), endorsed 'Via England per asia', with Spanish '4R.' charge mark in blue, to reverse London transit datestamp in red (29 Sept 1862), horizontal filing crease centrally not affecting very fine stamp which is a vibrant strong printing, lovely shade with fine detail, a scarce and exceptional single franking to Spain.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7655 Venezuela
1863: First Issue, 2 r. dull rose, used on cover, from LA GUAIRA to SAN SEBASTIAN (Spain), cut into in places, tied by CORREOS/LA GUAIRA double circle in blue (23 March), with red '4R' Spanish charge mark, London transit in red (13 April 1863) and arrival in black (15 April 1863) to the back, two vertical filing creases one just impinging on lower left corner of adhesive although unaffected, some soiling, however a rare single franking from South America to Europe using a First Issue stamp. Gi = $1'500.Ausruf : 440 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 7656 Venezuela
1863/64: Eagle, 2 r. green, used on cover, from LA GUAIRA to PAMPLONA (Spain), cut into in places, tied by CORREOS/LA GUAIRA double circle in black (8 March), with red '4R' Spanish due mark alongside, endorsed top 'Via England', on the reverse a Pamelona arrival datestamp in black (1 April 1864), there is a diagonal crease which has bent the bottom right corner of the stamp, also a vertical filing crease clear of the adhesive, a scarce cover to Spain. Gi = $2'000.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 7657 Peru
1862/63: Embossed, 1 d. red, used on cover, from LIMA (Peru) to BILBAO (Spain), tied by black datestamp (27 May 1864), with handstruck '4R' in red applied on arrival in Spain, handwritten 'Via Panama and Southamton', with a Callao datestamp on the reverse (28 May 1864), London transit in red (23 June 1864) and Bilbao arrival (30 June 1864) in black, stamp cut into along base, some soiling and there are two diagonal creases through stamp, horizontal filing crease is clear of adhesive, a scarce single franking cover to Spain.Ausruf : 140 CHFZuschlag : 140 CHFLosnr. : 7658 USA
1861/66: Jefferson, 5 c. brown and Washington 10 c. green, used on cover, from BOSTON to MADRID, tied by dumb cancel in black, Spanish postage due '4R' mark, to reverse 'BOSTON BRITISH PACKET' datestamp in black (1 March), London transit in red (14 March 1865), Madrid arrival datestamp (17 March 1865) in black, and a cachet 'SPANISH CONSULATE FOT MASSACHUSSETTS NEW HAMPSHIRE AND RHODE ISLAND' across the seal in black, vertical filing crease not affecting stamps, a fine and rare cover.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7659 Uruguay
1864: Escuditos 6 c. brick-red, a fine and fresh example with vibrant colour and even large margins all round, on cover to Saron, Cantabria, tied by light "CORREO MONTEVIDEO 10 FEB 65" cds. Reverse with MONTEVIDEO cds of the British P.P., red LONDON and black "VILLACARRIEDO / SANTANDER" transit cds's. Taxed in Spain with "8 Rs" due handstamp. A most interesting cover which was prepaid within Montevideo and made its further journey with British vessel to London and from there presumably to Santander.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 7660 USA
1862/66: Washington, 24 c. grey lilac, two singles, used on Senate Chamber / Albany illustrated envelope, from NEW YORK (USA) to MADRID (Spain), tied by cork cancel in black and circular datestamp, with' NEW YORK.AM. Pkt.' red datestamp (24 April), also 'PAID-ONLY/TO ENGLAND' in black, upon arrival in Spain '16R' charge mark applied in red, flap missing and reduced at top, otherwise very fine and attractive, extremely scarce franking on Transatlantic mail, especially an illustrated envelope to Spain; rare.Ausruf : 2.600 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7661 Kolumbien
1866: Coat of Arms, 5 c. orange, Arms of Colombia, 10 c. violet (three singles), used on piece, from BOGOTA (Colombia) to BARCELONA (Spain), tied by oval Bogata in black, endorsed 'via England', with Spanish '4.Rs.' postage due mark in blue, part of reverse remains and has Barcelona arrival '2/MA/66', piece is in two parts hinged together and fragile, however extremely rare franking on mail from Colombia to Spain.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 7662 Malta
1865-67: 4 d. vermillion and 1 d. lake-red, plate 72, on entire letter from Malta via Marseille to Barcelona, the adhesives tied by duplex "MALTA FE 15 66 / A 25" datestamp, oval "P-F" and French "POSS. ANGL. 18 FEVR. 66 AMB. MARSEILLE" entry cds, both in red alongside. Reverse with Spanish "ESPANA LA JUNQUERA entry cds in blue, BARCELONA arrival (Feb 20) cds and Barcelona postman "CARTERO 1a SECCION" handstamp. The entire was taxed with "4 Rs" in blue.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7663 Straits Settlements
1859: East India Company Administration, 2 a. orange pair, 4 a. black and 8 a. carmine two singles, used on cover, from SINGAPORE (Straits Settlements) to CADIZ, dated 7th May 1866, sent British mail via Marseille, tied by 'B/172' octagonal in black, as well as straight-line 'STAMPED' in black and French transit in red, on arrival in Spain a '1 6R' charge mark applied in red, further transits and arrival to reverse (9 June 1866), a spectacular tri-colour double rate franking, rare origin to destination.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 7664 USA
1861: 10 c. dark green (2) and 1 c. blue, three fresh and fine single examples on cover from Havanna, Cuba, docketed "Jan 11, 1868", forwarded by 'Rubeira & Co", mailed in New York, the adhesives tied by fancy cork obliteration, "NEW YORK AM. PKT JAN 18" cds in red and "PAID ONLY TO ENGLAND" handstamp in black alongside. Reverse with "LONDON transit (Jan 28) and BILBAO arrival (Feb 1) cds's. Taxed with "8 Rs" due in red for a double rate cover.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7665 Malta
1858: 2 d. blue, plate 13 and 1867 3 d. rose, plate 5, on envelope from Malta via Marseille to Madrid, the adhesives tied by duplex "MALTA DE 6 69 / A 25" datestamp, oval "P-F" and indistinct French entry cds, both in red alongside. Reverse with French ambulant and BORDEAUX transit cds's. The entire was taxed with "4 Rs" in red, an attractive cover.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7666 Jamaica
1860/70: 1 d. rose, 3 d. green and 1 s. dull brown, used on cover, from FALMOUTH (Jamaica) to BILBAO (Spain), cancelled by 'A38' barred numeral in black, sent 16 August 1869 (Falmouth datestamp on reverse), endorsed top front 'Spain via Southampton', with oval 'PD' and London Paid datestamp to front both in red, handwritten '2½' charge mark, to reverse a Kingston datestamp (17 Aug 1869) and Bilbao arrival (18 Sept 1869), there is a horizontal filing crease through top of 3 d., 1 s. has two faults and dulled to missing perforations at base, the 2 d. is clipped lower left and central damge to cover not immediately apparent, otherwise a fine and attractive tri-colour franking, rare destination, three recorded to Spain from Jamaica.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7667 Peru
1866/67: Llamas, 20 cts. brown, used on cover, from LIMA (Peru) to CORUNNA (Spain), tied by blue datestamp (27 May 1870), with handstruck charge mark '16R' in red applied on arrival in Spain, on reverse a partial Callao in black, a London transit in red (29 June 1870) and Corunna arrival (3 July 1870) in black, backflap and part of reverse of cover missing, apparent damage to envelope including tears and creasing, however a scarce single franking example between Peru and Spain.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 7668 USA
1870: Shield, Eagle and Flag, 30 c. ultra & carmine, used on cover, from NEW YORK to BARCELONA, tied by dumb cancel in black, with New York datestamp in red (27 May 1870), endorsed 'Steamer Oder / via Southampton', small tear top centrally, stained and some soiling, however a rare stamp on cover and exceptionally rare to Spain. Gi = $17'500 (domestic cover).Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 6.500 CHFLosnr. : 7669 Grossbritannien
1865-67: 6 d. mauve, plate 9, a left wing marginal horizontal pair and two single examples of 1 d. lake-red, plate 67, on cover front with upper backflap to Madrid, each adhesive tied by duplex " L Y LONDON AU 4 70 / 91" datestamp, framed "L2" and oval PD, both in red alongside. Backflap with Spanish 'Spider' handstamp. Appealing cover face showing 'too late' mailing with twice 1 d. late fee.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7670 New South Wales
Losnr. : 7671 Guatemala
1873: Coat of Arms, 4 r. dull red violet, used on cover, from GUATEMALA to SAN SEBASTIAN (Guipuzcoa, Spain), strong colour and vibrant printing, tied by the Guatemala datestamp in black (18 July 1876), with 'CORREOS DE GUATEMALA PAQUETES' datestamp in red alongside (18 July 1876), Panama transit datestamp in black (31 July 1876), blue Spanish charge mark '1.70' cancelled by black 'OO', replaced with '1.80' also in black, London transit datestamp in red on reverse (28 Aug 1876), slight soiling, but does not detract from this splendid cover, a very rare example so fine, only three known with the 4 Reales to Spain.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 7672 Guatemala
1873: Coat of Arms, 4 r. dull red violet, used on cover, from GUATEMALA to MADRID, tied by a fine strike of the Guatemala datestamp in black (23 Dec 1876), with 'CORREOS DE GUATEMALA PAQUETES' datestamp in red alongside (28 Dec 1876), Spanish charge mark in red 'M/1P.', endorsed top 'Per Packet via Panama', with London transit datestamp in red on reverse (6 Feb 1877), and Madrid arrival in black (9 Feb 1877), filing crease vertically well away from stamp, a very rare cover, only three known with the 4 Reales to Spain.Ausruf : 1.800 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 7673 Australien
1871: New South Wales, 1 d. dull red and 6 d. mauve, used on cover, from SYDNEY to BARCELONA (Spain), tied by 'N.S.W.' ringed oval cancel in black and also the Sydney datestamp in black (10 Oct 1876), with Gibraltar datestamp alongside also in black (20 Dec 1876), endorsed along the top "Via Suez & Gibraltar / for Bangalore", on the reverse a Cadiz datestamp in black (21 Dec 1877), heavily toned, however a rare cover to Spain from New South Wales.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7674 Mauritius
1867/72: 1 d. brown and 4 d. Rose two singles, used on cover, from PORT LOUIS (Mauritius) to CADIZ (Spain), tied to back of envelope (opened out for display) by 'B53' cancel in black, with two strikes of the Mauritius datestamp in blue alongside (2 Feb 1877), also a Bordeaux transit datestamp (1 March 1877) and Cadiz arrival (3 March 1877), to the front a red octagonal 'POS.AN.V.SUEZ' in red (25 Feb 1877) sent via Suez canal, some damage and tears around the edges of the cover, soiling and the stamps have faults, however a rare mailing from Mauritius to Spain, very few covers known.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 7675 Nicaragua
1869-71: Liberty Cap on Mountain, 5 cts. black and 25 cts. green, used on cover, from CHINANDEGA (Nicaragua) to MADRID (Spain), tied by black cancel, with blue double circle 'CORREOS DE MANAGUA' alongside (12 Oct 1881), British Post Office 'PANAMA' datestamp in black (20 Oct 1881), two Spanish charge marks 'M/1P' and 'M/0,20' in violet, addressed to Fernades Duro, philatelic writer of the time, Secretary General of the International Congress, London transit on reverse in red (11 Nov 1881) and a Madrid arrival the date indistinguishable, a very fine cover, extremely rare, more so to Spain with such a combination of rare stamps. Cert. PF (1991) Gi = $13'500 (as singles on cover).Ausruf : 4.600 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7676 Frankreich
1861/68: Group seven covers from France to Spain incl. six covers of the first, second, or third weight rate with different frankings of Napoléon imperf. and perf. to pay the 40 c., 80c., and 120 c. rate in the February 1860 tarif, in addition front of printed matter bearing three-colour franking (def.) of Napoléon perf. 1 c. olive & 5 c. green as well as Napoléon laureated 2 c. red-brown paying the 8 c. printed matter rate abroad.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7677 Frankreich
1867/70: Group eight covers from France to Spain with five covers of the first, second, or seventh weight rate with different frankings of Napoléon perf. and laureated to pay the 40 c., 80c., and 280 c. rate in the February 1860 tarif, the seventh rate cover bearing Napoléon laureated 80 c. rose in a block of three and 40 c. orange, also two covers underpaying the 40 c. rate bearing single frankings of the Napoléon laureated 20 c. blue only, in addition front of printed matter bearing three-colour franking (def.) of Napoléon perf. 1 c. olive & 5 c. green as well as Napoléon laureated 2 c. red-brown paying the 8 c. printed matter rate abroad.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 7678 Frankreich
1869/76: French Shipmail, group five covers incl. 1870 Santiago di Cuba to Barcelona cover with pair Napoléon laureated 40 c. orange, 1870 Montevideo to Malaga bearing Napoléon laureated 80 c. rose, which made its way via Lisbon and Badajoz, no Spanish due, 1876 Carupano, Venezuela to Santander bearing Cérès 1871/72 80 c. rose (def.) and two examples 10 c. brown on rose, arriving from St. Nazaire with the ligne B of the French vessels, taxed upon arrival with '1,20', also two covers from Marseille to Barcelona, the Napoléon and Siège 40 c. adhesives tied upon arrival by "ADMON DE CAMBIO BARCELONA" handstamps. Lot includes also a 1869 double rate cover from the French P.O. abroad in Smyrna and directed to Denia, bearing Napoléon laureated 80 c. rose and 40 c. orange, taxed with "8 Rs" due handstamp in blue.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7679 Portugal
1856/70: Group three covers incl. 1856 Lisbon to Genova, but only franked with Pedro 25 reis to Spain, taxed in Italy, 1870 single rate Lisbon to Malaga bearing Luis 50 reis green, and 1870 double rate Porto to Madrid bearing Luis 100 reis lilac, one certificate.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7680 Sitz. Helvetia gez.
1868/71: Lot vier Briefe mit Frankaturen der Sitzenden nach Spanien im 1867er 50 Rappen - Tarif, einmal als Einzelfrankatur der 40 Rp. grün auf Tüblibrief 10 Rp., einmal als Doppelporto mit seltener portogerechter Einzelfrankatur der 1 Fr. golden, einmal in einer Kombination aud 20 Rp. orange & 30 Rp. ultramarin und einmal mit zwei Werten der 25 Rp. grün. Ein interessantes Los.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 7681 Italien
Losnr. : 7682 Div. Altdeutschland Sammlungen/Posten
1858/70: Lot fünf Vorderseiten / Briefe, dabei Preussen 1858 Vorderseite REMSCHEID nach Madrid mit Adler im Oval 2 Sgr.; Württemberg 1869 Vorderseite HIRSCHAU nach Madrid mit Ziffer durchstochen 1 Kr. grün & 3 Kr. karmin; Norddeutscher Postbezirk 1869 Vorderseite LENNEP nach Madrid mit 1 Gr. karmin & 5 Gr. ockerbraun, 1870 Brief der zweiten Gewichtsstufe ELBERFELD nach Madrid mit 2 Gr, ultramarin & 5 Gr. ockerbraun (Stempel nachgemalt); sowie Österreich 1864 WIEN nach Madrid mit Dreierstreifen Wappen 10 Kr. blau (Eckfehler).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 7683 Grossbritannien
1856/68: Group five covers / fronts from Great Britain to Spain incl. 1856 front to Santander, the 10 d. rate paid with 1855-57 6 d. lilac & pair 2 d. blue with 'TWO PENCE' over 'POSTAGE' due to a strongly shifted perforation, 1858 (Oct) cover to Cadiz with 1855-57 6 d. lilac (corner fault) in the first month of the new 6 d. rate, three other covers in the 6 d. rate from Dublin to Jerez de la Frontera, Dundee to Renteria, and Belfast to Sevilla, the last one with an unusual combination of four Penny Reds and a Two Pence Blue. In addition 1865 cover Malta via Marseille to Barcelona bearing Great Britain 4 d. orange & 6 d. lilac, tied by MALTA / A 25" duplex datestamp. A lot of heterogeneous quality, but interesting.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 7684 USA
1861/70: Group three covers from the USA to Spain, incl. 1861 New York to Jerez de la Frontera with pair 1 c. blue & 3 c. pink, 1866 2 c. black and 3 c. rose, and 1870 New York to Corao bearing 6 c. pink & 10 c. brown. Lot of heterogeneous quality but interesting.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7685 Süd Amerika
1871/77: Group five covers from South America to Spain, incl. Argentina two covers 1871/1874 with 5 c. red inland franking, one left un-cancelled, sent via Lisbon resp. London to Spain where taxed; two 1876/77 Peru to Santander covers with diff. 10 c. Lama adhesives, taxed in Spain 1.70 or 1.80; and finally Uruguay 1874 Montevideo to Valladolid triple rate cover bearing Numerals Pair 15 c. yellow, sent via Lisbon and taxed with Spanish "MM / 3Rs" due.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 7686 Belgien
1862/71: Group nine covers from Belgium to Spain, either in the 60 c. rate of August 1861 or in the 40 c. rate of September 1870 incl. 1862 Anvers to Madrid bearing 1858 Medaillon 10 c. & 40 c., five single or double rate covers bearing different combinations of the Medaillon perf. issue, 1866 Anvers to Bilbao bearing two examples Leopold I 30 c. brown, 1871 Gent to Barcelona bearing two examples Leopold II 20 c. ultramarine, and 1871 Brussels to Madrid on underpaid cover bearing Leopold II 40 c. rose, taxed in Spain with '300' mils escudo. An interesting and appealing group.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHF
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