Europa & Übersee
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Losnr. : 859 Ecuador
1865: ½ real green on greenish wove paper, a fresh and fine Plate Proof on ungummed paper with large margins all round, slight hinge thin at top not affecting the appearance. A scarce and most interesting Proof in the issued colour of the 1 real. It is stated that the issue was designed by Emilia Rivadeneira who copies the Greek Large Hermes Heads for her design. This Plate Proof matched very closely the Large Hermes 5 lepta value both in colour and the shade of the paper - indeed the three original stamps are in the shades utilised for the 5, 10 and 20 lepta values.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 860 Ecuador
1872: 1 r. yellow on quadrille paper, a vertical strip of seven with large margins all round with fifth stamp just touched at left, but with seventh stamp showing the embossed "Arms of Ecuador" security seal (unlisted by Scott on this stamp); cancelled by seven strikes of the "Ambato" datestamp (June 20) in black. A few trivial imperfections but a rare and attractive multiple.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 861 Ecuador
1872: 1 r. ochre-yellow on quadrille paper, the irregular used block of eleven, positions 73-78/83-87, with good to large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at top right, in combination with faulty 1871/72 ½ r. blue on surface blued paper, tied to judicial wrapper from Riobamba. A superb and rare multiple - the largest used block of the 1 r. quadrille paper recorded on cover. Certs. Raybaudi (2002), Moorhouse (2011).rnProvenance: Collection Fiorenzo Longhi, Investphila, Oct 2007, lot 366.rnAusruf : 1.300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 862 Ecuador
First Printing Group 1865: ½ real ultramarine on slightly greyish paper, a used example with three huge margins and close at top right, thinned but clearly cancelled "Quito / Franca" datestamp "6 / ENERO / 65" - the sixth day of proposed issue and the second day of actual issue. Rare.rnNote: The earliest recorded date of use for the Ecuador first issue is 4th January 1865 on a ½ real used in Quito and also on a 1 r. orange-yellow. The 1st January 1865 was a Sunday and it is probable the stamps were delivered to Post Offices on the the following day and actually issued on the 3rd or 4th of January; certainly this last date marked the first shipment of adhesives to Guayaquil.Ausruf : 130 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 863 Ecuador
First Printing Group 1865 (Jan 1): ½ real bright ultramarine on greyish wove paper, fine impression, a single example position 3 with dent in frame above "RR" of Correos at top, used on 1865 cover to Guanujo with manuscript weight "1 oz." at top, cancelled by bold strike of hexagonal framed AMBATO handstamp in black. Dated on reverse in manuscript "Ambato Marrzo 30 de 1865". A fine and scarce early usage.Ausruf : 850 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 864 Ecuador
1865: ½ r. ultramarine on greyish paper, a used block of four of fine impression, barely grazed at top otherwise with large margins all round, used on 1866 entire letter to Lima cancelled by "Guayaquil" datestamp (Dec 3) in black. One stamp with tiny wormhole otherwise of wonderful appearance and an extremely rare early usage of a block on letter. Cert. Moorhouse (2014).rnProvenance: Collection Alfred H. Caspary, Harmers, New York, June 1958, lot 998; Collection 'Crown Point', Corinphila sale 131, Oct 2001, lot 6689; Collection Dr. Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 191, Nov 2014, lot 799.Ausruf : 1.800 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 865 Ecuador
First Printing Group 1865: ½ real bright ultramarine on greyish wove paper with slight surface blueing, fine impression, the extraordinary cover showing the largest known franking of the Medio Real with 35 stamps prepaying the parcel rate for 35 ounces at 17½ reales: a marginal single from left of sheet, a corner marginal pair (positions 83-84) from lower right of sheet, a horizontal strip of ten (positions 39-48) and showing sheet marginal line at right, a further horizontal strip of ten (positions 51-60) and showing sheet marginal line at right and a magnificent full horizontal strip of twelve showing the marginal rule vertically at both sides (positions 61-72). All stamps with large margins all round and cancelled in manuscript at Alausi and used to Riobamba on February 2, 1865. A wonderful and extremely rare franking in the second month of use and without doubt the most important franking of the Medio Real. Unique.rnProvenance: Collection E. M. de Bustamante, Afinsa, Madrid, May 1996, lot 18.Ausruf : 13.500 CHFZuschlag : 13.500 CHFLosnr. : 866 Ecuador
Second Printing Group 1865/67: ½ real blue, an unused vertical pair, marginal from top left of sheet, position 1/13, with framelines at left and at top; upper stamp with embossed "Republica del Ecuador" Coat of Arms security seal, impression clear but somewhat mottled between the pair otherwise fresh and fine, unused without gum. Extremely scarce and attractive. Cert. Moorhouse (2012) Scott = unpriced unused / used = $ 1'000.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 867 Ecuador
Third Printing Group 1867/70: ½ real blue on thin greyish wove paper, a used example with large margins all round and sheet marginal at left, tied to folded cover and large part back to Ambato rated just over ½ an ounce and treated as a package rather than a letter, tied by circular "Cartwheel" handstamp in black with corresponding circular "PELILEO / M. C." circular handstamp in black with first 'L' inverted (in use, if seldom seen, from 1867-68). Rare and attractive usage. Cert. Moorhouse (2003).Ausruf : 450 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 868 Ecuador
Third Printing Group 1867/70: ½ real blue (dry) to very deep blue, the album page with an unused example in dark blue on thin wove paper with gum; four used examples cancelled between Nov 1867 and Feb 1868 in varying shades, used single example (position 32) with "Right Outer Frameline Broken" and a fine entire letter to Ambato with ½ real in a deep shade tied by "Quito / Franca" datestamp (June 20) in black. A charming group, see Edition D'Or XXXIII, page 27.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 869 Ecuador
Fourth Printing Group 1871/72: ½ r. greyish-blue, a dry printing on coarse wove paper, an unused example with large margins all round but with small hinge thin, a used single example cancelled by rare 64 dot lozenge in red, and a horizontal pair with the lozenge centrally struck in black; together with an 1872 entire letter to Pelileo cancelled by lozenge and by "Cuenca" despatch datestamp (March 2) in black. A scarce group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 870 Ecuador
Fifth Printing Group 1871/72: ½ real deep bright ultramarine, the complete sheet of 84 subjects (12 x 7) in a vibrant shade on surface blued greyish thin paper, with most paper marginal rule all round and, at base, a thin horizontal marginal rule, some edge wear sheet and minor inclusions incl. small hole at top of position 64, vertical file fold that does not detract, otherwise of vivid colour and wonderful appearance, with near full original gum. A magnificent sheet of great importance Scott = $ 21'000.Ausruf : 2.750 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 871 Ecuador
1871c.: ½ r. deep blue on blued paper used on legal cover front to Ambato in combination with 1872 1 r. dull yellow on blued paper, single and a superb horizontal strip of four with large margins all round, tied by “Guaranda” datestamps (Dec 9) in black. Manuscript '10¾ oz.' at upper right, thus correctly prepaid at 5½ reales. The ½ r. with pre-application corner crease but a fine and rare franking. Cert. Moorhouse (2014).Ausruf : 450 CHFZuschlag : 450 CHFLosnr. : 872 Ecuador
First Printing Group 1865: 1 real deep bistre (khaki) shade, a vertical pair (positions 6/15) and a vertical strip of four (positions 57/66/75/84) with position 66 showing the major Plate flaw "Diagonal Scratch from Centre Circle to Base", used on archive dated June 1865 refolded cover to Ambato with manuscript weight "12 oz." in red. All adhesives cancelled by six bold strikes of framed LATACUNGA handstamps in black. A marvellous and extremely rare usage - the earliest recorded cover with the stamps in this distinct and rare khaki shade.rnNote: It is probable that this shade was caused by traces of the green ink left over on the Plate prior to commencing a yellow printing.Ausruf : 1.800 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 873 Ecuador
First Printing Group 1865: 1 real bistre buff, a vertical pair, a vertical strip of three and a block of six (2 x 3) in the characteristic shade of the first printing, mostly with large margins all round, used on 1865 cover and large part back to Ambato endorsed "1 lb. 6 oz." in red manuscript, tied by six strikes of the 64 dot lozenge with two fine strikes of the "Latacunga" datestamp (Nov 25) in black. Some staining and faults to the block at right but a remarkable early franking.Ausruf : 850 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 874 Ecuador
First Printing Group 1865: 1 real orange-buff, four single examples, all with clear to large margins all round, used with early impression 1865 ½ r. bright blue on 1865 cover to Ambato, with weight "8½ oz." at top, all tied by manuscript "Riobamba". Reverse with manuscript docketing of sender, clearly dated "11 de Febe. de 1865". A remarkable and most attractive early franking.Ausruf : 850 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 875 Ecuador
First Printing Group 1865: 1 real deep bistre (khaki) shade, a block of eight (positions 38-41/47-50) with position 50 showing plate variety "Extended "R" in Correos"; the block with ample to large margins all round, used on large part of 1865 legal wrapper to Riobamba in combination with four margined single and horizontal pair of ½ real bright blue (positions 45, 32-33), large margins all round, all tied by four strikes of the 64 dot lozenge and four strikes of the "Guaranda" circular datestamp (Dec 17) in black. Minor creasing of no real significance, the largest recorded multiple in this rare khaki shade.rnProvenance: Collection 'Crown Point', Corinphila sale 131, Oct 2001, lot 6735.Ausruf : 7.500 CHFZuschlag : 7.500 CHFLosnr. : 876 Ecuador
Losnr. : 877 Ecuador
Second Printing Group 1866/68: 1 real orange-yellow, a diagonally bisected example used on undated front of cover to Riobamba tied by bold strike of extremely rare double ring CHIMBO fancy handstamp in black. An exceptional usage and strike of this rare cancellation.Ausruf : 450 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 878 Ecuador
1865/72: 1 real, the small balance (21 stamps) with early impression in orange unused, two unused examples in the deep khaki shade (one being pos. 90 with flaw in SE corner), used examples in a variety of shades with cancels in blue and in red, also 1 r. green including two pairs used on piece.Ausruf : 130 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 879 Ecuador
Second Printing Group 1866/68: 1 real yellow, a superb unused block of 45, being the lower half of the sheet of 90 subjects, positions 46-54/82-90, of fine vibrant colour and with large margins all round; showing Plate flaws on Position 50 with "Extended "R" in Correos", position 66 with "Diagonal Scratch from Centre Circle to Base", position 71 with "Line through Real", position 81 with worn state of "Gash in Right Vertical Frameline", position 83 with damaged SE corner and position 90 with rounded SE corner; the sheet without marginal framelines which were omitted from the later printings. Minor bends and a few tone spots on reverse but with full original gum, a scarce and most attractive multiple.Ausruf : 650 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 880 Ecuador
Second Printing Group 1868/72: 1 real yellow, a horizontal pair just shaved at right but with large margins on three sides and large portion of adjoing stamp at left, used on 1869 cover to Islay, Peru via Arequipa tied by "Guayaquil / Franca" datestamp (Nov 26) in blue. Fully paid at single rate to Lima with partial backstamp on reverse; taxed for remainder of journey with framed "DEFICIT / 10 / CENTAVOS" handstamp in black. A rare usage.Ausruf : 450 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 881 Ecuador
Second Printing Group 1 real orange-yellow in a horizontal strip of three with third stamp diagonally bisected, positions 41-43, used on 1869 cover to Chimbo endorsed "5 oz." in manuscript, the strip with slight scuffing and the cover restored for display, tied by two strikes of the 64 dot lozenge and scarce PELILIEO datestamp (Sept 14) in black. Rare.Ausruf : 450 CHFZuschlag : 405 CHFLosnr. : 882 Ecuador
Third Printing Group 1868/72: 1 real yellow on white wove paper, a vertical pair with touched to ample margins all round, used on 26 November 1870 entire letter to Lima at single rate, tied by dotted FRANCA lozenge in black. Reverse with Lima arrival cds (Dec 2) in black.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 883 Ecuador
Third Printing Group 1870/72: 1 real yellow, two single examples and a vertical block of eight in a bright shade, margins ample to large all round, positions 55-56/66-67/75-78/84-85 with position 66 with "Diagonal Scratch from Centre Circle to Base", used in combination with single 1865/67 ½ r. grey-blue in a milky shade, on circa 1869 cover front and large part back to Quito for a 21 ounce package, tied by eleven blurred strikes of "Riobamba" datestamps (Jan 21) in red. All stamps fresh and very fine, a most attractive cover.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 350 CHFLosnr. : 884 Ecuador
Fourth Printing Group 1870/72: 1 real yellow on vertically laid paper, an unused block of six (3 x 2) in a deep shade with ample to large margins all round, tiny scissor cut in margin only at right and a couple of possibly contemporary flecks on one stamp, fresh and very fine, superb large part og. Much under-catalogued and extremely rare Scott = € 1'050+.rnrnAusruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 885 Ecuador
1865/72: 1 real yellow on white wove paper, a block of six (3 x 2) showing the vertical marginal frameline at left, used with two single examples on folded cover front to Ambato endorsed 'Civiles' at top and notation "Con ocho reales en buena moneda" at base, all tied by four strikes of rare circular framed CHIMBO handstamps in black. The multiple with contemporary scissor cuts not detracting from the spectacualar appearance.Ausruf : 450 CHFZuschlag : 450 CHFLosnr. : 886 Ecuador
1872: Entire letter from Guayaquil to Lima, Peru franked with two vertical pairs of 1865/72 1 r. yellow on quadrille paper, margins touched to fine, tied by two strikes of dotted FRANCA lozenge in black. Carried on French Paquebot and additionally franked by France 1863/70 40 c. vermilion and 80 c. rose carmine tied by dotted Anchor lozenge and by octagonal GUAYAQUIL / PAQ. FR. F. No. 2 datestamp (May 4) beautifully struck in black (Salles fig. 1383). Carried on the first Southbound voyage of the 'Ville de Brest' and reverse with circular LIGNE F / PAQ. FR. No. 2 datestamp in black and smudged Lima arrival cds (May 10). A most attractive and very rare entire. Cert. Brun (2014).rnNote: This cover is, as far as we aware, the sole recorded usage of a double rate combination franking between Ecuador & France.rnProvenance: London & Brighton (Ted Proud) sale, Dec 1984; Collection Edward S. Knapp, ‘Philatelic Americana’, Parke-Bernet, New York, 5-10 May 1941, lot 4239; Collection Norman Hubbard; Collection Dr. Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 191, Nov 2014, lot 815.Ausruf : 12.500 CHFZuschlag : 12.500 CHFLosnr. : 887 Ecuador
1866/68: 1 r. deep ochre-buff, on batonné paper, the unused complete sheet of 90 subjects in a golden shade, two stamps cut round and replaced back (pos. 10 and 81), showing the full marginal framelines on all four sides (not meeting at corners), the vertical frameline at right with additional thin line, the sheet showing the prominent Plate flaws: position 45 with broken outer frameline at right, Position 50 with "Extended "R" in Correos", position 66 with "Diagonal Scratch from Centre Circle to Base", position 71 with "Line through Real", position 81 with worn state of "Gash in Right Vertical Frameline", position 83 with cliché damaged at SE corner, position 90 with rounded SE corner, closed tear affects two stamps but largely fine with large part or unmounted og. One of two sheets recorded on this paper, both originally discovered and purchased by Charles J. Phillips of Stanley Gibbons in the early 1900's, a rarity.rnProvenance: Collection Fiorenzo Longhi.rnAusruf : 1.750 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 888 Ecuador
1865: 1 r. green, a superb unused example on thin white wove paper, with part of horizontal sheet marginal frameline at top, position 8 on the sheet of 90 subjects with break above NE corner square, fresh and fine, large part og. Gi 3 = £ 275/Mi 2x = € 260/Scott = $ 300.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 889 Ecuador
1865: 1 r. green, fine impression on thin white wove paper, the largest known used multiple - a block of twelve from positions 61-63/70-72&79-81/88-90, and thus from the lower right corner of the sheet, upper left stamp with corner fault and minor scissor cut between the stamps just below, together with a block of six from the same sheet (positions 68-69/77-78/87-87), all cancelled by "AMBATO / DEC 24 / 69" datestamps in black and by 64 dot lozenge. Position 71 showing the "Line through Real" Plate flaw. Wonderful and importanmt multiples for plating and display and of the utmost rarity.rnNote: When the multiples were used, the block of six was applied and cancelled below the block of twelve.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.000 CHFLosnr. : 890 Ecuador
Losnr. : 891 Ecuador
1865: 1 real green, a fine example with three large margins and shaved down frame at left, used on 1867 cover and part back endorsed "1¾ oz." to Guaranda tied by neat "Latacunga" datestamp (Aug 29) in black. Some filing stitch holes well away from the adhesive, an attractive cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 892 Ecuador
1865: 1 real green, two single examples in very differing shades (one in pale green, the other in a deep dull shade), used on 1867 entire letter to Lima, some aging, each tied by 64 dot lozenge in black and by "Cuenca" despatch cds (Nov 30). Carried on the 'Vapor Chile' with Lima arrival cds (Jan 8, 1868) in black on reverse.rnProvenance: Collection M. de Bustamente, DF, Dec 2014, lot 50126.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 893 Ecuador
1865: 1 real green, two single examples in very differing shades (one in pale green (pos. 8), the other in a deep dull shade), used on cover and part back to Chimbo tied by "Riobamba" datestamp (April 5) in black. Some print affecting the cover at top but a most unusual franking. Cert. Holcombe (1988).rnProvenance: Collection Oschmann, Heinrich Köhler, sale 363, Sept 2016, lot 1084.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 894 Ecuador
1865: 1 r. green, a vertical pair used on 1865 entire letter at single rate to Chavez in Lima, Peru cancelled by neat "Guayaquil" datestamp in black (Dec 28). Reverse with Lima arrival cds (Jan 2, 1866) and thus this letter travelled on the same sailing of the 'Vapor Chile' as the earliest recorded usage on entire to Peru. Stamps with faults including a worm hole and the entire with faults also, nevertheless rare, the second earliest foreign destination cover recorded.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 895 Ecuador
1865: 1 r. green, two horizontal pairs in a rich deep shade, one overlapping a corner marginal pair from lower left of the sheet with vertical and horizontal marginal framelines (positions 82-83), neatly tied to 1866 entire letter at double rate to Lima endorsed 'Vapor Guayaquil' by "Guayaquil" datestamps (Feb 27) in black. Docketed internally as arriving on the 'Vapor Pacific' with Lima arrival cds (March 3) in black. An attractive and most unusual franking.rnProvenance: Schuyler Rumsey, San Francisco, Oct 2017, lot 1863.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 896 Ecuador
1865: 1 real green, a corner marginal horizontal strip of four from the upper right corner of the sheet, positions 6-9, showing the horizontal marginal frame line at top and vertical frameline at right, in a dry pale shade with margins shaved at base, used on (1867) cover endorsed "Civiles" at top, mailed to Guaranda and neatly tied by "Riobamba" datestamps (Oct 5) and the 64 dot lozenge in black. Despite the minor imperfection a rare and charming usage.rnProvenance: Collection E. M. de Bustamante, Afinsa, Madrid, May 1996, lot 45.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 897 Ecuador
1865: 1 real green, five single examples and a horizontal pair, all used on 1866 cover and large part back to Guaranda with manuscript weight "14 oz." at right, sensibly folded for Exhibit display, all stamps being fair to very fine and tied by two strikes of the 64 dot lozenge and by five strikes of the "Riobamba" datestamp (Feb 7). One stamp crossed by by pressed file fold but a very rare and appealing franking. Signed Holcombe.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 898 Ecuador
1865: 1 real green, a sensational sheet marginal horizontal strip of nine (the complete row) with vertical marginal frameline at each side, positions 10-18, at top of cover and a further extraordinary complete strip of nine (positions 1-9) with full sheet margin at left, with, in addition two single examples and a horizontal pair, used on 1865 cloth cover to Guaranda, tied by twelve neat strikes of the "Riobamba" datestamp (Nov 8) in black. One adhesive ,missing at lower right but this cover represents the largest known franking of the 1 real green. Position 4 showing "Doubled Frameline at Base" flaw and Position 14 with the "Beal for Real" flaw. A truly remarkable cover of tremendous visual appeal and of extreme rarity for the specialist.rnProvenance: Collection 'Crown Point', Corinphila sale 131, Oct 2001, lot 6704.Ausruf : 4.500 CHFZuschlag : 4.500 CHFLosnr. : 899 Ecuador
1865: 1 real green, a magnificent horizontal strip of nine stamps, being the complete fourth row of the sheet (positions 28-36) used on large part 1865 cover to Latacunga with additional 1 r. green and ½ r. ultramarine all with large margins all round and cancelled by the 64 dot lozenge in black with "Amabto" datestamp adjacent (Oct 10). Position 35 showing Plate flaw "Break in NE Corner Square". Weight annotation at right "1 Libras 4½ oz." = 10½ reales and thus correctly rated. Slight file fold of no significance, a wonderful and extremely rare usage.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 900 Ecuador
1865: 1 real green, a block of eight with large margins all round, from left of sheet with part vertical marginal frameline, positions 64-67/73-76, with position 66 showing the major Plate flaw "Diagonal Scratch running from Centre Circle to Base", used on 1871 judicial cover front to Latacunga in combination with single ½ real grey-blue, all cancelled by eight strikes of the newly introduced PILLARO / FRANCA datestamp (Aug 27) struck in red. An exceptional and extremely rare cancellation and a multiple usage of great visual appeal.rnProvenance: Collection 'Crown Point', Corinphila sale 131, Oct 2001, lot 6702.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 901 Ecuador
Losnr. : 902 Ecuador
1866: 4 reales red, an unused horizontal pair in a pale 'matt' shade, position 9-10 on the sheet, with right hand stamp showing broad oval frame around vignette (occurs just 4 times on the sheet of 104 subjects), ornaments just grazed at base, minor corner bend, without gum. A fine and scarce pair Gi 4a = £ 750+/Scott = $ 1'000+.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 903 Ecuador
1866: 4 reales red, a horizontal strip of five of excellent appearance, positions 83-87, all cancelled by three strikes of "Ambato" datestamps (Jan 19) in black. Central stamp with closed tear at top but of fresh colour and a very rare and remarkable multiple.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 904 Ecuador
1866: 4 reales red, the used corner marginal block of seven from the top of sheet, a clear impression in a scarlet shade, positions 10-13/24-26 with large part of the horizontal and vertical framelines at top and at right; all cancelled in manuscript "Por el Porte de ida" and also by six strikes of the 64 dot lozenge in black. Positions 13, 24-26 with closed tears that do not greatly detract from a delightful corner block of excellent appearance and considerable rarity.Ausruf : 2.200 CHFZuschlag : 1.980 CHFLosnr. : 905 Ecuador
1866: 4 r. red, a soft printing in a pale shade, a fine single example used on 1867 double rate cover to the Chilean Ambassador in Lima, Peru neatly tied by "Quito / Franca" datestamp (Dec 19) in black. Reverse with large red wax seal of the Chilean Legation in Lima and arrival cds. A rare and appealing cover.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 906 Ecuador
1866: 4 reales brown-red, a diagonally bisected used example, lower right half, on 1869 entire letter to Chavez in Lima, Peru to pay the single 2 reales rate; neatly tied by "Guayaquil / Franca" datestamp (Sept 26) in blue. Reverse with Lima arrival cds (Oct 1) in black. A charming and rare entire in the foremost quality. Signed Herbert Bloch.rnNote: The Bustamante collection, lot 94, shows the other half of this stamp used on the same day. The Caspary collection also housed two bisected 4 r. covers mailed on the same day.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 907 Ecuador
1866: 4 reales red, a single example and a horizontal strip of three, positions 35-37, used on cloth cover with remains of 1 real green franking on reverse, all four stamps neatly cancelled by "Quito / Franca" datestamps (15 August 1866) in black. The single stamp has been lifted for checking and hinged back into original position. An exceptional and attractive multiple and a very scarce and early usage.Ausruf : 850 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 908 Ecuador
4 reales red, the outstanding vertical strip of four from the upper left corner of the sheet, positions 1/14/27/40, large margins all round in combination with two large margined 1 r. yellow, all individually cancelled by neat strikes of the 64 dot lozenge in black. Extremely rare and superb.Ausruf : 1.800 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 909 Ecuador
1866: 4 reales red, a horizontal strip of three in a fresh bright shade but with damage at left, positions 63-65, used on large piece of 1868 cover in combination with 1865 ½ r. deep blue and 1 r. green all tied by "Quito / Franca" datestamps (May 20) in black. Despite the fault a scarce high (13½ reales) franking and three colour usage.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 910 Ecuador
1866: 4 r. brown-red, unused horizontal strips of three (2), each in the same vibrant shade positions 82-84 and 95-97 and thus can be rejoined to form the original block of six; the latter strip with small trace of the horizontal marginal frameline at base; this strip also showing position 96 which is the narrowest stamp on the sheet of 104 subjects. The two strips are almost certainly from the same original sheet and are both in excellent quality with large part og. Illustrated in Hugo Goeggel 'Edition D'Or' XXXIII on page 108. An exquisite and rare pairing Gi 4b = £ 2'250+/Scott = $ 4'200+.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 911 Ecuador
Losnr. : 912 Ecuador
1866: 4 reales brown-red, the used irregular block of eight in a rich shade, positions 8-10/21-22/34-35/48, with marginal frameline at top and full sheet margin above, two scissor cuts running vertically, one between the designs (pos. 8 and 9) and another at the base of the block touching pos. 35, otherwise in outstanding condition for such a multiple, all cancelled by "Riobamba" datestamps (Feb 20) in black. The largest recorded multiple in this shade and of great rarity.rnProvenance: Collection E.M. de Bustamente, Afinsa, Madrid, May 1996, lot 84.Ausruf : 4.500 CHFZuschlag : 4.500 CHFLosnr. : 913 Ecuador
1866: 4 r. brown-red, a fine horizontal strip of three in a rich deep shade, position 89-91 on the sheet, used on archive dated 1872 refolded cover to Ambato in combination with single 1 r. yellow with large margins all round, cancelled by "Latacunga" datestamps (Feb 1) in black. Manuscript "26 oz." at top, slight file fold not detracting from the appearance of a fine and very rare cover bearing an especially fine multiple of the 4 reales.Ausruf : 1.300 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 914 Ecuador
1866: 4 reales red, a fine unused example with variety "Printed on Both Sides", position 27 on the sheet of 104 subjects, with trace of marginal frameline at left, hinged on both sides but nevertheless a fine example of a rare stamp with large part og. Gi 4c = £ 375/Scott = $ 550.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 915 Ecuador
1866: 4 reales red, an unused block of four showing variety "Printed on Both Sides", the obverse with marginal frameline at top and one or two tiny scuffs, the reverse in the characteristic deeper shade of brown-red and exhibiting the full horizontal marginal frameline (positions 4-5/17-18) and large part og. Excellent appearance and a tremendously rare stamp in a multiple.Ausruf : 2.200 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 916 Ecuador
Fifth Printing Group 1872: ½ real very deep bright ultramarine (royal blue), the unused block of forty subjects of rich vibrant colour on very thin surface blued paper (the stamps appear almost black on the reverse), a fine impression after the Plates were cleaned, positions 1-6/23-218/25-30/37-41/50-54/61-66/73-78, being half the sheet less two stamps, large part or unmounted og. The largest recorded multiple on this paper.Ausruf : 850 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 917 Ecuador
1871/72: 1 r. deep blue on blued paper used on sheet of (12 reales) Papel Sellado, boldly tied by dotted 3154 gros chiffres and by QUITO / FRANCA datestamp (Sept 19, 1871) in red. Folded well for Exhibit display, the ½ real franking paid for up to 1 ounce of documents (the same as for postage). Cert. Moorhouse (2014).rnProvenance: Collection Dr. Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 191, Nov 2014, lot 832.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 350 CHFLosnr. : 918 Ecuador
Fourth Printing Group 1871/72: 1 real yellow on surface blued paper, a horizontal pair with just clear to large margins all round, used on 1872 single rate entire letter to Valparaiso tied by dotted FRANCA lozenge in black. Sender's cachet at lower left (Feb 12) in blue. Some aging removed but a scarce stamp on letter. Cert. Moorhouse (2009).Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 919 Ecuador
AMBATO 1842: Registered cover to Quito with manuscript lines and "#" around edges to denote registration, prepaid and struck on despatch with fair "AMBATO / FRANCA" in red (Harris fig. 7) with manuscript "Certificacion a Ambato"; reverse with full annotation of sending May 22, 1842. Rare.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 920 Ecuador
1842: Large cover to Quito with twelve # at edges to denote registration, with manuscript "Certificacion à Ambato" in manuscript alongside "AMBATO / FRANCA" handstamp in red (Harris fig. 7, first year of use). Reverse with docketing of sending "Ambato 11 de Junio, 1842". A rare registered usage.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 921 Ecuador
1794/1874: Group of eleven pre-stamp letters and documents, incl. SELLO SEGUNDO, SEIS REALES with Royal emblem Carlos IV, 1840 letter SELLO DE LA POLICIA DEL CHIMBORAZO from Riobamba dated Feb. 22, 1849 accompanying document for 15 letters from Quito to Lima with notes to 'Franco'(pre-paid) and 'Due' - Mail (paid on arrival), further boxed DE OFICIO h.s. in blue (1), red (2) and in black (1) each on entire lettersheet to Quito.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 922 Ecuador
LATACUNGA 1830/60ca: Group of 15 covers / large part of covers showing diff. handstamps as REPUBLICA LATACUNGA / FRANCA in red on large part of cover to Ambato, two line handstamps FRANCA / DEBE in red (13) as well as small boxed LATACUNGA / FRANCA in blue in front of cover to Amabato. Fine.rnAusruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 923 Ecuador
1830/65: Group of 36 covers / large part of covers showing diff. handstamps from 'ALUSI' (14) with "ALUSI / FRANCA" in red (Harris fig. 4) and 1855c. covers (8) with large "ALAUSI / FRANCA" in red (Harris fig. 6), further 'GUANO' (12) with framed 'GUANO / DE / OFICIO' in red as well as 'OTAVALO' (11) incl.fine pearled oval 'REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / OTAVALO/ FRANCA' h.s. in red. Most with fine to superb strikes, a scarce group.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 350 CHFLosnr. : 924 Ecuador
QUITO 1831/64: Assembly of 35 covers and documents, mainly from Quito, two line h.s. QUITO / FRANCA, QUITO / DEBE in red and blue with 1848 letter to Lima, Peru adn 1847 letter to Bogotà, Colombia, further QUITO DE OFICIO oval h.s. in red and blue as well as an interesting 1831 postal administration form 'EL ECUADOR EN COLOMBIA from Quayaquil to Payta. Fine.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 925 Ecuador
1835/65: Group of 27 covers and front of covers showing diff. handstamps as 'BOLIVAR / FRANCA' in red (Harris fig. 15) and 'BOLIVAR / DEBE' in blue and in red, 'AMBATO' (8), 'ESMERALDAS' (4) and 'GUARANDA' (10) with pre-paid usages, 'GUARANDA / DE / OFICIO' oval frame in red as well as "GUARANDA / DEBE" in blue and in red (Harris fig. 8). Strikes mostly fine, a good lot.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 926 Ecuador
IBARRA 1836/95: Assembly of 27 covers including oval REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / IBARRA / FRANCA h.s. in red (3), YBARRA / DE OFICIO h.s. with five in red and one in blue, IBARRA FRANCA or DEBE in diff. types, further IBARRA DE OFICIO oval handstamps in black (3) as well as '1864 IBARRA FRANCA 17 FEB' cds. in blue without date used on letter sheet to Quito (unrecorded in Harris).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 927 Ecuador
1840/62.: Group of nine covers or large part of covers including prepaid entire letter struck with superb stright line ALAUSI / FRANCA in red (Harris 6) to Quito, GUANO / FRANCA and DEBE (Harris 2 and 3) in red and blue GUANA DE OFICIO oval h.s., CUENCA / DEBE, both handstamps in red and black as well as oval QUAYAQUIL / FRANCA in blue on 1862 lettersheet to Quito.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 928 Ecuador
1840/62: Two letters, the earlier from Quito 1840 (May 16) with oval framed "SELLO DE LA POLICIA" with superb "Eye" and laurel wreath surround struck in bright red, the second dated March 1862 with printed "Republica del Ecuador / Jefetura Jeneral de Policia" also from Quito with a re-cut version of the same marking with laurel wreathes and eye in more stylised format, struck in blue. In Addition 1868 stitched file document (30 pages) with printed heading "Gobierno Eclesiástico de la Diócesis / Palavio Episcopal / Riobamba" giving a fascinating insight to Church business in Ecuador.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 929 Ecuador
Losnr. : 930 Ecuador
Losnr. : 931 Ecuador
1847/70: Group of seven entire letters to foreign destinations incl.1847 letter from Guayaquil via Paris to Bordeaux, three letters (1858/67) sent via Panama and British steamer to France, 1870 letter from Guayquil to London as well as two letters (1863/64) to New York.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 932 Ecuador
Losnr. : 933 Ecuador
1865/72: ½ r. dull violet-blue, late impression (1871-1872) on thin white wove paper, large margins all round with portion of adjoining stamp at right, used on small envelope to Quito tied by bold strike of the dotted "FRANCA" lozenge in black. Scarce and most attractive Gi.1b.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHF
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