Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919


Die Sammlung Ing. Provera (Teil VI)
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  • Losnr. : 6537 Italien

    1924 (April 12): Registered Envelope from Zara to München, bearing 1924 ovpt. Victory issue 1 l. on 10 c. carmine, two single examples perf. 14 in combination with 'Marcia su Roma' 30 c. violet in a horizontal pair, tied by ZARA cds in black, modified bilingual datestamp, matching registration label alongside, reverse with TRIESTE transit and Italian ambulant cds's as well as oval MÜNCHEN railway datestamp (April 19). A very rare usage on cover. Signed Sorani Sassone = € 6'000+.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 6538 Italien

    1925 (Oct 8): Registered Envelope from Merano to Böten, Czechoslovakia, bearing 1924/25 ovpt. definitive issue 1,75 l. on 10 l. olive & rose, tied by crisp "MERANO ASSte RACCte" cds, matching registration label alongside. A rare single usage of this stamp,  signed Sorani Sassone = € 2'750.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 6539 Italien

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    1928 (March 24): Large-sized registered envelope of the 13. weight rate from Lucca to Viareggio, bearing 1927 2,65 l. violet in combination with 1906 10 c. rosa and 1926 'Previdenzia Militia' 5 + 2,50 l. blue & black, tied by light "LUCCA (DISTRIBUZIONE)" cds in black, matching registration label alongside, reverse with indistinct VIAREGGIO arrival cds of the following day. Some wrinkles as to be expected, nevertheless an appealing item. Cert. E. Diena (1986) Sassone = € 2'850.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 150 CHF

    Losnr. : 6540 Italien

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    1927 (Aug 24): Registered envelope sent by the 'Servizio Notificazione Atti Giudiziari' in Taormina to Roma, bearing 1927 2,65 l. violet in combination with 1926 25 c. green & green-olive and 60 c. yellow-brown, tied by perfect  "TAORMOINA (37-134)" cds in black, matching registration label alongside, reverse with indistinct ROMA cds. Roughly opened at left, nevertheless a most appealing cover. Cert. E. Diena (1984) Sassone = € 1'750.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 140 CHF

    Losnr. : 6541 Italien

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    1928 (Oct 12): Quadruple rate registered envelope from Verolanuova to Brescia, bearing 1927 2,65 l. violet and 50 c. brown & grey in combination with 1906 10 c. rosa, tied by "VEROLANUOVA (12-205)" cds in black, matching registration label alongside, reverse with indistinct BRESCIA cds. Roughly opened on reverse, nevertheless an appealing cover. Signed E. Diena; cert. Sorani (1985) Sassone = € 1'750.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 120 CHF

    Losnr. : 6542 Italien

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    1929 (July 4): Registered Envelope from Bologna to Roma, bearing 1929 Vittorio Emanuele III 1,75 l. brown, perf. 13¾, tied twice by "BOLOGNA SUCC. 12" cds in black, matching registration label alongside. Reverse with "ROMA (RACCOM.)" arrival cds of the following day. A fresh and fine cover with this very rare brown definitive, correctly franked with 50 c. for the postage and 125 c. for the registration fee, signed A. & E. Diena; cert. Raybaudi (1991) Sassone = € 18'000.rnNote: The 1929 definitive perf 13¾ is known to be sold in the post offices of Bologna, to a lesser extent also in Roma and on Sicily (Caltanissetta and Enna).
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 6543 Italien

    1930: Virgilio 7,70 + 1,30 l. violett-brown and 9 + 2 l. dark blue, the two Airmail stamps together with other adhesives on two registered covers of the 14. and 16. weight rate, despatched in Lucca and directed to branches of the savings bank of Lucca in Viareggio and Montecatini. Sassone = € 7'500.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 6544 Italien

    1901/30c: Selection 34 covers with the first 1901 Vittorio Emanuele III definitives, a group with cancellation and rate interest, incl. bisected Aquila Sabauda 5 c. green as additional franking on 1901 stationery 7½ c. postcard, four-colour franking on value letter,  pair with gutter still attached, octagonal 'S. CESARIO SUL PANARO' datestamp in red (Sassone MO = R), printed matter, registration and add. value letters, 1903 'BAUSAN' Ship's cancellation from Port of Spain, 1905 Italian Troops in China, 1921 military mail in Constantinople, 1924 usage in Zadar with modified Austrian bilingual 'Zadar - Zara' datestamp, also better destinations such as Malta or Turkey. 
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 6545 Italien

    1906/29c: Selection 87 covers / documents with frankings from the Vittorio Emanuele III period, with rate and franking interest, combination with earlier issues, incl. 1913 15 c. ardesia strip of three missing perf on top and 1911 pair imperforated, 1907 5 c. green double imprint, registered and express mail, mass frankings, 1919 20 c. blue pair imperforated, 1926 San Francesco Tete-Beche, also interesting destinations such as Malta or Dutch Indies. Has to be studied.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 950 CHF

    Losnr. : 6546 Italien

    1929/45: Imperiale, selection 68 covers / documents with frankings up to the 5 lire value, a large diversity of rates incl. blind man's mail, registration, censorship, printed matter, insured and express mail, Airmail to the colonies, advertisement postcards, manuscripts, passports, covers to Benito Mussolini (3), and destinations such as Palestina and Argentina, also several combination frankings with earlier Vittorio Emanuele III definitives, and usage in the Repubblica Sociale Italiana period. One certificate.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 850 CHF

    Losnr. : 6547 Italien

    1929/42: Group 80 cover / postcards, primarily with frankings of commemorative issues, a large diversity of rates and combinations incl. registered and express mail, censored items, Zeppelin to Brasil, Airmail to Germany and Uruguay, mail abroad to Germany, Switzerland, France, Great Britain, Denmark, Dutch Indies and Egypt, also unmounted og sets of 1932 Marcia su Roma, 1934 Fiume & 1934 Calcio (Sassone = € 1'500).
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 6548 Italien

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    Airmail 1934 (Jan 12): Double rate Registered Cover from Milano to Buenos Aires, bearing a five-colour franking of 1929 Imperiale 50 l. violet, 10 l. carmine, 5 l. green, pair 1,75 l. orange and 1 l. violett, tied by light "MILANO CORRISP. PACCHI / POSTA AEREA" cds in black, matching registration label alongside. Reverse with VENTIMIGLIA transit as well as indistinct BUENOS AIRES arrival cds's. A most interesting commercial cover from the well-known Oertly correspondence, correctly franked with 2 l. postage plus 1.50 l. registration fee plus eight times 8.25 l. for each 5 gram for the Airmail transport to Argentina with a French Airmail carrier, in total 69,50 lire. Cert. Colla (2000) Sassone = € 3'300+.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 6549 Italien

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    Airmail 1938 (Oct 10): Registered Cover from Roma to Montevideo, bearing a five-colour franking of 1929 Imperiale 25 l. black-blue 10 l. violett, 2 l. carmine, 50 c. violett and pair 25 l. green, tied by light "ROMA CENTRO ACCETAZne / RACC. E ASS." cds in black, registration label alongside. Reverse with indistinct MONTEVIDEO arrival cds. A most interesting commercial cover, correctly franked with 1,25 l. postage plus 1.50 l. registration fee plus three times 11.75 l. for each 5 gram for the Airmail transport to Uruguay with a French Airmail carrier, in total 38 lire. Cert. Colla (1994) Sassone = € 3'300+.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 260 CHF

    Losnr. : 6550 Italien

    Airmail 1938 (Oct 20): Cover from Torino to Sao Paulo, bearing 1937 Augusto 2,55 + 2 l. ardesia in a block of four and Posta Aerea 1930/32 1 l. violett, tied by "TORINO FERROVIA POSTA AEREA" cds in black, reverse with "S. PAULO" arrival (Nov 1) cds. An attractive cover Sassone = € 5'200+.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 250 CHF

    Losnr. : 6551 Italien

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    Airmail 1939 (May 23): Registered Cover from Milano to Santiago de Chile, bearing the rare 1929 Imperiale 25 l. black-blue and 1,25 l. blue, tied by "MILANO CORRISP. PACCHI / POSTA AEREA" cds in black, registration label and "DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST / EUROPA - SÜDAMERIKA" handstamp in lilac alongside. Reverse with another Milano transit and SANTIAGO arrival (May 29) cds's. Rare franking on a most attractive cover, cert. E. Diena (1998) Sassone = € 3'300+.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 260 CHF

    Losnr. : 6552 Italien

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    Airmail 1939 (Nov 13): Registered Cover from Udine to Buenos Aires, endorsed "via Roma - Rio de Janeiro / Volo inaugurale linea arerea Atlantico del Sud", bearing the rare 1929 Imperiale 50 l. violett in combination with 1938 Impero 1,75 l. grey in a vertical strip of three, tied by "UDINE CORRISP. PACCHI / RACCOMANDATE" cds in black, matching registration label alongside. Reverse with four Italian ambulant and VENTIMIGLIA transit cds's. Rare franking on attractive cover, cert. E. Diena (1987) Sassone = € 3'300+.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 320 CHF

    Losnr. : 6553 Italien

    Segnatasse, 1869 (Oct 25): Unpaid local cover within Perugia, sideflaps missing, taxed double deficiency, bearing 1863 Segnatasse 10 c. yellow, tied by '24' numeral in black. Signed Em. Diena & Sorani Sassone = € 900.
    Ausruf : 75 CHF
    Zuschlag : 75 CHF

    Losnr. : 6554 Italien

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    Segnatasse, 1874 (Nov 4): Underpaid printed matter cover within Palermo, bearing 1863 DLR printing 1 c. green-olive, tied by NAPOLI cds, taxed with double the deficiency minus the franking, bearing 1870 Segnatasse 2 c. ochre & carmine showing the extremely rare variety: numeral inverted 'cifra capovolta' as well as 1 c. of the same due issue, tied by the same NAPOLI datestamp. Lightest vertical file fold well away from the adhesives, just mentioned for accuracy, a fresh and most interesting cover, a unique usage of this sought after variety on cover. Signed A. Diena; cert. E. Diena (1985) Sassone = € 57'000+ / Zanaria & Serra (1985) = Lire 20'000'000.rnReference: Mentioned in Sassone (2020), page 335 as the only example on cover existing. Displayed in Zanaria & Serra (1985) on page 321.rnProvenance: Collection Seregni.
    Ausruf : 4.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 6555 Italien

    Francobolli Pubblicitari 1926 (Nov 14): Envelope from Roma to Milano, bearing Francobolli Pubblicitari 1924/25 50 c. violet with green TAGLIACOZZO, tied by "ROMA FERROVIA" machine cancellation in black. Reverse with two Marca da Bollo adhesives. A fine and fresh usage, signed E. Diena Sassone = € 1'500.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 6556 Italien

    Francobolli Pubblicitari 1925 (Feb 11): German stationery postcard from Milano to Köln, bearing on top of the indicium a Francobolli Pubblicitari 1924/25 50 c. violet with red TANTAL in combination with 1924/25 ovpt. definitive 25/60 c. blue, tied by "MILANO FERROVIA" machine cancellation in black. A fine and fresh usage Sassone = € 1'200.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 180 CHF

    Losnr. : 6557 Italien

    Buste Lettere Postali (B.L.P.) 1921 (April 24): Letter envelope within Milano, full selvedge with 'SERIE NAZIONALE 11-20' imprint, bearing BLP 1921 40 c. brown with blue ovpt., tied by "ROMA PARTENZA" machine cancellation in black. A most appealing item depicting a Crying baby advertisement for caramelle.
    Ausruf : 75 CHF
    Zuschlag : 120 CHF

    Losnr. : 6558 Italien

    Buste Lettere Postali (B.L.P.) 1923 (Feb 13): Letter envelope fromMilano to Napoli, bearing BLP 1922/23 50 c. violett with black ovpt., tied by "MILANO CENTRO" machine cancellation in black. Correct payment of the internal 50 c. letter rate, a rare item showing a 'Motore Muzzi Firenze' advertisement. Signed Raybaudi Sassone = € 1'300.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 100 CHF

    Losnr. : 6559 Italien

    1948 (Jan 29): Accounting bulletin used in Bologna, bearing 1945/46 Democratica 100 l. red-carmine in a block of ten as well as Segnatasse 2 l. green (3) and 20 l. lilac-rosa in a strip of five, all clearly tied "BOLOGNA CENTRO CORR e PACCHI TASSATE". Minor flaws, an interesting item. Sassone = € 1'800+.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 220 CHF

    Losnr. : 6560 Italien

    1949 (July 11): Airmail envelope from Venezia to New London, Conneticut, bearing Centenario della Repubblica Romana 100 l. brown, two single adhesives, tied by clear "LIDO VENEZIA" despatch cds, superb information strike alongside. Overfranked but an appealing franking with this sought after adhesive. Sassone = € 3'200.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 160 CHF

    Losnr. : 6561 Italien

    1949 (May 28): Airmail envelope from Rome to Buenos Aires, bearing Centenario della Repubblica Romana 100 l. brown, two single examples in combination with 1945 Democratica pair 20 l. dark lilac and pair 4 l. orange, tied by "ROMA CENTRO C.P. POSTA AEREA" despatch cds. Reverse with "BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA" meter mark arrival datestamp (June 1). Double rate with Airmail to Argentina was 240 lire. Sassone = € 3'200+.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 150 CHF

    Losnr. : 6562 Italien

    1949: Centenario della Repubblica Romana 100 l. brown, a selection of 16 covers sent primarily with this adhesive, 15 covers with additional frankings of definitive or commemorative issues, Airmail, but also registered and express mailing, mostly to foreign destinations such as Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, USA, Argentina, one express inland cover. Interesting group, one certificate Sassone = € 25'600+.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 6563 Italien

    1874/1945c: Lot 59 back-of-the-book covers / postcards /stationery incl. Ricognizione Postale (1), Propaganda di guerra (10), Posta Militare (3), one from the period of the Luogotenenza, Cartolina Vaglia (22). Ritagli - Stationery cut outs (2), Franchige Militari (16) and Posta pneumatica (6).
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 6564 Italien

    Repubblica Sociale Italiana,1943/45: Selection 47 covers with definitive and commemorative frankings, also including combination frankings with Regno, Luogotenenza & Repubblica adhesives, with interesting rates such as registration, express, censorship, 'gemelli' frankings, definitives used as postage due, or parcel stamps used as definitives. Five certificates.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 800 CHF

    Losnr. : 6565 Italien

    Luogotenenza & Regno di Umberto II,1943/46: Selection 38 covers with definitive and commemorative frankings, mixed franking Regno - Luogotenenza, interesting rates such as registration, express, 1945 covers to the USA, and late usages.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 380 CHF

    Losnr. : 6566 Italien

    Servizio, official stamps 1875/76: Group ten Entire official letters incl. cover with strip of five 2 c., three covers with strips or blocks of four 5 c., six covers with single frankings of 20 c. incl. one from an infantery regiment and three from the small post agencies  "Solarolo Rainero" (Sassone CR = 6 punti), "Marina di Patti" (Sassone PA = 7 punti) and GAZZANIGA in blue, two registered covers with combinations of 20 and 30 c., also one cover with single franking of 1 lire. Lot includes a corner marginal block of six 30 c. unmounted og with plate number '1', cert. E. Diena (1988).
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 180 CHF

    Losnr. : 6567 Italien

    Segnatasse, 1863/64: Group three unpaid local covers within S. Severino - Marche, S. Benedetto - Marche and S. Mauro (Sassone TO = 12 punti), all taxed with double deficiency, bearing 1863 Segnatasse 10 c. yellow, tied by clear corresponding despatch datestamps in black, information strikes alongside. A fine trio from three Saint's villages, all competently signed. Sassone = € 2'700.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 240 CHF

    Losnr. : 6568 Italien

    Segnatasse: 1871/1947: Group 30 covers with postage due incl. 1871 cover with mixed usage of 2nd and 3rd segnatasse issue, 1875 unpaid cover from Kerkyra to Firenze, three-colour usage on 1871 unpaid cover from Montevideo, another cover from the same correspondence with 2 l. blue & brown, 1873 unpaid cover from Madrid with pair 40 c., 1917 cover with 5 c. capovolta, 1934 issue also used in the RSI and Repubblica, also two covers with RSI due. Three certificates.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600 CHF

    Losnr. : 6569 Italien

    Buste Lettere Postali (B.L.P.) 1921/26: Selection eight letter envelopes, one with franking of 1921 25 c. blue with red ovpt (BLP3) and add. franking, six with single frankings of 1921 40 c. brown with blue ovpt (BLP49, one used in 1926 with this adhesive and add. franking. Motifs include 'Navigazione Generale Italiana' (2), 'Grandiosi Magazzini Padova', 'Sunlight Sapone' (2), 'Societa Nazionale di Navigazione' (2) and 'Sindicato Emiliano'. An appealing lot.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 340 CHF

    Losnr. : 6570 Italien

    Francobolli Pubblicitari 1924/25: Selection 14 envelope / postcards with F. P. frankings incl usages of pair FP1, FP2, FP3, also in a block of eight, FP7 in a strip of three, FP9, FP10, FP11 (2), FP12, FP16 (2) and FP18 as well as a FP with the advertisement cut away. Many competent signatures Sassone = € 7'000+.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 480 CHF
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