Catalogue 288: The Ing. Pietro Provera Collection (part IV)
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Losnr. : 6352 Parma
1852 (June): 5 c. black on yellow and 10 c. black on white, two fine and fresh single adhesives with good to large margins, cancelled by superb Griglietta in red with "BORGO S. DONNINO 6 LUGLIO 1852" despatch cds in red (Sassone = 10 punti) alongside, on entire letter to Vezza d'Oglio, Lombardo-Veneto. Some toning, nevertheless a most appealing entire with the 15 c. rate in the first LEGA rayon. Signed Asinelli; cert. A. Diena (1965) Sassone = € 1'800 + 2'100.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 6353 Parma
1852 (June): 5 c. black on yellow in combination with 1857 25 c. brown lilac, two fine and fresh single adhesives with good to large margins from the 1st and 3rd issue, lightly cancelled by "PARMA 21 GIUG 58" despatch cds, on cover to Genova, "DOPO LA PARTENZA and framed "P.D." handstamps in black alongside. Reverse with arrival cds (June 27). Attractive usage with the 30 c. rate to Sardinia. Signed Emilio Diena; cert. E. Diena (1982) Sassone = € 4'500.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 6354 Parma
1852 (June): 10 c. black on white paper in a horizontal strip of three, a fine and fresh multiple with good to large margins, cancelled by "PARMA 6 MARZO" straight-line despatch cds, framed "P.D." handstamp alongside on 1856 entire letter to Genova. Reverse with arrival cds (March 8). Attractive entire with the 30 c. rate to Sardinia, valid from March 1855. Signed A. & E. Diena Sassone = € 5'500.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6355 Parma
1852 (June): 10 c. black on white in combination with 1853/55 5 c. yellow orange, two fine and fresh single adhesives with good to large margins, cancelled by three-line "PARMA 30 LUGLIO" despatch datestamp, on 1855 cover to Reggio, Ducato die Modena. Reverse with arrival datestamp of the next day. The cover shows two fumigation slits not affecting the adhesives. Attractive usage with the 15 c. rate in the first rayon of the LEGA. Signed Friedl; cert. Colla (1998) Sassone = € 4'400.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 6356 Parma
1852 (June): 15 c. rose with good to large margins, cancelled by "MONTICELLI D'ONGINA 19. DICEMBRE" three-line despatch cds (Sassone PC = 8 punti), on cover to Pianello via Montalbo, Marche. Lightest vertical file fold, an attractive cover with the franking paying the rate between neighbouring countries in the LEGA for the first rayon. Sassone = € 500 + 1'000.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 6357 Parma
1852 (June): 25 c. black on violet in a vibrant shade, a fine and fresh example with good to large margins, tied by "BAGNONE 18 DIC" despatch cds, on 1857 entire letter to Modena. Reverse with arrival cds (Dec 20) in blue. 25 c. rate for the second rayon of the LEGA. Signed A. Diena Sassone = € 1'500.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 6358 Parma
1853/55 15 c. vermillion, a fine and fresh single adhesive with good to large margins, in a deep vivid shade, tied by three-line "PARMA 11. MAGGIO" despatch datestamp, on 1855 cover to Sarginesco, Lombardo-Veneto. Reverse with MARCARIA transit datestamp (May 13). Attractive usage with the 15 c. rate in the first rayon of the LEGA. Signed A. Diena; cert. E. Diena (1980) Sassone = € 1'050.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 6359 Parma
1853/55 25 c. 'bruno rosso scuro', a fine and fresh single adhesives with good to large margins, in a deep and vivid shade, tied by straight-line "PARMA 18 AGOST" despatch datestamp, on 1856 cover to Bologna, Papal States. Reverse with arrival datestamp of the next day. Appealing usage with the 25 c. rate in the second rayon of the LEGA. Signed E. Diena & Miro Sassone = € 3'000.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 6360 Parma
1857/59: 15 c. vermillion, a single examples with good to huge margins and sheet margin at base, tied by mute grill obliterator with "PARMA 26 MAGG 59" despatch cds alongside, on cover to Pontremoli, Ducato di Toscana. Reverse with indistinct arrival cds, 15 c. rate within the first rayon of the LEGA, sent during the last days prior to the establishment of the provisional government. Signed R. Mondolfo & Avanzo; cert. E. Diena (1985) Sassone = € 2'100.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 6361 Parma
1857/59: 25 c. 'bruno lilla', a single example with good to huge margins, marginal pre-cut just mentioned for accuracy, cancelled by mute Griglietta in black with "BORGOTARO 27 MAGGIO 185." despatch cds (Sassone PR = 8 punti) alongside, on cover to Lonato, Lombardy. Reverse with arrival datestamp (May 31), 15 c. rate within the second rayon of the LEGA. Cert. E. Diena (1987) Sassone = € 1'250 + 1'000.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 6362 Parma
1857/59: 10 c. brown, a fresh vertical pair with good to huge margins, tied by light "BORGO S. DONNINO 23 DICEMB. 1859" despatch cds (Sassone PR = 9 punti), on cover to Firenze. Reverse with arrival datestamp of the following day. File fold at right of the multiple, nevertheless an interesting cover paying the 20 c. rate in the 'Sardinian tariff' of June 1859. Signed Gappero; cert. G. Oliva (1965), A. Diena (1972) Sassone = € 12'000.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 6363 Parma
1857/59: 20 c. blue, a fresh and fine single adhesive with good to huge margins, tied by clear "BORGOTARO 20 OTTOB. 1860" despatch cds, on cover to Piacenza. Reverse with arrival datestamp (Oct 22). An appealing cover paying the 20 c. rate in the 'Sardinian tariff' of June 1859. Signed A. Diena Sassone = € 3'000.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 6364 Parma
Segnatasse per Giornali 1853/57: 9 c. black on blue, a fresh and fine single adhesive with fair to huge margins, tied by Griglietta in black on complete newspaper "GAZZETTA UFFICIALE DI MILANO", no. 43 from May 23, 1853. An exceptionally attractive item of utmost rarity, an early usage in the second month after issuance. Signed R. Mondolfo; certs. E. Diena (1986), Bottacchi (2005) Sassone = € 20'000.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6365 Parma
Adhesives of Sardinia used in the former Ducato di Parma, 1859 (Aug 17): Entire letter from Borgotaro to Piacenza, bearing Sardinia IV. emission 20 c. dark blue, a fine and fresh adhesive with good to large margins all round, cancelled by BORGOTARA cds, reverse with arrival cds of the same day. An extremely rare usage of a Sardinian adhesive in August 1859 during the first period of the provisional government of the former Ducato di Parma. Following the certificate of Dott. Colla this is the only postally sent item from Borgotaro from this period. An entire of enormous historical interest, certs. A. Diena (1969), E. Diena (1985), Colla (2021) Sassone unlisted for Borgotaro, comparable usages of a 20 c. definitive in other cities are valued between € 30'000 and € 160'000.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 6.500 CHF
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