Europa & Übersee
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Losnr. : 2079 Sammlungen/Posten
Overseas 1915/67: Fine assembly 115 Scout's covers/cards from Argentine to U.S.A., incl. Australia (12), Brazil (10), Canada (5) with sticker of 8th World Jamboree 1955 at Niagara-on-the-Lake ONT, Cuba (19), Haiti (3), Jamaica (3), Nicaragua (4) with 1957 imperf. Scouts set unused as well as USA (50) with 1915 envelope to Belgium bearing Scout's vignette 'Boy Scouts of Belgium who captured Red German Spies' on reverse, 1951 "Paul A. Siple 'Eagle Scout' of the Byrd Antarctic Expedition", 1958 envelope signed by 'Richard L. Chappell U.S. Antarctic Boy Scout' cancelled "Little America Antarctica Jan 1. 1958) and sticker of 12th. World Jamboree in Idaho 1967.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 2179 Sammlungen/Posten
1950/80: Lot 35 presentation booklets from various countries in South and Central America and the Caribbean given from the related Postal Administrations to partizipants of UPU events all over the world, incl. plenty of full sets and those mainly in mint condition, noteworthy Argentine, Brazil, Colombia, Dutch Antilles, Guatemala and Surinam, good condition and housed in a box.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 2181 Sammlungen/Posten
Div. South America 1868/1961: Lot with classic Bolivia (Scott 12, 17, 18) unused, Brazil 1927 seven compl. Condor Syndicate airpost sets of seven unused o.g., Venezuela 1893 Bolivar unused set of five, 1951 souvenir sheet 'III Juegos Deportivos Bolivarianos' as well as 1961 imperf. bicentenary commemorative miniature sheets (2) Scott = US$ 750+.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 2184 Sammlungen/Posten
1867/1967: Very varied collection with Egypt 1867 issue used incl. genuine 5 pi. brown, USA 1869 issue 15 c. brown & blue used (2), 24 c. green & violet used (3), 30 c. ultramarine & carmine used (2) and further useful items, useful range of Hawaii unused or used, Muscat 1944 Official issue unused incl. multiples, Kuwait 1965 Falcon set unused, Dubai and Qatar with 1966 World Cup issues imperf., Sweden 1916 P.O. 5 kr. blue block of four used, Denmark 1925 Airmail set of five unused, United Nations 1955 Miniature sheet unused, Yugoslavia 1953 Esperanto 300 d. unused etc.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHF
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