Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919


Europa & Übersee
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  • Losnr. : 2231 Frankreich

    1849/73: Collection, beginning with a page of stamps of the 1st issue, 10 to 1 Franc, the 40 Centimes stamp has been confused twice with the 40 Centimes Bordeaux issue. A huge amount of letters from first issue on including 10 Centimes number one e. g. combined with a 40 Centimes stamp, 20 Centimes Empire on greenish paper, a huge quantity of the 20 Centimes stamps Empire perforated, imperforated an laureated with a good variation of rates, destinations, cancels etc. There is a letter CORPS EXPEDITIONNAIRE D' ITALIE. There are 5 'Ballon Monté' letters, of which one to LONDON and another to AMSTERDAM, a high franking 1874 with 16x 80 Centimes + 1x 40 Centimes stamps, issue Siège, for a declared value 'Cinq mille neuf cent soixante Francs' on letter LOUDUN to ORLEANS. In total 35 stamps and about 780 letters.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.900 CHF

    Losnr. : 2232 Frankreich

    1851-54: Lot 9 letters first issue, 4 covers with 10 Centimes (number 1), of which one in pair, one single franking 15 Centimes, two letters with 25 Centimes (one with two stamps), 40 Centimes pair from VICHY to SWINDON, Great Britain. 1 Franc, single franking from ST. MARCELIN tornTORINO, Italy. All covers except the 25 Centimes covers are signed Calves. Yvert Euro 10'200+.rnProvenance: Ing. Pietro Provera.rnrn 
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.700 CHF

    Losnr. : 2233 Frankreich

    1853-1884: Interesting group of ca. 50 covers and a few fronts, with e.g single franking 25 Centime Napoléon Empire (certificate), letters to abroad as Chargé-cover 10 + 40 + 80 Centimes 'Empire perforated'; multiples on cover, coulour frankings. Bordeaux issue with four single frankings of the 40 Centimes stamp to Italy and two mixed frankings with other issues to make up to the new 25 Centimes rate, a letter with two 80 Centimes stamps, one stamp missing to the USA. Declared value with 80 Centimes laureate (2) + 25 Centimes siege (2); the most recent cover is a 4 Francs 50 Centimes franking, composed of 6 75 Centimes type Sage. A fine lot with a few covers in mixed, but mostly in good condition, as found in the estate.rnProvenance: Ing. Pietro Provera.rnrn 
    Ausruf : 800 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 2234 Frankreich

    1854/60: Selection 31 entire letters / covers with Napoléon imperf. frankings incl. 5 c. green on printed matter entires sent within Lyon, two examples on two local letters, 10 c. bistre on two local covers, pairs on two office to office covers, 20 c. blue type I & II, in total 17 covers showing shade & cancellation interest, one cover with block of four, one with mixed franking Napolèon imperf. & perf., two adhesives each, 40 c. orange to London, Genova, and Edinburgh, quintuple rate to London bearing pair 80c. and single 40 c., also 80 c. carmine on three triple rate inland covers. Two certificates, interesting selection ex collection Provera.
    Ausruf : 600 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.300 CHF

    Losnr. : 2235 Frankreich

    1863/71: Selection 11 covers/entires with Napoléon perf. frankings incl. pair 1 c. olive on wrapper, 1 c. in combination with 2 c. laureated on wrapper, 5 c. green in mixed franking with Siège 40 c. and 1871 Cérès 25 c. on triple rate three colour cover, 10 c. bistre in combination with 20 c. on cover to London, in combination with 40 c. orange on 'papiers d'affaires' wrapper, also in combination of same colour and value with Napolèon laureated 10 c. bistre, 20 c. blue on two covers from the Corps expeditionnaire in Rome, two cover with misperforations. Lot includes also an unmounted og block of four of the 1 c. olive. Ex collection Provera.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 2236 Frankreich

    1863/72: Selection 14 covers / entires / fronts with frankings of Napoléon laureated issues incl. 1 c. olive on printed matter, 1 c. single with two examples of Cérès 1872 on printed matter, 4 c. grey on printed matter, 10 c. bistre pair on office to office cover, 20 c. blue, four single frankings with cancellation interest, one cover with variety 'abeilles', also cover with pair and strip of three to Sweden, one cover with 20 c. blue and two examples of 30 c. brown on double rate cover to London, same colour combination franking 20 c. laureated with strip of four Cérès 1871 25 c. blue on 1872 triple rate Chargé cover, also 20 c. blue im combination franking with Sage 5 c. green on 1877 inland cover, as well as 40 c. laureated orange on double rate inland cover. Interesting ensemble ex collection Provera, one certificate.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700 CHF

    Losnr. : 2237 Frankreich

    1867/78: Selection 18 Shipmail covers / entires incl. Shipmail in the Mediterranean with 1870 Marseille to Rome, 1875 Marseille to Palermo, and 1877 Alger to Paris; Shipmail in the Levant with 1868 Beyrouth to Constantinople, 1872 Bursa to Lyon and 1872 two covers from Marseille to Constantinople and vice versa; also Shipmail to and from the Americas with 1867 Santiago-de-Cuba to Paris, 1869 La Guajara to Pamplona, 1870 Buenos Ayres to Sestri Levante, 1870 Porto Cabello to Malaga, 1874 Buenos Ayres to Toulouse, 1874 Bordeaux to Lisbon, four covers 1875/76 Bordeaux or Marseile to Buenos Ayres, and 1878 Port Cabello to Bordeaux. Interesting group ex collection Provera.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 2238 Frankreich

    Ballons montés and related material 1870/71: Selection twelve entires incl. no. 17 'Le Garibaldi' to Manchester, no. 22 'Fulton' to Anvers, no. 27 'Gironde' with Paris SC cds in red, matching ingoing letter of the same correspondence from Lille with courier to Paris, no. 27 'Gironde' to London, no. 30 'General Uhrich', no. 42 'Ville de Paris'. no. 43 'Parmentier', no. 51 'Bayard', no. 53 'Armée de la Loire' with Paris SC cds in red, and no. 65 ' Torricelli'. Also Commune de Paris 1871 (May 1), envelope with full content from the well-known Cahen correspondence, internally dated "Rueuil" and directed to Versailles, bearing Napoléon laureated 20 c. blue type II, tied by VERSAILLES cds, a letter written by an officer to his wife during the reconquest of Paris. A most interesting group ex collection Provera.
    Ausruf : 600 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.900 CHF

    Losnr. : 2239 Frankreich

    1870/71: Selection 10 covers / entires with frankings of Siège issues incl. 5 c. green on bluish, on printed matter entire within Montpellier, in combination franking with Bordeaux 20 c. blue type III, pair in combination with Bordeaux 30 c. brown on double rate cover, and in combination with 1871 Cérès 25 c. blue type I in a strip of three; 20 c. blue, two single frankings in the border rate to Belgium; 40 c. orange in combination with pair 1871 Cérès 80 c. rose on double rate cover to Santiago di Chile, in combination with two examples of 1871 Cérès 25 c. blue type I on double rate registered cover, in a strip of three with Sage 15 c. grey type II on value cover with an insured amount of 250 francs, also in combination with Sage 25 c. blue and 10 c. black on triple rate cover. An interesting and diverse group, ex collection Prover, one certificate.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 2240 Frankreich

    1870/71: Selection 15 covers / entires with usages of the Bordeaux issue incl. 5 c. green in combination with 1871 Siège 20 c. blue; 10 c. bistre, single examples on two local covers within Bordeaux and Lyon, one ex Dubus, one pair with variety 'percé en ligne', two examples on inland cover, one cover with combination 10 + 20 c. to Lausanne; six covers with 20 c. blue single frankings in type I, type  II (2) and type III (3); 30 c. brown in combination with Siège 40 c. on triple rate cover; also 40 c. orange on double rate inland cover. Lot includes unused examples of 5 c. green report II with large corner margins and 80 c. rose. Interesting group with shade and type interest, two certificates.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 2241 Frankreich

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    1870/1945: Two letters - Ballon Monté, 20 c laureate cancelled star 217" with cancel aside "PARIS 4E| 6 OCT 70 RUE DU PONT NEUF" addressed to Limoges (Hte Vienne), arrival on the back. Apparently 'Armand Barbès' (?). Certificate Bolaffi. Yvert = € 320. Stamp 2 fr issued by 'CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE DE SAINT NAZAIRE' with pair 2 fr Petain stamps on registered envelope from "BATZ SUR MER"  to poste restante adresse in Guerande près St. Nazaire, taxed with 1 fr petain (for the poste restante) Yvert = € 225.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 2242 Frankreich

    1870/1947: Lot 15 covers incl. 1870 French Shipmail to Genova bearing pair Napoléon lauré cancelled with FRANCIA VIA DI MARE handstamp, 1870 morning cover to a French POW in Erfurt, 1870 double weight letter to Austria, 1871 (Jan 3) Ballon monté 'Le Newton', 1871 (Sept 27) so called September cover with Cérès 20 c. blue and strip of five Napoléon lauré 1 c. olive, 1877 Bordeaux to New Orleans with mixed franking Cérès and Sage, 1880 registered cover front with mass franking Sage 3 c. bistre; also French Levant with 1875 cover Volo to Marseille, the stamp tied upon arrival, 1875 double rate envelope from the French P.O. in Cairo to the Swiss Legation in Rome; French Colonies 1880 single & double weight cover Guadeloupe to France, 1892 Benin with octagonal shipmail cds to France, 1900 Cote de Somalis registered cover to France, and New Caledonia 1947 TRAPAS Airmail cover to Tahiti. An appealing lot ex collection Provera.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 800 CHF

    Losnr. : 2243 Frankreich

    1872/76: Selection 15 covers/entires with Cérès 1871/72 frankings, incl. 1 c. olive pair on printed matter wrapper, in a pair of three with 2 c. red-brown, 10 c. brown on rose and 25 c. blue on four-colour double rate cover, two examples with Sage 10 c. green on complete 1876 newspaper; 2 c. red-brown, a single example and a block of four with 15 c. bistre on cover; 4 c. grey as single franking on printed matter, 5 c. green on two three-colour frankings to pay the 65 c. registered local rate within Libourne and to pay the 50 c. rate to Geneva; 10 c. brown on rose with 15 c. bistre tied by 'bureau de passe' cds to inland cover, 10 c. brown on rose together with 80 c. rose in a pair & a strip of four on a value letter with an insured sum of 2'000 francs; 30 c. in a pair with Sage 15 c. grey on registered letter; 10 c. brown on rose Petits Chiffres, strip of four and single on triple rate 'Papiers d'affaires' entire; 25 c. blue in a strip of three on registered cover ftom Alger, in combination with 5 c. green first sent to Pontarlier, then forwarded to Couvet en Suisse, also as a late usage in a same colour mixed franking with Sage 15 c. blue on 1883 registered cover.  A most interesting group from the Provera collection..
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 2244 Frankreich

    1876/1900: Selection 25 covers / postcards / printed matter items bearing frankings of the Sage issue incl. 2 c. green type I, 5 c. green type I and two examples 10 c. type II, 25 c. ultramarine type I, 75 c. carmine type I, 2 c. green type II, 5 c. green in a gutter pair strip of three, two covers with 15 c. grey single frankings, 25 c. ultramarine type II as single and pair franking as well as with 15 c. on local registered wrapper, 30 c. brown pair on value letter, also later items with cancellation and rate interest. Ex collection Provera.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 2245 Frankreich

    1876/1900: Selection 22 covers / postcards / printed matter items bearing Sage frankings incl. among others 2 c. green type I & Cérès 1 c. olive on  printed matter wrapper, cover with strip of five 5 c. green type I, double rate cover to Italy with four 15 c. grey type I, value letter with six 1 fr. bronze and add. adhesives, registered cover with three examples of 25 c. ultramarine, one in type I, two in type II, value letter with three-colour franking of pair 25 c. bistre, pair 5 c. green & 10 c. black, mixed franking of Sage pair 2 c. & 10 c. green plus Cérès 1 c. olive on inland cover, a pair of covers, one from the last day of the 25 centimes rate, the other from the following day, the first day of the 15 centimes rate, cover to Belgium with 25+4+1 c. franking, value envelope with two examples of 30 c. brown type II, three-colour value letter with three examples of 1 fr. olive-green, 35 c. violet-grey on yellow & 20 c. brick-red on green, wrapper between two offices of the 1900 Paris World Exhibition, value letter with 5 fr. violet & 75 c. carmine type I, and 1881 cover to Puebla, Mexico. Ex collection Provera.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.300 CHF

    Losnr. : 2246 Frankreich

    1880/1960ca.: Accumulation of circa 180 covers and postcards about half commercial use, half philatelic use. Included many returned registered letters, censor mail, stationery, postcards, maximum cards, interesting frankings etc. Often addressed to Switzerland.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 2252 Frankreich

    French Offices in Japan 1867: France laureated 80 c. carmine, a single example used on 1870 cover to France endorsed "per P&O Steamer 26/2/71" tied by bold strike of "5118" gros chiffres in black with "YOKOHAMA / BAU. FRANCAIS" cds above (Feb 25). Red framed 'PD' and circular "PAQ. ANGL. V. SUEZ / AMB. MARS." in red at right (April 13) and charged '4' décimes handstruck in black (credit to Italy). Reverse with Givry cds of receipt (April 15). Slight corner bend but a charming and rare cover.
    Ausruf : 600 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 2253 Frankreich

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    Far East: 1873 (Oct 4): Cover from Shanghai to Lyon, endorsed "Via Marseille", bearing 1873 Cérès 10 c. brown on rose paper, a horizontal tête-bêche pair and 1870 80 c. rose, three fine and fresh adhesives with good perforation, cancelled by Anchor lozenge, octogonal "POSS. ANGL. PAQ. FR. No. 8" datestamp (Salles vol. V fig. 300) and framed "P.D.", both in black alongside. Reverse with "MARSEILLE SPECIAL No ..." transit and LYON arrival (Nov 19) cds's. Lightest horizontal file fold well away from the adhesives, not detracting from this attractive and rare Shipmail usage from China, exceptional due to its combination with a tête-bêche. Ex Provera, signed A. Diena; cert. Brun (2022) Yv = € 6'500 / Maury T58 = € 5'000.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 6.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 3563 Frankreich

    1862, First Edition, Justin Lallier "Album Timbres Poste", produced and signed by "Justin Lallier, Paris, June 1862", published by "A. Lenègre, 35 rue Bonaparte, Paris", the first Postage Stamp Album, printed in French, brown leather bound with gold embossed lettering to front and back, the latter which has the initials "M.K.", two metal claspes coloured gold intact, one bent, pages printed in black with introduction to left side and lined boxed spaces for stamps to right, contains a number of stamps affixed internally, although sparsely filled, album is oblong shaped measuring 27cm x 18cm, with 162 pages, organised into five catagories; Europe, Asia, Africa, Americas and Australia, some aging, wear and slight scuffing around the leather cover and pages, spine separation although remains bound with just a few pages coming away, slight soiling with the odd imperfection and hinge remain as would be expected, however, very attractive, a charming unique and historical item.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft
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